Uploaded by Antonio Valenzuela

Special Ed Teachers' Online Efficacy During COVID-19

University of Antique
Main Campus-Sibalom
Thesis title: “Special Education Teachers’ Efficacy for Online Learning
During COVID-19 Pandemic in Special Education Centers in the Division
of Antique”
Onido, Jhonas A.
Valenzuela, Grace Ann
Padpad, April Rose
Adviser: Ma’am Roxanne Diana
Statement of the problem
This study will measure the special education teachers’ efficacy in the
early stages of transitioning from face-to-face to fully online class.
Specifically it directs to answer the following questions:
1. What is the online efficacy of special education teacher in teaching pupils
with special needs during COVID-19 pandemic when taken as a whole
and when categorized according to (a) age, (b) years of face-to-face
teaching experience, and (c) years of online teaching experience, (d) units
and/or score in professional development, (e) additional qualifications, (f)
specialization and (g) educational level?
2. Is there a significant difference in online efficacy of special education
teacher in teaching pupils with special needs during COVID-19 pandemic
when taken as a whole and when categorized according to (a) age, (b)
years of face-to-face teaching experience, and (c) years of online teaching
experience, (d) units and/or score in professional development, (e)
additional qualifications, (f) specialization and (g) educational level?
University of Antique
Main Campus-Sibalom
3. Is there a significant difference during face-to-face teaching and online
In accordance to the abovementioned problems, the following
hypothesis/assumption is formulated:
1. There will be a positive relationship between online efficacy of special
education teacher and (a) age, (b) years of face-to-face teaching
experience, and (c) years of online teaching experience, (d) units and/or
score in professional development, (e) additional qualifications, (f)
specialization and (g) educational level.
2. There will be a positive relationship between face-to-face teaching and
online teaching.
Theoretical Framework
This study was anchored in the theory of Albert Bandura’s Constructive
Self-efficacy (published in 1977). According to Bandura, self-efficacy refers to
one's belief in one's capacity to learn or do tasks at a high level (Bandura,
1986, 1997). Self-efficacy has been shown to impact academic motivation,
learning, and accomplishment in several studies (Pajares, 1996; Schunk,
Bandura (2006) provides guides for constructing self-efficacy scales that
underlines self-efficacy as a main factor in achieving learning outcomes. In
terms of using technology, TPACK (Technological Pedagogical and Content
Knowledge) and teacher self-efficacy are critical dimensions for ensuring
effective integration of technology into education (Mishra & Koehler, 2006).
However, characteristics of teachers who use technology for professional use
and who are currently immersed in transitioning to online teaching have not
been examined in detail. Lee and Tsai (2010) explored teachers’ self-efficacy for
University of Antique
Main Campus-Sibalom
using the internet for teaching. They added a web component to the TPCK
framework to examine correlations between self-efficacy and the TPCK-W score.
Correlations with web-based teaching, self-efficacy, and positive attitudes
towards the use of the internet for teaching were found.
Conceptual Framework
SPED Teachers Profile
years of face-to-face
teaching experience,
and years of online
teaching experience,
units and/or score in
educational level
Very High
Very Low
Figure 1. Conceptual paradigm of the level of special education teachers’
University of Antique
Main Campus-Sibalom
Significance of the study
The researchers believe that result of this study will benefit the following:
Special Education Teachers- The findings of this study will give further
information to special education teachers on how to strengthen their teaching
efficacy. Furthermore, the findings will increase special education teachers'
self-efficacy in teaching special needs pupils in online learning modalities.
Special need pupils- The findings of this study will benefit students with
special needs. As an outcome of the findings and recommendations made in
this study, special needs pupils will be able to receive those necessary for a
meaningful learning experience.
Future researcher(s)- This study will serve as a future reference on significant
practices related to special education teachers' tactics and online resources.
Furthermore, this study will give further information on special education
teachers' teaching efficacy in educating special needs pupils in an online
Scope and Limitations
This study will focus on the special education teachers’ efficacy in online
The data in this study will be gathered using survey type questionnaire
and record analysis.
This study was only limited to Special Education teachers in selected
SPED center in the Division of Antique. This study will be conducted in 4 (four)
selected SPED center in the Division of Antique namely: Antique SPED Center
in San Jose De Buenavista, Bugasong, Lipata, and Pandan Central School.
University of Antique
Main Campus-Sibalom
Definition of terms
For the clarity and to fully understand the terms to be used in this
study, the following terms are conceptually and operationally defined.
Online teaching- refers to an educational model where students and
instructions connect via technology to review and discuss lectures, submit
assignments and communicate with one another. Hence, no face-to-face
learning occurs since, assignments are delivered online.
Teacher Efficacy- refers to the belief of judgment of his/her capabilities to
bring about desired outcomes of students engagement and learning, even
among those students who may be difficult or unmotivated.
Special Education Teacher- refers to the teachers who work with students
who have learning, mental, emotional, or physical disabilities. They adapt
general education lessons to teach various subjects to students with mild to
moderate disabilities; also, they teach basic skills to those students with severe
Special need pupils- refers to a child who has special education needs if they
have learning problem or disability that make it more difficult for them to learn
than most children their age. They may also have problems with school works,
communication, or behavior.
COVID-19- Coronaviruses (CoV) are a large family of viruses that cause illness
ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases. The disease of the new
coronavirus causes is called coronavirus disease 2019, or COVID-19 for short.
Pandemic- refers to a disease outbreak that spreads across countries or
continents. It affects more people and takes more lives than an epidemic.
Impairment- refers to a problem with a structure or organ of the body.
Disability- refers to a functional limitation with regard to a particular activity.