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Reverse Outline: Junco & Cotten - Instant Messaging & Academics

Reverse Outline Practice for Junco R. & Cotten S.
Composition (Thompson Rivers University)
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Downloaded by Chrix Miner (minercoph@gmail.com)
ENGL 1101: Introduction to University Writing
Assignment 1: Reverse Outline
Junco, R., & Cotten, S. (2011). Perceived academic effects of instant messaging use.
Amber Hanaback
Open Learning, Thompson Rivers University
ENGL 1101
Maureen Smith
January 26, 2022
TRU Open Learning
Downloaded by Chrix Miner (minercoph@gmail.com)
Reverse Outline (Reference)
Reverse Outline for “Perceived academic effects of
instant messaging use” By Junco, R., & Cotton, S. R.
Topic and Main Ideas:
The author is interested in how
instant messaging and
technology affects college
student academics.
The author is interested in how
multitasking affects student
The author is interested in how
certain technologies may help
Student academic success is
negatively impacted by instant
message use if used excessively
and while multitasking.
Junco and Cotton suggest that
it is important that instructors
understand how their students
use technology in order to set
up proper interventions in case
it impacts their schoolwork.
Students need to understand
how technology use habits
affect their academics.
Main Idea:
TRU Open Learning
Downloaded by Chrix Miner (minercoph@gmail.com)
ENGL 1101: Introduction to University Writing
Key Points:
% Filter the article content until you find the two or three key points
that are developed in the discussion. Each of these key ideas
might develop over several paragraphs, but could be summarized
in a sentence or two.
You do not need to summarize every detail. You do not need to
summarize the information in every paragraph.
% For each of these key points, note the content and the function.
The content is the actual point that the author expresses.
The function is the role that point plays in the article. Is the point
an example to help develop the argument? Is the point key
background information that we need in order to understand the
argument? To identify the function, ask yourself why the author
has included this information in the article.
Key Point #1
Content: There has been a dramatic increase in technology use
among college students.
Function: This justifies the importance of the author’s article.
Key Point #2
Content: Certain technology use can have a positive impact on
student success by opening communication between students and
Function: This is one example of a positive impact that technology has
on student academics.
Key Point #3
Content: Multitasking with multiple technologies including instant
messaging while doing schoolwork has shown to have a negative impact
on student academics.
Function: This demonstrates how technology can have a negative
impact on student academics.
TRU Open Learning
Downloaded by Chrix Miner (minercoph@gmail.com)