HOMEWORK # 1 LATIN ALPHABET Latin letter Aa Bb Cc Name (in English) ah be tse Name (in Russian) а бэ це Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss de æ ef ge ha ee yot ka el em en o pe ku er es дэ э эф гэ ха и йот ка эл эм эн о пэ ку эр эс Tt Uu Vv Xx Yy Zz te oo ve iks igrek zet тэ у вэ икс игрек зет prononciation (in English) [^] cup [b] but [ts] let’s [k] crimson [d] dove [e] bed [f] farm [g] goose [h] hut [i] little [j] yet [k] crimson [l] let [m] moon [n] noon [o] dog [p] please [k] crimson [r] river [s] size [z] size [t] beetle [u] put, book [v] void [ks] mix [i] little [z] zebra prononciation (in Russian) [а] мама [б] башня [ц] цель [к] капля [д] дом [э] этот [ф] фокус [г] гамма [х] выход [и] мир [й] май [к] капля [л] лапта, лето [м] манера [н] нос [о] нос [п] палка [к] капля [р] рана [с] соты [з] заря [т] тара [у] утро [в] волк [кс] микс [и] мир [з] заря example amor bonus civis cavum domus et fama genus historia inter jus Kalium laudare mater novem opus pater quattuor res suus miser tempus umbra vale examen hymnus zona Vowels ¯ - long vowel (eg. ā, ō) (mālum – ‘an apple’, pugnā – ‘fight!’ (verb)) ˇ - short vowel (eg. ă, ě) (mălum – ‘an evil’, pugnă – ‘a fight’ (noun)) In Russian tradition long and short vowels are read equally Diphthongs ae oe au eu (in Engl.) [e] [e] [au] [eu] (in Russ.) [э] [э] [ау] [эу] plantae poena causa Europa [plante] [pena] [kauza] [europa] ¨, ¯, ˇ (ë, ü, ē, ū, ĕ, ŭ) denote that the vowel is separate (not forms a diphthong), eg. poëta) Consonnants c [ts] before [e], [i] (ce, ci, cy, cae, coe) cysta, caecus [tsista, tsekus] [k] in other cases communis [kommunis] encountered very rarely Kalium [kalium] only in combination ‘qu’ – [kv] aqua, quoque [akva, kvokve] [z] between vowels casus [kazus] [s] in other cases semel [semel] in Greek words at the beginning of philosophus (philo- [filosofia] root - [s] sophia) only in Greek words hymnus [himnus] only in Greek words zona [zona] k q s y z Digraphs (only in Greek words) ch ph rh th ngu ti [h] [f] [r] [t] chorus philosophus rhombus theatrum [horus] [filosofus] [rombus] [teatrum] Combinations of letters [ngv] before vowels lingua [ngu] in other cases angulus [tsi] before vowels ratio [ti] in other cases titulus after ‘s, t, x’ – always [ti] bestia, mixtio in Greek words – always [ti] Boeotia [lingva] [angulus] [ratsio] [titulus] [bestia, mikstio] [beotia] Syllables A syllable always contains 1 vowel / diphthong. A syllable is long if: - it contains a diphthong (praemium, gangraena, diarrhoea) - a vowel is followed by two consonnants or ‘x’ or ‘z’ (classis, victor, lex, ligamentum, circumflexus) A syllable is short if: - a vowel is followed by another vowel or h (via, poёta, spatium, injectio) A syllable is usually (but not always) short if: - a vowel is followed by a mute consonnant (‘t, d, c, g, p, b’) followed by a smooth consonnant (‘r, l’) (replica, fabrica, vertebra, cerebrum) In the last case and in all other cases the length of the syllable depends on the length of its vowel which is marked in the dictionary. Word accent In two-syllable words the accent falls on the penultimate syllable: rósa, víctor, vía. In multi-syllable words: - the accent falls on the penultimate syllable, if it is long: absurdus, natūra - if the penultimate syllable is short, the accent moves to the syllable before the penultimate: justitĭa, femĭna. READ CORRECTLY AND EXPLAIN THE POSITION OF THE ACCENT: Suffix Nouns -ŭl-, -cŭl-, -ŏl- meaning diminutive LEARN THE SUFFIXES: example glob-ul-us gen-i-cul-um small orb small knee -ūr- result of the action Adjectives -ōs-āt-āl-, -ār- rich in smth. full of smth. belonging to smth. -ĭc-ē-īn- are-ol-a incis-ur-a apert-ur-a small area incision rupture, opening squam-os-us dent-at-us coron-al-is clavicul-ar-is thorac-ic-us phalang-e-us palat-in-us squamous, scaly notched, toothed, cogged coronal, coronary clavicular, relating to the ear thoracic, relating to the chest phalangeal palatine HOMEWORK # 2 PART 1 ANATOMICAL AND HISTOLOGICAL TERMINOLOGY LEARN THE WORDS: Nouns – vocabulary forms: Nominative Singular, Genetive Singular, gender. Declination 1 (feminine): ala, ae f ampulla, ae f aorta, ae f apertura, ae f arteria, ae f bucca, ae f bursa, ae f capsula, ae f cellula, ae f clavicula, ae f columna, ae f commissura, ae f concha, ae f conjunctīva, ae f costa, ae f crista, ae f curvatura, ae f fascia, ae f fibra, ae f fibula, ae f fissura, ae f flexura, ae f fossa, ae f fovea, ae f gingīva, ae f glandula, ae f S.N. a S.G. ae P.N. ae wing ampulla aorta hole; aperture artery cheek sac, bag capsule cell; cellule clavicle column commisure shell conjunctiva rib crest curvature fascia fiber fibula, calf bone, perone, peroneal bone fissure, slit flexure pit (a depression longitudinal in shape) pit (a natural depression on the surface) gum gland P.G. arum incisura, ae f lamĭna, ae f linea, ae f lingua, ae f mandibula, ae f maxilla, ae f medulla, ae f membrana, ae f mucosa, ae f nucha, ae f orbĭta, ae f palma, ae f palpĕbra, ae f patella, ae f pleura, ae f plica, ae f scapula, ae f spina, ae f squama, ae f sutura, ae f tibia, ae f tonsilla, ae f trachēa, ae f tuba, ae f tunĭca, ae f ulna, ae f urēthra, ae f vagīna, ae f valvula, ae f vena, ae f vertĕbra, ae f vesīca, ae f notch plate; lamina line tongue mandible; underjaw; lower jaw maxilla; upper jaw medulla; medullary substance membrane mucosa; mucosal tunics nape eye-socket palm eye-lid kneecap; patella pleura fold, crease scapula; blade bone, shoulder blade spine; thorn scales; squama suture tibia; shin bone tonsil wind-pipe; trachea tuba; tube sheath, coat; tunica ulna; cubit urethra vagina; sheath valvule vein vertebra bladder, urinary bladder Declination 1 Greek (feminine): raphe (rhaphe), es f S.N. e S.G. es P.N. ae P.G. arum raphe, rhaphe; seam a) Translate: spina scapulae, crista costae, raphe linguae, apertura arteriae, cellulae arteriae, cellulae arteriarum, linea gingivae, fibula et tibia, flexurae vertebrarum, linea nuchae, lineae maxillae et mandibulae, flexura gingivae, coat of the wind-pipe; notch / branch of the lower jaw; notch of scapula; fascia of palm; (mucosal) tunics of a tongue; line of an opening; HOMEWORK # 3 LEARN THE WORDS: Declination 2 (masculine and neutral): S.N. us (m.) um / on (n.) S.G. i P.N. i (m.) a (n.) P.G. orum Masculine: alveŏlus, i m angulus, i m anus, i m bronchus, i m bulbus, i m calcaneus, i m carpus, i m condylus, i m digĭtus, i m discus, i m fonticulus, i m fundus, i m gyrus, i m humĕrus, i m lobus, i m lumbi, orum m meniscus, i m metacarpus, i m metatarsus, i m musculus, i m nasus, i m nervus, i m nodulus, i m nodus, i m nucleus, i m ocŭlus, i m oesophăgus, i m pylōrus, i m radius, i m ramus, i m sulcus, i m talus, i m tarsus, i m thalămus, i m thymus, i m truncus, i m utĕrus, i m ventriculus, i m alveole; alveolus, alveola angle anus, anal orifice bronchus bulb heel bone wrist condyle digit; finger disk fontanelle bottom convolution humerus; arm bone lobe (only plural!) – loin, small of the back meniscus metacarpus metatarsus muscle nose nerve nodulus; nodule knot; node nucleus eye esophagus pylorus radius; spoke-bone branch sulcus; groove ankle-bone underbone, root of foot; tarsus thalamus; visual nerve thymus; thymus gland trunk womb; uterus; metra ventricle Neutral: acetabulum, i n antebrachium, i n atrium, i n brachium, i n cotyloid cavity forearm atrium; threshold shoulder c(a)ecum, i n cavum, i n cerebellum, i n cerĕbrum, i n cilium, i n collum, i n cranium, i n dorsum, i n duodēnum, i n folium, i n folium, i n ileum, i n intestīnum, i n jejunum, i n labium (labrum), i n ligamentum, i n manubrium, i n membrum, i n mentum, i n ostium, i n ovarium, i n palātum, i n perin(a)eum, i n periton(a)eum, i n rectum, i n retinaculum, i n segmentum, i n septum, i n spatium, i n sternum, i n stratum, i n supercilium, i n tuberculum, i n tympănum, i n vestibulum, i n Neutral Greek: colon, i n encephălon, i n ganglion, i n olecranon, i n orgănum (orgănon), i n skeleton (sceleton), i n cecum; blind gut, typhlon cave cerebellum the larger portion of the brain; cerebrum eyelash neck skull back duodenum folium; sheet, leaf folium; leaf, sheet ileum intestine; gut, bowel jejunum lip ligament manubrium; (handle) limb chin ostium; orifice ovary palate perineum peritonaeum, peritoneum rectum retinaculum; frenulum, retaining band segment septum; (partition, hedge) space breast bone layer; stratum eyebrow tuberculum, tubercle eardrum; tympanum vestibule colon brain neural knot; ganglion elbow bone, point of elbow, tip of elbow organ skeleton a) Translate: os cranii, manubrium sterni, crista tuberculi, collum costae, angulus mandibulae, septum nasi, corpus tibiae, tubercula costarum, os digiti, caput mandibulae, caput radii, raphe gingivae, ligamentum patellae, suture of the skull; coat of the esophagus; lobes / slits (clefts) of the cerebrum; bottom of the womb; ligament of tubercle of rib; convolutions of the brain; branches of arteries of the cerebrum; tubercles of vertebras; pit (a depression longitudinal in shape) of the: tip of the elbow / skull; condyle of tibia neck of shoulder blade; branches: of the aorta / of nerves; nucleus of nerve; ligaments of root of foot; capsule of ganglion; nerve of forearm; fascia of shoulder; nasal septum; line of: muscle / lips; ligament of: knee-cap / wrist; wings of the nose; veins of the neck; arteries of: humerus / cotyloid cavity; crest of tubercle of arm bone; neck of: radius / ankle-bone / lower jaw / rib; folds of duodenum; crest of neck of rib; muscles of the: back / tongue / loin (small of the back); vaginas of: fingers / muscles; angles of: breast-bone / rib / eye / scapula / aperture; membrane of: duodenum / forearm; HOMEWORK # 4 LEARN THE WORDS: Declination 4 (masculine & neutral): S.N. us (m.) u (n.) S.G. us P.N. us (m.) ua (n.) Masculine (and feminine): arcus, us m arch ductus, us m duct hiātus, us m aperture, opening, foramen meātus, us m passage; external opening plexus, us m plexus processus, us m process recessus, us m recess, small hole or indentation sinus, us m sinus manus, us f hand, arm Neutral: cornu, us n genu, us n horn knee Declination 5 (feminine): S.N. es facies, ēi f superficies, ēi f S.G. ei P.N. es P.G. erum surface; face outer surface Declination 3 (masculine, feminine and neutral): S.G. is Musculi (all – masculine): m. abductor m. adductor P.N. es G.P. um abductor; abductor muscle (that abducts) adductor; adductor muscle (that adducts) P.G. uum m. buccinator m. constrictor m. depressor m. levator m. massēter m. rotator m. sphincter m. tensor m. corrugator m. cremaster m. dilatator m. extensor m. flexor m. pronator m. supinator buccinator; buccinator muscle (‘buccal’ muscle) constrictor; constrictor muscle (that constricts) depressor; depressor muscle (that depresses) levator; levator muscle (that lifts) massēter; massēter muscle (that ‘masticates’) rotator; rotator muscle (that rotates) sphincter; sphincter muscle tensor; tensor muscle (that tenses) corrugator; corrugator muscle (that corrugates/shrinks) cremaster; cremaster muscle dilatator; dilatator muscle (that dilates) extensor; extensor muscle (that extends) flexor; flexor muscle (that flexes) pronator; pronator muscle (that rotates inward) supinator; supinator muscle a) Translate: Arcus vertebrae, sulcus sinus, arteria genus, arteriae genuum, processus radii, facies acromii, arcus aortae, fossa ductus, glandulae ductus, plexus ductus, apertura sinus, septum sinuum, sinus tarsi, sinus venarum, facies antebrachii, facies palpebrae, facies uteri, facies ovarii, facies genuum, ligament of: knee-cap / wrist, process of the ankle-bone, arch of the lower jaw, arch of ribs, aperture of a duct, sinus of a wing, sinus of aorta, sinus of a vein, sinus of an eardrum, groove of a sinus, surface of a shoulder, surface of a gland, surface of a spoke-bone, surface of a cotyloid cavity, surface of an ankle-bone, musculus flexor digiti, musculus sphincter ductus, musculus depressor septi nasi, musculus sphincter ani, musculus abductor digiti, musculus levator labii, a muscle that lifts a shoulder blade, a muscle that tenses a fascia, a sphincter muscle of a bladder, an abductor muscle of a wrist, a muscle that rotates the neck, a muscle that tenses the eardrum, a muscle that corrugates an eyebrow, HOMEWORK # 5 LEARN THE WORDS: Declination 3 (masculine, feminine and neutral): Vocabulary forms: S.G. = S.N. (1) S.G. is (m): canalis – canal, channel unguis – nail axis – axis, second cervical vertebra (f): basis – base auris – ear cutis – skin pelvis - pelvis s → tis (2) (m): dens → dentis – tooth paries → parietis - wall (f): pars → partis – part frons → frontis – forehead cavitas → cavitatis - cavity tuberositas → tuberositatis – tuberosity extremitas → extremitatis – extremity, end (n): pancreas → pancreatis – pancreas, salivary gland of the belly S.G. = S.N. + is (3) (m): ren → renis – kidney vomer → vomeris – ploughshare lien → lienis – spleen trochanter → trochanteris - trochanter (n) tuber → tuberis – tuber, eminence vas → vasis - vessel o → inis (4) (m): margo → marginis – edge, border tendo → tendinis – tendon (f): cartilago → cartilaginis – cartilage x → cis (5) (m): hallux → hallucis – great toe thorax → thoracis - thorax, chest (f): radix → radicis – root cervix → cervicis - neck x → gis (6) (m): larynx → laryngis - larynx pharynx → pharyngis - pharynx (f): phalanx → phalangis – phalanx o → + nis (7) (m): pulmo → pulmonis – lung (f): articulatio → articulationis – joint regio → regionis - region (m): ex → icis (8) index → indicis – forefinger, index finger, second finger cortex → corticis – cortex apex → apicis – tip pollex → pollicis - thumb s → dis (9) pes → pedis – foot s → nis (10) sanguis → sanguinis - blood s → ntis (11) atlas → atlantis – cranial vertebra (first cervical vertebra) (f): er → ris (12) gaster → gastris - stomach (n): en → inis (13) foramen → foraminis – openinig, hole abdomen → abdominis – belly us → oris (14) corpus → corporis – body tempus → temporis - temple ut → itis (15) caput → capitis – head occiput→ occipitis – back of the head s → ris (16) crus → cruris – shin os → oris - mouth s → + sis (17) os → ossis - bone ur → oris (18) femur → femoris – thigh-bone r → tis (19) hepar → hepatis - liver r → + dis (20) cor → cordis – heart a → + tis (21) zygoma → zygomatis – zygoma e → is (22) rete → retis – net, network Declination 3 (masculine, feminine and neutral): N.S. various variants a) P.N. es (m, f) Masculine: apex, ĭcis m coccyx, ygis m (os tip coccyx a (n) S.G. is G.P. um coccygis) cortex, ĭcis m hallux, ūcis m index, ĭcis m lien, ēnis m liquor, ōris m margo, ĭnis m paries, ĕtis m pes, pedis m pollex, ĭcis m pulmo, ōnis m ren, renis m sanguis, ĭnis m splen, splenis m stapes, ĕdis m tendo, ĭnis m thorax, ācis m trochanter, ēris m urēter, ēris m vertex, ĭcis m vomer, ĕris m cortex great toe forefinger, index finger, second finger spleen liquor, liquid, solution margin, border, edge wall foot thumb lung kidney blood (Gr.) spleen stapes; (stirrup) tendon thorax; chest trochanter ureter vertex, crown ploughshare; vomer Feminine: appendix, īcis f articulatio, ōnis f cartilāgo, ĭnis f cavĭtas, ātis f cervix, īcis f extremĭtas, ātis f gaster, tris f impressio, ōnis f iris, ĭdis f pyrămis, ĭdis f radix, īcis f regio, ōnis f tuberosĭtas, ātis f appendix, appendage articulation, joint cartilage cavity neck extremity; end; limb stomach impression (Gr.) iris (Gr.) pyramid root region tuberosity Neutral: abdōmen, ĭnis n caput, ĭtis n chiasma, ătis n corpus, oris n crus, cruris n diaphragma, ătis n femur, ŏris n forāmen, ĭnis n hepar, ătis n nomen, ĭnis n occĭput, ĭtis n os, oris n belly head chiasm body shin; leg diaphragm thigh bone openinig, hole liver name back of the head mouth pancreas, ătis n pectus, ŏris n stroma, ătis n systēma, ătis n tegmen, ĭnis n tempus, ŏris n tuber, eris n zygōma, ătis n (Gr.) pancreas, salivary gland of the belly chest stroma; frame system tegmen, roof temple; time tuber; (eminence) qygoma; cheekbone a) Find isosyllabic and anisosyllabic nouns; make full Genitive form; underline the root of the words: auris, is f; pyrămis, ĭdis f; cutis, is f; dens, ntis m; herpes, ētis m; tabes, is f; viscus, ĕris n; aponeurōsis, is f; mors, rtis f; extremĭtas, ātis f; mare, is n; nomen, ĭnis n; oedema, ătis n; pestis, is f; pollex, ĭcis m; terminatio, ōnis f; incus, ūdis f; pectus, ŏris n; glomus, ĕris n; cor, rdis n; occĭput, ĭtis n. b) Translate: Musculus adductor pollicis, misculi flexores digitorum manus, musculus rotator cervicis, musculus extensor indicis, bursa musculi tensoris, Paries gastris, margo pulmonis, cortex corticis, cervix vesicae, margo uteri, extremitas claviculae, cavitas thoracis, arcus tendinis, ductus glandulae, cavitas oris, glandulae corporis, regio thoracis, arcus cartilaginis, margo pedis, articulatio capitis costae, margo linguae, musculi oris, muscle rotating the chest, muscles depressing lips, muscle depressing an angle of a mouth, muscles depressing angles of a mouth, fascia: of the belly / of shin; joint of head of rib; joints of thumb; wall: of the wind-pipe / of eyesocket; bag of tendon of heel-bone; body: of the pancreas / of clavicle / of calf bone / of cubit; capsule of kidney; wing of the ploughshare; cartilages of ribs; tuberosity of shin bone; cortex of the cerebrum; coat / upper end of the spleen; edges of cotyloid cavity; notch of lung; region of the neck; angle / lips of mouth; glands of tip of tongue; HOMEWORK # 6 LEARN THE WORDS: Types of the 3rd declination: a) x → cis (5) S.G. = S.N. + is (3) o → inis (4) o → + nis (7) (m): ex → icis (8) s → dis (9) s → nis (10) (f): er → ris (12) (n): en → inis (13) us → oris (14) ut → itis (15) s → ris (16 ur → oris (18) r → tis (19) a → + tis (21) b) S.G. = S.N. (1) es → is (1a) (m): s → ntis (11) (n): s → + sis (17) r → + dis (20) a) or b) x → gis (6) s → tis (2) (with a precedeing vowel → a), With a preceding consonant → b)) c) (n): e → is (22) b) P.N. es (m, f) Masculine: atlas, ntis m axis, is m canālis, is m dens, ntis m larynx, ngis m pharynx, ngis m unguis, is m a (n) G.P. ium cranial vertebra (first cervical vertebra) axis, second cervical vertebra channel, canal tooth larynx pharynx nail Feminine: auris, is f bilis, is f cutis, is f frons, ntis f lens, ntis f meninx, ngis f pars, rtis f pelvis, is f phalanx, ngis f pons, ntis m ear gall, bile skin forehead lens (Gr.) meninx part pelvis (Gr.) phalanx pons, bridge Neutral: cor, cordis n os, ossis n heart bone c) P.N. es (m, f) ia (n) Feminine: basis, is f febris, is f sitis, is f synchondrōsis, is f tussis, is f (Gr.) base; basis fever thirst (Gr.) synchondrosis cough Neutral: rete, is n net, network G.P. ium d) special forms: P.N. a G.P. ōrum Neutral: vas, vasis n (P.G. - vasorum) vessel b) Translate: musculus constrictor pharyngis, paries ductus, margo pulmonis, cortex nodi, incisura pulmonis, caput pancreatis, regio thoracis, os coccygis, vestibulum oris, vagina tendinis musculi flexoris carpi, circulus iridis, sulcus sclerae, tendo valvulae venae, extremitas ovarii, basis patellae, basis canii, pars ossis, basis pyramidis, tuberositas phalangis, facies lentis, axis bulbi oculi, nucleus raphes pontis, vas nervi, vasa nervorum, basis cordis, basis stapedis, incisura apicis cordis, pars aortae, vena cordis, nucleus et cortex lentis, cutis frontis, cutis manus, cutis faciei, cutis digiti, cutis digitorum, facies ossis, Pars oesophagi, tuber ossis ischii, labyrinthus auris, incisura apicis cordis, margo partis aortae, margo cordis, terminatio nervi cutis, epithelium lentis, ventriculus laryngis, atrium cordis, rima vestibuli laryngis, venae cordis, basis cartilaginis, opening of dental tip; base of skull; arteries / lobes of the liver; eminence (tuber) of the upper jaw; muscles of larynx; cartilage of nasal septum; edge of nail; axis of the pelvis; tuberosity of radius; aperture of the chest; head / line of thigh-bone; tip of the heart; phalanxes of fingers of foot; channel of dental root (= canal of root of tooth); bottom of stomach; vessels of ear; skin: of the forehead / of chin / of eye-lids; bones of: metacarpus / metatarsus; walls of vessels; part of the duodenum; ligament of the atlas; veins of the hearts; HOMEWORK # 7 LEARN THE WORDS: Adjectives, declination 1-2 (first group): S.N. S.G. m us i f a ae n um i P.N. P.G. m i orum albus, a, um cardiăcus, a, um cavus, a, um cruciatus, a, um flavus, a, um iliăcus, a, um latus, a, um longus, a, um magnus, a, um medianus, a, um medius, a, um parvus, a, um profundus, a, um rectus, a, um white cardiac hollow cross-shaped yellow iliac broad long large, great median middle small deep straight accessorius, a, um coronarius, a, um cutaneus, a, um externus, a, um glut(a)eus, a, um (Attention to the English endings) accessory coronary cutaneous external gluteal f ae arum n a orum internus, a, um membranaceus, a, um peron(a)eus, a, um urinarius, a, um internal membranous peroneal urinary ischiadicus, a, um nutricius, a, um obliquus, a, um planus, a, um proprius, a, um quadratus, a, um serratus, a, um transversus, a, um (Attention to the English spelling) sciatic nutritious oblique flat; plane proper quadrate serrate transverse (adjectives, formed from nouns with suffixes according to the model: (1) base of noun + (2) suffix: e / os / ic / in + (3) endings: us-a-um) suffix – ōs – atreriosus, a, um cavernosus, a, um fibrosus, a, um mucosus, a, um nervosus, a, um petrosus, a, um spinosus, a, um squamosus, a, um venosus, a, um arterial cavernous fibrous mucous nervous stony; petrous, petrosal spinous squamous, squamate, squamosal, scaly venous suffix – ĭc – aorticus, a, um gastricus, a, um hepaticus, a, um lymphaticus, a, um opticus, a, um pancreaticus, a, um pelvĭcus, a, um pyloricus, a, um thoracicus, a, um trochantericus, a, um tympanicus, a, um aortic gastric hepatic lymphatic visual pancreatic pelvic pyloric thoracic trochanteric tympanic zygomaticus, a, um zygomatic Translate: (pay attention to word order): • surface of stony (petrous) part • disk of visual nerve • branches of sciatic nerve • folds of mucous coat of the wall of the stomach • cortex of lymphatic knot (node) • tuberosity of serrate muscle • vessels / canals of internal ear • hole (foramen) of transverse process 213: coronal ligament of the liver • broad fascia of thigh-bone • transverse vein of neck • quadrate muscle of loin (small of the back) • lymphatic vessels of: face / head / kidney • membranous wall of the wind-pipe • deep artery of tongue • transverse vein of scapula • oblique slit of lung • transverse muscle of the chest • internal / external plate of bones of the skull • gluteal tuberosity of thigh-bone • mucous coat of: tongue / wall of pharynx 231: deep vein of face • middle artery of knee • internal / external base of skull • middle vein of the heart • middle pit (a depression longitudinal in shape) of skull 3214: deep lymphatic vessels of shin • internal / external oblique muscle of the belly 1 + 213: vagina of the straight muscle of the belly 21 + 213: dermal (relating to the skin) branch of deep artery of shoulder Decline: palatine groove • mastoid horn • blood vessel • spinous tendon • arterial ligament • thoracic vertebra • venous plexus HOMEWORK # 8 LEARN THE WORDS: (adjectives, formed from nouns with suffixes according to the model: (1) base of noun + (2) suffix: e / os / ic / in + (3) endings: us-a-um) suffix – īn – palatīnus, a, um pelvīnus, a, um uterīnus, a, um palatine pelvic uterine suffix – ě – (+Latin root) cartilagineus, a, um corneus, a, um osseus, a, um sanguineus, a, um tendineus, a, um cartilaginous corneous, horny osseous, bony sanguineous, blood tendinous suffix – ē – (+Greek root) coccygēus, a, um laryngēus, a, um oesophagēus, a, um phalangēus, a, um pharyngēus, a, um sacrococcygēus, a, um stylopharyngēus, a, um coccygeal laryngeal esophageal phalangeal pharyngeal sacrococcygeal stylopharyngеal suffix – ide – (model: (1) root of Greek noun + (2) connecting vowel: o + (3) suffix + (4) endings: us / a / um) beak - shaped or coracoid (corac – beak) coronal hyoid (sublingual) (of bone) breast - shaped , nipple - shaped or mastoid (mast – breast, nipple) wing - shaped or pterygoid (pteryg – wing) boat - shaped or scaphoid (scaph – boat) stylohyoid (awl + sublingual) peg- shaped, awl – shaped or styloid (styl – peg, awl) shield - shaped or thyroid (thyre - shield) trapezoid (trapeze - shaped) sword - shaped or xiphoid (xiph – sword) coracoideus, a, um coronoideus, a, um hyoideus, a, um mastoideus, a, um pterygoideus, a, um scaphoideus, a, um stylohyoideus, a, um styloideus, a, um thyr(e)oideus, a, um trapezoideus, a, um xiphoideus, a, um Irregular (non standard) adjectives of 1 & 2 declination (first group): a) S.N. S.G. m er eri f era erae n erum eri P.N. P.G. m eri erorum f erae erarum n era erorum f liberae liberarum n libera liberorum Example: a) S.N. S.G. m liber liberi asper, ĕra, ĕrum liber, ĕra, ĕrum b) m f libera liberae n liberum liberi m P.N. liberi P.G. liberorum rough, coarse, uneven free f n шероховатый свободный m f n S.N. S.G. er ri ra rae rum ri P.N. P.G. ri rorum rae rarum ra rorum Example: b) S.N. S.G. m dexter dextri dexter, tra, trum niger, gra, grum ruber, bra, brum sacer, cra, crum sinister, tra, trum f dextra dextrae n dextrum dextri m f n P.N. dextri dextrae dextra P.G. dextrorum dextrarum dextrorum right black red sacral (of bone) left HOMEWORK # 8 (adjectives, formed from nouns with suffixes according to the model: (1) base of noun + (2) suffix: e / os / ic / in + (3) endings: us-a-um) Irregular (non standard) adjectives of 1 & 2 declination (first group): Translate: (nouns of 1 - 5 declinations, adjectives of the 1 group (independent & formed from nouns): • tendinous arch of fascia of pelvis • fold of laryngeal nerve • styloid process of the radius • lobe of thyroid gland • horny (corneous) layer of nail • fibrous coat of the spleen • horns of thyroid cartilage • artery of wing-shaped (pterygoid) canal • fibrous vaginas of fingers of foot • bony (osseous) part of nasal septum • esophageal branches of thoracic part of the aorta • zygomatic process of the upper jaw • deltoid branch of deep artery of shoulder • sesamoid cartilage of the larynx • dermal (cutaneous) layer of drum (tympanic) membrane • tubercle of boat-shaped (scaphoid) bone • rhomboid depression of the brain • beak-shaped (coracoid) process of scapula • transverse palatine suture • venous network of arm / foot • arterial / venous blood • arterial grooves of the internal base of skull • coronal (coronoid) process of the lower jaw • oblique line of the thyroid cartilage • coronal (coronoid) sinus of the heart • arterial network of knee joint • sigmoid lymphatic knots (nodes) • laryngeal part of pharynx • groove of sigmoid sinus Decline: • cross-shaped ligament • cardiac plexus • external horn • straight part • cavernous body • lymphatic vessel • plane bone • hollow vein • long root • gluteal nerve • internal canal HOMEWORK # 9 LEARN THE WORDS: Adjectives, declination 3 (second group): m is is S.N. S.G. f is is n e is brevis, e commūnis, e tenuis, e short common thin generalis, e genitalis, e medialis, e sacralis, e spinalis, e ventralis, e general, generic genital medial relaiting to the sacrum - sacral spinal ventral articularis, e jugularis, e navicularis, e articular jugular boat – shaped, navicular P.N. P.G. m es ium f es ium n ia ium suffix – form – (model: (1) root of Latin noun + (2) connecting vowel: i + (3) suffix + (4) endings: is / e) pisiformis, e pea – shaped, pisiform suffix – id-al – (model: (1) root of Greek noun + (2) connecting vowel: o + (3) suffix + (4) endings: is / e) ethmoidalis, e sphenoidalis, e ethmoid (sieve – shaped) sphenoid (wedge – shaped) (adjectives, formed from nouns with suffixes according to the model: (1) base (root) of noun + (2) suffix: al / ar + (3) endings: is / e) analis, e cerebralis, e cervicalis, e corticalis, e dorsalis, e facialis, e frontalis, e intestinalis, e nasalis, e occipitalis, e orbitalis, e relaiting to the anus - anal relaiting to the cerebrum - cerebral relaiting to the neck - cervical relaiting to the cortex - cortical relaiting to the back - dorsal relaiting to the face - facial relaiting to the forehead - frontal relaiting to the bowel - intestinal relaiting to the nose - nasal relaiting to the back of the head - occipital relaiting to the eye-socket - orbital parietalis, e pectoralis, e peritonealis, e radialis, e superficialis, e temporalis, e vaginalis, e vertebralis, e vesicalis, e parietal: a) relaiting to the wall (paries); b) relating to the vertex (of the head) relaiting to the chest - pectoral relaiting to the peritoneum - peritoneal relaiting to the spoke-bone - radial relaiting to the outer surface - superficial relaiting to the temple - temporal relaiting to the vagina / sheath - vaginal relaiting to the vertebra - vertebral relaiting to the (urinary) bladder - vesical auricularis, e fibularis, e glandularis, e mandibularis, e ulnaris, e relaiting to the ear - auricular relaiting to the calf bone - fibular relaiting to the gland - glandular relaiting to the lower jaw - mandibular relaiting to the ulna - ulnar alaris, e lumbalis, e maxillaris, e medullaris, e pulmonalis, e (Attention to the English endings) relaiting to the wing - alar, alary relaiting to the loin - lumbar relaiting to the upper jaw - maxillary relaiting to the medulla -medullary relaiting to the lung - pulmonary Irregular (non standard) adjectives of 3 declination (second group): a) S.N. S.G. m er ris f ris ris n re ris P.N. P.G. m res rium f res rium n ria rium m acres acrium f acres acrium n acria acrium m es ium f es ium n ia ium f simplices simplicium n simplicia simplicium f teretes n teretia Example: a) S.N. S.G. m acer acris f acris acris n acre acris acer, cris, e sharp, acute b) S.N. S.G. m s/x is f s/x is b-1 S.N. S.G. m simplex simplicis f simplex simplicis b-2 S.N. m teres f teres n s/x is P.N. P.G. P.N. P.G. Examples: n m simplex P.N. simplices simplicis P.G. simplicium n teres P.N. m teretes S.G. teretis teretis teretis P.G. teretium teretium teretium b-3 S.N. S.G. m biceps bicipitis f biceps bicipitis n biceps bicipitis P.N. P.G. m bicipites bicipitium f bicipites bicipitium n bicipitia bicipitium simplex, icis teres, ětis biceps, ipĭtis triceps, ipĭtis quadriceps, ipĭtis simple round biceps triceps quadriceps Decline: • red blood • cranial nerve • pulmonary vein • frontal sinus • superficial layer • short vessel ; Cranial nerve • superficial layer • frontal sinus • ethmoid hole • articular depression • • tear ( lacrimal ) canal • sacral horn • short vessel • pulmonary vein • metatarsal bone • Make Latin adjectives from these nouns: • artery • head • tooth • cheek • alveole • Translate: (nouns of 1 - 5 declinations, adjectives of the 1 & 2 group): • orbicular muscle of mouth • costal pit of transverse process • plantar branches of tibial nerve • aperture of frontal sinus • nasal / orbital surface of the upper jaw • medial angle of eye • pulmonary groove of the thorax • root / nucleus of facial nerve • tuberosity of distal phalanx • middle temporal convolution • patellar surface of thigh-bone • vertical muscle of tongue • septum of sphenoid sinuses • medial border of tibia • nasal part of the pharynx • perpendicular plate (lamina) of palatine bone • longitudinal fold of the duodenum • deep palmar branch of ulnar artery • groove of tympanic part of temporal bone • lateral region of the belly (abdomen) • groove of vertebral artery • nucleuses of cranial nerves • orbital part of frontal bone • lateral nerve of great toe • sternal extremity of clavicle • pit of tear (lacrimal) gland • wing-shaped (pterygoid) process of sphenoid bone • parietal lobe of the larger portion of the brain (cerebrum) • layer of superficial muscles of the back • radial artery of the forefinger • muscular coat of vessels • central vein of liver • common palmar / plantar digital arteries • internal / external occipital crest HOMEWORK # 10 LEARN THE WORDS: Irregular (non standard) adjectives – degrees of comparison Positive degree (endings of 1-2 declination) magnus, a, um parvus, a, um large, great, of large size small Comparative degree S.N. S.G. m or oris major, jus minor, us anterior, ius inferior, ius posterior, ius superior, ius f or oris n us oris P.N. P.G. m ores orum f ores orum n ora orum major, great, large (out of two), larger, greater minor, small (out of two), smaller, lesser anterior (front) inferior (lower) posterior (rear, back, hinder) superior (upper, top, higher) Superlative degree (suffix + endings of 1-2 declination) maximus, a, um greatest, largest minimus, a, um smallest suprēmus, a, um highest longissimus, a, um longest Prefixes extraintrainterinfrasuprasubhypoepipre(prae-) post- extra- (outside of, without) intra- (inside, within) inter- (among, between) infra- (below) extrauterinus, a, um extrauterine - outside the uterus supra- (above, over) sub- (beneath, under) hypo- (below, under) epi- (upon, over, above) pre- (anterior, before) post- (after, intrajugularis, e intrajugular - ‘inside jugular’ intercostalis, e intercostal – between ribs infraclavicularis, e supraorbitalis, e infracalvicular - under the clavicle (subclavian) supraorbital – above the orbit sublingualis, e sublingual - beneath the tongue (of duct) hypoglossus, a, um hypoglossal – below the tongue (of nerve) epigastricus, a, um epigastric (on or above the belly) precaecalis, e prececal – in front of the cecum postcentralis, e ‘behind central’ retroparaperi- behind, posterior) retro- (behind, backward) para- (adjacent, near, alongside) peri- (around, about, near) retroauricularis, e retroauricular – posterior to the auricle paravaginalis, e paravaginal – alongside the vagina pericardialis, e relating to pericardium (heart sac) – ‘around the heart’ Adjectives with prefixes submucosus, a, um hypoglossus, a, um paranasalis, e subcutaneus, a, um submucosal – beneath the mucosa hypoglossal – below the tongue (of nerve) paranasal – near or adjacent to the nose subcutaneous – beneath the skin simple joint • round muscle horn • anterior ligament Decline: • great (major) wing • left part • free extremity (limb) • posterior Make Latin adjectives with the following meaning: • situated under the ribs • situated between the bones • situated under the orbit • situated above clavicle • situated inside the muscles • situated after the knot • situated near the nose • Translate: (nouns of 1 - 5 declinations, adjectives of the 1 & 2 group & irregular adjectives): • inferior surface of the stony (petrous) part • right border of the heart • notch of the round ligament of the liver • anterior tibial lymphatic node • joints / muscles of free superior limb • free part of gum • muscle of superior eye-lid • tendon of quadriceps muscle of thigh-bone • long head of triceps muscle of shoulder • large & small wings of sphenoid bone • root of the right lung • superior nasal shell • left kidney • anterior region of knee • anterior wall of the stomach • right jugular trunk • posterior surface of fibula • tip of the posterior horn • anterior longitudinal ligament of the vertebral column HOMEWORK # 11 LEARN THE WORDS: Complex terms: arteria carōtis (ĭdis) f articulatio coxae bulbus ocŭli glandula parōtis (ĭdis) f glandula suprarenalis intestinum tenue medulla ossium medulla spinalis os coxae pelvis renalis vena portae vesīca biliaris (Gr.) carotid artery hip joint, thigh joint eyeball (Gr.) parotid gland, external salivary fland suprarenal gland small intestine bone marrow spinal cord hip bone, pelvic bone renal pelvis hepatic portal vein gall bladder Abbreviations A. B. Gl. For. Lig. M. N. R. Vag. V. arteria, ae bursa, ae glandula, ae foramen, ĭnis ligamentum, i musculus, i nervus, i ramus, i vagina, ae vena, ae Aa. Bb. Gll. Forr. Ligg. Mm. Nn. Rr. Vagg. Vv. arteriae, ārum bursae, ārum glandulae, ārum foramina, -um ligamenta, ōrum musculi, ōrum nervi, ōrum rami, ōrum vaginae, ārum venae, ārum Singular (N.S. & G.S.): artery sac, bag gland openinig, hole ligament muscle nerve branch vagina; sheath vein Plural (N.P. & G.P.): arteries sacs, bags glands openinigs, holes ligaments muscles nerves branches vaginas; sheaths veins Write full forms and translate: