Chapter 6 Section 3: Interpreting the Bill of Rights pp

Chapter 6 Section 3:
Interpreting the Bill of Rights pp. 172-179
Name __________________________ pd. ___
19 points/ total _____
Define the key term
Freedom of the press ______________________________________________________
Freedom of speech ________________________________________________________
Case studies _____________________________________________________________
Complete as you read the section
The Role of the Courts
1. Who decides whether people’s rights are being violated by the actions of others?
2. Usually cases involving citizen’s rights usually are first brought before_____________
3. They can eventually end up in the highest court in the land the ___________________
Students and free speech
4. What was the Tinker case about? ___________________________________________
5. What was the lower courts decision? ________________________________________
6. Finally the Supreme Court said what? _______________________________________
The Skokie Case: Freedom for Nazis?
7. What was the issue in the Skokie case? ______________________________________
8. How did the town try to stop the Nazis from marching? _________________________
9. What did the county court say? ____________________________________________
10. What did the Illinois Supreme court do? ____________________________________
11. What was the outcome in the end? ________________________________________
12. What did the Skokie case show about the first amendment? _____________________
The Continuing Challenge
13. Protecting the rights of citizens includes judges and laws, but also who?
14. Judge Learned Hand emphasized the rights of citizens are not limited to the
Constitution but also who? __________________________________________________