Uploaded by Kaylee Sandoval

Drug Use & Abuse Practice Worksheet

Practice: Drug Use and Abuse
Health Education
Name: Kaylee Sandoval
Date: 9/13/22
Question 1
Use the table to compare over-the-counter (OTC) medications, prescription
medications, and illegal drugs in terms of their use and abuse. Be sure your points
are made clearly and include examples. (12 points)
OTC medications
Illegal drugs
Used to prevent or treat
weaker illnesses
No prescription needed
Used to treat of prevent
Need a doctors
owning a prescription that
isn't yours.
Using it at all
Abuses Using it in anyway other
than the label on the back
Question 2
Use the table to list some benefits of avoiding drug abuse and barriers to avoiding
drug abuse. Include at least two examples in each section, and be sure to include
enough detail to thoroughly explain them. (6 points)
Practice: Drug Use and Abuse
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Benefits of avoiding drugs
Barriers to avoiding drugs
Peer pressure
less health issues
don't have to deal with cravings from addiction bad role models
Question 3
Analyze how each of the following influences supports or challenges your beliefs,
practices, and behaviors with respect to drug abuse. Be sure to include whether each
influence is positive or negative. (10 points)
a. Laws This is a positive influence because since most forms of drug abuse are illegal it is
b. Peers A lot of my friends smoke or drink so they would be a negative influence
c. Family Both my parents are drug and alcohol free so they would be a good influence.
d. Societal/Cultural norms Socially smoking weed is normal and so is alcohol so that's not good but
its frowned upon to do harsher drugs to that's good.
e. Positive role models
Personally the only positive role models I have are my parents.
Practice: Drug Use and Abuse
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Question 4
Media messages include any type of advertisement, including magazines,
newspapers, television, billboards, posters, pamphlets, and web pages. Find three
different examples of media messages, one for each of the following types of drug:
medicine, alcoholic beverage, and tobacco.
For each piece of media you find:
a. Describe the media message, including its type, where you found it, and what it
is showing and saying.
b. Identify any healthy or unhealthy stereotypes the message is promoting.
Explain your reasoning.
c. Evaluate the effect you think the message would have on the average
consumer. (12 points)
Practice: Drug Use and Abuse
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1.The ad was for inter uterine device
a.I saw it on television. It didn't really show anything but a blue background with some
letters. It was recalling the devices and saying anyone with one in was eligible for
b.Its recalling a bad medicine creating distrust in the medical dept. therefore accidentally
promoting an unhealthy habit of self-medicating which often leads to drug abuse.
c.It would most likely make the average costumers think twice before going to a doctor and
make them more likely to self-medicate.
2.The ad was for Dos Equis
a.I was it online. I was a picture of the most interesting man in the world holding that brand
of beer, captioned " I don't always drink but when I do I prefer Dos Equis"
b.Its promoting the healthy habit of only drinking occasionally because he says "I don't
always drink,"
c.If the actor promoting this beer is considered "the most interesting man in the world" then
it probably makes costumers want to drink the same beer to be more like him.
3.The ad was for luckies smokes.
a.It depicts Santa smoking a luckies cigarette with and all red background.
b.Unhealthy habit of smoking.
c.It would make the average customer think well if Santa is supposed to be really old and
he's still smoking the smoking must be fine for me.
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Practice: Drug Use and Abuse
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