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Globalization & Religion: Cultural Dimensions Overview

The Cultural Dimension of Globalization
This module brings into focus the cultural dimension of globalization.
Cultural globalization refers to the intensification and expansion of cultural
flows across the globe (Steger, 2003). These cultural flows are marked by
the transmission and common consumption of cultures that have been
diffused by the Internet, popular culture media, and international travel.
The major learning outcome of this module is to explain how globalization
affects religious practices and beliefs (The Globalization of Religion);
analyze the impact of various forms of media on global integration (Media
and Globalization); and to analyze how global cities serve as engines of
globalization (The Global City).
Topic 1: The
Globalization of
Intended Learning Outcomes:
-Explain how globalization affects religious practices and beliefs;
-Identify the various responses to globalization; and
-Discuss the future of religion in a globalized world.
Week 1 & 2
Recommended Readings & References
Steger MB. Chapter 6: “The Cultural Dimension of Globalization”
In Globalization: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford: Oxford
University Press; 2003. Pp. 69-92. Available at:
w&AN=264792&site=ehost-live. Accessed April 5, 2020.
Steger_Manfred._2003_._Globalization_A_v (1).pdf
Supplementary Readings & Other Internet Sources
TEDx Talks (2016 ,June 21).Why we need religion in a globalized
world|Miroslav Volf|TEDxWilmingtonSalon[Video].Youtube. https
TEDx Talks (2015, July 10).A scientific defense of spiritual and
religious faith|Tony Jack|TEDxCLE[Video]. Youtube.
TEDx Talks (2014 , June 16).Reality reconciles science and religion:
Michael Dowd at TEDxGrandRapids[Video]. Youtube.
Tony Blair Faith Foundation( 2014 , June 2).The impact of
globalisation on religion: session 2, dimensions of
globalisation[Video]. Youtube. https://youtu.be/8hlc3KYs5_k
Petersen , H.E.(2020 , March 1). Inside New Delhi: beaten ,
lynched and burnt .The Guardian. www.theguardian
‘Cultural globalization refers to the rapid movement of ideas,
attitudes, meanings, values and cultural products across national
borders. It refers specifically to idea that there is now a global and
common mono-culture – transmitted and reinforced by the internet,
popular entertainment transnational marketing of particular brands
and international tourism – that transcends local cultural traditions
and lifestyles, and that shapes the perceptions, aspirations, tastes
and everyday activities of people wherever they may live in the
world.’ (K. Thompson, 2017).
The succeeding lessons will allow you (a) to identify and analyze
how new forms of technology has extended the global reach of
media and how this has undermined the traditional ways of
reporting events and issues; (b) to provide an overview of the
tenuous relationship between globalization/secularism and religion
by citing instances , issues , conflicts, events that are happening in
the world and to explain from a scientific point of view ,why more ,
not less , religion could bring about a better world; and (c) explain
why global cities are engines of growth of globalization and to
Illustrate the future face of an ideal global city.
Guide Questions:
(The guide questions are intended to help you in reading and digesting the
assigned readings and topics per module. Reading hours are part of the
asynchronous learning to be employed in each module. This is to give you
a deeper exposure and understanding of each lesson as designed in this
module. Clarification and analysis of the content shall be addressed during
the synchronous online discussion and if it is deemed to be necessary.)
1. What are the conflicting ideas between religious
beliefs and those promoted by globalism?
2. What is the secularization theory and why is it
regarded as outmoded?
3. How do you describe the reactions of some religious
movements to globalization?
4. Is globalization a threat to religion?
Global Religion
I preach the
gospel of right relationship to reality
that is the good news it's only possible
when we individually and collectively
live in right relationship to what's
fundamentally inescapably real
-Michael Dowd
Globalization or Globalism and Religion are two contrasting belief
systems .Globalization advocates value the creation of wealth and
this is the path to happiness and to a good life in society . Religion,
on the other hand, believes that true happiness is found only in the
after life .Globalization abides by human made laws while religion
obeys the Divine commandments .
Religious people may view the secular attributes of people such as
race , profession , nationality as being inferior to the religious
identity of being the sons and daughters of a Supreme Being .
In the world today various religions have reacted to the spread of
secular , if globalist, values that promote libertarian values . In many
countries in the West marriage laws were relaxed making same sex
marriage a reality .
Western democracies so value personal freedom and privacy that in
certain situations , abortion is permissible and legal ; divorce could
be easily had , pleasures of the body are given full rein as a way of
attaining comfort and happiness . To these the main religions are
opposed led by the Catholic Church and other Christian groups .
The religious believe that these secular values are spread due to
the ubiquity of the internet and the gadgets and technology that
make possible the circulation of libertarian and secular ideas .
Hence even the Christian , Islamic etc Churches have tapped on the
internet to promote their beliefs and values . Pope Benedict and
Pope Francis have spread the Word ( Gaudium et Spes Laudato Si )
sometimes through this platforms .Through the aid of technology
the religions have experience a rebirth of their churches reaching
out to more people on a broader scale .
Some of these groups are fundamentalists in their orientation . The
religious leaders of Iran led by their Ayatollahs have put a bounty on
the head of a well known writer Salman Rushdie whose writings
were an apostasy to the Shia Islamic faith of the Iranian people. In
France , the Charlie Hebdo, an irreverent and satirical magazine and
also an atheist magazine , has been targeted for attacks by the Al
Qaeda and 12 people died , including two policemen as a
consequence . Though fundamentalists condemn Western
consumerism and its materialism they themselves have become
homicidal as Miroslav Volf puts it.
In Afghanistan , through the prodding of the Al Qaeda cells that
were present there under the guidance of the deceased Osama Bin
Laden , the Taliban destroyed and bombed world’s civilization and
heritage structures of the ancient times just because they the
structures were worldly in their eyes . Mention should also be made
of the terrorist attacks launched in the US ( 911 and the Boston
Marathon Massacre ) and the ‘suicide bomb attacks’ launched in
the various capitals of Europe .
All manifestations of religion becoming homicidal . It should be
mention in passing that the Catholic Church’ s vision of change is
the path of peace and non violence . Nevertheless , however it
condemns violence and terrorism , it also points out that the roots
of this violence is rooted in structural problems that perpetuate
poverty , misery , the destruction of the environment ; sometimes
with Western businesses and governments complicit and indifferent
in the reproduction of these miseries .
The Catholic Church , to be fair , has been only ‘fundamentalist’ in
the sense that it wants to keep its teachings as close as possible to
the Catholic Church’s tradition in regard to what it calls the
sacredness of life , of the sacredness of marriage , the dignity of the
human person and the like . The Church does not mince its words
also when it comes to seeing the shortcomings of globalism which
promotes a ‘ throw away culture ‘.
Miroslav Volf recounts how a global council conference held in
Dubai tried to come to come to grips with the causes and aftermath
of the 2008 global financial crisis that affected the world .
Many elaborate technocratic and intellectual reasons were supplied
by the leading economists, financiers, bankers , development
workers etc but what he found glaringly absent in the analyses was
the absence of greed as a primary cause that precipitated the crisis
. That predatory business practices was what led to the financial
collapse. Perhaps if God was part of the equation a better
appreciation of how that crisis caused misery the world over would
have come about.
It is true that material comfort and security is a prerequisite for
Families or couples break apart not necessarily because of the lack
of love but material deprivation makes it very difficult to sustain
and nourish that love . Hence we need to satisfy our needs such as
food , education , health , rest and recreation , shelter , electricity ,
water etc to make us happy . But an obsession over these things
help us forget and disconnect ourselves from the spiritual , the
mysterious , the Divine , Volf says .
God ought to rein our greed . He needs to, if not ,we end up
harming our fellow human beings . The love for wealth and power
causes us to be drunk with success and overestimates our
capabilities . Pleasure and comfort are not bad , they are , in fact , in
moderate amounts good for our well being but they must be
tempered by our spirituality or religiosity that recognizes the limits
of these gifts – gifts that came from God in the first place .
In the Laudato Si Pope Francis reminds us of being stewards and
not owners of all the resources found in the world .
When Greta Thunberg was invited to speak to the world’s political
and business leaders , she implored on them to act decisively to
address climate change . She was met with a cold shoulder and
some even advised her to study a little bit of economics .
Maybe world leaders were so deeply in synch with their analytical
brains that they fail to see Greta’s point . Besides the dogma of self
-interest and self -preservation ( which what really makes the world
go round ) just maybe a little generosity and sacrifice , even if
economically irrational would make a world of difference .
Our world leaders are steeped in the tradition of secularism , and
the rational tradition that comes with secularism , from the time
they went to school up to the time they led governments and big
business organizations . Yet in their own countries , especially those
that are more conservative in their leanings and political convictions
, ( Donald Trump and Boris Johnson comes to mind , but more so
Donald Trump ) , ironically , their base of support are the climate
change deniers found in old coal mining towns , the Rust Belt and
the Bible Belt of the United States .
In matters dealing with politics where science could have played a
leading part in pointing the way forward in terms of policies ( think
of climate change ) science is being set aside replaced by a
Christian belief that prides itself in the literal reading of the Bible .
Remind yourselves how hard headed some Americans reacted to
the plea of Dr. Fauci to give a fair hearing to the warnings of science
. Maybe some of them believe that the world is coming to an end
anyway so why bother!
The Laudato Si perhaps was written in a style by Pope Francis in
such a way that it does not dismiss science . God indeed is revealing
something to us . And God’s revelation is carried to us by
environmentalists , scientists , social and development workers ,
priests and pastors , teachers in the schools and universities ,
lawyers for indigenous people etc that we ought to act now to
preserve God’s creation . Science has given our faith the tools to
discern the ‘signs of the times ‘