Uploaded by Theo Fuller

Theo Fuller English Essay

Theo Fuller
English #2
1. My dad made a difference in my life. He has a good work ethic and tries his best.
2. They would be my family, friends, and other important people I've met throughout
my life. We would probably be celebrating something together.
3. $1,750,000 dollars
4. The history of things I'm interested in, like cars or computer evolution.
5. Cars, Video Games, News, Airplanes, Sleep, Animals, Food, Psychology,
Computers, Weather.
6. I think sunsets are very inspiring because they can mean many things to many
different people.
7. It would probably be my parents and grandma. I hope they would say they had a
positive experience with me.
8. I think octopi represent me, because like them, I believe I'm smart and curious.
9. Enzo Ferrari is largely responsible for making motor racing more accessible and
mainstream, as well as founding Ferrari, which I would ask many questions about.
10. I think that my main talents are being creative, mechanical, and being good with
words and teamwork.