**MLA Works Cited Page: Works Cited (as title, centered and top of page), last page of paper, correct citations in alphabetical order, first line of citation is not indented (if it goes over to second or third line, those are indented five spaces: hanging indent), double-spaced throughout **What do I need to find in each of my sources for my Works Cited page? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Author. (not always available for online sources) Title of article or book. Title of webpage, (ALWAYS AVAILABLE for online source) Publisher, Date of publication/copyright date (ALWAYS use the updated date), Page Number. (if print source) URL. (ALWAYS AVAILABLE for online sources) For Online Sources ONLY: Date you found this information. 14 Oct. 2015. Update: 8th Edition MLA now states that if the publishing date/copyright is available, you do not need to have an access date (#8), because the reader will be able to determine whether the information is relevant according to the copyright. Sample Citation: 1. Author 2.Title of Article 3.Title of webpage Lundman, Susan. "How to Make Vegetarian Chili." eHow, Demand Media,2015,www.chili.com. 4.Publisher 5. Date 7. URL