C*k-\"tr,r + Ca*7-terr EEr€s'sdu€ing ElementarY School €hildren to the Computer by HerbertL. Dershem Mr. HerbertL. Dershemis an AssociatePrcand ComputerScienceand fessorof Mathematics Mathematics.He is Chaitmanof the Department at Hope Collegeand has of computet Science beenon the facully theresince1969. He is cur. rcntly on sabbaticalleaveat Oak RidgeNational Laboratory in Oak Ridge, Tennessee.He is alsothe fathetof threebuddingyoungcomputer scientists.all of whomarc in elementaryschool. andJohnT, Whittle Mr. John T. Whittle is Assistant Ptofessotof lr4athenatics and ComputetScienceat HopeCol' lege wherc he hasbeen on the faculty since 1966. He teachesmanycomputersciencecoursesthere and hasbeenworkingon a ploiect to developa laborctoryfor elementaryteachers. mathematics T H EP RE S E N T A T I O N GH E C O I M P U T E R I . I N TR O D U C I N T they seethe As the childrenenterthe classroom, nameof the schoolandtheirclassbeingprintedon the high. in Iette65 centimeters screen displaV computer's facilities.After Thisis doneusingthe TRS-80grephics iscleared andthe name the nameis prinled,the screen are then introduced to the printedagain.Thechildren ol {unction of computerby a briefdescription the parts. eachof the component O FC O I \ 4 P U T I N G II. HISTORY A brie'fhistoryof computingdevicesis pre3enled throughthe useof obiectswhich aredisplayedby the presenter. Aidsto counting6ndarithmetic which are: and discussed be shown could will providethese. 1. HANDS.Audience pebbles in a pouchcanbe 2. PEBBLES. Several counted usedto demonstratehow ancientshepherds theirsheepto makesureall returnedto the fold at night. 3. ABACUS. Objectswerestill usedto k€epa re' cord o{ numbers,but placevalueswereintroduced ot objects. thesedevaces 4. SLIDE RULE. Instead numbers represent length to use Almostall of the children 5. CALCULATORS. andtheiruseof will be familiarwith thesedevices numbers. to represent electronics Thesedifferfrom calculators 6. COIVIPUTERS, in{ormain theirabilityto storemorethannumerical of instructionswith' tion and to executea sequence out humanintervention. Largerbrothersof the TRS' anda pictureof sucha ma80 shouldbe mentioned chinemightbeshown. Thefollowingisan outlineof a presentation to Introduce occasrons whichhasbeenusedon several Betore micro_ compLrters. schoolclassesto elementary were so conTRS-80 likethe RadioShack computers to a compu_ broughl classes were venientlvavailable, ter centerwherethe childrenusedterminals.Recent that the exper;ence with the TRS'80hasindicated can betaken if the compuler is more effective session described below The session into the classroom. right pre_ has it been and mode of operation assumes this and 4K I BASIC Leve' sentedusinga TRS-80with of FAM. I I I . RU N NI N GA P R O G R A M A programis rLrnwhich giveseachstudent'sage we obtained a Iist in variousunits. Forour sessions of studentnamesand birthdaysbeforethe classand thisdatawithinthe program.Thiswat embedded done10 savetime by havingeachchild'sname,birthday,and ageappearon the screenin sequence.lt i5 interesting tryingto explainto the childrenhow the computer"knows"theirbirthdays.An exampleof the outputfrom the AGE programis shownon the nextpage: 69 I rr,992 HousS BE S OSF C O I M P U T IV. APPLICATION is givenof several computeruses A description mightbe familiar'Somesuch wilh whichthe students we haveusedareprintingtheir parents' applications pavchecks, helpinglo solvecrimes,keepingbankre_ ;o;ds, storageand retrievalof transportationand lodg' andhelping arcade andTV games, inqreservations, leadsus application p;ple learn.The lastmentioned nicelyinto partV, V . U S I N GT H E C O M P U TRE Threeprogramsare providedfor the childrento for the entireclass, use. Firstthey are demonstrated havean opportunityto indivi' andthenthe sludents program Thisis donein groupsof duallyuseeach of the classworkson some threewhilethe remainder project by the teachersuch assigned computer-related or drawinga pic_ aswriringa storyaboutcomputers ture of wayscomputersare used. THE PROGFAI\4S usedfor thisdemon_ Eachof the threeprograms 10usesomeabilitiesor the students strationrequires in the class_ techniques whichthey havebeenlearning room, The{irstis the gameot HURKLE whichis well documentedelsewherelseeWhatTo Do After You Fitst Book of Gamesl lt glves Hit Retun or P.C.C.'S system practice dealingwith a coordinate the students TRS S0 The good logicalthinking some andrequires array the given here keeps is versiono{ HU RKLE which at all times,blinksthe posi_ of pointson the screen convenience' tion choseneachtime for the studenl's picture when andwhere of the HURKLE anddrawsa he is found. pro' An additiondrill is providedby the second problems gram.Thestudentis given10addition chosenat randombetween with eachof the addends 'l and 10, The numberof problems givenandthe by chanq' modified can be uooerlimit on the addends in statement lvl K, respectively, values of and ing the eitherlhe 450 ol the program.By randomselection, is replaced the sum or the second addend, lirst addend, problem on the appears mark the when bv a ouestion lf the provide a response student is to The screen. mes_ conqratulatory is correct, an appropriate response andthe nextp'oblemis given lf the saoeis displaved thisis dis' indicating is incorrect, a message reiponse plavedandthe studentis givenup to threemoreat' tempts.lf afterlour tries,the sludenthasfailedto give the programinserlsthe correct the correct response, integerandtellsthe studentto "CHEcK NIYAN' the programreporlshow SWER".After l0 problems. 'firstattempt. manythe studentsolvedcorrectlyon the Thethird programdrawsa lineandasksthestu_ its lengthin cenlimeterslf the stu_ dentto estimate is correct,the programextendscondent'sresponse name.lf the gratulations by blinkingthe student's is incorrect, the programdrawsa linethe response guess a revlsed andrequests lengthof the student's estimate. COMMENTS hasbeengivento second Thispresentation with a grealdealof suc' andthirdgradeclasses cess.The sludentsarevery attentive,excited andanxioustor Jurther abouttheirexperience, exposureto computers. Leavingthe computer in the classroomfor a weekor morga{ter the prefor studentusein {reetime wouldbe sentation a goodfollow-up to this iitroductory session. ro r."r3r? Is 2 o P .r r t r c o n E PROGRAI\4LISTING- 70 ! o ! H u l x L E ,2 rE nrcs ! ro 00rr'::lN'r P .1 1 r . r ! ! ( r - 1 1, i 'ir:P.rfP1lriti-11;:rr,i] z. t{: r, !^. tr.2, .rr tr= rl .c PROG R A I VL] I S T I N G_ t'O r. ^- -^,^.+- ,i ^, .. ,- --r- / l r 0 P .^ r 3 c t r . o r ; P .^ r ? r r 0 , c : : r t r:Pr6r:r-!.{!-0,:r.! 6t0 ! ? 0 s : r , l l t i r 0 t r 0 lt - ] : G r r t t N NtDl 0 l t - 1 : r : r 6tc 1qc ..Irtcll01 2 0 0I r :r-rrr t6-lorc) l r < . 9 ) ' t 3 > ' 0 1 ! ( c < r r l . t c > r o rl r ! r 2 r 0 r . ^ r P r l t ; : o r r [ 0 t 5 ] c m o 70 0 , t r 0, r I 0, t ] o , r ! 0 2 1 0L . l 0 l 1 l r o - r r i 6 { r { . c J00 2r0 rr tcr0l. t3.sl !bur r5o 260 rr r<3 iser 230 120 .116 2 ? 0 P .i s o [ 1 i r ; : c , 2 9 0 r.rNor 0un!. 290rr cro r|rr tto 160 I mr ri; t. !: '?rI li. ':iat. r00 rr c<D r8!N 120 7ro p . r r p r r 5 r . o r r r u t 5 l c o r 0 r 3 0 . r e 0 , 3 o o . 0 1 o , i 2 0 rrAtrr.i:irr. 190 r.rlii, )r0.-rr1ror00:r.r:p.r.rL,i!rr:N.rrNt{r1:c.ra0 3ro ! 9 0 r : 2 ? . 3 r 0 !: . 1 6 - l . s : r r r - ) : s . t r , n , : s . t I , 4 r c l 3?C ruu!!! r60 r.r-2:5. tr,r-rtIs. tr.3rrt:s. tr,3.!l r 7 0 ! ' r - 1 : s .t r , 3 - 2 1 s: , t x !r t . s . t r , 0 . 7 l 3 c c . L s tL . n N D t 2 0 t: ! : I n t l L l . t 6 l . . 5 l : c . 0 r30 r-r:s. tr,!-2t:s. tr,!-rt:s. tr,r!ra r . r : 0 r o t - r : 5 . t r , t 0! : r . r re0 !,r.r:5. tr,F2t:s. tr.3l:s. tr,D.a ! 0 0 r : r ' ? 's . t r , ! . r l : s - t ! ! r r t r : s i r r . 3 8 l !10 r'Lr: s. tr, a,:s.lri8r.l 4 ? 0 n . r T 0 :P . r r 0 , r r o 0 3ao r ' I r t t r , / . r o r r . 5 ) : . . r ! 0 r o r - 1 : s . t r , 1 5 ): r . t f . ! r r r o 1 r ? : t .( r , 1 5 t : N . r . : r t r : , r . r : 0 .h ? o { 5 0 c l s : i - 1 0 : r : 1 ) 3 : r = c : r - 0i:. 1 0 i ; r - r r Dt l t : t = 0 ; r . 3 r 0 ( i l : s . i N Dt K t : c = r . ! q 2 0 9 . r T 5 t 6 : P . r T 5 7irr r n i r r i ! rt:r.Jt1 ro ro.:r.r:r.r co' rr Ilr;dl"c''5585'.:c.9,'o 5r0 r. ^rP.23,r 25('0:r.r:cLs:c.10 71