?eadinq A Read the Exam Reminder, ls it a good idea to read the questions or the article {irst? B Nod comolete the Exam Task I ldentifying key information . With mu tiple'choicequestions,remember to readthe mainpart ofthe question{irstand underlinethe keywords. :: . Thenreadthe articleand find the corresponding sectionsof text to helpchoosethe correctanswer SUmer Thewoid ofthe consumer k becoming a morecolourfuI place,asmanufacturcrs thoughifullyusecoloursto encourage shoppeEto buyiheirproducts. A supermarket selkthousand5of products packaged andeachoneiscarefully in particular coloursto catchtheshopper3 gives eye.Thecolourofthe package the consumer information aboutthe productinside. ofproductsaimedat menandwomen. Men! toiletries, for example,oftencome in blackorgreypackaging, whereas those aimedatwomenaremorelikelytobe in softershades likeblueorpink. It isimportantthatthe colourson a particular productstaythe same,lfa packetofourfavouritesnackisnot the rightcolour, we mightnot buyit.Also, the colourof the packaging canhelp Different colourscreatedifferent the consumer in a hurrytopickouthis impressions. Forexample, a dessertaimed or herfavourite blandfromamongst atanadultmarketmaybe packaged in all the otherson the shelves. However, blacktosuggestthat it issophisticated thereisa dangerthatcornpeting brands and expensive, whereas a yoghurt which couldcopythecoloursand designon appeals to ch;ldrenwill prcbablybe in the packet, sothatwhentwo brandsare a brightlycolourcd carton.Sweets sideby sideon the shelvettheconsumer and chocolate arealsooftensoldin brightred couldbetrickedintoselecting the andpinkwappertwhichareihought wrongone. to showsweetness. Pehapsbrightly TheleastcolourfuI productsin colouredwlappersarealsoan attempt the supermarket areprobably to appealtothe (hild in everyoneof us. products, the supermarkets'own A purpleandgoldboxofchocolates, Sophisticated, brightpackaging costs howevetsuggests thatthecontentsare productsare money, so these normally top qualityandexpensive.There isalso soldin veryplainpackaging,which quiteanobviousdifference in the colours makesthemeasjlyrecognjsableas the moreeconomical alternative, AsSupermarkets savemoneyon packaging, thissavingcanbe passed on to the customer Thecolourof the foodisasimportant asihe colourofthepackaging. Whenwe opena tin orcarton,we havecertainexpectations, Fresh food k very attractive.Marketsfu ll offreshfruitandvegetables are incredibly colourfulplaces, sowe thinkofs!rongcolourswith fiesh, tastyfood.When foodisprocessed, though,some of thesenaturalcolours arelost.Thi5 iswhythefoodindustry hasalwaysaddedcoloursto a lange offood.Experiments haveshown ihai whena foodlooksmorelikethe peoplethinkittastes freshversion, betterSometimes thefoodindustry creates an unnatura llystiongcolour in a food.Forexample, bananaice creamisusuallyyellow andstrawberry yoghurtlook quitepink.lfyoumade theseitemsin yourkitchen,the wouldbe verymuch,ightef, colou15 but consumers havecometoexpect brightercolours.Inthe past,thecolou|s thatwe.eaddedto foodwerecreatedin a laboratoryNowadays, howevef, there isa trendtowardsnaturalfoodcolourt asconsumers aregettingworriedabout theeffuctsof artificial colou|5on health. Yourbrightpinkstrawberry yoghuft mayb€ colouredwith beetrooi,a dark pinkvegetable, for example. ThereS no doubtthatcolourimprcves our exp€rience asconsumers. Butwe sl|ouldbe awarethat manufaciurcrs o{ien useit to createa false impression, andremernberthat it! earyto be fooledby the colourofthe padageorthefooditselt Youaregoing to readan articleabout howthe useof colourcanattractconsumers. For questions1-5, choosethe answer(a, b, c or d) whichyou thinkfits bestaccordingto the text. Coloursare usedin packagingof consumergoods a to attractconsumerstothe product, b to makethe supermarketattractive. c to tell customershow to usethe product. d to makemost productslook similar. Brightcoloursparticularly appealio h tr c children. d adults. Purpleand gold packagingafe a for food produas only. b for productsaimedat children. c usedto showbetter quality. d for productsaimedonly at men. Attractivecoloursin packaging a are meantto encourageshoppeFto choosea favouritebrand. b makeit difficultto copythe design. c makethe food insidetastebetter. d makethe consumerthinkcarefullyaboutthe product. own products Supermarkets' a aresold in bdghtlycolouredpackaging. b arecheaperthanotherbrands. c aredi{ficultto recognise. d are moreattractivethan otherbrands. Added food colours a makethe food taste better b are alwaysbad for our health. c are mostlysyntheticnowadays. d makethe food look mo.e attractive. YooaVularq A Complete the words in the sentences. I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Annais a g __personwhowouldgiveyouherlasteuro. l{ Jim sayshe'l helpyou, he will; he'sveryt _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. Evaisthinnow,but shewasa veryp____ babyl Thatactorisn'ttalented, but he'spopularbecause he'sh ___ ____. Don t panicin a cris's.ltt besrto stayc _ _ _. Shefeltvery d -, whenshelost hefjob. qLite Matthewis f- - becausel-ejogs everyno|r rg. He becameangryand a _,, whenthe policemanquestionedhim. , B Complete the sentenceswith the correct form of the words. Remember that creating word families when you learn a new word is a useful way of improving your vocabulary. I 4 5 6 7 8 ut rh. c All peopleneedto have lwasterfibly in their l;ves whenI fell overin the streetl herein the evenings;youcan reallyrelax. a(n) lifestylewill hejpyou to ive longer lVartl^aa waysrhinksabor,rorrrerpeople;shes so ldon'tthinkrhatoutfitis at all!lt! horrible! playstennisandswims hes so Thom.sjogs, You can't believe the I feli whenmy dog died. STABLE EMBARRASS PEACE HEALTH CONSIDER ATTRACT ATHLETE SAD Read the text and ckcle the correct words. NapoleonDynamite Oneofthe funniest filmsl'veeverseeniscalledNapoleon DynaniE.lt'saboutanawkward teenager livingin a smallfarmins townwhotriesto lit in witnnisttt LCp$:7jfi&,6, but heisn'tconfident andisnt popularwith es the his(2)ff5ffi{-6.Stffi4 athishschool. Hebgot a crazyfamily life,too. Hel;veswithhisgrandmother, whohasa pet llama,andhis(S)S&ffff$lm€"ffi, compureFcrazy brotherwhospendsarlhisline orline.The'et alsoJrc e Ricowhoistotally (1)ME Er*i-ndVqfrGe!ari whoNapoleordoesn'twantto be€ssociated with. Napoleon!lifeisuneventrul untilPedroshowsup.He'sa (5)!bli#n1!g.ilji{A$64}(fromvexico)andhet - they'reboth theonlykidin schoolwitha moustache, but heandNapoLeon havesomething in common outsidersWhenPedrodecides to runfor classpresident against the mostpopulargn in school,Napoieon usestrisunique(O)Sffiffiajto helphimwin.Whatdoeshedo?You'llhaveto watchto findoutl I QravnVnar PresentSimple& presentContinuous A Circle the correct words. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I usuallyvisit/ am visitingmy cousinsin the summer. No,don,ttetmet tknow/ am knowingthe answer Tinafeeds/ is feedingthe cat atthe moment. Teenagers don,t like/ aren,tlikjngbeingrotd what to do_ About oncea month,my brothergoes/ is going to the cinema. Do you understand/Areyou understanding ihis anicle? Jim doesnl want / ;sn,twantingto watcha comedy. Are they ptaying/ Do they playrennisnextweekend? B complete the sentenceswith the present simpre or present continuous form of these verbs. belong fly notseem nolwant run see stay taste 1 Mirandais shy.She ro 9o to the partytonight. 2 The bis houseon the corner -_ to the Smiths. 3 Mike at hometoday becausehe,sill. 4 I m excited because I bestfriendat the weekend. 5 strange.tsyoursOK? crandma to enjoylivinsalone.tthinkshe,slonety. 7 Lucy to ltaty at one o,clock tomorrow 8 My brotherBiliy aroundthe houseagain.tt,sso annoyingt L\steninol A Exam Pr€paringto tisten . Rememberrhatjt is impol1€nt to prepareberoreyou iistenin an exam. . N,4ake sureyou understandall the answer the EI:m R:mindef.what shoutoyou oo l::d oerore you listen? B t.t . Unde.lineor cncleanyimportant details Deroreyou listen. Listen and complete the Exam Task. Exam Task You willhear eight short conversations. After \ j:ii.:::,itl ilily J:",,i:: i;THxt:i::: :i;,j:j,::i:;*H:il: n:,:**"".I::*i;T.Jf *,i, 2 E f* r Lgl E -i- x q ill * ffiffI w "H r.t .,,,9]," St:. E * ffi F] $ s E ,., '/ E ,** f i,r .#F' 6 E Bh 7 E r e . i w k#3 tr a,.i 4.; i E J A L firavnwar Articles A Find and circle the ten mistakes in the text below. The people ovevisitingforeign countries.Did you knowthat in 2009,880 mi lion peop e traveled abroad?A most populardestinationwasthe France, with74.2milionvisitorslSecond wasUnitedStates with54.9million. O{the top ten destinations, fve werein the Europe,makingitthe mostvisitedcontinentin world. In secondplacewasAsiaand PaciJic Oceanregion. A UnitedNationsWorldTourismOrganisation(UNWTO)releases the figures thfee timesthe year.Thefiguresare importantsoufceof in{ormationabout international uendsforthosenvolvedin rourism. Complete each gap with a, an or the. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I l donl lle sl'adeor b ue youve cl ose.to pailt bedroor. My co .s r woi,c as parients-ealy li(e her docto-ard Thatwas_ amazingdishlMay haverecipe,please? AmazonRiver{owsinto At anticOcean. We had relaxingday at beachyesterday. Let'sgo to. c rera i1 SoLthStreet.I d likero war(l coredy. most experiencedmusicianin that group is a so youngestn'rember Tonris very good ffiend of mine.In fact,het best friend 've everhadl Usoyour{nr4l\sh A For questions l-8, read the text below and decide which answer (a, b, c or d) best fits each gap. Canyour dog read your mind? Whenwe first(1) someoneour eyesgo to the left and look at (2)- risht sideof the person'sface.The rightside of our faceexpresses emotionsbetter thanihe left.Thisis cailed 'left gazebias'and lt only happenswith h!man faces;it doesn'ihappenwhenwe ook at animalsof (3) . lt enabes Lrsto 'read'the {acefor emotions. Research now suggeststhat pet dogs,too, canseeat a g anceif we aretickledpink, angryorfeeling (4) . Theyon y displaythis le{t gazebiaswhenthey (5)- at humanfaces,and arethe only animalknownto do so. Duringthe research that was conducted,dogs wereshownpicturesof human,dog and monkeyfacesas well as oblects.The dogs' eyesand headsmovedto the left whenthey wereshownhuman faces.However,this didn't occurwhenthey were shownother imases.As dogs have (6) beenassociated humansfor a longtime, they may havedevelopedthe eft gaze biasas (7)- way to readour emotions,suchas happiness and (8)-. thrng d are ooking 8 a an9ry b anger B For questionsl-8, readthetext b€low.Usethe word given in capitalsat the end of someof the linesto form a word that fits in the gap in th€ sameline. Sameor different? How diffefentare malesand females?ln termsof (1) is ittrue that womentend to be more(2) than menor that men are than women?ls it alsotrue that whilemen have 9enerallymore(3) greaterphysical(4) than women,womencan handlepainbetter rhan men?To answerihesequestions,we needto look firstat the wayyoungchitdrendevetop. Girlsoften learnto (5) earlierthan boys,and at the age of s;r they are g€nerallyableto sit stillfor muchlongerperiodsof time than boys. Thisis some'th'ng thatschoolsand (6) often don't understandand (7) is often givento boysfor being 'naughty'whenthey arejust behaving nat!rally. Duringtheirschoolyears, girs rendto be more(8) spelli'1gand langJages,bur boysgereratlydo better in marhsand science.The chaltenoe for schoolsis to find a ba ancedapo.oachthat witl surtall studenG. PERSON THOUGHT AGGRESSION STRONG SPEECH TEACH PUNISH TALENT C Readthe ExamReminderand compl€tethe ExamIesk For questions1-8, completethe secondsentenceso that it hasa similarmeaningto the flrstsentence,usingthe wofd g;ven. Do not changethe word given.Youmustusebetweentwo and fiv€ words,includingthe word given. 1 \{/illCathyandJoanjoin us at the beachtomorrow? joining Checkingthe tenseyou ne€d . Whenyou are givena differentrenseto transforma sentence,remembertouse the wordsaroundthe gap to help. . Thinkaboutwhichtenseyou needto use. . Remembertocheckyou haveusedthe correctnumberofwords in eachgap. us at the beachtomorrow? 2 Freddieneverremembershiswife! bjrthdayl Fredd;e hiswife'sbifthdayl 3 | enjoydramaricfirms,bur I lir e comediesmo,e. dramaticfilms. 4 sam won't be atthe matchthisweekend. gorng Sam the matchthisweekend. We'vegot the radioon the radio. Tanyamay becomea magazineeditor. thinking Tanya becoming a magazine edho., 7 Tombiteshisnajls;it'sannoying. habit Tom'sgot I ; he bites his n:jb" Thisgreenshin is nice,but the blueone is nrcen lik€ shirt more rhan t E gt€.n qE Wrifinrl:aq \qforvnallelter A lJsingidioms& phtasalverbs . By usingidiomsand phfasalverbs, you can makean informaletter sound friendlierand morenatural.Just make surethat you usethem correctYand checkwhetherthey arefollowed by a noun,an infinitive,a gerundor Find and correct the mistakes in these questions. '1 What haveyou been up with lateLy? 2 3 4 5 what! lt like ive in the countryside? Are you interestedfor music? What doesyour dad do for a job? what breaksyour nerves? B Read the writing task betow and then decide if the statements are true (l) or false (F)' Your Englishteachet at schoal hasarranged for all the students in vour classto write lo f ends.Writea letterta your nevtftiend intrcducingvautselfandvour English-speaking talking abautyaur favouritefiims (140-190words) fanily and 1 2 3 4 C Youhavewrittento the personbefore Yourletterwill be friendlyin tone. youenjoy Youwilwrlte aboutsomething a reply. Youdon't expect n n n Read the model letter and circle the correct words. th MatLaa. Atk^v;^+i;;, -^i;;;,f" itrDda.e rbl/rt9!!!\9i\ I : -l -z,t 6;,"+rh" 'n;;;--l tpvru:::!:tg-!ryt]ry) Wrz*"-Bv::etl_-) ) <t Y M'! e'4LLsh ttaw are Uo\? MA 6aw.'s^MarLa awd (tu Uavr vaw 1?wPaL. tut gave teaoher aaw lrqrLe|tu reaLly .t!,Lted abovt ha\/L^O a fi.wd {'ratu AustraLLa\ t've g& dt-atL\/?s wha lLveih.rc a^A (M goL^! to v'ts* thetu , nxt gear Maube w. oaw w.et, too\ t ^ (Lt a si^gtz / a* a^Lb chiLd.au+ | secflow law ltrof"Lcrhat la^ve qat ti\.^2 with sa 4a ^! bals'? t>o rh.te ./ath.rs. wa* . \2) Wh'n< / ttw!'s ir LLA-a theZ g.t o'' VoLr /4r\/.s7 My tar.v"ts aw'' a restakYawt'twoLr towl.1he\'re usqaLLt4reall\ bv.sv d;L,a th. s^tu,r4 bcLavle w. q.L a La\al to" is& hcv'. so I v eLPrhea avL do:sa fo, a ,i tLa4z wvatis\ do Uo*$y?'ns ao t arz UoqrVn"ts bkl tht^.le r^ v.aLla l2) abo4ti t^xo c;^4^a. l,WMast so^s 4fts / fawoAi.t2 i"tw ale aa.lodfaLh.t o^d ,ow a"4i a"c su,Lv M"115) bl!'t thef ft \ cna dLtkr.N. 4 cav/... bu- | t^c t4'^ botv vatotco*>'7-aiitz D, Uok tik!those trLre? weLL, that's (6) q+ / .!!ct1linl^g fN ww. etzaee wite saaw a\d t LLtuz aLL w --*. 7 D Readand completethe Examlask below.Don't forget to use on Page15 of your Student'sBook. the UsefulExpressions Exam Task i YourEnglishteacherat schoolhasarrangedfor all the studentsin your c assto write to 'riends. voJ' Wrre a 'ett€'lo voJ-lew hie'rdiltrodLcrg vot-rsel'ard I Lnolisn-ioeakiro r140-1e0 wo'ds) oastinersr rah yoLr favoJ"iLe rg aooLr fari.y aro I ?ead\no1 A B A Readthe ExamReminder.what shouldyou do after readingthe comPletetext first? ':, ldentifyinsparagraphtopl<s \ . n'issing serrelces, to rrarcf Wl^en asl,ed i ,jt rememberto readthe completearticle. B Now completethe ExamTa5k '| ! .,. . .: ::: ,..t:::::t":,::ix .:7:-.'::!jar::,ni::4!i:.t :r ,:rtt!:!!ixqi:n;f,:) Manypeopledreamofdlscoveringburledtreasure,but timelookng for it Thev a fewactualyspendtheirfree headio fie ds and beachesholdlnsa devicecalleda meta deteaorwh ch makesa nolsewhenit ocatesmetalunder v the ground.ltt a hobbywhlchhasbecomeincreasing popurar overrreyears. The objectsdaie fromthe seventhcenturybut we haveveryfewwrittenrecordsto te I us aboutllfeatthis historans t].". lS*I l With this impoirantdiscovery, I earn a theywi arehopingthat and archaeologlsts greatdealmoreaboutthisperiod,a lowlngthem to throw ight on whatis often ca led the DarkAges lvlostofthe thlngsthesem,"ta detectorsfind arent a manca led TerryHerberl valuable.n July2009,however, foundthe UKI largesteverhoardofabandonedAnglothe Saxontreasurein a fie d ln Stafiordshirelnltlally, Herbert to discourage had tried FredJohnson, landowner, been searched from detecrlngthereas - the _l field hadalready He manasedto persuadethe ry so-eone else.iTT lmaglnethe Mr.lohnson to givehimpermlsslon hesitant retLrrned to report when Herbeit then, farmert surprise, hoardl that he hadfoundan Anglo-Saxon Onething we havea ready earntfromthe treasure s thatsomemembersofAngio Saxonsocietym'rst havebeenverywealthy,and somewereveryskiled we knowLlttleelse Unfortunatey, c'"tu."n.lZ-l I people.N/aybeone daywe'll aboutthesemysterlous discovermoreobjecrsorwrittenrecordsthat willthrow al we cando s morelighton theirsocietyUntilthen, important dlscoveryof its gazein worder at the most kindlor manyyears. Soonafterthefind wasmade,a securiqrguardwasput l pr".^.ro",.l".ologisrs E , s'+ huse hoardhad neverbeenfoL,ndbefore ln tora , they dr9 up 1,500objects,almostal o{whichweremadeofsold otherpreclousmetals.To findiust one ofthese abandon objectswoLrd be exciting,so to ind thisnumberwas absolutelyunbelievabe. - r l l e a d n , o r l - e ' A i qo - S . r o r' , d . r h ' t e a 5 L Fi s mostlyconnectedwithwar Thereareweaponsand parts isthe precous a lrhatremains but surprlslngly, ofhelmets, madeofwood or hornappearto have metaworkithe parts_ be.n renroved. lil l Butwhydidtheyburysomuch Onetheoryis that it wasburledas an otferingto treasure? chestthat sthatitwasa treasure a god.Anotheriheory tup A retumed to dig never butthe owners wasburied, beautitulpleces thirdtheoryfocuseson the factthatthese [+-J so. o.' ' 'ru "tt"'. -fei' er . ro"s r ") r.!" -a'el tl "'' o eces' on "n 's buriedthem to collectlaterandthen nevercameback Which(ifany)ofthesetheorjesis correct,however'mav c o E F G Vr 55E( €t- i4_- E] Exam Task Youaregoing to readan articleabout buriedtreasure.Sixsentenceshavebeen renrovedfrom rhe artice. Choosefrom the sentences A G the one whichfiis eachgap (1-6).Thereis one extra sentencewhichyou do not needto use. A B C D E F G n the past,the winningsidewolld often takethe treasureofthe defeatedarmy. Theyusedsophisticated methodsto makebeau'tifulobjects. But H€rbertwas not goingto give up that easily. The{nstthing that struckthe researchers wasthe largesizeofthe hoardNoneof the piecesJoundarefrom women! clothingorjewellery. Thisis why we mustrelyon objectsto understandthe historyo{the perlod. So,whoeverownedthesethingsdid nottry to keepthe objectswho e; they were on y interestedin the va uableparts. !ooaVularq A Complete the text with these words. Remember to read the whole text {irst, before deciding which type of word is missingfrom each gap. ctue conctude evid€nc€ hoax investigate phenomenon reports soLve 9squatch r'Ju'veheardofthe Yetiandthe LochNessMonster,but haveyou everheardo{ sasquatch? ltt alsoknownas Bigfoot,and itt supposedto ive ln the forestso{the -oirhwestUSAand resembe a bio hairvhuman. n e r e h a v e b e e n m a n y( 1 ) -ave attempted to (2) 3r o{ oeoo e seelnothe creature.Researchers r h e s es 9 l . r : n g sb, L r r o o ' r e h a sy e r m a l a g e d ! o e(israr a L or is rjJsr a(1) therysref. Doesthec,earL'e'.ally ? Investigatorshave very little (5) -.ere in the form of a famousb urryphoto ofthe is one interesiing (6) =eature, blrt ii looks like a man in an ape suitl None ofthe evidence is very convincing,whicn -as ed most researchersto (7) that the Sasquatch 8)- B c - isjustsomeone'sideao+a jokel Circle the correct words. '1 How do you explainthisvery strangeinddent/ resident? 2 The cemetery/tomb is actualya peacefuand beautifuI placeto walk. 3 Thetrick / legendo{ RobinHoodstiLlinterestsflmmakers. 4 The detective'sillusion/ theorywasprovedto be corred. 5 A lot of peoplesti I bellevethereare aliens/ detectiveslivingon Mars. 6 Theyhadto abandon/weaken the ship becauseit wassinking. 7 Thewitness/ archaeologist uncoveredan arcientstatuein the ruins. I Most peoplebelievethatthe existenceofthe LochNessMonsteris a report/ myth. Completethe sentenceswith these words. w t # t w abandoned ceve detective disappeardncemagician odd practicat reason ,I A(n) willquestion allofthewltnesses latertoday. of the o d maf. 2 Thereis no logicalexp anatlonforthe * shouldnevefrevealhow he doeshistricks. 3 a(n) wasdark,co d and veryfrishtenins. house;theysayit's haunted. 5 People are too scared to visit the why hisexperimentdidn't work. 6 The professorcouldn'tunderstandthe jokeon their{riend. 7 Thechidrendecidedto playa(n) thatthe policeman waspuzzed. 8 The man'sstorywasso - firavnvnar PastSimple& PastContinuous A Completethe sentenceswith the Past Simple or the Past Continuous form of the verbs in brackets. 3 Thewindowsuddeny (scream)when the shostappeared. (lock)ihedoorand eft. (brea|()whrle I waswatching a horrorfiml r r e a d ta d e . e c , i v er o v e l w l e r t l e s L o r ns t a n e u . 5 (explore) the hauntedhouse. l v l e a n w h i eJ, e s s l c a 6 Suddenly, we ( h e a r )a o u d c r a s ha n d t h e c e , . 9 c o l l a p s e d l Find and correct the mistakes in the s€ntences. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Thechildrenwerethinkingthatthe f lm wastoo scary WhileI was ookingfor a horrorDVD,Lwaslosingnrywa let. lvlirandawatcheda documeniarywhen her motherca led. We oo\ed fo' I'easJ . ^l e'] h" po icenai appeaed Nerbertreached for the phoneandwasdialinsthe nlmber. We tried to rescuethe cat whensuddenlythe tree branchbroke. L\stenlnq A Read the Exam Reminder. What should vou trv not to do? B llf. .I Listenand completethe Exam Task. Exam Task Youwil hearan intervlewwlth a r.an caled BertAtkinson, who'sta king about hlsnew showMysteriesofthe Art World. For questions1 6, choosethe bestanswer(a, b or c). I Why is the firstshowbasedon the lvlonaLisapalnting? a Because the serles is aboutLeonardo da Vlncl. b Becalrsehe thinksthe identityof da Vincis Mona Lisais a {asci.atingsubject. c Becausehe considersit to be da Virci s best painting. 2 Whardoesrhe". e'oet row abourd-e porra r by VanGogh? a t wasthe fnst of a seriesoJportraltsby VanGogh. b VanGogh paintedoverit becausehe had madea mistake. c He actualyknowsvery little at present. 3 Why did ,"xpertsinitaly be ievethat da Vincihad painteda argepaintlng? a Becauseofthe numbero{ peoplewho saidthey knewa sroryaoourir. b Becausea etter in whichda Vinciwrote about it wasfound. c Because theyhadfounddrawings da Vincihaddoneto planwhatthepaintingwoud ook ike. C IL l Listen again and check your answers. Exam Listeningandmakingnoter . Renrember to makesureyou understand a lofthe questionsand |]nderineany lmponantdetai be{oreyou listen. . MakinsnoteswhileyoLrlistenwil help. . Don'tleaveary questions unansweredl Whathappened in March2012? a An art historianfound part ofthe lost painting. b An investigatordamagedan inrpo.tant parntng. c An ai( historiannoticedsomethingwritten What haveresearchers found behindthe Vasari palnting? a lhey have{ound coloursusedby da Virci in hispainting. b Theyhavefoundanothermessage. c Theyhavefound a destroyedpainting. Whataresomepeopleconcerned about? a The air affectingthe da Vincipainting. b The possibe damageto the Vasaripainting. c Thprd.- c' cerred!tar rodays recl-rolo9_ is nol acve.cedenoughto fnd the painting. hravnvn6r rusedto, would, be used to, get ssed to A Circlethe correctwords. 1 i would/ usedto beieveln ghosts,but I don'tanymore. 2 3 4 5 6 He isnt usedto / didn't useto be so aoverturous,you Know got usedto / wouldtellusallaboutthe mysterious Grandpa Druids. The detectiveis usedto / gets usedto peop e tel ing him liesl The chidren didn't useto / arenl usedto stayingup so ate. Didn,t.youuseto / Weren'tyou usedto reada lot of mysteryrovels? B Complete the text by writing one word in each gap. --. wor dt mostfamousoctopus,Paul,who (1) to ive in a tankat the SeaLifeCentrein :.€rhausen, Gefmany,correctlypredictedthe outcomeof Germany's sevenWor d Cup matchesand -e WorldCupFinaln 2010. -cw did he do it? (2) Paul'ssuccessjust a nrattero{ luck?Forthe selectionprocess,Paul'skeepers 3 marktwo 9 assboxeswith the flassof two competinscountries.Theyp aced{oodin both, and ^:ichevercountryPaulchose(a)_ wir the game.Hischancesof predictinga I sevenof cermary,s -:tches aswel astheoutcomeo{thefinal(5) 256-l.HowcanweexplainPau'samazingaccuracy? r,as he choosingboxeson the basisof hisattractionto the countries'flags?Or (6) he havespeciai we'l neverknow Pau died jn October2010. rychic powers?Unfortunately, Usovlour{na1l\sh A For questions 1-8, read the text below and decide which answer (a, b. c or d) best fits each gap. TheTowerof London ne Towerof Londonis one ofthe most hauntedplacesin the wof d .ecauseofthe manypeope who (1) to be killedthereby orderofthe ans or queen.Manyofthe Towerprisoners(2) havetheir headscut c{f, and therehavebeen many(3) of headlessshostsin and around $e Tower.One storysaysthat one winterday in 1957,at threeo'clock in the morning, a guard(4) in hisguardhouse whenhe wasdisturbed by a strangesound.(5)- he steppedoutsideto investigate,he saldhe could(6) out a shapeless whiteligure on top ofthe tower.lr wasthen :hat he (7) that on that verysarne date, February12, in I 554,Lady .JaneGreysheadhad been cut off. Cne of the most wel -.1osn g.rosts ot lhe fowe. is rf a. or Ar.e Bolev'r. .1eofd-e\rvesoJK' g -erryVlll.Sl^e,8 ileo n 1536aropeope iave reported seeing her ghost manyrimes since then, sometimes -rrying her own head. :rng. logv ting. 2 a could wassnrng b b b b 5 a c During let wasrealising 8 a d d srl|ng d d d d Read the Exam Reminder and complete the Exam Task. Exam Task For questions1-8, readthe text below Usethe word givenin capitals atthe endof someofthe inesto forma wordthatfitsin the gap in the sameline. I :T*:,.Tr:!:::, ",.",", incorrectlyspeltwordswil not gainmarks. Google Earth becomeshistory deteqtive For nearly500years,the legendofan ancient,ost city deep in the Amazonrainforested hundreds ofexp ore,sand11) to the area in seafch of it. But, after for manyyears,no one haseverreturnedfrom the Anrazonwith any(3) that such a place existed. Unti now With the he p of coog e Earth sate iite inrages,{4) be leve they have found the ruilrso{a sophisticated civiisation,whichexistedfrom 200AD to 1283.No one candoubt the inroortance o{ this{5) . F o c e r . r ' e s ,s c e r r i s r s- h o J g l I r l e _ u 1 g e s a s (6) a place where only small, primitive tribes existed. Now, it seems that the Arnazon was, in fact, home to a sophisticated society that developed before the ncas. (7) estimatethat,so {ar,only 10%ofthe ruinsthat are (8) therehavebeenfound.lt wi I take yearsfor expertsto uncover the ful extentofthis and otherancientAmazoniancu tures. For questions1-8, completethe secondsentenceso that it hasa similar meaning to the fkst sentence, using the word 9iven. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given. 1 | don'tminddrivinga oneat right,asI do it onen. 2 Dino watched a ot o{ mystery serieswhen he was younger. l-o g . 4 .' = a ot ot mysteryserieswhenhe -- ... , ' " : k c € s i i h e h a u n t e dh o l s e , b u t n o w I c a n 90r 4 past the haunted house Helen saw a headlessghost, so she screamed. let when she saw a headless ghost. s W h e n I k n e w h i m , J o h n u s e dt o g o c l i m b i n se v e r ym o n t h . everymonthwhen I knew 6 Thereweren'tanycarsin the vilage fifty years ago. a n y c a r si n t h e v i l a g e 7 Thetownwasabandoned by the peoplein 1890. left in 1890. b e l i e v e di n m a r y g o d s i n t h e p a s t . m a n yg o d s i n t h e p a s t . ARCHAEOLOGY INVESTIGATE EVIDENT SCIENCE DISCOVER SIMPLE RESEARCH ACTUAL Wrifivr4:a story d A Write the words in the correct order to make sentences. 1 with a moustache/the detectives / tal / were looking / man / forl a ]GY E wasshocked/ whenthe / Mike/ wooden/ started/ door/ Usingadjectivesandadverbs . To makeyourstorymoreinteresting, usedescriptiveadjectivesand adverbs to add dramaand suspense, andto help your reader create a menta image of the eventsyoute describing. . Makesureyou usedescriptive adjectivesand adverbscorrectly, especially whenit comesto word order. . Rememberthat -ed adjectivesdescribe how someoneis affectedby something and -ins adjectivesdescribehow someoneor somethingaffectsothers. 3 couldsee/ shinins/ in the room/ blue/ | / stranse/ ight / a 4 from behind/ a / emerged/the curtain/ figure/ white/ ghosty B Read the writing task below and circle the correct words. Writea storywhichbeginswith thissentence:MaNin cauldn'tbelievehiseyes.(140-190words) 1 Marvinwasshy/shocked. 2 Youcanl cannotchangethe firstsentence. 3 Yourstorywi I be aboutsomethingLhusual/nomal. C Read the model story and circle the correct words. St6+ w\l+t.the 'eh+er&. i /^n) in+rtduae inlr )u.z +he lrtc +{.n ^nd '[ai\l ahdraa+ef. l tn{.. t\4arvincouldn'tbelievehiseyes.The (1)glasssmall/ smallglassjar in front of him wasslowlydisappearingl Marvinwasa scientistin a laboratory,and he had (2)finally/ carefullyd;scoveredhowto makethinssinvisiblel It waslateat night and Matuinwasin the laboratory(3)on hisown / lonely.This experimentwashjs personalsecret,and he didn't want anyoneelseto find out. J ntrl,toi" HB ..Vi,+*a+ t sagpey6. to l*te s+or{ ) (4)Suddenly/ LatelyI\/aruinheardfootstepson the stairsoutside.Someone wascominglHe panicked.How could he exp ainwhy he wasin the lab at this iate hour?And how couldhe hide hisexoeriment? Then,he rememberedthat he had discoveredhowto makethinosinvisible. Fe (5)quicklyput / put quicklya linle of .1e magicI quid orto l-isscierce ' le{t my bas here,'he said equipmentand everrahingdisappeared. to the sciencestudentas sheenteredthe lab. f--;fiw:iin," D . Marvinwonderedwhythe studentwasin the lab atthat time of ni9ht,roo. Buthe didn'tmind.Nobodyknewaboutthe incredib e secretthat he had Read and complete the Exam Taskbelow. Dont forget to use the Usetui Expressionson page 27 of your Student's Book. Exam Task Writea storywhichbeeinswith thissentence:Suddenly,the doat flew apenl (140-190words) c YooaVularq A Choose the correct answers. 1 The referee sent the footbal player offthe pitch tor 2 a aggressive c b attractive d ambiiious Patricia{e t very when her c assmatesread her adventurous 9 My memoryis tetrible; 'm afraidI don't . a torget 't0 It waswith great a punishrnent b embarrassed d jealous 3 ' W h a t s w r o n g ? W h y a f e y o u s o? ' 'Everythlngis going wrong for me atthe moment.' a ashamed c imaginatlve b depressed d easy-going 4 'Who is lookingafteryour baby?' 'Nlye der daughter;shet totaly a emonona c trustworthy b thoughtless d sLrspicious 5 i s e s s . ' . : f o ra d o c r o r l o ' e - d i " o i - 1 9 a r b thin 7 'Tomrealyhurtmyfeelings.' 'l know he'snevertactfulor b considerate 8 A strong - d hea thy that we saidgoodbyeto our c aggression 1 1 Thewritingwasvery o d and unclear,blt you coutd just the words'Victoryto the King'. a lookinto c makeout 1 2 Religiousobjects fronr the site are a incidence b evidence d witness T h e a n c i e n tc o i n sw e r e f o u n d i n a n u n u s u apl l a c e ,a n d experts are stil tryirg to find an investigation c appearance b explanation d ilusion 1 4 n the objects thatthey find, archaeologjstslook for - about the mysteriesofthe past. 15 The teachers were discusslngtheir essonswith their in the siaffroom. a co leges c flatmates b c assmates d colleagues 16 The de{eated army fled from the ln his own abiiities helped Mike become c stability d luck thatthis nronumenw t a so n c ea t e m p l e . a 6 'Litt e Mandyis gettingquite 'Yes,her parentsareforever feedingher snacks.' your (nravnVnar Circle the correct words. 'l We'rehaving have party / a on Frlday. 2 Thiscoffeeis smelling/ smellsdelicio'rs. 3 Didyouerjoythe /-food theygaveyou? 4 l'm goingto be a /the {irefighter whenl growup. 5 Steveneverwas/ got usedto havirga car in the house. 6 What did you do / wereyou doing whenthe earthquakehappenec? 7 usedto prefer/ preferfingbasketbalto footba L 8 Johnwasreadinsdur;ng/ whilethe kidswereplaytng. d stranger C Find the mistakes and correct the Eenrences. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ]'m ovinga colourb ue. Thesescissors doesn'twork. Londonisthe capitalo{iheEngand. Dan is slowlybeing usedto new teacher. We were runningin the parkwhena dog wasbiting my Leg. DavewatchedneverTV | got t\4P3p ayerfor my bidhday. My parentswouldto drive me to schoolin the mornings. D choosethe correctanswers. 1 WhenDadwasyoung,he go fishlngevery Whenthe archaeologists the remairsofthe ancientcity,they were realy thriled. c werefinding b 2 What o{ my new car?' 'l reallyikethe colour' a areyou thinking c wereyou thinking b do youthink d wouldyouthink 'Do 3 you believethat oppositesattract?' 'No, I peoplewhoaresimilar to me.' a usualylike c usualyliked b am |.]sually likins d ikeusualy 4 'Why areyou studyingthe Pyrarnids?' 'l Egyptin a few weeks.' c heir am visiting b wasvisiting d wou d visit 5 Al anrazingtreasuresin this museumdate back to the 7th century- 6 'Goodness,thisareanextto ihe airportis very noisyl' 'We llvehere,so we it.' a are lsed to c aet used b were usedto d usedto 7 Chrisis veryexcitedbecausehe hisnewjob next Monday. a is starting d wasstarting I lt stil remainsa mysteryinobody what realy a 's knowing used to find d found 1 0 The detective ihe man's car when he noticed s o m e t h i n go d d . a was searching c used to seafch 1 1 'Thegirl seemednervous.' 'That'sbecauseshe talkingto the police.' a didn'tuseto c wouldn't b wasn'tusedto d got used 1 2 'Yourcolleagueooksverycalm.' 'Het experienceddetective,so he'susedto dealingwith mysteries.' c the o We thistheoryls true becausethere'sno evidence b aren'tbe ieving d usedto believe 1 4 The man the treasurewhilehe waswa king on the a wasfindi'rg c is finding 1 5 'The psychologycoursehasrecordnunrbersof 'Va< ir m^ro ^^h' lrr A!a^, c -6..' is used to becoming b wasbecomirs d is becoming 1 6 Ai first I hatedthe co our of thls room,but a l'm iking c l'm getting used to b l'm beingusedto d lget usedto it now Poad\nq Exam ldentifyingkeywordsin questions Rememberthat with multlple'matching tasks,it is a good ldeato underine the importantwordsin A Readthe ExamReminder.what woulo underline in eachquestion? B Thenreadthe text quickly,beforegoing backand scanningeachparagraphto find the important in{ormaiionyou underlinedin the questions. Now complete the Exam lask. Runningfor their lives Vt PuAn;rqis a qreotwoy Io keepfL. we askedJov, p"opleta tell v. ababttheirexperie\ces. A Suehasbeenrunning for as long as shecan remember. Shehas alwaysbeensporty, but now shefinds that runningis her main exercise. 'There'sno needto pay for a gym,and the only equipment you needis a goodpair of running shoes.Thereareno excuses youjust Put on your tracksuit,warm up and off you go.Youcan go runningwheneverit suitsyou, even in the dark if you havesomereflectiveclothing.Thebad weatherputs somepeopleoff,but norme.I can run m snowwith specialspikeson my sho€s.'Su€is always pusningnerse.fnaroerard nassrarr"dhil.running recently.'It's reallydifficull at first,but running up hjlls is excellen!training.lt makesyour legsvery strong.Even goingdownhill is not as easyas it might seem;you hav€ to keepyour bodyupright and not go too fast orbraketoo mu-h - ve .akenDa,Lrn hjl- runningracesand - m reallv nlp,c.n u,iih mv nr nacc' A ( but I love it.There are quit€ a lot of barefoot runners here and they have ev€n organised c simon saysthat running has chaneedhis life.He can run a distanceof 400meuesfasterthan most ofhis friendsa! the runningtrack,although he only took up the spo{ a few yearsago.He is hoping to improve his speed enough to enter intemational competitions and has ambitions to break records. This wouldbe an achievementfor any youngperson, but the amazingthing aboutsimon is that he has neverhadlegs.'Iwear artificiallegswhich w€re speciallydesignedfor running.Theyarelighter than rne onesI wear for wdlkingand I -an run a' fast ds many able-bodiedathletes.Runningis my life;it's such a great feelingl' B lacktook up runnins two yearsago,but sufferedinjurjes until he tn€d runningbarefoot.'lt'ssurprisinghow easyit is to run barefootonceyou get usedto it.The humanbodywasbuilt to run without shoes,and you run in a differentway when you arebarefoot.Theball ofyour foot,the paitjust behindyour big toe,hits the groundfirst,whe.easif you haveshoeson, the heeioften absorbsa lot ofthe shock.I stadedrunningalonglhe beachandvent on to tun through fields and on soft ground. Now I can even run barefoot on concrete, which is good because I live in New York City. You have to watch D clare hasjust returnedfrom a thirty kjlometrerun. she'sbeentraining forthe AthensMarathonfor about five months.'Youhaveto build up the distances siowly. My trainer's advice is to increase the distance by no more than ten pe.cent each week. I slait€d offrunningjusl a few kilom€tres a week and now I'm running about 5 4 k i l o m e l r e sa w € € k . I h a d a l o t o f difficulty at first \!ith sore ieet, and I need to buy new runrirg shoes every and wjll be ead.g a:.: ofcarbohydrates whereyou arest€pping in th€ week b.:..E r.:ace. as rhis is of coursebecauseyou rhis q.ll b. -i. r:: -i: sre has run don't haveshoeslo protect you.I get som€ strange looks :!::::: ::::. : r.:i :: i':l be the most ,$; ;a Exam Task ':- aregoingto readar artlce abo{rtfourpeoplewho enjoy.unning.Forquestions 1-10, -3cse from the parasraphs(A-D).The paragraphsmaybe chosenmorethanonce. - whjch paragraph(s) do you read about : : : r s o n w i ' t ha d i s a b i i t y ? --- eo-e dho h.s b--: rurr r 9 for ra"; years^ E-i _ m p o r t a n c eo i a t r a l n i n gp r o g r a m m e ? v-a : ' . r e n i t e c h n i q u e sn e e d e df o r r u n n l n g ? ;::.ia diet requirements? : - : c l e m s t h a t r u n n i n gc a n c a u s e ? - : r c o n v e n i e n t a n di n e x p e n s i v reu n n i n gl s ? * 4'*" 1 ',= 'i4' *. :, t ;] YooaValary A Complete the sentenceswith these words in the correct form. a examine forbid have lose presc.ibe recover treal lwist Albert is very unheathy and needsto we ght. , h e r a n k l ew h l e s h e w a s p a y i n gt e n n i s . an X-rayto seeifthe bone sbrolen. somell resseswith naturalrenrediessuch Youcan Maryis sti from her coldi evenaftertwo weeks. antibloticsfor my chestlnfection. smoking anywhere in the hospltal. The doctor declded to b The n!rsewil me today, but I can't start the treatment 3 Completeeachsentencewith the words given. 2 F r e s hf o o d i s h i g h i n 3 Beforethe talf n9 to hispatientlsurgeon, ward) andusuay contains no . (additives, vitamins) (injection, operation) , wasgivenan g a v e m e a n e a t i n gp l a n . checkedmy eyesandthen the dietician, optician) i rliar rfo r.. .la^r T^1.\! A,.l > a r o u n dh i s h e a d a n d h a d t o w a k w i t h a bandage, crutch) helpsto re:x the mind,whie t - isverygoodfor lmprovlng fitness. I gymnastics, meditation) -he pharmacistcouldn't read the doctor's writing on the medi€ation, prescription) : ',4yhomemade flu wo 1,.s-l . bL. n i da ,s rer,ay, lJ or d havea :. protectmyselfagainstflu in the Juture.(remedy,vaccination) -re for my words in bold are in the wrong sentences. Write eachword next to the corred sentence. 'iithegym, p r e f e r wkai n go n t h e t r a i n e r t rou n n i r g . , a m i e i s s t a y l n ga t h o m e t o d a y b e c a u s eh e h a sa h i g h w o u n d . i . d ' o p p e d t " e t a b l e t o r h . o o a d b o e r ' e 'b 9 L o e . -re b e s tt h i r g a b o u t m e a t i s t h a t i t i s h j g h i n p r e s e r v a t i v e s . :3:tunately, the treadmill wasn't too big to swa low / : u s h o u l da v o l df o o d t h a t h a sa l o t o f w e i g h t s l n i t . './y temperature advlsed me to drink nrore water. ^ e n u r s ed r e s s e dt h e p r o t e i n w i t h a b a n d a g e . (ar^vnvnar Present Perfect Simple & Present Perfe€t Continuousi for, since, latety, atready, yet, stitl A Completethe sentenceswith the PresentP€rfectSimpleand the preaentperfectContinuousform of the verbs in brackets. 1 2 Sheila 8"tty Gordon already.({ilm) Thechildren 7 terrible!(try) I lan overone hundfedpagesso far! (read) nearly20 kmsbecauseshe (walk) ror hou15. TVsincenineo'clockthismorning;he fourfilms. to the gym for a few months;in faci,she hisnewcookingshowfor weeks;he allmofninga , nd I the entirecake;they to makethisrecipefourtimes;jn Jact,I sincehewassix,and he very unhealthilylately.(eat) aljweek,but it'sstill L\stenivol A Readthe ExamRemidder,What canhelp you think of wordswhichcouldfit the gaps? Youwill heara womancalledJuneWyatttalkjngabout how sheand herfamilykeepfit and healthy.For questions1-6, completethe sentences with a word orshort ohrase. The reportsaysthat peoplewho liveto an old age have de (1) June'sfatheragreeswith the report,but alsosaysthat (2) you healthy. Shedescribesher fatheras alwaysappearing(3) Beforehurt;ngher knee,Junewoulddo (4) Shehasdecidedto sign up for (5) Sheis teachingher daughtersthar eatingmore(6) appearanceand health. C Xlll Listenagainand checkyour answers, I a 7 I J 1 Haveyou been goingto the gym Brucehasbeenwatchinghisweight August. Timmyand I haven'tbeeneatingmuchchocolate 4 Daisyhas finishedher projecton healthyfood. 5 lMnnie hasn'tseenthe doctorabout her cough 6 haven'thad ourvaccjnations for ourtripl Listen and complete the Exam lask. ! in threeOlympiccames.(swim) B Completethe sentenceswith theseworos. B DlIl I I Thinklngaboutthe missingwords . Rememberto tryto think ofa word or phrasethat goes in eachgap beforeyou listen. . Usethe wordsaroundthe gap to help. . Tryto arsothink aboul rhetopic ofthe l;stening and listthe wordswhichyou might hear ! I I I I I I ftravnwar ttill Countable& UncountableNouns;Ouantifiers A Findand correctthe mistakesin the sentences. I 2 3 4 5 6 7 I ,ad) ow (so) ly. (eat) itt sti I I Do you haveanyinformatlons on loca dairyfarms? we haven'tgot manymoneyle{tto buynewgym equipment Thereis a few medlclnein this bottle. We realy ought to get newfurnituresfor the c inlc. Flowmanyflourdo I reed for thiscakerecipe? Tharksto healthyeating,rny hanare realy shinynow knowyou lkelemonade, but youshouldon y drinka few. The doctor'sadvicehavebeenvery helpfu. circle the correct words. 1 Many / Much peop e enjoy pancakesfor breakfast.They are very fi ling and :1,e yo! (2) lots ofl many energy. Yi,favourite pancake reclpe is a bit unusua becauseyou have to add a 3 lot / few of cottage cheeseto the mlxture, but thatt what gives it a : + i c i o L s l yc ' e a r , r e . r L ' e k s e a s yt o n a l . e . t o o . v o L o - y ' e e d c o r . a g e : . e e s e , ( a ) - / a { e w e g g s ,s o m e m i k , a b i t o f o l l , a ( 5 ) f e w / l i f t l e{ o u r , a n d j u s t = r e a s p o o no f v a n i l a . l v l i xe v e r i t h i n gu p i n a b l e n d e ra n d t h e n p o u r a 5; piece / liftle ofthe riixture at a tlme into a pan and cook. You can serve :-: pancakeswith a (7)few / little fresh strawberriesor raspbenies and some - . ' e y . B e c a u s eo f t h e e g g s a n d t h e c h e e s et,h e s ep a n c a k e sa r e h j g h i n p r o t e i n . -^-.y're certain y betterthan a borlng (8)slice/ bar oftoast for breakfastl Useuonr{vtql\sh atr'& w- Wl A For questions 1-8, read the text below and decide which answer (a, b, c or d) best fits each gap. Firstaid kit - every home shouldhave one rg ::.idents happenandthey often happenat home.Kidsfall over and hud themselves :'yo|] cancutyourselfwhilechoppinsfood. l{youhaven'tdoneso('1) ,youshould essentiaitemsare ail you need. =.: a nrsi aid kit for your home.(2) !':ie sureyour kit contalnsa thermometerto checkbody temperature,p asticgloves, :31 ofsoap,an antiseptic creamto preventscratches andcutsfrombecomlng ! to dealwith palnandfever,(6) to cov-Ar , someaspirinand other (5) ^:!nds pair and keep them clean, adhesive tape, tweezers and a of sclssors. . i{you'regolngon :3 alsoa good ideato keepanotherklt in youfcar,pairiculary -::day andmoreso ifyou'regoingcamping. There's nothingworsethanbelngin -: countryside or on an lsolatedbeach,(7) milesfrom the nearesttown, whenan -"::'denthappens.Just (8) preparationcansaveyou a lot oftrouble. b during d 3 a lvlany sllce d tablet 7 a a ittle 8 a a{ew b lotsof c alitte &w \rr For questions 1-8. read the text below and think o{ the word which best fits each gap. use only one word in eachgap. B A:. Steroids News stories abolt athletes and steroids have (1) hitting the head ines for years,with (2) professional gymnasts,weight liftersand trackathtetesbeing ryclists,swimmers, accusedot uslngsteroldsto givetherna competitlveadvantage. Steroldsboostperformarceby increasing the bodyl abilityto producemuscle.N,4ore musctemeansmore strength,so steroidsenabe athletesto run,ride and swinrfaster,ift heavierwejghtsandjurnphigher Whatt wrongwith that?Wel , for a starr,itt cheating- it meansthat steroidusershave (3)-. unfa;radvantaseoverath eteswho work (4) perforrianceonly by exercisinghard,eatingproperlyand takingcareoftheir bodies. 8:. Another concern is that steroid Lrsersare (5) riskof harmingthen bodiesbecausetoo many steroids can contriblte (6) -a variety of health pfobtems. Atso, the proorems caused by sterolds often don't appear until years after the steroids have been taken. Drugtestingfor ath etes(7) become quite common ir recent years, and those who havefaileddrug testsface seriousconsequences suchas goingto prison,beirg bannedrrom competitions,and beingforcedto give backanymedas they (8) won.With such seriousconsequences, whv do ath etescontinueto cheat? Read the Exam Reminder and complete the Exam Task. L Exam Exam Task Checkingyour sentences make sense . After completingyoursentences, remernberto re-readthem. . Checkthattheya I makesenseandmean the sameasthe sentences given.Check they arespeled correctly. For questions 1-8, comp ete the second sentence so that it has a simi ar meaning to the i.si sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use betw-.en two and five words, ircluding the word 9iven. 'I This is my second check up this year. 2 ' , ' , e. . r ' : - a < e a c a k e t h e r e l s n ' tm u c hf l o u r .." *3 - : ' e a c a ( " o e ( a - s er f e - e , o r , y , , c i i e d a g y m l h r e e m o n t h sa g o . ljoined a gym. Not many athletes get away with cheating. who 9et away with cheating. Theymovedto live in the countrysidea yearago. living They in the countrysidefor a yeaf. 6 There'son y a little oransejlice left for breakfast. 7 She started p aying tennis when she was five years old She i she was five years old. \{ri+iqlr:aq arhole Choosethe best adviceto give to a {ellow teenager. CircleA or B. 1 A B 2 A B 3 A B Don'tworryifyou aren'tasslimasyourfriends. t's stupidto carewhat othersthlnk aboutyourweight. Youmustdo somethingto get ft. w y do1 LloJ !d e rp a l"obbrtl-arwil I elpyo r 9- 'i( Tryto giveup sweetssLowy; a few essaday. Stop eatingsweetsrlght nowl Givingadvi(e . Whensivinsadvice, yournustbe encouraging andnot critical. . Keepyourwritins lighi heartedand givehelpfuadvicewithouisounding like a strictparentor teacher . Makesureyou knowthe right structures and expressions for givingadvice. Readthe writing task below and then answerthe questions. -^ese days,teenagetsare busietthanevet and saythat they often feelverytned.Da you -.te anygoad adviceto helpyour fellowstudentshavenore energy?Then,write us an .-:tcle.we willpublishthe bestonesnext month.(140-190words) 1 '"vhowll readyour article? 2 Whyareteenagers tired? 3 '"!hatwi I you advisethem on? Readthe model articleand circlethe most appropriatewaysto give advice tutlude a headl\\a. '''tttbd^ca l+,elLevheo+ +he ar+1cle, Uisauss 14.{A-'+np ^rtd \'B ve"ef\B. )3tu99 l!\€ saoond1.'p^td \ts vetleiB. jgt&s lAe tTtid +1p^ttd \+eVere\ts. tbtl1lule w\+ha 4ereral 3+etehea+^rd vr\en\ r.kr Vaav:+o +le 111p3. Give yourselfan energy boost! Are you so busywith schoolandfriendsihat you {eeltired a I the time? ('1)Hereafe somesreattips /This is whatyou shouldbe doins to he p you beatthat tired fee ing and giveyou loadsof energyl (2)Youalwaystry to do too rnuchl/ Makesureyou get enoughrest.Tryto go hourand get at eastelght hoursof sleepa night.A so, to bed at a reasonable duringthe day nake surethat you find tinrefor re axation,by listenlngto mLrsic for e>ampe vo- r e-d .o 9 ve yoL trodyriTe o -cl'a'geirsb.ne .. (3)A balanceddiet will do wondersfor youf energylevels./ Obviously,you'll feelbadifyou eat unheathyJoodallthetime.We al knowthatjunkfood is bad for you;it doesn'tcontainmLrchnutrltionor giveyou enoughenergy. Fresh,heathy {ood, on the otherhand,givesyou an energyboost. Finaly,don't {orgetto exerciselt wi I get your heartpumpingand makeyou {ee sreatl (4)Youcouldrideyour bike to school/ Everyoneshouldride their bike to schoolor take !p a sport.As ong asyou do it fegulary, you'l fee youcanbulldupyourenergyleves Justbyfo owingthesethreeeasytips, againlYou llfee greatl lead and completethe ExamTaskbelow.Don't forget to use a,.eUsefulExprcssions on page 41 of your Student! Book. Exam Task Y o uh a v er e e n t h i s a n n o u n c e m ei n ty o u r s . h o o l '(su d e n t m a g a z i n e . Ihete days,teenagets,pend toa nuch tineplayingvidea game' Dayau have any goad advice fat feilawstudenttwhowantto brcakthithabit?Then,wite usan afticle.Wewillpublishthe bestanesnextmonth.\14A-19Awads) ?ead\no1 A Read the Exam Reminder. What should you do to be left with the correct answer? B Now completethe ExamTask ldentifyingwh.t isn'tin the text lf a multiple-choice questionasksyou to find what is NOT in the texl: . Crossout answeroptionswhenyou find a piece of informationwhichmatchesit in the text. . Thiswill leaveyou with one answefoption, whichmustbe correct. o TheannualConsumer Etectronics 5how,whichis heLd in It took time for 3Dvideoto be introduced,but LasVegas,alwayscreatesa lot of excitement. Around row threedimensionat contentis avaiLable on Btu110,000peopteattendthe eventto find out aboutthe raydiscs.uniorrunatety, mostrelevisions require jn everythingfromsmartphones latestdeveLopments vjewersto sti[[ wearspecialgtasses to enjoythe 3D to tetevisions. effect.Thisis particuLarly annoyjngfor shortsighted ' whowill needto weart\4opairsof qtasses. Firstly,big monitorsarestitt gettingbigger:the targest peopte, plasma yet is on show.At 152inchesacross, screen it is Anothermajortrendin newtechnotogy is that, as the giant of homecinema.However, screensizeis not consumers showmoreinterestin energy-saving the majordevelopment here;the reaLLy newtrendjs 3D devices, A powersocketthat it js becominggreener. television,Afterthe success you cancontrolfromthe Internetwon an award of 3D movies,manufacturers havemade3Dtetevisions whichdon'tcosta fortunefor for greentechnotogyandtherearea tot of gadgets peopleto haveat home.fhere weresomeprobtems yourdevices with to recharge usingwindandsoLar 3Dat first.Forexample. it usedto mal.esomeviewers power,atthoughthey witt probabtybe stowertlran feeLa bit sick,but that probtemhasbeencorrected. conventionaI methods.A solar-powered smartphone wilt certaintybe veryusefuL in countrieswherenot everyonehasetectricjty. SmartphoneswiLLkeepgettingsmarter.fhereis now a phonethat witl writeyouremajGfor you ifyou just speakinto it. It usestechnotogycatledvojce recognjtionto do this. Thisis goingto saveusers a tot of time andenergy,and wjtt be especiatly Co welcomefor peoptewho haveneverlearntto text! Yetanotherdevicedoesthe opposite. -i onceit hasscanneda text, it wiLtreadjt F out. Thisis greatfor anyonewith sight .g prob[ems, for instance,or for peopLe who o! havedifficuttyreading. Forthosewhofind a Laptopscreentoo smatt,anotherinventionwit[ be usefu[. Whenyou run out of screenspaceon your laptop,you wiLLsimptyclip on extra monitorsthat wiLLattowyou to watcha fiLmon onewhitechecking youremaits on another. Youwitlalsobeableto useyourTV as a computerwith the heLpof a boxthat you ptuginto yourTV.Thismeansyou'tlbe abteto havethe Interneton yourW. This hasbeenpossibte for a while,butit usedto beexLremelV compticated Losetup.The1ew devicewitl makeit avaitabLe to everyone at a reasonabLe Price. Generatty, technoLogy is gettingcteverer, faster,greenerand cheaper. Thegadgets at the Consumer ELectronics Showwit[ not bein the shopsfor sonetime,but when ihevdo go on sate,theymaybesurprisingly tr a.e goingto readan articleaboutthe progressin technology.For questions'1 6, choosethe answer(a, b, c or d) Jich you think fits bestaccordingto the text. 1 The ConsumerElectronics Show 4 Whatdoesthe word it in paragraph3 referto? : <alq rho rrad drn^Arc b is he d everytwo years. c is for computerexperts. d attractslafse numbeBo{ peop e. 2 What is NOT a currenttrend in newtechnology? a very larsescreens. b speciag assesfor shortsightedpeople. c 3D ielevisions. d energysavingtechnology. 3 Creengadgetsare becomingmorepopularbecause a they havewon awards. b you canrechargethem easily. c they cansavenroney. d they saveenergy. nd ,tuI3D hted b new technology c consurirer interest d the Powersocket 5 A mobilephonewith voicerecognitiortechnologycan a cnangeyourvorcero rext. b readyouremailsout loudc acceptspokenorders. d helpyou learnto readandwrite. 6 lfyou want to useyourTVto surfthe Internet,you wil need c a laptopcomputer. d a lot of money. oo6vAl6rV that Ca.nplete the text with these words. nt improvem€ntsinnovationinventionsprocess lechnology ot rfteel and whai it means,we tend to associateit 'rDd€m (2) suchasthe cornouter.Thefact is. however.that havebeendevelopinstechnoosy for millenniaand evenpfe,historicpeop e devicesthat drasticalychangedtheir everydaylives. lcrthe wheel.Who inventedit is stili a mysterybut archaeologists believeit tobably inventedin around8,000BC in Asia.lt went througha numberofstages e3. from a simple,flat, found pieceofwood to the ruooer '! r15 textl rrt t i-de t lat tbe his eat Ingty I to us,but at the time it musthavebeen a real(6)-. Cr.nplete the words in the sentenc€s. I \^rhatt wrongwith the m ? | can'i moveit acrossthe pad. 2 or€fe.t _ _ __ _ to laprops:d^ey a.e rore ponable. 3 Doesyour k__ _ __ __ havethe creek alphabetaswe l? 4 \ re need morepaperfor the p _ _ _ _ _ _. 5 ft€re are picruresofalLthe new phonesin this b, 5lreednewe _j theseoneshurtmy ears. 7 !'vegot a 2o,inchs _formycomputer I il|e music'stoo loudlTufnthe volumeon the s _ _ _ _ _ _ down,please. (ar vnvnar Futureforms A Complete each sentence with one word. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I | carl sore ol tl-osel-ealysc erce oookslo' yoL? l will finlshednry researchby the end of the week. Thisdevicegoing to revolutionise our telecommunications. One day,the technologywe are usingtodaybe out ofdate. Next Fridaymofning,we be visitingthe technologymuseunr The scientisthavepublishedher reportby next month. Oh,nolThoseboxesfullofCDsare ioJalll Theywil bringingout a newvideo gamenextweek. _ B Choosethe correctanswers. I Thestudents enterthetechnology competition. a willbe b are goingto c shall 4 I helpyouwth yourlabeiperiment? b Shal c 2 We replacingthe old computersnext Monday. a wilbe b wll c aregoingto 5 Ithinkpeoplea are go,ng 3 Lookatthe smokelYourexperiment explodel a willbe b shall c is golng to 6 By 2050,we a will have wor( essin the luture run out of petrolfor our cars b aregorng L\stenlnq A Read th€ Exam Reminder.What shoulo you remember to do? Predictingtoplcvo(abulary . Rememberto readthe questionsandtry to predict the wordsyou might hearin eachsltuation. . Tryto thjnk o{ nouns,verbs,adjecrives, etc. whichare felatedto the topic. : ' . . ' : . . . . . ' ! . . . . . | B &E3I Listenand completethe ExamIask ,n bxam tasKt . Youwil hearpeopletalkingin sixdlfferentsituations.For questions1-6, choosethe bestanswer(a, b or c). 4 Youhear a boy ta king about mp3 ptayers.Whendoes : 1 Youheara ladytalkingabout phones.Whend id she : firstseea mobilephone? he ikero isrento hismp3 player? a whilst sitting in I a caf6 a whenhe s at the beacn |. b whilst watching film a b whenhe goesrunning ; tE c whilstwalkingdown the street i c whenhe goesto work Youheara girltalkingabouttablets.What doesshe 5 Yo! heara mantalkingabout computercfor work. think is the bestthing aboutthem? Whatdoeshe sayis neededin ajob? |]E . she car usethem with her brother. b Theyhavea touch-screen. b beingableto usea computer ilr c Theyare poftable. Youheara mothertalkingabout her children.What is 6 Youheara doctortalk aboutthe effectoftechnotogy I€I shemostworied about? on our brains.What is he sureofl a that they will forget the skillsneededto interact a Technologyis affectinsour brainsproperlywith people b Our mindsare behavinglike corilputers. b thattheywillony usetechnologyto do c We readlessoften,and learnmoreinformation trom our compdrers. c that theywi I spendmoretime readingand F tr Ir. F i , C ffii Listenagainand checkyour answers. - .4t raYnwar expressions -.1plete the sentenceswith thesewords. ' : : I : : E before by soon lh6 time unlil when ,.e wll sendyouthe CDs monrentwe recelve yourpayment. nextweek,Jennywll havecompletedher report. -: asyoLrfinlsh,pleaseturn offthe computer wait youget home,andthen 'l leave. l. rLe yor ha\ef.ed rhe TV.ny'a!oJ'!e progra.rres I be o\e1 I sendyouan emai assoon arrlvein Londor. 'Jendingthe cor.puteris my secondproject- ' I do it l'vemendedtheTVI I'cle the correct words. ' = , : " : s e d m e d c i n e l s t h e n r e d i c i n eo { t h e J u t u r e A . a b o r a t o r yw l l ' m a p ' y o u r u n l q u ep a t t e r no f g e n e s : : ? m p e o f y o u r D N A . ( 1 )W h e n / U n t i iy o ! h a v et h i s i n J o r m a t i o nk,n o w na s a g e n o m em a p , d o c t o r s : t a l , / w i l l o o k a t i t t o s e e i J y o u h a v ea n y o f t h e s p e c i i c g e n e st h a t a r e k n o w nt o c a u s ec e r t a i nd i s e a s e s , - : ! : : . c e r , A z h e i m e r ' sh, e a d d i s e a s ea n d d i a b e t e sT . h e y ( 3 ) w i l lb e w o & i n g o u t / d dk out how high the rjsk of getting a particu ar d sease is and then create a speciJichealth plan to : = : - : : . e d i s e a s eM . e d i c a lc a r ei n t h e f u t u r e( 4 )w i l l i o c u so n / w i l l h . v e f o c l s e d o n w h a t c a n m a k ey o u - r : : b e f o r e/ b y t h e t i m e y o u b e c o m es i c k .l t w l l a i n rt o p r e v e n t d i s e a s e r a t h e r t h a nd e a l w r t h t : I after the patient has become i L Scientistsbelieve they (7) will be developing / will have developed - : - : : - - o o g y t o m a p i n d i v i d u agl e n o m e sa n d m a k et h e m a v a ia b e t o t h e p u b l c b y 2 0 2 5 . I !6 soon as / Until then, they (9)will be working / will have worked on ways to improve hea th care, so - : : . : - . b e c o m ea t h i n g o f t h e p a s t .T h e f u t u r e( 1 0 )i s c e r t a i n l yg o i n g l o b e / s h a l lc e r E i n l yb e r: :: -c one ln the fie d of medicineL 1"p >_ Yoar{no1\\sh -r.so , ISK A :or ouestions1-8. read the text below and decidewhich :-swer (a, b, c or d) best fits eachgap. Iaking predictions :::--:ihetrendsofthefuturelsveryinrporiantforbusiness.Aloftheworld'smajorcompaiiesspend : :::':.eamountsoftimeandmoneytryingtoworkoutwhatwil(1) necessary or popularin the future, r: -:,.. :rey can(2) theirldeasandmakethenravaiabe to the pubic {3) otherconrpanies do.Theytry ro with ideasfor productsor seNlcesthat no one e se canofter n business, there is nothingbetter -:::-gthemarketleader,andnewprod{rctsthatselwel arewhateverycompany wants. , ' - - : ' : . a p r o b e m w l t h p r e d i c t i o n sf y. o L r g e t t h e rml g h ty, o u o o k i k e a g e n i u sf y. o u g e t t h e n r w r o n g , )v -: ::::-e horse;yet,herewe areover100years(6) withmorethan600milloncarson roadsaroundthe ':-: - '943,the chairman of BM -today,oneof(7) word! blggestconrputer companlessaidthat -:-,:::worldmarketforonyfivecomputersl He hadno ideathatcomputers (8) becomesmaler,more -- ::-: :-a moreafiordabe, or that they wou d be as widespreadand popularasthey aretoday. >--c while c O n B For questions1-8, readthe text below and think of the word whichbest fits eachgaP. Useonly one word in eachgap' Readmy face l, Gesturerecognitionisaveryexcitingtopicincompute.science.Asthenamesuggests,gestule-thatis'amovem lt'sthe same .espondsappropriately. by a compLre.which(1) of the booy - is recog,riseo play a computerby tennis against can ptaystation whefe users games, example, for Move technotogythat is usld in physically wavjng(2) therewillbe be a thingofthe past.Instead, But in the very nearfutute,gestuterecognjtion(3) Machines resPond. then feeling and emotionrecognition,wheremachinessensehow people(4) yourface' on the wordsyou use,yourtone ofvoice, andthe look will be ableto assess irom Holland is€ keadvhere A group of s€ientists Emotionalrecognitionbasedon facialexpfessions gladorsad com - log thejrsite can v;sii You software recognition (s) up with facial the (7) technologywilltell you (6) and uploada photo;the sophisticated da portrait by Leonardo them, N4onaLisa,in the famous personin the pictureis.According(8) ffi;;;;;i{;;;;rA has a machjne so{tware' Jr'e,"6i, o* r",.r,l *d 2%ansryrusinssimilatfacialrecosnition been createdtrat measu'esyo..r"sm;leano,it it's oig eroLgh givesvou a free ice creanl C Readthe ExamReminderand completethe ExamTask For ouestionsl-8, readthe text below Usethe word sivenin capitalsatthe end of someofthe lines to form a word thatfits in the gap in the sameline Robocars Whatwill carsofthe future be like?Forget about newfuels,dootsthat open upwafds, POWER more(1) all sortso{JamesBond-stylegadgets.The carsofthe futufewillstretchyour IMAGINE t2) {or the new oeneration of cars will come ftom tobotics: ;obGars will be carsrhat drivethemselves Scientistsinvolved in researchand developmentsaythar it isn'tsciencefiction. At leastone majorcar (4) driverlesscarsby 2015,and couldhave them on the foad by 2018.N4ostofthe exist technological(5) already.For example,thereare carsthat and othersthat are brakeautomatically system. connectedto a centralinformation required, testjng is More resear.hand but then allthat couldbe neededis for the companiesto (6) y. Robocarswill produclssuccessful (7) drivingand bring on the about many(8) roads-there willbe fewertrafficjamsand will accidentsbecausea computer-driver a mobile neverspilla drinkon itself,use phonewhiledrivingor go througha fed light. INSPIRE MANUFACTURE REOUIRE COMMERCIAL REVOLUTION IMPROVE Wordfamilie5 . Rememberto createword familytablesto learnthe verb. noun,adjectiveand adverb form ofwords atthe sametime.Thiswill help you completeexamtaskslikethis. nhnal:a forvnalovna{ Clauses ofreason& <ontrast . Youmay needto justiryyouropinion whenyouwrite.ln ordertojusiit lt we l, usec auseso{ reasonand contrast to exp alnthe reason{or somethingand Write R for reason or C for contrast to show which type of dause the following words introduce. ,y 1 2 3 1 in spiteaf/despite+ raun/the factthat/-ing howevet/nevertheless, + subjed + verb becauseaf/due ta + roun/the factthat althaush/eventhoush/but/while/whercas/yet + subject+ verb -- r^ a,^rac( ,n ^^^^ciiA in6. . Don't forget that thesetwo typesof c ausesare introducedwith different wordsand structures.Makes!re you know how to usethem correcily. Read the writing task below and then choose the correct words. 'z; have received an email {ron the manager a{ the technology nuseun \//here yau wotk pad-tine. Read the nanager's =-ailand the notes you have made. Then wtite an enai! to the manager,usinga/iyour notes. (140-190 words) fear Zachary, I Museumfor two months,I wou d likeyourfeedback on our : \ youhavenow beenworf,ingat the Technology ; iuseurn anditsfacilities. lwouldverymuchappreciat€ it if youcoud takethe timeto reply. a na yt i v e . ; : i r s t l y , l w o u l d l i k e t o l n o w i f p e o p l e o f y o u r a g e f i n d t h e e x h i b i t i o n s i n t e r e s t j n g a n dl si tnhf eo r em l^?ytheycouldbemademoreappeaIngtoteenagers?+lrareorhirt+ealnolern+eafulbloql +tt€hie+,rqa{ I S€condly,whchpartofthemuseumdoyouthinkteenagerslikebestandwhy?--r aow\P^+er3, 3iqLa". inally, g.mes give we afe considering invlting video dev€lopers to talks. I l)oyouthinkteenagerswouldbeintereltedinsuchtalks?>probaulyqo+\,j+er6+el.\n+at3... or comments.> hrkg.tj4€ sxhiuitg I rieasedo not hesitateto let us know ifyou haveany other suggestions ,curssrncerelv. | I lrenrinPonsonby Director L\.anacinc Youknow/ don't knowthe personwho sentyou the email. vcJrviewsare importantbecauseyou'rea manager/teenager. v.J mustgiveyour opinionand makesuggestions/discussthe advantages and disadvantages ofth€ museum. Ce3dthe model email and comDlete each qao with one word. aln writing in responseto your requ€stfor feedbackon the TechnologyMuseum. =.stly,regardingthe exhibitions,mostteenagersfind them very interestingand informatjve (2) theyarewellpfesented andcontaindetailedexplanations. =€nagerswoud liketoseemoreexh;bits ofmoderntechnologythat th eyth emselves use, - :ry opinion,the exhibition to showingthe historyof computers is the mostpopular(3) :e iactthat manyteellgersareveryinrerested ir corpLte's, --e ofthe factthat talksyou suggestprobablywouldn't be very interestingfor teenagers(4) =€.agers often find talksquite boringand they preferto be doingsomething. (5) f,.€Gll,mostteenagevisitors enjoythemuseumandlearna lot frornthe exhibitions, leiievethat rnaking the exhibits interactive wouldmakethe museumevenmoreappealing to youngpeople. -tarySrnith Lsd and complete the Exam lask below. Don't forget to us€ the ..E€fir,E\pressionson page 53 of your student'sBook. EXam &--. an emai to Mr Ponsonbyusingthe followinsnotes.(140-190words) . -ore demonstrationsof robotics . not al teenage6 are into video games . :e exhibits on mobi e phone technology . lntroduce a competition for the best invention 7I !ooaVuilarq A choose the correct answers. After the doctorwritesthe -, chemistto be filled. I pleasetake itto the b prescription d nreditation 2 The patienthasbeentakingthe -{or and fee s muchbetter now 9 Oncepeopledecldeto - in shape'thev ottenjoln a svm. d 9 0 two weeks performedan operationto savethe 3 Thetop accidentvictiril'slife the children's ison 4 As youenterthehospital, gadgets have become popuLarbecausepeoPle 10 can take them with them wherever thev go. b Touch-screen d InsPirational 1 l The latest- in the nrotorindustryis a carwhich 12 a appllance c innovation b d consumptron inspiration Dieiicians believe that a good diet can contribute a rapid recovery b a t 5 The doctof examined the paiient and diagnosed a(n) c vaccrnatron a nredicaiion 6 Freshfruit is verygood for you becauseit is fu I o{ a preseNatrves c neros d 7 A s irpLe romemade r o : e y a n c lL e m o n . a 8 b a ! '14 now oo ' a fype catching d r o I . L p - y c o ' l l o u t e rl o a c c e s sr h e l l t e ' n e t ?| I c set health {or a coLdis a hot drink with dlet d remedy the computer to be a(n) consider Most scientists b 1 3 O l d e r p e o p l ea r e m o r e a t r i s k cenarn orseases protein 1 5 Inventorsoften comeup with very c imaginary a imagined b imagination d irfaginauve 'What's thisfunny ittle gadget?' 16 'ltt a -{or fechargingbatteries.' c stage (aravnvnar B Circle the correct words. 1 | haveslept/ sleptwell lastnight. 2 Greg hasbeen playlnggamesall morning/ yesterdaymorning' 3 WouLdyou likea / somemilk? 4 Shall/Willlwalkwithyouto the busstop? 5 Youcango oui when/ untilyou havedone the dishes 6 We'llhaveknown/ be knowingeachotherfor two vearsnextweek' 7 Don'tcal hernow Shesleeps/willbe sleeping I l've madesome/ anycakes1oryour partv. solutionsto t +d the mistakes and correct the sentences. ' ,',buldyou like a he p with your homework? :e! beenrunin the park. 'e takenjustsomecoughmedicine. L time are you going deliverthe pizza? ".-.at :-es beendoing gymnastics sincethreeyears. 3honeyouafterl'll makethe dinner. --.y yet won't havefinished. I =: ie give you an advice. :bs€ the correct answers, ' :,r::or, 'd like adviceon my diet, 9 'l'm feelingveryhot. thinkl'm gettinga ' 2 Haveyou- shopping?' 'Yes,lwent to the sportsshopand boughtthls yogamat.' brlngyoua glassofwater?' c D o d Shal 1 0 'Haveyou heardthat new song?' 'Yes,'ve downloadedit ,.t ^^ peop e are readingnewspapers thesedaysnow ihat so muchnewsis availableon ine. c Little d N/uch 4 -l ey'vec osedrfe road for tl"e rararhor .ace. ' it by 2 o'c ock?' a Are they opening c Wil they haveopened b Do lheyope.l d Wirlrl ey be operilg 5 Youwon't drivemy car you'vepassedyour '11 tt onlythe endofJanuary andalready thtsyear peope milionsoftext rnessages. 1 2 Yo|.]mustn'tstarttakingthe secondmedicine havefinishedthe firstone. you driving test- 13 l've '/o!r b stil 1 4 Thistlme nextyear,- 3D television? a wil we be watching c do we watch b are we watching d arewe goingto watch 1 5 Bythe end o{the decadewe - what llfewas ike withoutcomputers. a wilfofget c wil be {orgetting b will haveforgotten d areforgetting you haveinstaledan up to dateantivirus 16 program,it wil be safeto usethe computer. a cough is getting worse. I think you should go to g o t h l se v e n i n g . ' a r ng o n g t o b wil be c am gorng d being 7 lwon'tturnoffthecomputeruntill upmywork. c will back b havebacked d am backins 'How's 3 your les? Canyou walkyet?' well, I canwa k on it, but don't think footba I for boughtthis new gadget,but l'm not sure c b l'llbe playins c lam playing d lwould play ljnti ?ead\nq A Read the Exam Reminder. Why will the words you have underlined help when you read the article? B Now complete the Exam Task. Aimingforthe top Preparingfor matchingt65ks r: . After readinsand underLinins the importantwords in eachquestion,readthe artice to get a gereral . 1 understanding. ' . Thenrememberto go backand scanthe articleto I find a sectionwhichmatchesthe importantwordsyou : underined in the first question. :t . Repeatthisfor eachquestion. I lovesnowboarding ith my family,and havedonefor aslong asI can rememberMy fatheris very athleticandso I think he is my biggest influence.Welike to go snowboardingtogetherwheneverwe canasit givesyou the sensationofbeing freewith natrue.I lovethe risk involved whendoingjumps andtricks - the feelingyou getis just so exciting.My lovefor this sport makesme very motivatedand determinedto succeed, and althoughI getto do what I love,asajob it cangeta bit stressful: you haveto remaincalmand givea flawlessperformanceat every competition.I'm working tol,6rds the next Winter Olympicsfor now thefeelingofhavinga medalput aroundyourneckisjustthebest,andi would be incrediblyproud to representmy county. As a child, I would alwaysknow ifsomeonewasnot telling the truth! l've alwayshad a fascinationwith what is right and whatis wrong,even asa youngchild.I think thingsshouldbefair and I like to know that I canmakea differencein peopletlives.Peopleusedto sayto me that I would ne\er achievemy goalsto becomea lafiyet asit takesso much effort and time to passall of the exams.I just thoughtto myself,'You mustnt listento theml' And, hercI aml My family sayI've achievedmy dreamssimplybecauseof my ambition,but it's thefusuppodwhich has beenmostimportantto me,Tome,themoneyisnt asimportantasthe law itself,but I guessit doeshelp makinga fortunewith this job! rBecE My parentstaughtme that I shouldalrvaysaim for the top. For this reason,I've beentlinLing aboutmy future lately- andthat'swhy t m openingmy own businessassoonasI've linishedschool.I've already got my plansfinalisedand I evenhavefunding.I'm prettysurehaving my own businesswill increasemy wealthquickly!I alsoknow that my learningwont stoponceI've 6nishedmy studies,astherewill be somuchto learnrvhilstI experience theworldoflvork.I mightmake mistakes,but I'11learnftom my erf)edences. Nevertheless, I know that I mustmaintainmv drive and ambitionto achievethe success I dreamfor I go to a dramaschool,whereI work on my actingskillsandlearnhow to presentmyself.I aisofrequentlygoto film auditions,and havedone eversinceI wassmall.Youoftenhaveto improvisein manyauditions, which I oughtto find enjoyablebut it is very difficult. AlthoughI'm not alwayssuccessful at the auditions,I am ableto overcomethesefailures. I ve evenhadthe chanceto appearin a fewwell-krown fi1ms.My father sayshelovesseeingmy faceup on the big screenin the cinemalI even getto go to big e\cnts$'ith lots offamor:speople,just becauseofmy job. I am oftengivendesignerclothesandexpensivejewelleryto wearto them - I'm living my dreaml 3 1 Exam Task te going,toreadan ariicleaboutfour teenagersand theirjobs.For questions.l_10, 6e trom the teenagers(A-D).The teenagersmaybe chosenmorethan once. teenager inspirat;onin their father? their work is moreimportantthanthe moneytheyeam? EtrJ m.'l m_-l rh€ benefitsthat comewith thejob? rhat theywiJlbecomerichsoon? ffi-_.l to improvepeople! situations? rFT I dEirjob for the excitementand pteasurethey feet? *ork experiences are educational? d in hit movies? fistento what peoptearoundthem said? tenseabout performingperfectly? ffin W---1 ffir-t w-l ffiT l vularvl the correct answers. Don't boastaboutyour,successj be _ a arrogant b modest othelw/seyou c self_confident lp:lly - peopJewhoseworkinvotves doinowhat iey love. b idolise Tanyat- hasincreased steadilysince shestartedher a possessionsb jewellery bu can'ta benefit c weatth success unlessyou arepreparedto work b achieve c boost the words in the sentences. 5 Thecompany's onlyconcernjs makinsa _. a profit b tand c goal BernieMadoff,who is now in prison,;sa(n)_cr;minal a besi-seljing b infamous Jtwasa(n) children. a dream c fauity of hersto estabtish a schoojfororpnaneo b drive c expedition Thereare moreimponantthingsin lifethanmaking_. a Jortune b rnoney c loss :l (aravnvnar Modals& Semi-modals A Match the first half of the sentences(l-6) to the second half (a-0. I 2 3 4 5 5 Shewasable Youdon't haveto Louiseshouldn't Theyweren't lthinkheought He cant n n n n n n b b c d e f come if you dont wantto. be happywith histeam-they're alwaysarguing. to set a new world record yesterday. to applyfor that job he wantstomorrow. throw 6waythe chanceshe'sbeensjven. t B Circle the correc-twords. 1 2 3 a 5 O 7 I tb L .E b L L l'm sorrybutthecollegeis not3$laffi.vii to siveyoua scholarship. .leffcriii'rihiiiiidspeakltalianandSpanish, but notverywell. you matter,please? Wou,idTbiiilid lspeakto aboutanimportant vv advlceis voul}b4p:Tiijn!-ii talk to an expertaboutit. | coiilil/&.Tt thinka lot fasterwhenI wasyounserl go to seethat newb]ockbuster, we tL9'yglblL:ii{,i1i[i but wete not sure. willy arilfiii;i4 helpyouwiihmaths heisn'tgoodat it. Youiiiillfiri.lt finishallyourassignments of youwillfailthecourse. L\stenlnol !d at A Readthe ExamReminder.what shouldvou do the first time vou listen? B &$ Listen and complete the Exam Task. Exam Task Youwill hearfiveshortextradsin whichpeopiearetalkins people.Forquestjons1-5, choosefrom the about successful listA-H what eachspeakersaysabout success. Usethe lettersonly once.Therearethreeextra letterswhichyou do not needto use. ldentifyingkeywordsand lakingnotes . Rememberto readthe statementsfirst and underlinethe impoftantwords. . Remembertousethe firsttime you lisiento identit the mainpointseach speakermakesandtake notes. . Usethe secondtime you iisten to compareyour noteswith the statementsto find the correctmatch. SpeakerI n A The Internetcanhelp peoplesucceedbecausethey canshowtheirwork diredlyto a largeaudience. speaker 2n speaker 3n 4n Speaker speaker s n B Accidentscanbe part ofsuccess. C Youcanbe successful but notfamous. D Successful peoplehaveo{tenmanagedto overcomefailure. E Beingsuccessful meansbeingfamous. peopleare usuallyveryyoungwhenthey beginiheir career. F Successful quickly. G TVtalentcontentscanmakepeopLesuccessfulvery H Famouspeopleonly get noticedthroughrecordcompaniesand art galleries. C Elll Listenagainand checkyour answers. mhar Modals and correct the mistakes in the sentences. Youreallymustn'thaveshoutedat the custonrerl;kethatl Danielcant haveworkedvery hard.He was promotedto managerl Thevolunteersmusthadspenta lot of time fixjngthe well in the viltage. Jeremyisn'there.He musthaveleavefor work already. Youcouldnl havemadea coffeeforthe boss;she,satreadygot one. The doctorcouldhastreatedmofe people,butthere wasn,rany medicine. lhat can'thavebeing Rosemary you saw;she'sin Australia. Yourassistantrnustn'thavebeen morehelpful;you'reluckyto haveher the text with these words. could must needn't should shouldn t woutd waitingfor my firsteverjob interview.Nervously, I lookedat my reflection aEwindow lthoughtthat| (1) haveworn a darkersu;t, I didn't have one. | (2) r, and l'm surehe {3) bonowingthings.'Oh well,I (a)_ do anythinsabout it ' lthought. Next,I iookedat my hair Althoughl'd beento the hairdresser,s had had it cut for the inte.view | (5)_ haveqone to ihe -;t wasalreadyshortenoughwithoutthe cut. door openedand a manwith long hair,wearingshortsand a T-shitt,walked Tre (6) be the cleaner,'I thoughtas I continuedto Wait.I haveignoredhim as he turned oui to be the boss!'Well, 'he said all of a sudden.^/ou needto be clean,friendlvand on time atYummyBurser.Do yo! thinkyou (S) do that?' I nodded... and| got the jobl Your{nqlish lfie Exam Reminderand complete the E{am Task Exam Task 1-8, readthe rert belowandthinkot rle word b€st fiG eachgap. Useonly one word in eachgap. Learningrollocatlonsandexpresslons . Rememberthat collocations and expressions areoften includedin these typesol examtasks. . Keepa ist to helpyou learnthem. the worst! awardsfor everlthing,from the MTV MusicAwardsandthe AcademyAwardsfo. Nobel Prizesin a rangeoffields includingliteratureand the Youcould,;nfact,saythat we havelotsofawardsthat recognisethe achievements who set their (2) on becomingthe best in the world,and Butwhat aboutlops? Don,tthey deserve(3) (4) the GoldenRaspberryAwards, alsoknown(5) Awards.In a remarkableachievement, SandraBullockwon (7) Golden for WorstActressin 2010for her role in the fi m 'All About Steve',andthen won the Awardfo' BestAcress lhe !o lowing1 ghr fo he. pe.formancein 'The BtindSioe. The r*tht havebroushther luckiBullock(8) havea greatsenseof humour r|ot only did shehappi.yacceotner Razziein person.oJt shealsohandedout DVDSof,Atl geve'to membersofthe audienceatthe ceremonyl B For questions1-8, read the text below Use the word given in caPitalsat the end of someof the lines to form a word that {its in the gap in the salne llne. C For questions1+, completethe secondsentenceso that it hasa similarmeeningto the {irst sent€nce, usingthe word giv€n.Do not changethe word given Youmust use betweentwo and five words, includingthe word given. 1 Do you think Minasentthe packageyesterday? could Do youthjnk Mina yesterday? 2 Martinwassillynot to do what the careersadviser told himto do. should Martin the careeFadvisertoldhimto do. 3 Anne'scar is here,so perhapssheiook the tfain to 5 Nigel realisadit would havebeen betterlo stayat should Nigel realisedhe Youboughta new computer,but I couldhavegiven bought 7 | wishI hadn'tspokenso rudelyto the inteNiewer. shouldn't might 4 Obviously,the pro{essordidnt lockthe laboratory lock€d to ihe interviewer. hes in 8 l'm sufejtwasn't Leoyou sawyesterday; couldn't saw yesterday;h€'s in ltaly. trrifin/r: 6vt bp\qlonossaq -<< A When presentlng your arguments l. a formal . s . a y .y o r - l o r e s h o L l d b e r e r l ' a d d o b i e c ! ; ' e the kind of languagethat is informal. n n Be caref!l not to exaggeraie, generallse,or b e t o o e m o t i o n a lb e c a u s ey o u w i l w e a k e n = AvoidLrsing i n f o r m a l a n g ! a g e s u c ha s c o l o q u l a L expressions,phrasalverbs and convactions l ::.q!ra expressrors argumentsin formalessays Pres€nting rl i-=* the newspaper extract and writing task below and then circle the correct words I a-Id old Henry Bigglesworth, a retired r*oolteach€r wlll ieceive an award from the mavor s L r . \ L B r g g i e . q o r l \u. h o . e D e q ( . o nr v e r y l o $ . &.ided to set up a youth dub for teenagersin his area rri hrs own money. It has becone very successfuland 'The kids had nowherc else to Ftars are very gratetul. fall lnto a life ofcrimeahen you so easy to !D.ndits -E boredi explainedM! Bigglesworth. C Youwillwrltean essay/article. Youwi I answerone question/ tlvo questions. Youwil useforrial / infofmallanguage. Youwill/ won't write about HenryBiggesworth O u r c u l t u r et e n d st o p u t t h e i n d i v i d u aal n d p e r s o n aa c h i e v e m e ntti r s t However,there is also great value in he ping other peop e ',6v.r +he ^ra+ auesho\1 al disarct+ie \99Aa. T h e r ea r e m a n y p e o p l ew h o c a n n o tn r a n a g ea o n e b e c a l s et h e y a r e t o o s i c k , too old or too poor. We should al try to he p others, and this can be very rewarding. We often fee more motivated ir our own ives lf we are doing something good for someone e se as wel as ourseLves A6vrer +he tacottl &csnon v\ v^ak\44 3arye:,notta. _ We can he p other people in many different ways. Firstly,we can offer help l ct of t o t h o s ew h o c a n n o tl e a v ei h e n h o m e s , i k e s i c ko r o d p e o p L eA s n r a l a difference to their an enormous shopping makes kindress such as doing their we no household items toys and p poor, we can donate cLothes, To he the ives. o n g e r n e e d .T h e y w i l b e g r e a t y a p p r e c i a t e d st , up ^rtd s+ate \.tb^r - I 2 3 4 i€=d the model essayand underline the words in the essaythat mean the same a5 these ria.rnalsentences. ' ::.ple onlythinkofthemselves thesedays --e : old stuffwe don't want could be reallygreatlor someonee se ! i.eryone shoud worktogetherto makethingsbetter. rrtrDl^aa t\/\e+op\ato L ligt sal had\o) ttfcre\ca +o+he +a3k, ! Whatvalueis therein helpingathers?How elsecan your we help atherpeople?Wtitean essaydiscussing (140-190 wordt apinionsusingspecificexamples. In conc usion, it is important to realisethat we are not alone in this wor d Consequently,working with others to overcome dlfficu ties shou d be -ed and completethe Examlask below.Don't {orget to usethe -setul Expressions on page 67 of your Student'sBook. Exam Task Do youngpeopletodayonlythink Whatcan abolt themseves? :--p^;'oup,'NicefNeighbourrihasjustbeenstartedbyteenaqersatSpringtown teensdo to helpthe community? _ -:i:ool.ThealmofthegroupistoprovidefriendshiptotheareaSeldedycitiz€ns. --:-.s your Wrlte an essaydiscussing spendtimewjth th€m aftef schooland atweek€nds.' prefefspendingmy examp es. {rsing specilic opinions -E ^:r Spfingtown'selderlypeoplethanwastingit on video games,l learn a lot '. (140 190 words) .cL: from them; saysBradReynolds,I 6. bdoing good ?ead\no1 A Readthe Eram Reminder.Whereshouldvou ldentltying what a word relers to . Rememberthat whenyou are askedwhat a word refersto, the answerusuallycomes beforethe word in the text. . Findlhe words r the te\1 you think it refers to, rhenrereadthe sentencewith rhe word:. to seeif it makessense. look in a text when you are askedwhat a'word ref€rs to? B Now complete the Exam Task 'i The MaryRosewasa greatwarshipofTudor Engand (the periodtrom 1485to 1603).Shewasbuittin po'1smouth, a historicEnglishport.The MaryRosehadservedKingHenry V llwel andhadtakenpartin allthreeof hiswarswiththe French.On July 19th,15,45, the MaryRosewasjustabourto go into battleagalnwith the restofthe Enqtishfteetwhen shesankjLrst off the coastof Porrsmouth. Nobodyreaiy knowswhyshesank.tt mishthavebeen becauseof Frenchgunfire,asthe Frenchctaimedat the time, or maybethe shipwasoverloadedwith menand gunsandwassimplytoo heavy.A populartheoryis that the weatherwas verycalm,and,allof a sudden,a freakgust ofwind blewthe ship over Today,new evidenqesuggesrs thatthe crewwereperhapsto blamefor leavingthe gun pofts open and lettingwaterin. N4osto{the crewdied and the MaryRoselayundiscovered atthe bottom o{the sea tor 300yearsunti 19thcenturydiversfoundthe wreckand recoveredsomegunsfrom the ship. In the 1960s,with better divingequipment,diverswere ableto bring around20,000objectsto the surface.The greatdreamof raisingthe Ma,y Roseofithe seabednnally cametruein 1982,andherrematns wereput on showin PortsrnouthlHistoricDockyard.On y halfofthe shipwas recoveed becaLsetfe res had been desroveo oy rio^5 and saltwaterThe halfthat had sunkinto the seaoeoano laincoveredln mud for centurieswaswe I preserved.This partwasraisedand sprayedcontinuouslywith chemicats to preserve it. A newmultimilionpoundmuseum, whtchis bullt aroundthe ship,wasopenedin the summerof 2OT 3. Thepublicis ableio learnthe historyofwhytheship wasbuilt,aswellasheErthetheories aboutwhyshe sankand alsoseethousandsofthe recoveredobjects. tu),oJ wall .ro rndthemJseun yoLa.elool.iig at a Tudortimecaosulernuch ike steppingback in time to TudorEngland.Youcansee not onlythe gunsandweaponsof a warship,but all sortsor rtems thatte lyou howpeopleat thattimelived.There arefascinating personalbelongings suchascombs, whichevenhavesomeTudor ice in theml A nrancure set,whichprobablybelongedto an officer,is atso on displayand showsthat personalhygienewas important,at eastto someofthose on boafd.Possiby theoldestviolin in Europeis alsoon display, showing thatthe men probablyenjoyedrnusicin theirfreetime Somematerialssuchas leatherbagsand shoeshave 'arai.ed i1 o1aoiecea,rdare n good conorion whereasmetalitemsare missingbecausethey have rLrstedaway.Thereare leatherflasksthatthe men used to drinkfrom and woodenspoonsusedfor eating meals.Someremainsofwhat theyate alsoexistin the form of bonesfrom pigs and cows.The skeeton ofa dog, whosepurposewasto killthe ratson boardship, is alsoon disp ay,a ong with the bonesofsucl, a rar, whichp.obaby drownedalorigwith the crew Allthis isjust an excitingtasteofihings to come.The new MaryRoselvluseumwil displayevenmorefascinating examplesof life on a ship over450yeaa ago. Exam Task Rose For questions1-5, b- are goingto readan articleabout a warshipcalLedthe 1,4ary cE6e the answer(a, b, c or d)whichyou thinkfits bestaccordingto the text 4 Whatdoesthe expressionTudort;me capsule r when the Mary Rosesank, (para4,line2)mean? a itwas her first battlea objectswhi.h representTudorli{e b shehad alreadyfought battlesagainsttheFrench. b objectsfound on shipwrecks c shewas{ar from the shore. c objectsconnededwith war d shewasaboutto win a battle. d objectson displayin muse'rms 2 WhichtheoryhasNOT been put {orwardto exPain 5 Whichnate'ial:sNOT fould in the exl-ibrs whythe MaryRosesank? on disp ay in the museum? a The shipwascarryingtoo muchweight I b The weatherwasverystormy. c lhe Trencl-feel sl'ot a! rhe M"ry Rose d The crewwere irresponsible. What preservedhalfofthe MaryRosefor centuries? . the saty water b specialchemicalsprays c the mud on the seabed d the movementofthe waves ohavAlarv Complete the words in the text. rlv B Circlethe odd one out. build past war mostfamous(1)b - - in Ensljshhistorytook near the town o{ Hastings.lt on 14 October 1066, rb fromnofthern a t2)f---- betweenthe Nofmans who won, andthe Anglo Saxons.To remernber €!ent, it is recreatedeveryfive or sixyearson the (3)h -- site.The paiticipantswho nrake t€ two armiescome{rom manydifferent b----s o m e a r e 1 5 )-l -' - . b o'ihersarejustinterestedin historywithout ly beins(6)e --get the opportunitynot onLyto seethe war,but bexperience what life in the 11thcenturywaslike. (?n wanderthrougha marketwhere ----- - - craftsfrom the nredieval andsoldandwatch r--- - - aredemonstrated of entertainmentand everydayactivities.lt! a lopportunityto seehistorycomealive. 2 depiction 3 infection 5 control plot 8liberate (aravnwar PastPerfeqt& PastPerfectContinuous A Circle the cofrect words. 1 2 3 + 5 6 7 8 Howtons6.aiiq?-rti6!,i1!E. befo,ehe{oundit? ir{lff$l€_ Sdfeiitor ttretostmanusc,ipt Marcus a LatincoursewhenI sawhimrastweek. $;idlli,66'ilj'-:2{iaj}bti}elEalfiilfiij Hectorfiigiii{ib.bi?-El,t. thebookbeforethehistorycoursestarted. d&1}'5'i:,.8-l4i"if 1ig-. w" fiednFrllie9iffffF.iitF.!ftiiii a documentary whentheriehtswentout. Ansela wasexhausted because sheFffi,44i-YTiqr6lA.6'i!bg'!r! ai thearchaeo osicalsiteallday. rhe explorerfi'ttai+iri@le6Ef^h?9ff-b1-6.iffi1fiiq for lonswhenhefounda waterfall. theexhibition already? !i,!dj.;-4.:ra. 4i11litqH.iiqeliedF!.lli?isi i E""" Eq#:iff{F6,!6iqiljlilegi|(b.-.11-E of hisdiscove,,. ithe importance B Complete the text withthe PastPerfector the PastPerfectContinuous of the verbsin brackets. Professor ArizonaBoneswasconfused.He scratchedhisheadand lookedatthe faded old mao aoain. He(1) iwalk)throushthe rainforest{orweeksin searchofthe legendary goldenthroneofthe Anecs.A cluejn an ancientdocument(2) {brin9) him to this spot. But something was wfong. According to the map, there was a cave next to the waterfa l, but all he could see was a wall covered in plants. Could the document and the map be fakes? (3) (he/be)srJp d eroJghto be fooledby a hoax,ll,e an arateur (buy)them{rom a fellow professorjn a restaurant treasurehunter?He (4) in MexicoCity-Lookingbacknow,he wonderedifthe man(5) {pretend) to be an academic.lf so, he had only himselfto blame.He wasso eagerto believethe egendthat he (6) (not bother)to asktoo rnanyquestions.Likea {oo, he (7) (give)theman hismoneyandthe clever'professor' (8) (vanish). Justthen,veryslowly,the plantsbeganto moveand an old manwith a long,white beardcameout from what appearedto be solidrock ... L\stenlnq A Read the Exam Reminder. How can your knowledge of a topic help you choose the correct answer? B lflll Listenand completethe ExamTask Youwill heara radio presenterinterviewinspeop e. Fof questjons1-5, listenand choosethe bestanswer(a, b, c or d). 1 What is a polymath? a h is the nane givento describearc:enrscience b lt is a topic in maths. c lt is a namefor someonewho knowsa lot about manydifferentsubjects. d lt is a namefor someonewho is influentiai. 2 Who isthe mostwell-knownphilosopher? a Plthagoras Ma,ry people would not have received medrcal treatment withoutthe actions ofwhich pe6on? a Julie b lbn Sin; C IDIII Listenagainand checkyour answers. Usingyourknowledg€ Remembertouseyour knowedge ofa topic to helpyou choosethe correctanswer. Beforeyou listen,readthe examquestion andthinkaboutwhatpeopleusuallytalk aboLrtin that situadon. . Thenreadthe answeroptionsandtryto identi{ywhichyou th;nkcould be co(ecL 4 lsaacNeMon wasborn in whichyeaf? a 1942 . 1640 b 1624 d 1642 5 What did lsaacNeMon seefall from a tree? I I I I ( ! I I I I I I I ; vnvnar Tags;Pronouns the correct question tags. Hewouldneverlieaboutr']ediscovery, mmt&{l paperi&;mmfi rhe chinese invented Iilffil'*""0'hebook'm@ isffiEi? Oh, dearl l'm wrong,@ Lels waitchthe documentaryaboutthe Mayas. TiT and Jim w llfinishtheir histo./ projeds today, EB&ffi? bRffi%i? MsDinarityourhistoryteacherEWj ffirtrdSGi? @ffi Youknowtheanswea Fi4fffiJftffi ete each sentencewith one pronoun. The authorwasupsetbecause at all boughthisbook. Mariahurt while she was excavatingatthe site. LF and Sueshouldhavewon the awafdsincethe best projectwas Marthaand I introduced to the new historyteacher aboutthe problem,but ldon't knowwho. Of coursethe bool is ; look,it'sgot my nameon it. Judy,you needto express better in yourwrittenwork. Thiscivilisat;on is a completemystery- we donl know Your{no1|\sh the Exam Reminderand comDlete the E{am Task. Exam Task ons 1_8,readthe text belowand decidewhichanswer cor d) best fits eachgap. r€re the Etruscans? Choo5ingthe cofiectword Rememberto readthe wholetext first for a generalunderstanding. Thenfeadeachsentencecarefullyand makesureyou knowwhattype ofword is missing. Readthe sentencecarefuliywith the word you choosefrom the optionsto makesure lovesa mystery!N4ysteries areexcitingandthey drive to discoveryWe ask(1) questionsand we ookfor That'swhythe Etruscans are so fascinating. Thereis very little infomation aboutthismysterious civilisation. they?Wheredid they comefrom? we do knowis that the Etruscans inhabjteda regionknownas Etruria,in modern-dayltaly,and (2) there long the Romans.Some(3) believethey were nativeto halywh;leothershaveput forwardthe theorythatthey from AsiaN4jnor. As{ortheir language,althoughthe Etruscans usedan alphabetmuchlikethat ofthe creeks, wasverydiffefenifrom anyotherthat is known,and the survifingEtruscaninscriptions do not providemuch fion aboutthe Etruscans l5l believetheir civilisation datesbackto 900 BC,andthat itwas (6) in the sixthcenturyBC.Duringthattime, kingstook (7)- Rome,bui in about 509 BC,the Romansdef€atedthe lasrEtruscanking.At the sametime becamelesspowerful,and in the third centuryBC it becamepart ofthe RomanRepublic.Beforelong,the ion had(8) out. What happenedto the Etruscans? Wheredid they go? Perhapsone day we will know h:storical fiey b b them st ong itself b stronger c their c himself c strongest d d d d historian thei6 yourself svength c been deft b died b gone B For questions1-8, readthe text below and think of the word whichbest fits 6achgap. Useonly one word in eachgap. The Great Fire of London Disastrous eventscancausegreatchangeandthe GreatFireof Londonwasno exception.On the night of September2, 1666,a smallfirebrokeout in a bakeryon PuddinsLane.(1) happened untiloneo'clockin the morning, by whichtime the whoe buidingwason!ne.Q) _ thattime, most Londonhouseswere madeofwood. Atso, tl^erewasa strongwind that night t3l helpedthe fire to spreadquickly.By eight o'clockthe followingmornins,it (4) halfwayacrossLondonBridge.Bythe time itfinallyburnt itselfout, the catastrophic fte had (5) burninsout ofcontrol(6) Althoughfew peopledied,the fire had destroyed approximatey 8070o{the city.Thousands o{ peoptehad lost (7)-they owned;manywere homeless. The king ordefeda massiverebuildingproject, whichresultedin widersveetsand buildingsmadeof brickrather(8) wood. Sir Christophef Wren,the famousarchitect,designedmanynew buitdinSs, incudinga newSt.PaulsCathedral-thesameonethat we associate with the citytoday.The creat Firechanged the faceoJLondonforever c t I E ! I € For questions1+, readthe text below.use the word given in capitalsat the end of someofthe linesto form a word that fits in the gap in the 5ameline. Uncoveringhistory Accordingto an Africanproverb,'Untillionshavetheir own (i )_. tatesof the huntw;ll alwayssupportthe hunters.'An Americanauthorstatedthat ,Historyis writtenby the winners.'lf true, lt would meanthat thosewho write down eventsat the time thev occur;re not being(2) ,But what couldpossiblybe gainedby wfiting (3) accountsof events? Lots,apparently.In ancienttimes,if a (4) wrotesomethlngunpleasant about a k;ng,he wasofter put to death. Cleaflythen,therewasoften no advantagein producingan honest,(5) pieceofwriting. Howthen canwe be surethatthe historicatevents we readabout aretrue? Firstly,we needto considerthe(6) Who was he?What did he peFonallyhaveto gain from a (7) events?Washe a friendor an enemyofthe personhe wrote about?Secondly,is there (8) anywhereelseto supportwhatthe authorclaims?By comparing differentauthors,you canusuallywork outthe truth. HISTORY OBJECT ACCURATE WRITE ANALYsE IDENTIFY SUBJECT PROVE r\hnq:an ovna\l Grcle the correct words. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Thesoldierswereabsolutelytired / exhaustedafterthe batt e. Thishistoriantclaimsare enrirely/ a littte untruet WowlThismap is slightly/ pretty o d. We were utterlyannoyed/ disgustedby hisbehaviour. The detectivenovellread wasreally/ extremetyfantastic. Emiliawasa bit hungry/starving,so shehad a snack. Usingqualifiers . Oua ifiersthat are usedwith adjectives and adverbscanmakeyourwriting moreinterestingand exciting. . However,you needto makesurethat you usethe correctqualifierswith certainadjectivesand adverbs. Read this extract from an email you recently received from your cousin and answer the questions. Youmust be backfrom your holidayinEgyptby now Howwas it? Writeandtell me allaboutitl Writean enailta your cousinansweringhis questjon.(140-190wofds) 1 Willyouremai be formalorirforma? 2 Whatwill you write about? 3 Whatsortofthingswillyoudescribe? Readthe model email and complete the gaps with these words. a bil absolut€ly crazy incredible massive terrified very warm R e sl yF € p r y a L t F ol ol ed rd . ....... HiAbigail, avoa+lhe rcaler ^qd V,y yb,.t re \.'( t+\4q. PowareyoJ? fhanksfor yoL email.l'vegor roadsto tpltVoLaboLrtgypt. Thewholetripwas(1) amazrngl As you know,Dad'stotally (2) abouthistory, so it wasno surprise whel he decidedw-"weregoingto Egypt.orour hotioay. ML-nwaspleared becauseit's quite (3) ihereand l'm always(4) happyto seecreepythingslikemummiesandromosl We visitedthe pyramidsfirst. tcouldn'tbelievethe sizeofthem;they,reabsolutely I Thehighlight for me,though,wasridinga camet.I tovedit, butMumwasutterly(6) YoushouldhaveseenherfacelThe archaeologicai museunr in Cairowassensationall I foundthe exhibiisreajly (7) . Someof them were(8) scary,but I didnt mindl la/ your anair atd ada Well,that'saboutit. Whenyouvisit,t'llshowyouthe photoswe took.td liketo go backoneday- maybeyoucouldcome,too! Byefor now, L__?n cllt\ qot pe 6 oAat. Read and complete the Exam lask below. Don,t forget to use the Usefu, Expressionson page 79 of your Student! Book. Exam Task Inyour astemailyouwerelookingforward to a schooltripto a reallyinteresting history museum. Writeandtell me all aboutitl Witeanemailtoyourfriend. (140tg0words) YooaVulart4 A Choose the correct answers. '1 As a , he isthriledto be workingatthe .L t The 1960swere perhapsthe mostexcitingrecenttimesin London. of d timeline d historical b historian 2'That starjustcan'tavoidthe pressphotographers.' 10 Whenthe kingheafdofthe - to kil him,he fled 'lt mustbe awful. don't himat all.' c f;ght b en4, rockstaris still 3 lt's a thatthis seventy-yearold doingworld tours. a fortune c profit d mnacle b passion in 4 That neckaceis the mostexpensivepieceof d jewellery 5 Youhaveto take a few- in life if you wantto GordonSumner,who ls bener known-'Sting', hashad a long andsuccessful musicacareer. d stage are studyingthe coinsto flnd out 1 1 Afchaeologists whetherthey are 12 We mustchecktheinformationbecausel'm a{raidit d analytical 1 3 Oncethe archaeologicatearnhad-the 1 4 The ador - hispopularityby appearingin severalblockbusters. d d with The dancer's performancewasthe bestthat the judgeshad everseen. 'There'sno way l'm going to entera talentcontestl' 'Oh,don'tbe so-l' 16 Duringa(n) (aravnwar Find the mistakes and correct the sentences. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 eliminated 1 5 K e vr t , a s t ' ; l mw a sa c o - n p r e r-ea r d L h e ' l m a devoted c tireless b accomplished d stubborn B treasure, they startedto cleanit. c dug up Yourealy ought exercisemore. shouldltold you earlier? We had beenstandingin linesinceten minutes. Don't blameyou abolt it. We forgottento do our homework. | wouldaskedher if I hadthe courage. Couldyou beinga bit quieter,p ease? Thatmusthavebeingexcitingdayl nl- companyost a fortune. a blockbLrsier c fantasy , greatchangestakep acein a coun d depiction I , , I Choosethe correct answers. I I- get tickets to the opening o{the museum 2 .le secausethey had al sold out 3 The restaurantwill a most certainly be full.' . know, we * a table weeks ago.' a needn't have booked c should have booked d may have booked b can't have booked ,1 -',e extrerneLyhard for injured sailors on 16th :.ntury warships. c can't be a shouLdhave been must be 5 lora a successfuldancer,but her parents didn't . l o w h e r t o s t u d yd a n c e . c had to become a must have become b t 'r must have been c mustn'thavewon d shouldhavewon =ta smal ro es for years when she finally became l.cessful in HoLl)&ood. c c o u l dP l a Y a had beenplaying d 11 has managed to discoverthe secret location of the ce ebrities' wedding c Nothing d Nobody 1 2 'l'll haveto go hometo look up that pefiod ot history' 'You- go home,my mobile Phonehasgot lingauthorand 13 He ls a best-se wantstoreadhis '14 'Thisis everyone's favouriteprogramme.' 'lt sureis;- canbeat ltl' c everything a anlthrng d something b nothing 15 C aire- cometo the historymuseumwith us ifshe had to Pla)i never passthe test!' -'rr e i o r g o 1 9 t o g i v e u p s o e a s i, a wilyou d shalwe 1 0 In the 16thcenturykingsand queenscouLdnot dress to helpthem. ;they hadservants d d was able to become b cou d have become -^at fim an Oscar; itwas an absolute fLop. b were playing I 'Look.Theres JohnnyDePPI' 'Let,stake hisphoto,-?' the book threetimesbeforeI took the a 16 Not everybodywantsto be {amous,-? a willthey d do they ?ead\ne1 A Read the Exam Reminder.What should you always check? : B Now completethe ExamTask Checkingyour answers . Rememberto checkthatyouhave writtendown the paragraphletteryou tasks. meantto in multiple-matching . After completingthe task,don't forget allofyouranswers to double-check : . . . . . ' : : . : . . : 1 . . : | : : | . | : Disasters Natural A WildfirenearLosAngeles F i r q e l , e ^ i n ( J l j l o r n r ar e p o , rr h a ' r h r e ep e o p l eh a ' - d e d i n L o . A r g e l e . .i l e f i r e, u r r . d o n 1 u n d , l . , ' c r h " , "itin'..", f o r n d e a l y r f i . m o r n r r r gT.l - er i l d l i r e h r ' b e e n cruJrie. "ere dasified as a q?e I wildfire, and so far it has aheadydesrroyed a largeareaof parklandand sone proper+ A pa* mngersaid rhar rhere de strons winds in rhe areaof rhe 6r€, which are nakins ir dilii.ult r;get the 6re underconrrol.Oficial warnings sraterhe concernthar rhese fron envircnmentalorganisations powedn winds will make rhe 6re spin, which could then t$n inro a fire tornado. As a result, people in several towns hav€ alreadyleft rhe areaand nany nore will leavetoday. Floodingin England M J n y p J , . o t t r e l a n d - r e F o o d e d" r d u n d e r" , r e r r o d " y . follo*insMo day' o'"iolenIhundraro,r. and h.ilrorms l e o p e : n r h en o r r hu o k eu p r o . e er \ a r r h e r ei ' q r ' e r e v e r y w h e r e w ' . F q I r f l o o d .c o ' e f l n s, \ e c i r y o ' \ o r k J n d . e ' e r : l ' n " l l * this is rhesecondline dlis towns.Accordineto sone residents, ver that thei. hines have flooded, but rhesefash floods were unupected. One locale'plains,"The weatheris jut biarc at the noment. Im surestotns and floodingaie haPpeningnole ' r e q u e n . l rh e , e ; i . a l Jb e . a u e o f g l o b a Jw a r n r r g .I b e l i e v e i r i . a n d $ l - { ' n o e . w c a r eg o r o gr o ' u F e r r o r e J n d m o , e weather naruraldisdrers."Expenssay ar ihe unPredictable wiil continue for this week and thar many more lowns vix sufler fiash llooding. Peopleshould prepaie ihemselvesand Volcanointerestin Sicily D in Avalanche the Alps Vulcanologists or people *ho study volcanoes - fron all overrhe world wlll arrivejn Sicily today ro study the volenic e L p r i o l o f M o u r r t r n " . \ , I o u n rt t n a F ' L 1 F' e . o n d b j g g e { \ o l o n o i n I u r o p eJ n d i ' o " g r e r ri n , r r c . ra r r h e r o n e n r . \ e volcano i . r r : ' u a l l y a . r i v ea n d n r n y e x p e r ir' r e . o m i a Sr o r e what is happeningfor thenselves.TheI wili sPendd much here,and they wllL researchthe volcanodd time as necessary the destrucrion in nore detail. The volcano is playing havoc in the areaand affecting many locals in va.ious ways.Lava and ash have destroyed se"eral housesar rhe bde of the volcano, and smokeis visiblefo! miies.The alrporr ar Calaniais closedfbr Yesterday afternoon,rescuen found a group of skiers who were mjssing afte! an avalanche occured in the French A-lps on Tuesday. the skies werc enjoying thenselveswhen it suddenly srarted snowing. They were found in an atea of forgt near the ski reso!!, where rhry were rryiDg ro escape fron the se.'ereblizard. Tlere wu still heae,snow on Tuesday ro locatethe niehr,which madeir nore dificult for the rescuers l , i . a m i r a . l elT\ee'PerF r h e , e * u r q i a . s'o,p.One"nne..a o r r i r g " n d . o r L e d i r e l e * | 1r o i r d r h e g r o u o .c"r e n c h "ere'er polie say that all de skiers ue now safeand have been taken to hospitalto be *anined. F.rpenssayyou should not go skiing thk jdcresesthe when the tenperaruresuddenlyrisesbecause possibilit/ of avalanchs. #-.e from paragfaphsA-D. The paragraphsmay be chosenmorethan once. ijr paragraphmentions iit_- e,,€ntwhichwill continueoverthe folowing few days? rt--t ing that happens in coid conditions? -Ething iil out of the ordinaryhappening? rb.rmber of peoplewho died in a specificevent? ?-t-I - e,i€ntwhichis attractingpeop e to investigateit? lf._ ing whichis thoughtto be occurringmore{requenty? Gi'..^t .€nanding searchexpedition? LZII -dassification of the event? Ir-t l ohavA16r\^ Complete the words in the sentences. I the groundshookand buildingscollapsed duringthe e 2 Dueto the strongwind,the w_ _ _ ____ spreadquicklythroughthe forest. Thet _____ toredowntreesandblew Healy rain,whichmadethe ground unstable, caused the l5 After monthswlth no rain,a teriible d_-ruinedthe locafarming a i witl Fourskiersweretrappedon the mountain dope by the a Manypeopledied ofstarvadondue to the f ___. Thet ____was the hugestwave yonenad everseen. B Complet€ the sentenceswith these words. faultlines flashfloods heitstones hurricane rangers Richterscale lidalwave volcaniceruption 1 The biggesteafthquakeeverrecordedrneas!red9.5 on the 2 Healy fainffom stornrsin owlying areasoften produces 3 Enoanous windowsand destroycrops. is a huge w.l of seawaterwhichcrashesonto the shore. 5 Aviolent city of Pompeiiin 79 AD. 6 Eafthquakes frequentlyoccurin areasthat arealong 7 A violentstormwith very heavyrainis knownas a 8 Sometimesforestfifescanbe preventedbythe actionsof Gomolete the text with these words. #esr -I1e casuattiescrust disaster hevoc magoitudeorganisations Waming drortened by earthquake Lfor sty hoursof February27,2010,without(1) in Chilein SouthAmerica.lt wasa massiveearthouakewith ain) of 8.8.Buildinsscollapsed,thousandso{ peoplewere left homeess :lse were hundredsof (3) It p ayed14) but help to,iled by severalaid(s) In the followingweek,therewere 180 -i eventhoughthey were lesspowerfulthanthe mainquake,they caused damagein an alreadyweakenedarea.But Chilewasn'tthe only placeto be affectedby Ukeall earthquakes, it had been causedby the movementofsectionsofrhe Earths Scientjstsdiscoveredthat this huge movem€nt made the Earth spin rhich hasnradethe Earthday 1.26microseconds shorter,so in fact everlvhere on rhe ias been affectedbv the 18) | (ar vnw6r Gerunds& infinitives ( ,A circle the correctwords. i61S"!.6d€i7$ff&it!j r vouwere'ervtuct<y thatearthquakel z r woutdnt riskFEii:/lSlliii*tj out in thisweather 3 rhe powerof natureneverfailsr'fr?.F1,&-r*-hii6 mez c wnvdrdvourefuse Efi,6iFJl:r.q-lliiiliai wentonFSiy/iiieii i s rhe performers throughthe rain. I {f, .iffF-;Sl ig the site Doyouthinkwe'llbe allowed whv aon't voutrv ti1.l!6.f;#;6it&fl6on the Internetfor we wefen'tableto avoidiflLfffiffi illon ourtrip I q oid youmanage &&q6&.!.1incontactwithvourfri ; I ro rtt nouseti#EffI!ffiEd- thatwon'thelpl l , B Find and correct the mistakes in the sentences' gasleak' 1 The authoritiesmadeeveryoneto leavethe areaa{terthe whenwe go to the UsA 2 Wete reallylookingforwardto visitthe Grandcanyon prolecrthe envirorment' 3 Sadly,mostDeoplearenl interesledto do alything to a tornadowascomrng 4 The inhabitantsweremadeabandonthe villagebecause I was'ost as 5 | hadto stop to otive ir orderto checl the map again slope 6 Tneyweretoo scaredgo sli:ng on lhe sleepestmounrai'1 itwas unsa{e 7 The policewouldn'tlet anyoneto enterthe buildingbecause umbrellawith me 8 lt wasa rcinyday,but luckilv,I remembefedtakingan Lrsten\nq A Readthe Eram Reminder.will you haveto chanoethe form of the answersyou hear? B EID Listenand comPleteth€ ExamTask' JoannaHarvevlallingabout YouwJl nea'a qirrcalled the recentflooJingin her area For quesl:onsl-1o comoletethe sentlnceswjth a word or shortphrase' Joannausesthe word (1) her recentexPenence. Joannaexplainsthesituationwasmadeworsewiththe of rhe rai, andtl'e (2) -.ombinaLion how the (3) Joannadiscusses help keeptheir housessa{e On the eveningthattheir houseflooded,all of the family felt (4) --. came Joannawasgratefulthatthe (5) to advise the famlly on what to do C QUI Listenagainand checkyour answers' . Remembe.that for taskswhereyou complete notes,you will hearthe answe6given!nthe correctform (noun,adjective,tense,etc ) so yo'l won t needto makeanychanges' . Don'tforgetto readthe gappedsentencebefore vou ';teriro 'denrifotne typeof word vou need' lnd tl^enreadit aqainoncecorpleLedto checl it Peoplewere offefedrooms they had nowhereto stay. The faarily we'e lrost sad aboutthe ?l they coLrldfeel disappearing with the floodwatef' Despitethe difficultsituationof livingin a hotel,everyone was(8) JoannaexPlainedthat (9) removing the water from theif house Joannais enjoyinghavingthe opportuniiyto help (10) ravnvnar parison of adiectives & adverbs; too, enough, Eo & such Complete the sentenceswith the correct comparativo or suPerlativeform of the word given. planetsin our solarsystem.(large) 1 Jupiterand Saturnare Mt Evefest,wh;chis 8,840metres.(high) Mt Fuji,at 3,776metres.is I feel.(bad) I don't like winter;thecoldertheweather, il lhe'e ;s a wird blowingrhaTif it s caLrr.(quick) 4 a rainyone.(good) a sunnyday is much 5 For holidaymakers, eachother.(cold) 6 Greenlandand Sibe.iahaves;milarwintersand are in the world is flooding.(common) The naturaldisasterthat occurs anythingelsein the unjverse.(fast) 8 Liohttravelsat 300.000kilometresa second,whichis Circlethe correctwords. t t'msorrv, butltt &f€flEtr@ffiS!-6Jformetoso hikinswithvou. 2 Thetornadowasffi/ffi catastrophic that it desttoyedwholevillages. 3lf youwatertheplant.f0.ffiF-g.F&.hffi idf{ddfi,theywillsrowwell. inserious flooding. lea\yrainfellthatit resulted I Le./ir5$.4fi (tffffiE{mffiff& to putoutthe{ire arrived 5 rhe firefishters to reachEarth and19seconds takes8 minutes e rle sunisiii.jl.Sli(h farawaythatsunlight z tt wasli.17.i&in a co d daythatwe decidedto remainindoors jdlldn6$ifftri^dd.. fjjelj to be seenwith the nakedeye. a et"a'""" ".e UsoqourEnof\sh Read the Exam Reminder and complete the Exam lask. Exam Task For o uestionsl -a. readthe text belowandthink of the word which bestfits eachgap. Useonlyone word in eachgap- Are you SAD? it Seasona I AfiectiveDisorder(SAD)isa kind ofdepressionthat affeds +pro,(iTately 7% ofthe UK populaton everywinter.Anod-er seriousas SADaffectsa {orm that isnt (1) A chemicalimbalancein the b.ain ftrthef 17%ofthe ooDUlation. daylightand bcausedwhenthereisn't(2) in the northern $nshine, asjs the casein winter,particularly hemisphere. The imbalancethen leads(3) rangeof physicalandmentalsymptoms. The mostcommonsymptomsarefeelingdown and depressed, doingthings, beins lesslnterested(4) eatingtoo much,wakingup in the night,wakjngup eariier you should,beingmote tned than feeLing stornachprobLems, usual,experiencingheadaches, snowedunderand unableto cope,and worryingtoo about little things. For manypeoplesAD is (7) llnessthat it preventsthem from functioningnormaly. effective{orm of treatment Ihe (8) b lighttherapy.Duringthe wintermonths,an average ofone to two hoursper day ofexposureto very bdght Ight is enoughto help mostsuffereF.Oncespring arrives,andwith itthe sunshine,life graduallyreturns to normalfor SADsufferers. B For questions1-8, readthe text below.Usethe word given in capitalsat the end o{ som€of the linesto form a word that fits in the gap in the sameline. The end of Pompeii - a (1) On a hot Augustday in 79 AD, the peoPleof Herculaneum (2) column oJ in horror as a seasidetown nearNaples watched gasand stonewassent highinto the skyby the {3) ihe peopleof nearbyPompeiiwere bufiedunderthis huge boilinghot lavaflow.The people and it is believedthat manymanagedto had some(4) of Herculaneum were not so lucky. escape,but severalhundred Whenthe mud and rockcooled,it becamesolidand preseNedthe structuresit hadcovered are in muchbetter conditionthan Manyofthe ruinsofthe housesand streetsof Herculaneum are stillexacrlyasthey of(5) ofthe upper storeys of Pompeii. Many those werethen and mucho{the ofiginalwoodremains,eventhough it is,of course,badly (6) Thereis evena woodenRomanbed stillasitwasthen. Theyare somethingthat are(7) Althoughsad,the ruinsof Herculaneum (8) should miss. to the area no WEALTH VOLCANO ERUPT WARN BUILD BURN FASCINATE VISIT C For questions1-8, completethe secondsentenceso that it hasa similar meaningto the first sentence,usingthe word given.Do not changethe word given.Youmust usebetweentwo and five words,includingthe word given. 1 Theymadeeveryoneleavethe{loodedarea. Everyone 2 The rocksare too hot to touchl i p wasso interestingthat lwill neverforgetit. that lwill neverforget it. 4 Greeksummersare hotier in Greece. In Gemany,the summers ruined beaches were of Mexico that 5 Sucha lot of oil wasspilt in the Gul{ Beacheswere ruinedbecause asthe onesfound in that valley. 6 No fossilsare as impressive wasspjlt in the Gulf o{ Mexjco. havebeenfound in that valley. The The photographerwasableto take excellentphotosof the hurricane. manageo excellentphotosof the hurricane. The photogmpher Theywant to explorespacelo find out the originsofthe universe by Theyhopeto find outthe originsofthe unive6e $rrifivrrl:a stor\ (L) A Complete each phrase with these words. after at few just same the 1 A(n)2 n1 3 It -that 5 -then,... 6 At the I minuteslater,... beginning, ... a while,... moment,... Sequ€n<lng events . Astory is a sequenceof events.Whenyou tella story it's importantthat the readeris ableto fol ow . Sequencinscanbe achievedby usingcertain phrasesthat helpto showhow one eventfollowson . Thesephrasescanalsohelpto add dramato time, .-. Read the writing task below and circle the correct options. Wntea starythat beginswith thissentence:Mayahadalwayshoped thisnoment wouidcome.(140-190wofds) 1 The chafacterwas/ wasnl lookingforwardto something. 2 YoLwi I w-ire aboJt a negative/ positiveevpe.ieice. 3 Therewill/wont be backgroundinformationabout'this moment'. Read the model story and complete it with these words. I a minutelater at last althat moment in the beoinnino Mayahadalways l'opedtl is ro.nert woLldcome.rl) whenshe had beguntrainingwith ihe other astronauts, she had neverbel;eved theywouldchooseher forthe spacemissjon.And yet, hereshewas,on Hermeslil. almostreadvto b astoff. everyth rg was .eady. She double-checked ll'e t2) controlsin front of her and caughtthe eye of her co,pilot.He wasas excitedas shewas.The commandcentreinformedthem that conditionswefe perfect. The countdown beganl +he+eatirqt (3) time stood stillfof Maya.Shetried to concentrate on the numbersasthey werecounteddown: ... 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 ... Blastoffl she felt a massivejoltasthe spacecraftwas ifted intotheair.The ong journeyinto space (4) the crafrenre'eddeep space.Fa' below.Maya gazeddown at planetEarth,smalland blue.Shehopedshewouldseeit againj shewason her wayto Mars. l€d and complete the Exam Taskbelow. Don't forget to use the Useful Expressionson page 93 JFur Student's Book. Exam Task *ite a storythat beginswith thissentenceiTheyhadnever *n anylhing nare anazing in thei whale lives. 1a0-190 words) ?ead\na1 A Read the Exam Reminder. lf there are words which you don't understand in a text, which three thingscan help you? B Now complete the Exam Task :1 using@ntextto helpyou I . Rememberthatthinkingaboutthe text type beforeyou startreadingcanhelp .: . andthinkaboutwhat ldentirythetexttyPe :! :j couldbe included. information i . Useihe text type to he p you find the meaningof anywordsyou do not understand' . Don't forget to think aboutwhat similartextsin incLude. yourown languase I . Finally,think aboutwhat the wholesentencewith ' ihe difficultword in means. ',::i!1-:'. . tueyou thoughrrc bethe S roughonein yourgtoup? X . a reyou _radyrc.trke riskr-and $ rcccDt Dhvslcnl chalenqest R . AJeio; a;enastr.h;loks 3 advenrure? 6! cmp I rn thisnewslo*,a zumm.r w lb. r.ko orer$ ourrv team I ud *e needteenagenaged15-18I ro rakepan.You'Jlbctrughtthe ! q followingby our experr, ti . momtah climbing. -:.:;:)...:;;- t:; it.:.| :!t1:.::: ::.:': . i'! a : ':: |::! '-,t!:;:':a:! vour Cakeand Eat Are your doughnutsto die for? your hiry cakesfantastica hntastica Are vour Are you agedI2-16? This is the showlor you ifyou canmake withouihelP: anyofthe following . . cakes. biscuits meringues In thk new cookeryshow 20 YounS chefsget creativewith cakes.lf you think you canb.l.e,Ihu is the p'.o8.ammelor you.W,nnerswillbe fearuredon borh our famousPastry cookerynetworkalongside . nfting. . qurvivalskills mdalhole All rou needis a srons chancteranddeterninadonI Ifyou re ru'uktelling roushenouqhem,ilu' r. nr'd<n@m'ertrure \ou.ould forthc' hJJenge: u. 'ihy yor .\orld be<on.idered walk aways'it,\ alargecashprizeI (Parenrs' pernission is reqnned) ALaughandaHalf CdUing comics ol aII qgesl . Cdn you moke people laush? . would you like to be on . Winne$ willdppeor ina special ldmily TV shovl Wel€ looking lor sidnd-up comedicns who ve sot ihe lalent, but h@en'i yei been recognised.Contest@ts vho pass the audition will be given odvice dnd cooching by ioP critics on: . ho.^'io make their jokes wo!k. . how to interoci with on oudience. The show is open io omoteur comedians ol dny oge To dudition, justcome olong to the ciiy hdll on Solurdav Nov 81h,ond mdke ihe judses loushl (A1l oudition matelial must be written by ihe coniestont.) ffiufr lsyour familytalented? Ou. newtalenrshowis looking for at leat mo and even qrandmotners, cone andshow us what 1ou re made ofl l f y o u l h i r . r o ' r i a , n i | '} " 1 b c( i . f o r , d i n l oa r r P P r n g rl < n . r i o . . g e r p i . c n . . B . n d r h e n (unP l o r l h e r L dor n When? Dec 3rd 10amto 5pm Where ?New ]lr€atre, Tunpike Lane, Manch€ster Vinners will sera recordinqcontracrl More idorn":tio" .an be f6und at: wvrappingfmilies.cotn ( h i l de r u n d e ' l b n u n L e J c c . r p , n i e d b . ,dn: l L \ A Exam Task Youare goingto readfour advertisements. For questions1-6, choosethe answef(a, b, c or d) whichyou thinkfits best eording to the text. I Yourbrotheris often told that he is funny. which programmeshouldhe applyfor? d 4 2 Whichprogrammesrequirecontestants to havethe abilityto creaiesomething? c 2,3 and4 a 1 , 2 a n d3 d 1 , 3a n d4 b 1 , 2 a n d4 3 which prosrammesdo you haveto auditionfor? < 2and4 b 3and4 d 4 and2 4 In whichprogrammeswjll contestantsreceiveprofessional help? a 1and2 b 1and3 d 3and4 on anol\er 5 lr whicl' programmesis the prire an appearance c 2and3 a 1and2 b 1and3 d 3and4 Youwould loveto win somemoney.Whichprogrammeshould you applyfor? a 1 c 3 d 4 b 2 oo6vAlarv (hoose the correct answers. 1 Do you followany ? l'd ratherreadan onlinenewspapermyself. a orogs b strikes 2 l'vejLst boughtmy fir$ -l l think l pre{erit to the pape' versionl b article B Circlethe correctwords. 1 JackhasbeenstLldyingmffi lffi&@fi 2 The inv;tedlotsofguestsonto hisshow rhenewsffiw planecrashwere ffilaboutthe verydisturbing. rheWwasverv in the woffiedaboutthe mistake morningnewspaper why arethereso manyWffi 3 Someofrhe spods on theradiocanget quitea'rnoyingl a cornmentary b critic a ThisSunday's newspapefcontainsa great€ookery-. a ffgure b measurementc supplement 5 Thesales showthat the magazineis gettingmorepopular. a commentary b figures War often riskiheir livesto get theif storiesout. a correspondentsb media 7 In theJanuarv-. thereare loadsoJwinterfashionideas. I Celebritieshavea veryharddmewhenthey arefollowed everla,vhereby the . b host a critic for threeyears. ffiau'ing the soapoperawasunusuallypositive tonightcomparedwith most o{ the timei 7 AnselAdamswasone ofthe most I I alwaysswitchchanne{s whenthe the text with theseworda. decideswhat book he or she It couldbe a brandnew book to produce.Thisis discussed and agreedon with a(n)(2) ofan existjngone.The writer'smanuscriptthen goesto a(n) who checksthe (5) o{the text. Thispersoncheckswhetherit is (6) for the that is,the peoplewho will readit, and correctsary e'roi.s.A(n) is chosen.somerinesf.oma lo,rglistof optiors; it'sgot to be a catchynameso that will rememberit. Then,the editedtext goesto a designerwho anangesit on pagesand makesit look attractive. the designedbook is printedand deliveredto your localbookshopot (8i (aravnwar Passivetenses;The Passive:Gerunds,Infinitives& Modal Verbs c ,/q Complete the sentenceswith the correct form of the activevoice or the passivevoice of the verbs in bra 1 2 3 5 6 7 I B (send)thephotosby email,butthey (not receive)them untilthreedavslater. (watch)Maste/Cook,but he doesn'tthin( t\e dishes Gordonoften (make)very well. (invent)over400yearsago and it completely The printingpress (change)theway peoplegot information. Oh, nol [4y Internetservjce (not pay)my billsincelvlay! (publish)tomorrow so I A specialeditionofthe newspaper {get) a copy for sure. (tell)to buy fewermagazines, Marcia but she (not listen)to her motherand spentallher money. (interrupt)by commercials l hateitwhen myfavoufiteprogramme promotjng thingsthat 1 (show)live lastnightwhenthe powersuddenly The game (go out)! l 1 2 3 a 5 5 7 I Rewrite the words in bold in the Dassivevoice. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I Filmslarshatecriti.s giving them bad reviews. Whencanthey fix your TV? He was supposedto finishthe manuscriptyesterday. Don't you thinkyou shouldrecyclebooks? You must send your CV tomorrow, or it wjll be too late. The actoE like people askingthem for autographs. No one couldview the website lastnight. Theypronisedthey would deliver the CDstoday. rr L\stenlnq A Readthe ExamReminder.What technroue will h6lp you noticethe differences betweenanswerootions? B EIII u understandingansw€roptions . Rememberthat it is importantto look at the answer optionscarefullyto understandthe differences berweenther, and to circleary (ey detais. . Focuson detailswhenlistening,and don'tforgetthat you couldhearthe answefat the beginning,middle or end ofthe recording. Listenand completeth6 Examlask Exam Task Youwill hearsixshortconversationsAfter you heareachconveFation,you will be askeda questionabout whatyou heatd.The answerchoicesareshownas pictures(a,b and c). Cnclethe letrerofthe cofrectanswer.Youwill heareach conversat|on ony once. r Gl .- -4€ zf,irdE 't g p4 "'ffffi'tro'ffi tr 1bl {rt21 tTl I' r3 g 11 trFFffi = t ruffi '^ tr 18 b tEg "p t-3 , firavnvnar lhe passive:lmpersonal& PersonalStructuret A Circleth€ correctwords. I rubbish. realityshowsareusually h ffiffiffiffi losjnspopularity. Printnewspapers @ffiWffi,4 raisemanvquestions. thedocumentarywill ft ffiffiffiffiffiffi the bestcartoonistin the country would cancelthe radioshow. they would be madelive on TV the announcement 4 DutchMasters 6 celebrity onTV! the mostannoying RomaRiv ffi$Sffi 50 millioneuros. 8 I Completethe t€xt by writing one word in eachgap. usuallylimitedby space.A headlinemustdo who wite newspaperheadlines(1) supposedto grabthe reader'sattentionand,secondly,jt mustallow bthings; firstly,it (2) be statedin asfew wordsas possible.For example,the G rheme of the newsstory {3) Isdline 'RainCancelledPlay'letsus knowin just threewordsthat a sportingevent(4) madeand headlinesbecome however,mistakes(5) led due to bad weather.Sometimes, readin two ways.Canyou seeboth meanings? escan(8) v)/.r <|4qlish For questions 1-8, r€ad the text below and decide which answer (a, b, c or d) best fits each gap. for 24 hoursa day,sevendaysa week, Itte launchof MTVin 1981,musicandTV becameone.(1)(videojockeys). tor musichad a massiveimpacton (2) presented This new outlet videos byVJs one channel{or (3)-, fans could(4)-to artists and music popular usicindustryand on culture. on musicnews,eventsand promotions. noffially inrewiewedbv a hostand |5€,therehad been musicprogrammesbeforeMTV Artists(5) presented. With a 24-hourformat, then performliveon the show.But therewasa limitto what couldbe (6) the opportunityto artists were : moreand moremusiccouldbe shown,and lesswell-known the showwas availablefound gotstafted, in areaswhere music shops publicity.Indeed,when MTVfirst playedbythe popularradiostatjons. publicwere buyingmusicthatwasn't(7)d up doorsthat had previouslybeenclosedto newtalent.MTVfuledthe musicTVaiMavesfor Seeing Listening Suddenly ring in b bern9 b Once pick up gave 9ive b Us!ally giving Broadcasting d Extremely 9iven berng d lots Wt B Readthe ExamReminderand completethe ExamTask -"' *' ''-:*:-'' : For questions1-8, readthe text below Usethe word givenin capitalsatthe end of someofthe linesto form a word that fits in the qap in the sameline. A C Whistleblowers Whistleblowerc are peoplewho revealthat somethingillesalis happeningin a (1) Theirmost departmentor a comPanY. ofeurosto (2) tool is the massmedia,whlchpaysthousands pubiishtheir stories.Whistleblowers musthavestrongevidenceto supporttheir claims.After they havecontacteda (3) (4) their claimsarecheckedto makesurethey aretrue. The decisionjs then madewhetherto printthe storyor not. O{ten,the revelations of leadins are aboutwell'knownpublicnguressuchas (5) namesare not revealed businesspeople. Becauseii is very risky,the whistleblowers' activities,threatsto public Typeso,fwfons-doin9include(6) and muchmore.By reportingon the story the healthand (7) (inthe caseof newspapers)or ratings(inthe of money and a storyo{ The whistleblower receives a large sum caseof a W statjon). wrong-doingjs revealedto the public. C GOVERN POWER a JOURNAL EDIT 6 POLIT|CS CRIME READER For questions 1-8, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given. 1 They'rebringingouts immerand slimmerlaptopsand tabletsthesedays. S immerand slimmerlaptopsand iab ets 2 Manypeoplebelievethat newsreportsare not objective. manypeoplethat newsrePoftsare not objective. Canthey broadcastthe programmelive? live? Can needs help with the acto6. helped 5 Theydestroya lot oftrees {or book paper. wildeliverthe newspaper to yourdoor The for the information. Theythink a whistlebloweris responsible thought Theysaythat the storywasa hoax. said the storywasa hoax. I r a reV\ev) Wri+in/r: A Editingyourwork Circle the correct words. 1 2 3 4 5 6 lt is believe/ believedthatthe pollticianwaslving There/ Theiraren'tanyinterestingstoriesin the papertoday. Celebriiiesenjoyto have/ havingtheir Photostaken lts / lt's difficultto get a good Internetconnectionhere' Whenis the new issue/the new issueis comingout? The reporteris veryexcitedfor / about hislateststory' . You should set into the habit of editing your woft carefullyonce you have finished writlng, so as to avold . The most common mlstakesafe made in word order, spelling, punctuation, vocabularyand grammar' questions' B Read the extract from a TV review website and the writing tark below and then answer the 'sww.welovewatchingtvcamhasaskedviewerstopastreviewsonthefirctepisodeolth;snewrysetiesTheMedi (140-190words) wottd. Readthe ext;actftomthe websiteabout the seiesand thenwite your eriew to the editor' 1 What is the websiteextractabout? 2 What hasthe websiteeditor askedreadersto do? 3 Whatshouldthe revlewbe about? The Media world news headlines This is a new seriesfollowing the fast changing world of media Nowadavs,we can read the magazrnes and iablets' on social media sitesor on news apps We can read huge e-bool's on I thtlveight these changes -axactly"re Sohow appear online. And that's before we even start discussingsmadphones 4 channel at Spm in on Mondavs Tune iuture? uk"Jng tlu *uv p"opl. behave?Are you readv for the C Read the model review and circle five mistakes. @t"c.\i;;+i;; "L !t!tl9\t)9w.1!9. . -.1 B'iiittii'iit"l >lrtJPte,)q!Y9,.l 6soq3s vrha+lta 'joltt lir<ato tee l The MediaWorldis an interestingnewserlesat 8pmeveryMondavon Channel4 tisa abouthow the worldof mediais quicklychanging' documentary Firstofal,lfirrnybelievethatthlsistheperfectnewseriesforChannel4ltlsoften wold scl^argirg,aroweca'cealvseel\ishapper;rgarourd epontl-arr1en-eoia ro *ircn a p,oe'arr-e wn cn sf nar'sesthesecl-a'ges .,; oLr I am delorrredbe "ble andlnformsusofimportantdetails Forthisreason,l will watchthlsentneseries' be suppo.tedbv moreproof Witholt do!bt' whist someofthe claimsshould However, is declininglbelleve of newspapers readership is rislng, news ofonline readership personalopinion, lenjoyhearpersonaL In mv further investigated be thatthisshould orthe reporters,go to talkto editorsand the presenters, stories.lthereforerecommend filmingthe discusslons' publishers aboutthelrproblems,with the cameramen thatth'" publicwishestobe informedof howtheirworld To surnup, it is understandlng I am sureevenmorepeoPlewi ltune on l look commeniaries, is changing.Wlth extra programme. next foMard to the on D Readand completethe ExamTaskbelow.Don't {orget to usethe UsefulExpressions page 105o{ your Student'sBook. Exam Task or world !s' and :ow muchdo vouknowaboutvourwond?Thisisa newsenese/p oringtheenvronmenr2ro!'d - o * r . r h a n q t _ g' . e f i ! e p ' o o e w i l r o c s o n w ' a t w e I o a a b o L r ' I r a t e c L d - g e a ' d w e |*t d l l :o rariouspeo'pJ abouttheirviewson the subiectwe alsod iscussour preParednessfor cllmatechange .,tal areiour viewson c imatechange?Tuneii on W€d.esdavsat 6Pmon Channel5 to seeil vou agree :R.welovewatchinqtv.comhasaskedviewerstopostrevlewsonthefirstepisodeofihisnewTVseries' ieeatneextract{romthewebsiteaboutthesefiesandthenwritevourreview(140-190words) C n. YooaVularr4 A 1 Choose the correct answers. ofthe 1 Reporterswereshockedbythe danasewlicl'tf e eanhqrae hadcaused. a {igure b quantity 2 -\e JlfoftJnate s( e'. we'e kil ed by alr) - As a(n) for a nationalnewschanne, he is often sent a presenter 2 3 c eonor '10 The politiciantried to keepthe storysecretfrom the a drought Dcfi 3 Peopleweretold to stayindoorsafterthe governmentrss'reda warnrng. c havoc a hurricane b destruction d wlnd 4 Manypeop e were expectedto die of hungerln the whichfollowedthe long drousht. b print 1'1 Thisis the s00thepisodeofthe well-knownlife in an Englishvillage. a documentary c chatshow 5 Tre !,asr 'oods we-e tl^e res.:t o! a h.avy b faultLine {or the caris expeqtedto lncreaseits sales. 1 3 Thec photojournalism a supplement b advertlsement d subscriptlon -here s a f-eegit w Ih JJ'y's o{ trre'nagazile 14 a faultline 6 John has got a job as a - at a local radio b about repoding becauseit is 1 2 Thiscity hassufferedseriousearihquakes builton a(n) c ranger b cameraman d s o u n de n g i n e e f 15 Did yo! seethe news- 7 O n e m e t r e o f s n o wf e l L d u r i n gt h e - - I Thispopularnewry seriesis a(n)- of a classic b f ash 'Can lhelp you? 16 'Yes,l'm ookingfor a book, but I can't rememberthe a commentary c crlrque d critic b adaptation hraYnvnar B Circle the correct words. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 58 aboutthe tsunami? lt! ha.dto avoidmaking/to makemistakes. Sherefusedsaying/to sayanlthlng aboutthe test. What is the better/ bestbook you haveeverread? Thiscakeis not astastyas/ like the lastone you made The complter lab wasequip/ equippedwith the latesttechnology It / He is tholght that the universeis 14 bi lionyearso d. Why did he denyto be / being paidthe money? Marthais sajdto have/ havingthe loudestvoicein the class. 1 C Rewrite the sentencesin the passive. '| Sorneoneneedsto washthe car. 5 Youhaveto feed it twicea day. 2 Peoplewillneverforgethim. 6 Theyshouldsend herto a differentschool 3 Theyarecatchinga lot offish. Someone gave me directions. Theyteachcomputerscience at this college. Computerscience-. Nobodysaidanythingaboutthe problem. Nothing-. Choose the correct answers. I Thereareso manyadvertisements in thai magazine 1 0 The earthquakewas strongthat nearlyallrhe o d buildingswere destroyed. c enough b such that itl not worth b bousht c buying d to buying 2 In a realityshow,the contestants were maae 1'l c live b to living d lived 3 Whenhe heardthe cfash,he stopped hisbook and rushedoutside. c reading d to reading il Whenthe policequestionedthem,the coupledenied the forestfire. c wefe starting b starting 5 Whenthe snowfinalystopped-, peoplehadto dig themselves olt oftheir homes. a falling c havingfallen b fall d to fall 6 He doesn'tfollowthe news,so he'salwaysthe tast 'We mustdo something to helpthe flood victims.' 'Yes,we can't them sufferany longer' The longerthe tsunamivictimshaveto wait for hetp, their situationbecomes. as lasr to escapethe tidal wave. c luckily enough d luckyenough 12'That videoof the planelandingisverypoorquality.' 'Yes,it by an eye-witness.' a mustbe made b must be making c musthavebeen making d musthavebeen made 13 Presently, this rarespecies- in the Amazon a coud only be found b canonly be found d couldonlyfind 14'Who do youthinkwillbe the newgameshowhost?' 'Well,KateJones-to be the best person for thejob.' 1 5 Thousandsoftrees a findingout 9 Becauseof the d-o.rgn1.rle cropsare 1ot Some people were not - on this mountainsince a are beingplanted d have been planted 1 6 'Hasthat programmestartedyet?' 'No, and it was ten minutesago-' a supposedto start c supposedto starting