REVISION GUIDE Use this guide to revise your writing. Ask Yourself Tips Revision Techniques 1. Does my opening grab readers’ attention? Underline interesting or surprising statements. Add an attention-getting statement. 2. Are events in an order that makes sense? Do transitions connect paragraphs and make the sequence of events clear? Number the events in the narrative. Check that they are in the correct order. Underline transitional words and phrases. Rearrange events in the order in which they occurred, if necessary. Add transitions to link events and make connections between paragraphs. 3. Is dialogue relevant to the purpose? Note any dialogue that seems unnecessary. Add dialogue that reveals character and advances the action. 4. Do vivid sensory details make the experience seem real? Highlight vivid, specific, and sensory details. Add more sensory details. Delete irrelevant details. 5. Have I included my thoughts and feelings? Put a check mark next to statements of feelings or thoughts. Add specific details about feelings and thoughts, if necessary. 6. Does my conclusion reveal why the experience was meaningful to me? Underline the statement about why the experience was meaningful. Add a statement that explains why the experience was important. © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Write a Personal Narrative