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Importance of RA 1425: Rizal Law Analysis

The teaching of Jose Rizal’s life, works, and writings is mandated by Republic Act 1425 or the Rizal Law. Senator Jose
P. Laurel, the person who sponsored the said law, said that since Rizal was the founder of Philippine nationalism and
has contributed much to the current standing of this nation, it is only right that the youth as well as all the people in
the country know about and learn to grasp the great ideals for which he died. The Rizal Law seeks to accomplish the
following goals:
To rededicate the lives of youth to the ideals of freedom and nationalism, for which our heroes lived
and died
To pay tribute to our national hero for devoting his life and works in shaping the Filipino character
To gain an inspiring source of patriotism through the study of Rizal’s life, works, and writings.
Aside from those mentioned above, there are other reasons for teaching the Rizal course in Philippine schools:
To recognize the importance of Rizal’s ideals and teachings in relation to present conditions and
situations in the society.
To encourage the application of such ideals in current social and personal problems and issues.
To develop an appreciation and deeper understanding of all that Rizal fought and died for.
To foster the development of the Filipino youth in all aspects of citizenship.
There are important points cited in this republic act that is worth noticing. One of them is “Whereas, today, more
than other period of our history, there is a need for a re-dedication to the ideals of freedom and nationalism for
which our heroes lived and died.” This document was written in 1956, under the Magsasyay administration, when
the nation was still getting over its Japanese occupation and was heavily dependent on US rule. The Philippines was
still fighting for independence at the time, and the nation was still progressively establishing its national identity and
integrity. As a result, the ideals of freedom and nationalism were crucial. Due to multiple uprisings against the
Philippine government at the period, there was a lot of chaos among Filipinos as well. Furthermore, despite the fact
that this document was created many years ago, it still stands out since this section is extremely relevant for the
current generation, in which the Filipino diaspora is widespread and our culture is being overwhelmed by foreign
Another important point is “Whereas, all educational institutions are under the supervision of, and subject to
regulation by the State, and all schools are enjoined to develop moral character, personal discipline, civic conscience,
and to teach the duties of citizenship.” It is crucial that educational institutions help students understand that the
nation should be among their priorities and that serving one's country is a natural and innate duty for all people. This
is especially important at the college level, when people are forming their priorities and career paths in life.
Additionally, instilling in young people a profound moral code and a strong sense of personal discipline would
produce competent, genuine, and selfless Filipinos who would transform the nation from one of poverty to one of
global competitiveness.
The importance of RA 1425 in social and political aspects is evident. It offers insights for dealing with current issues.
It is a history subject, thus it is filled with historical details that can help us understand who we are as Filipinos.
Understanding how things change over time and gaining insight into the future are both possible benefits of studying
the past. Learning our country's history helps in developing a deeper understanding of it. It enables us to draw lessons
from the past, which helps us in determining how to approach the future. Rizal as a national historical figure, has
significantly contributed to our knowledge of our shared experience and Filipino identity. Resolving the problems we
face in our community and even society has an impact on the choices we make in our own lives. By appreciating the
influence of nationalism, patriotism, national consciousness, and moral uprightness, it enables us to become properly
educated and to respect a peaceful and thriving country.