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Animal Farm: Propaganda Analysis - High School Essay

RBSC Year 9 2022
Idea: Old Major uses manipulation to convince the rest of the farm animals that humans are the inequality in the society that they live in.
Theme/thematic concern: Propaganda (Language as power in the hands of the literate)
Your evidence
“Man is the only creature
that consumes without
producing”. From this quote
Old Major is convincing the
rest of his comrades to start
a legacy against humans.
In this passage from George
Orwell, he is employing
propaganda to teach the rest of
the farm animals about the
inequalities revolved around
humans. A separate technique
that has been implemented into
this quote from George Orwell is
hyperbole, the author has clearly
used this as exaggeration to
continue to manipulate the rest of
the farm animals.
“Four legs good, two legs
bad” This is referenced when
snowball is helping the sheep
understand the meaning of
the sheep.
Contextualise your evidence
The effect of your evidence and
how it proves your argument
In Chapter 1 page 4, Old Major
During the speech of old
has gathered the animals to
Majors wisdom, he speaks
advise them of his wisdom as he about the inequalities between
believes that his life wouldn’t
the humans and animals, to
last much longer. This quote is a the animals for reference to
representation of the message
mentions the exploitations of
that he is trying to exemplify to
what humans do to the
the rest of his comrades. The
animals “Very drop of milk has
technique propaganda is also
gone into our enemies
shown specifically in this quote
throats”. This is a deliberate
with his manipulation to build up example to justify the society
his reasoning on why humans
that the cows have suffered in
are the source of inequality in
without realising. It is also
his society. After conveying his
illustrated how Old Majors
final message to the Animals, the speech also gave the emotion
rebellious revolution has started, of empathy to the animals for
and the animals start to sing.
themselves and how he
effectively made them uplift
together. “Man is the only
creature that consumes
without producing” applies the
aspect of propaganda through
the determination of
The quality of your evidence
and text
This quote from George Orwell
sophisticatedly illustrates the
ambition of Old Major and
how he wanted to continue his
belief onto the next leader.
“Man is the only creature that
consumes without producing”
highlights perfectly the
morality of the dilemma in the
society and how a resolution
should occur.
rebuilding a new legacy against
the humans.
What does this text offer us for own lives?
The most important theme in George Orwell's novel Animal Farm is power and control. Through the representation of the Russian Revolution, George Orwell investigates
the element of political power where the novel Animal Farm serves as an allegory for Joseph Stalin's betrayal of the Russian Revolution. This text provides a viewpoint on
how one's power can corrupt, which is a major issue in the novel. I believe that the moral of this book can educate us that with great power comes great responsibility
and how power and control can easily lead to betrayal and corruption.