1 Community Partners and Resources Disha Patel Herzing University NSG 323-Community and Public Health Nursing Professor Merritt August 14th, 2022 2 Community Partners and Resources Community partners and resources are crucial for the success of any community project since they provide information and knowledge that ensures the effectiveness of the intervention and achieving the set goals and objectives. Involving the community partners entails the active participation of the community members, which enables them to solve their own community problems and ultimately ensures the success of the community project (Melo & Alves, 2019). These community partners have the problem assessment capacity, which are skills to identify problems in the community, solutions, and actions to solve the problem. Community resources are crucial for assisting community members in gaining access to help, support, and expanding the range of outlets for meeting their needs. Additionally, community resources contribute to developing healthier, more resilient people and communities. My community project focuses on reducing the risk of infections among the Kindergarten students at Tiny Tot Preschool & Kindergarten by educating the students on proper hand washing practices. The community partners and resources have contributed immensely to the project to reach the goal by sharing information and knowledge and assisting in the education program to ensure the success of the community project. The paper aims to analyze the different community partnerships and resources utilized in the project and describe their role in the community project. Community Partnership Community partnership is increasingly being accepted as the best practice in community intervention projects and achieving the set purpose (Melo & Alves, 2019). The two partners, the school nurse (nurse Mary) and the school administration ( John), were valuable and instrumental to my community project since they have enormously helped me deliver a remarkable education program that will ensure the success of the intervention. 3 Community Partnership One One of my partners is nurse Mary, the school nurse who has worked as a nurse in the school for 6 years and has vast experience and knowledge about student health. Her experience as a nurse and knowledge about students' health has been valuable to my project. I incorporated the information she provided about the students and her valuable insights on the risk of infections among the students and hand washing to reduce the risk. When I met her, she was friendly and offered to show me around the institution. Together we assessed the hand washing points, availability of hand washing supplies, and shared information on students' health, which was essential for the project. She spent hours on the site with me, and when I shared my project with her, she spent hours with me on the phone critiquing, providing feedback and opinion on how to make the project better and a success. This partnership has been valuable to my community project since it provided crucial information and impactful insights to make the project a success. Community Partnership Two The second partnership I have formed in my community project is John, the school administrator. When I first called the school to have a meeting with the school administration, John was the one who picked up the phone; he was friendly and right away arranged for a meeting with me. During the meeting, he was attentive as he listened as I shared details of the project and to my surprise; he immediately agreed that I could conduct my community project in the school. John introduced me to nurse Mary, the school nurse and the class teacher for the kindergarten students. John has been supportive of my project, and when I shared the community project with him, he provided insights and constructive feedback on how the project can be 4 impactful and a success. John also informed the parents about the community project, shared the importance of the project, and encouraged them to participate by reading the materials and further educating their children on proper hand washing practices. He ensured that the project ran smoothly without any problems from the parents who may have a problem with their children being part of the project. He ensured that the materials were distributed to the teachers and parents. Community Resources Community resource 1 Community Resources are assets within a community that assists in meeting the needs of its members, hence facilitating the effectiveness of health promotions (Deeds et al., 2008). A community resource that has been valuable for my community project is the community resource center owned by Northwest Community Healthcare (NCH). NCH is located in the Skokie community and is among the facilities integrated into The Northshore University Health System to support the community by hosting organization-wide community service projects called Caring For Our Communities (Bieritz, 2021). The community resource center, with community partners' support, provides many community health outreach initiatives and programs throughout the year. In addition to health and wellness, the community resource center provides education and literacy to the community members and is an excellent site to conduct my community project. I have explored and evaluated the numerous community resources offered by resources and identified how they might benefit the project and the target community in addressing the health problem of infectious conditions. 5 Community resource 2 Another valuable community resource I have utilized in the community project is the Skokie public health department, a state-certified municipal health department whose main aim is to improve the quality of life in Skokie by identifying interventions that are best for the community. The health resource provides vaccination and stores data on the locals' health and community health information, which is essential for my community project. A visit to the department provides information and knowledge on the rate of infections in the community and the prevalence of infectious conditions in Skokie. The community resource was valuable for my community project since I was able to access materials on the various risks of infections among school-going children identified by the department and the various interventions that have already been implemented in the community and their effectiveness and success rate. Conclusion Community partners and resources are essential for the success of community projects and reaching the goals and objectives to effect change. In a community project to reduce the risk of infections by educating the students about proper hand washing practices, I liaised with two partners, including the school nurse and the school administrator. They provided different insights that were crucial for the intervention's effectiveness and the project's success. The two community resources that I utilized are the community resource center owned by Northwest Community Healthcare and the Skokie public health department by provided materials and information about the risk of infections and infectious conditions in Skokie instrumental in my project. The community partners and resources have provided me with 6 guidance and insights for my project, information and expertise regarding my selected community health issue, and a mechanism to successfully engage community members. 7 References Bieritz, M. (2021, March 4). Caring for our communities. Northwest Community Healthcare. https://www.nch.org/news/caring-for-our-communities/ Deeds, B. Griffin., Straub, D. M., Willard, Nancy., Castor, Judith., Ellen, Jonathan., Peralta, Ligia., & Adolescent Medicine Trials Network. (2008). The Role of Community Resource Assessments in the Development of 15 Adolescent Health CommunityResearcher Partnerships. Progress in Community Health Partnerships: Research, Education, and Action, 2(1), 31–39. https://doi.org/10.1353/cpr.2008.0010 Melo, P., & Alves, O. (2019). Community Empowerment and Community Partnerships in Nursing Decision-Making. Healthcare, 7(2), 76. https://doi.org/10.3390/healthcare7020076