Wendel Gabrielle L. Navarro BSED Major in English. 3rd year TECHTEL2 1. From the Department of Education K-12 Curriculum Guide (CG) that you’ve read, identify and comprehend on the outcomes/goals. (Depending on your major). According to the K-12 curriculum guide from DepEd, its goal/outcome is to produce grammatically competent, socially competent, and mentally competent graduates. Those specific outcomes are being skillful at communication in all manners such as in society, work place, harms way, universities, and much more. 2. From the CG, what are the 21st-century learning skills that DepEd wants to promote to learners? The 21st- century learning skills that DepEd wants to promote to learners are information media and technology skills, learning and innovation skills, communication skills, and lastly, life and career skills. 3. What are the different ICT/Technology Tools that can be used in your major in the teaching and learning process? Give advantages and disadvantages (at least 3). An ICT technology that comes to mind that can be used in our major in teaching is a learning base game called Kahoot! Activities like quizzes and trivia are the major sell in Kahoot and when it’s integrated into classes, the advantages it would give is that the learning process would be incredibly fun, learners would be much more engaged with you, and they would retain more of the lessons. The disadvantages however are that cheating is pretty much easy in Kahoot, it’s inaccessible to some students because it requires a strong internet connection, and setting this up online is a bit complicated base on experience.