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Fakhri Ihsan Nugraha
Imam Malik
World Religion - GHUM1303
02 October 2020
Buddhism is a religion of eastern and central Asia growing out of the teaching of
Siddhārtha Gautama that suffering is inherent in life and that one can be liberated from it by
cultivating wisdom, virtue, and concentration. It has been more than 2500 years since the first
time Buddhism appeared and you might think about Buddhism people is Bhikkhu-people with
shaved-hair, well that is monk.
Siddhartha Gautama, the founder of Buddhism, who later became known as “the
Buddha,” lived during the 5th century B.C. He was born into a wealthy family as a prince in
present-day Nepal. Although he had an easy life, Gautama was moved by suffering in the world.
He decided to give up his lavish lifestyle and endure poverty. When this did not fulfill him, he
promoted the idea of the “Middle Way,” which means existing between two extremes. Thus, he
sought life without social indulgences but also without deprivation. After six years of searching,
Buddhists believe Gautama found enlightenment while meditating under a Bodhi tree. He spent
the rest of his life teaching others about how to achieve this spiritual state.
Buddhism teaches us about Karma, Dharma, and Reincarnation. First, Karma means
anything we did in our lives, either good or bad, will go back to our lives. Second, Dharma,
which teaches us about goodness. Last, reincarnation, where people who died, will be reborn into
this world until they can do the enlightenment by doing meditations. Buddhism believes if they
did many good things in the world, they will be reborn in a blissful nature and vice versa.
Even though Buddhism is well-known for their sense of humanity and peace, there is a
conflict in Myanmar between Muslims from Rohingya and Buddhists from Rakhine in
Myanmar. It occurs because of political and economic issues. Although, some people also said it
because of religion. Rakhine itself is an area that struggling with poverty. Because of it, Rakhine
people feel threatened with the presence of Muslims from Rohingya. It does not just stop there, it
getting worse because Muslims from Rohingya did not give the vote to the major political
parties. Then, the Rakhine people forced Muslims from Rohingya to leave Myanmar.
It would seem that they did not do the teachings from Buddha because of Buddha itself is
well-known about their humanity and peace. They are still overpowered by their greedy about
this world, forgetting about what they want to achieve as a Buddhist. But as well, we cannot
think that all Buddhists have the same character.
Moreover, Buddhism is one of the most beautiful religions that teaches us about goodness
in our lives and has its uniqueness. First, Buddhism is the teachings of Siddharta Gautama after
he attained enlightenment. Second, there is no god to follow, and there is none to worship. Third,
many people think that Buddha is a person, but that is a misinterpretation. Anyone can be a
Buddha, and it is merely the name for a person who has reached Nirvana, the state of
Enlightenment. Siddharta Gautama was the first Buddha, and after that, there have been several
Buddhas. That is one of the reasons why the faces of Buddha statues differ. Fourth, from the
beginning, there was only one teaching, the one of Siddharta Gautama. But with time, and as the
teachings spread to other countries, different branches were created and the old texts and lessons
were interpreted differently. The three major branches of Buddhism are Theravada, Mahayana,
and Vajrayana. Fifth, Buddhist monks and nuns shave their hair. Next, Buddhism teaches that
life is full of suffering the Buddha went as far as saying that suffering is inevitable. However, he
found a way out of it, eventually by following the noble eightfold path. After that, it follows the
wheel of Dhamma. Then, each person is responsible for their enlightenment. Last but not least,
meditation is a big part of the teaching. But there still myriads of uniqueness in Buddhism.