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Van Buren JROTC Military Ball 2022 Information

Van Buren JROTC Military Ball 2022
Our annual JROTC Military Ball will be held on April 9, 2022. All cadets and guests will arrive at Columbus Acres
in Fort Smith on 10203 Columbus Acres Rd., Fort Smith, AR. Starting PROMPTLY AT 1800 with the receiving
line, followed by dinner concluding with the dance. There will be a catered meal to be announced later. The
Royal Court will be announced at the start of the Formal Ball.
Each cadet that sold box of candy bars (or sells a box in February) will have their ticket provided. Each cadet is
allowed to invite ONE guest. We must have all money collected by no later than March 17, 2022. Failure to
pay by this date may result in the cadet being unable to attend the event. Tickets will be provided the week of
the Military Ball. Tickets must be presented to enter.
Dress Code (will be strictly enforced, failure to comply may result in being unable to attend):
Male Cadets will wear their JROTC ASU with black bow tie (provided by JROTC) and long sleeve, button
up, collared white shirt.
Male guests that aren’t in the program will wear, at a minimum, a long sleeve collared shirt, jacket and
Female guests that aren’t in the program will follow the same guidelines as those that are in the
Female cadets will wear a formal gown (or the ASU with white collared button down shirt and necktab)
and must meet the following conservative requirements
1. Dresses CANNOT be backless
2. If strapless, the top of the gown must not fall below the shoulder blades and
must fit securely
3. Neckline must be conservative in nature (no excessive cleavage)
4. Front slits must not exceed 3 inches above knee
On the back page there are some examples of appropriate and inappropriate formal gowns. If you have
any questions or need to confirm that the dress you would like to purchase meets the requirements,
please contact 1SG Phillips (972)896-0088 or SFC Peters (915) 227-1128.
I look forward to seeing everyone at the banquet and ball for our year end celebration!
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(sheer overlay does not meet floor length requirement)