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Sociology Exam Prep: Key Concepts & Scholars

Dr Mthethwa’s section for test and examination
Questions will need your critical thinking linked with what you have learned in
the class.
Please use the case studies you have used with Dr. Xulu to unpack the following:
*Placement, stratification, ascribed and latent status, manifest and latent functions,
ecology of the school, various institutions, status as opposed to roles, various roles
*Be in a position to define and tell briefly about society, socialization, sociology of
education, culture, social integration, cultural innovation, social cohesion,
* Sociology according to functionalists is framed according to two pillars viz role
differentiation and social group solidarity what does that mean?
* important scholars Botha, Durkheim, Dreeben, Bronfenbrenner > know what they
said and their input in our study.