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Digital Logic Design Exam Paper

National Institute of Technology, Mizoram
Mid – Semester Examination 2021
Digital Logic Design (ECL 1302)
3rd Semester (ECE, EEE, CSE)
Full Marks: 15 marks
Duration: 1:00 hour
Answer all questions
1. (a) Implement the expression using a 16:1 Multiplexer.
f (A,B,C,D) = ∑ m (0,2,3,6,8,9,12,14)
(b) Implement the Boolean expression and logic diagram of Full Subtractor using only NAND
(d) For the logic circuit shown in the figure 1 below, the output Y is equal to
(B) A + B + C
(C) AB + BC + A + C
(D) AB + BC
Figure 1
(e) The switching circuit given in the figure 2 can be expressed in binary logic notation as
(A) L = (A+B) (C+D) E
(B) L = AB + CD + E
(C) L = E + (A+B) (C+D)
(D) L = (AB+CD) E
Figure 2