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Improving HSE Culture in Wafra, Kuwait

Improving Safety and
Environmental (HSE) Culture
among Workers In joint
operations company, Wafra,
Total words count: 5976
Designing Research Projects ,Module code 700063
[STUDENT ID. # 201851897 ]
CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION _____________________________________________ 2
1.1 Overview of the Organization ____________________________________________________ 2
1.2 Project Aim ___________________________________________________________________ 5
1.3 Research Objectives ____________________________________________________________ 6
1.4. Purpose of the study____________________________________________________________ 6
1.5 Research Questions _____________________________________________________________ 6
1.6 Rationale _____________________________________________________________________ 7
2.0 CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW ________________________________________ 8
2.1 Conceptual Framework _________________________________________________________ 8
2.2. Theoretical framework _________________________________________________________ 9
Safety Triad Theory _______________________________________________________________ 9
Reason’s model __________________________________________________________________ 10
The Curve Model by DuPont Bradley________________________________________________ 11
High-Reliability Organization (HRO) Model __________________________________________ 12
Ways of Improving Environmental and Safety Cultures ________________________________ 12
Performance Gap Analysis _________________________________________________________ 14
CHAPTER THREE: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY_________________________ 16
Research methodology ______________________________________________________ 16
Sources of Data ____________________________________________________________ 17
Research Instruments and Tools. _____________________________________________ 19
3.4 Sampling ____________________________________________________________________ 22
3.5 Techniques of handling data ____________________________________________________ 22
3.6 Limitations ___________________________________________________________________ 23
3.7 Ethical and Accessibility issues in the study ________________________________________ 23
4.0 Structure of the final project ________________________________________________ 24
5.0 Work schedule ___________________________________________________________ 25
5.0. BIBLIOGRAPHY ________________________________________________________ 26
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Around the world, oil and gas industry is a standout amongst the most dangerous businesses
because of its extraordinary nature. The employees in the oil and gas industry need to formulate
safety and environmental guidelines that aim at reducing rates of damages experienced as well as
eliminating casualty (Ahmadi et al., 2016: 107-112). Safety and medical problem have picked up
a wide consideration in worldwide at exploration and oil field services destinations.
So when the mishap that occurs at site is lessened, there ought to have a consciousness of safety
and environmental culture among workers (Ahmadi et al., 2016: 107-112). Attention to the
culture of safety and environment should be determined to all workers before the day their begin
The safety and environmental issues in Wafra oil and gas industry has an exceptionally poor
record contrasted with different sites. The joint operations wafra company has defined various
lawful prerequisites, for example, OSHA of 1994 to diminish yearly mishap. A comparative
analysis of cases of accidents and injuries experienced by workers in Wafra and other oil and gas
exploration sites, indicate that Wafra has the highest reported such cases (Reason, 1997 : 293–
306). It means the employees working in dangerous areas of the company have not been
applying the principles of Health, safety and environment culture at work. Casualty rates should
also be reduced. Safety culture should be instilled in the workers such as dump truck drivers so
that the cases of accidents experienced may completely be eliminated.
1.1 Overview of the Organization
The researcher will conduct the research project in Joint Operations Company- Wafra area which
is a partnership between Kuwait (KGOC ) and Saudi Arabian’s chevron. The kingdom of Saudi
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Arabia (KSA) has an objective in making use of the oil and gas resources that are available in the
Neutral Zone. The Neutral Zone is found lying between Saudia arabia and Kuwait. It is a zone
that stretches 5 000 KM2. Joint Operations Company works in liaise with Kuwait Gulf Oil
Company and Chevron. It has the role of producing oil from the petroleum natural resources in
the stretch. It does the production activities at the Alzour Port where it also oversees three mine
fields for the oil and gas. Joint Operations Company has hired many contractors for transporting
and general services for about 15000 employees.
The researcher will focus on general services employees specially waste management employees
who are contractor employees responsible to gather and arrange all refuse from the Company's
operational regions, incorporating the areas indicated in Annexure which is delivered to the
contractor in tendering stage. The Services incorporate however not constrained to: Collecting all
refuse packs from holders, conveying them to and purging legitimately into vehicles, providing
another PVC pack into the holder and return top/spread, clear and divert in the vehicle. All refuse
should be aggregated around holders or spilt from compartments, leaving zone perfect and clean.
As they collect the refuse, the HSE culture should be employed so that the contractors and the
workers are not hurt in any way.
The Contractor pulls rubbish to the closest deny dump area endorsed and designated by the state
region specialists and in complete consistence with district guidelines and guidelines (Industrial
Hazardous Wastes will be taken to Shuaiba mechanical region). The Contractor also guarantees
that rubbish holders are dealt with in a legitimate way and is not be exposed to unpleasant or
thoughtless taking care of. The dump truck drivers are the ones that need to be educated on the
HSE culture the most so that they reduce cases of accidents that their trucks have been involved
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in. They should also participate in various ways of improving Safety and Environmental (HSE)
Culture among themselves.
As the Contractor gives channel cleaning and cesspit discharging and cleaning Services, he needs
to follow the guidelines of positive HSE culture. The Contractor will give sand evacuation and
zone cleaning services all through the company's operational domains, incorporating all Field
zones notwithstanding the Camps and other determined areas .All the field technicians involved
in the process often conduct job safety analysis to determine if the projects are safe to embark on.
The services incorporate; collecting sand, including minor profundities hand uncovering,
utilizing scoops grain scoops, wheel pushcarts and cans at whatever point required, pull sand to
affirmed dump zone. Clearing and cleaning around places of business, recreational offices,
parking garages, facilities, patios, porta-lodges, mess corridor, joint operations company center,
Saudi and Wafra gaugers settlement, VOIPD workplaces and convenience ,Saudi fringes and
different zones, the contractor will utilize road sweeper to clean streets and parking areas as
mentioned by the superintendent. Clearing windblown flotsam and jetsam and decline; and sand
from around wall and structures, raking smooth and leaving zone completely perfect and clean.
Pulling all materials recouped to the endorsed decline dump site by the State district. It is
important to incorporate HSE principles as the works are done to protect their health,
environment and overall safety. The contractor will accommodate the foremen, Location
Supervisor, Safety Officer, Environmental Officer and Operators, Twenty two (22) workers
complete with scoops, grain scoops, wheel dump carts, PVC plastic sacks, pails and some other
cleaning, unearthing and sand expulsion hand gear. The said workers are for the most part
perform sand evacuation/housekeeping/sanitation and region cleaning services or some other
comparative inside or outside functions as might be required by the superintendent. He in a better
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state to be the advocate for safety and environmental culture among the many workers that he
supervises. The project shall look on ways of improving safety and environmental (HSE) Culture
among workers because of plenty of hazards which are shown by studying the above mentioned
scope of work but by focusing on the reality which we are facing in joint operations company
and this project , we can find easily that we are suffering from many accidents and near-misses
because of huge wide desert area which our services cover and low HSE culture specially in
driving regarding many vehicle accidents have occurred recently . According to Bob Joop
Goos,(2011) ( chairman of the International Organisation for Road Accident Prevention ), Road
danger is a man-made crisis, with over 90 percent of accidents accounting for human error. So
we should focus on the source of the problem , assessing and improving HSE culture and
leadership among our workers. By improving HSE culture, our employees will gain befits for
The creation of awareness of each person's roles in health and safety in an organization which
will assist then in defining the responsibilities of the individuals and also shows the leadership
and commitment of the management. Clearly allocated duties helps in reducing the health and
safety burden, setting up clear lines of communication and reporting, defining individual
capabilities and training needs mainly for specific roles such as first aid and environment
protection. Finally, awareness of one’s roles and responsibilities can increase his/her motivation
and help improve his/her morale in our company.
1.2 Project Aim
This research aims to improve safety and environmental culture that is employed by drivers and
supervisors of the waste management contractor. The project emanate from the fact that tankers
and waste dump trucks are involved in many accidents. The research study assesses Safety and
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Environmental culture among the drivers and supervisors especially their commitment, training,
leadership, supervision and if they can be trusted. The project shall also make conclusions and
recommendations of where the culture could be improved so as to benefit the stakeholders such
as the divers and the supervisors.
1.3 Research Objectives
To conduct an investigation into the HSE culture of the drivers and the supervisors
To obtain orderliness and cleanliness among the drivers so as to promote safety and
environmental awareness through safety and environmental values.
To analyze the data received and perform analysis in HSE culture
To promote the spirit of cooperation and unity among the drivers for proper health
development and improvement of the environment.
To give a series of conclusions highlighting where improvements in the HSE culture can
be made
1.4. Purpose of the study
The project should be able to educate the drivers on the various ways of improving safety
cultures as well as the health and environmental cultures.
1.5 Research Questions
What HSE culture is applied by the drivers?
What are the factors that cause these problems?
What are the best ways one can improve these cultures in waste management
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1.6 Rationale
This study has the primary concern of getting the proper ways of maintaining the health and care
of the drivers and the location they are in. The objective is to find amicable solutions to improve
environmental and safety cultures.
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2.1 Conceptual Framework
An ideal safety and environmental culture project will be constituted of several activities as the
independent variables which include, safety cultures, use of technology, health safety, preventive
cultures, regular training, constant communication and environmental cultures (Caborn 2005).
Independent Variables
Dependent Variables
-safety Cultures
-Safety Programs
-Waste collection
-Healthy Safety
Intervening Variables
-Regular trainings
-Preventive Cultures
-General Community
and society
- Waste
-number of
-waste disposal
and treatment
This idea about HSE culture fosters global comprehension concerning accident occurrence since
it clears up individuals' view of safety and conduct identified with safety. The culture of safety is
a phrase regularly utilized at workplace to depict ways that it is handled. Safety culture always
mirrors the thoughts and the ideologies that the staff of any company uphold with regards to their
HSE accepted way of life. It is not an easy task to establish a safety culture where there is a
diverse group (Caborn , 2005).
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However, organizational audits indicate that effective HSE culture improve the morale of
workers who develop great inclinations towards the practices of health and safety. Therefore,
organizations are obliged to ensure that they gather data about safety, measure performance
about safety and assemble persons to train them on ways to improve HSE culture. According to
Stanton (1998), they discovered four basic pointers on a safety culture. They include proper
learning from the organization, wherein the firm has the capacity to recognize and appropriately
respond to changes. The other is the external factors, comprising of the firm’s financial health,
the current economic condition and effect of regulation and ways that they are managed. efficient
communication, it results to individual understanding of the goals and ways to meet then at all
levels (Cox & Cox ,1991 : 93-106).The focus of the organization of health and safety that is the
amount of time and attention is particularly paid to safety and health.
2.2. Theoretical framework
Safety Triad Theory
Gellor (2001) examined a safety group of three hypotheses in which he imagined that an
"Absolutely Safety Culture" ought to keep up a keep checking procedure to three areas which are
condition, conduct elements, and individual variables. They are dynamic and intelligent and the
progressions in it is possible that one factor will inevitably affect the other one. When individuals
act safety, they act themselves into safe reasoning and the relating practices frequently result in
some condition change (Cui, Fan, Fu, and Zhu, 2013 : 37-46).
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Equipments, Tools,
Knowledge ,Skills
,Motives ,Abilities
HSE culture
: Gellor’s safety triad
Standards, Etc.
Recognizing , complying ,coaching
Reason’s model
Reason affirms that one can structure a security culture. The various parts of model of reasons
are essentially determined by perspectives, attitudes, and activities. As shown by Reason, four of
the parts which are adaptable, adapting, just, and announcing input as well as reinforcing 5th
segment, educated .A learning society has a good culture for its own wellbeing hence has to be
motivated to learn more knowledge” (Frankilne, 2019). Thinking about various outlines that can
be learnt from the model that was developed by Reason erroneously to delineate educated way of
life with the identity of autonomy. It is also specific as compared to societies that are adaptable,
adapting, just and revealing.
From the society that loves learning, appropriate data are assembled and separated. It assists in
viably spreading wellbeing information. Individuals who direct and work the affiliation's security
structure understand manmade, specific, progressive, as well as natural contributors which
contribute to wellbeing that the system needs. Nearly everyone from the affiliation appreciate
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and respect the dangers of undertakings and know about the system's potential vulnerabilities
(Hewitt, 2011). In a culture that is detailing, a space is built up that urges agents that they have
the informative role of communicating the wellbeing issues.
The model that was developed by Reason passes on noteworthiness that includes keeping up the
revealing society inside the affiliation. The detailing society, that has to begin as well as
maintained by the officials, has significance all together for the board as they understand the
state of an affiliation's security society (Jannadi & Bu-Khamsin, 2002: 539-547).
The administrators can make direct move in the domains identifying all types of sub-cultures
positively so that the society can remain in a progressive mode. As long as the society is made to
move in the right direction, there shall be right perceptions that continue to build it especially
from the angle of the experts in the given fields (Lessin, 2000).
The Curve Model by DuPont Bradley
This model that was developed by DuPont astonishes since it is a consequence of wide
proportion that is made from trial information used in affirming turnaround association among
various dimensions. The model analyses how OSHA and safety culture relate through a series of
empirical studies (Lessin,, 2000). This model spots associations and groups them into four
successive classes that include: receptive, subordinate, autonomous and related.
Controllers and governments regularly conceive and fundamentally influence results. The Arrow
might be furthermore stretched out to consolidate the individual related with the accident, peers,
the board, board, financial specialists, controllers, administering bodies, and the overall society
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High-Reliability Organization (HRO) Model
An High-Reliability Organization model can be described as the institution that have positioned
themselves in a manner that they can handle their missions without being affected by the external
pressures. Safety leaders are able to apply the model in their companies so that they recognize
harmful safety tendencies. It aims to improve the manner which HSE culture is done at the
workplace. Such kind of a model if applied by the drivers of dump trucks, there can be reduced
or no cases of accidents that are being experienced. The model has been identified as possessing
competence that is technical in nature, non-rigid decision-making model and performance
systems that are sustainable in nature. It also aids in reporting of potential errors in safety
execution (Liu H, Wu J, Li P ,2013 : 2744-2751). Columbian University had ranked HRO model
as one of the best in safety hierarchies as compared to the others. The model is regarded to be
better than the NASA’s one since if its principles are applied, the cases of accidents are reduced.
Ways of Improving Environmental and Safety Cultures
Despite huge improvements in safety and the environment over the past few years, HSE culture
among the drivers can still be a dangerous activity to meddle in if the culture is not properly
audited. (Garner, 2013: 39). While all the ill health diseases related to improper HSE culture
among the drivers cannot be prevented, the project researchers have taken the liberty of
highlighting ways on how the drivers can improve safety and environmental cultures:
Establish environmental and safety cultures
The drivers should have safety records so that they can have the greatest safety culture. The
culture should be adopted by all the drivers and have the mindset that they are the once
responsible for their safety and nobody else. A culture of safety should be engineered by the
drivers to protect themselves from effects related to waste products and reduce human sickness
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and keep the environment safe for animals and human beings. Good working conditions in terms
of health should be established for the drivers so that they are free from diseases caused by
improper waste management.
Creation of safety programs and checklists
At least some of the drivers are knowledgeable of safety, health and environmental regulations,
this will enable them to have a series of checklist when they might be in contact with waste. The
creation of safety programs will enable the drivers to identify additional risks associated with dirt
(Garner, 2013 :39). This project is aiming to maintain safety checklist for the drivers on
everything from waste collection to waste disposal.
Regular training and communication
The drivers should ensure that they are trained in the latest technologies and proper protocols for
handling waste that have been produced. This includes being trained on how to properly collect
the waste around them, disposal procedure and how they can reduce hazardous risks that are
associated with waste products. Improper training on how to handle waste products can lead to
contacting diseases that affect the health of the drivers.
Use of Technology
The use of technology in managing waste is the best way to improve safety amongst the drivers.
The use of the internet like YouTube to check on tutorials that will teach you on how to handle
waste products through various existing technologies (Garner, 2013 : 39 ). Waste management
technologies remove the drivers from the way of harm. These technologies can also be used to
improve the environment and maintain for healthy living and coexistence for the animals.
Creating the culture of prevention
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This concept of inhibition culture is indirectly founded on the concept of culture of safety. Safety
culture is aiming at reducing risks related to waste but the preventive culture aims at reducing
risk that are both related to health and environment. Therefore the drivers are urged to embrace
this culture so that harmful effects should be a thing of the past or minimized.
Performance Gap Analysis
Gap analysis is a method that can be used to measure performance. It is based on the fact that
there are predetermined objectives that are supposed to be met in HSE projects which have to be
reviewed if they are being actually achieved (Lessin, 2000). It is like a means of coming up with
ways to bridge the gap that exists between the actual performance and the predetermined goals at
the beginning of a project. The environment shall also be taken good care of as the workers shall
be conscious of protecting it. Gap analysis comes in handy to ensure that the actual achievements
are gauged with the original HSE objectives.
Gap analysis not only benefits the workers in an organization but the clients also so that their
health and safety are well protected when they are in the organization. Safety culture requires
that the organization has signs and billboards that educate the customers not to go to some
dangerous areas (Gellor, 2001). The visitors to the organization should also be dressed in
personal protective equipment such as aprons and helmets to protect against harm of falling
objects among others. Members of the staff should always conduct job safety analyses to ensure
that their health are safe before they embark on it. There should also be safety suggestion boxes
where they should drop their observations as they work.
Gap analysis aids the organization in assessing if they are compliant with the positive HSE
culture and rectify every gaps that exist in the implementation stages. The aim of gap analysis is
to improve the existing HSE culture in the organization (Reason ,1997: 293–306). Through the
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assessments done, opportunities and strengths are identified for better improvement. Gap
analysis covers a range of assessments such as companies’ operations, management structure,
HSE culture that exists, safety management systems, safety audits and how work is done at the
company site. Gap analysis has been found to reduce or completely eliminate accidents at
workplace such of the dump truck drivers.
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Research methodology presents and simplifies all the required details of the procedure that will
be followed in conducting the research project of improving safety and environmental culture
among the drivers. It will include: the discussion of the project design, description of the
research instruments to be used, the steps used in collecting data and the methods that will be
used in interpreting and analyzing the data collected. The project researcher might have a
challenge in searching for binding data sources and relevant information for the study. The
researcher will be required to look for several research works and articles so that he can gather
and collect proper information and acquire data needed for the study.
Research methodology
The researcher will employ a mixed approach that uses both quantitative and qualitative method
of data analysis. Quantitative research, which is evaluated based on being more valid as a result
of using more probable scientific principles and objectives, will be preferred for use throughout
the study. On the other hand, qualitative research will be used in obtaining answers to the
research problems which cannot be achieved through quantitative analysis. Use of mixed
methods has become increasingly acceptable as the perceptions and insights obtained to allow
the blending of both aspects and qualities found in qualitative and quantitative questions in
interviews. Finally, in our procedure of research, the aim is having a better depiction of the
obtained data, which will give us perceptive analysis to come up with meaningful conclusions
(Kumar, 2014: 171).
The questions of interviews' scenarios have been structured in a manner that they are both open
and closed which calls for the mixed approach. The interviews tool has advantage of the
researcher asking deeper questions hence the feedback can be more elaborate and beyond just
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answering questions. According to Kumar, the mixed approach is applicable when perspectives
are to be discussed from different sides, when a single method cannot lead to accurate results,
when quality work is required and when the study has a variety of objectives among others
(Kumar, 2014: 171). Kumar (2014: 171) goes on to argue that the mixed method has the
advantages such as offering comprehensive analysis of the results from multiple objectives, best
to use in cases where the study is complex and enriches the data collected. It also aids in the
collection of any additional pieces of evidence that one method would not incorporate. Despite
the advantages that it has, there are disadvantages that have been realized through the application
of the mixed method such as it involves more work since it has more data generated, needs more
skills for analysis and data collected through the two methods may fail to agree.
Quantitative research type that will determine the challenges associated with improving the
health, safety and environmental cultures in waste management among the drivers. In this project
study, some of the drivers will be interviewed about their current HSE culture and the problems
they are facing in terms of waste management (Ahmadi et al., 2016: 107-112). Through the
experiences the drivers are going through, then the researcher will be able to provide
recommendations and address the problem that is being targeted. It shall help to reduce and
eliminate cases of dump tanks accidents among others.
Sources of Data
The researcher will collect primary data through interviews means which represents the primary
source of data and we can gain the benefit of obtaining and reporting primary information that
are not biased or distorted. Guidance for conducting the interview will be provided to the drivers.
The interview comprises of the fundamental questions about safety and environment
management systems ,change management ,accident/ near-miss reporting system and
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routine operations ,Etc.. During interviews, We can get deeper information by discussions that
other methods such as questionnaire cannot obtain. The other merits are that the more
supplements can be given such as gestures, explanations of answers can be done and has a wider
application. On the other hand, the demerits identified include: being time-consuming, needs
more resources, variations of data when different interviewers are used and biasness in study
among others (Kumar, 2014:192-194).
The primary data shall be collected in two intervals. The intervals shall be in 2 weeks’ time so as
to avoid cases where the data collected is biased. It will also help to determine if the culture has
changed over time. Secondary data shall also be employed to examine how safety and
environmental culture have been applied in and the accidents that the dump truck drivers caused
and to examine the efficiency of the recommendations of this project . They shall then be
compared with the primary data collected to give a more independent and reliable sets of data.
The researcher will use some leading and lagging indicators which present in the monthly safety
and environment report like numbers of conducted HSE training , number of reported nearmisses , number of different accidents /incidents, number of surveys &audits , number of leaders
site visits , numbers of recognitions &awards and Etc..
In the interview, challenges that the drivers are facing as they execute principles of HSE culture
shall also be included. This will give more relevant information about the community that the
drivers live like land coverage and the population that may be affected by the negative HSE
culture. This will help in finding ways on how to improve HSE culture and have some of the
solutions on the problem of research being studied.
The researcher will be attentive to monitor the dependability and validity of the data prior to resolving it.
McNeill and Chapman (2005:20), say that validity is the ability of the accessible information in
presenting an honest opinion of the obtained data from the field without basing on the method of
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used in collecting the data. For instance, it is hard to asses the behavior of a person based on the
info he/she provides as opposed to studying the characteristics he/she shows. In research, there are
several methods which can be used to evaluate the legitimacy of the collected data about the
topic of study. The legitimacy of the objectives of given research should be urgently considered
depending on what is being measured. Therefore, we should put into consideration the most
crucial decision in research design - which is the formulation of the objectives of the research (Kumar,
2014: 124). The analysis concepts depend on the legitimacy of the general focus of the study.
Statistical proof is obtained from the approach employed, and this can present reliable results
depending on the issue under study. Kumar (2014: 230), says that results can be considered
dependable if tested on several occasions and present a similar issue. The dependability of the
results is affected by issues such as the mood of the respondents, the physical environment of the
study, the mood of interviewer, and the mode of communication.
Research Instruments and Tools.
The tool has been developed by transport safety Victoria and the NSW Independent Transport
Safety Regulator (TSV). the tool depends on scenario- based interviews searching for data about
safety and environmental culture among workers. The researcher will do his best to catch the
strengths and weaknesses in safety and environmental culture among workers. In the other hand
the researcher is trying to finds positive and negative points in safety and environmental
management systems and leadership as well as strategies that are implemented in order to
improve and raise the standards of HSE outcomes.
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the tool is consisted of five interviews scenarios and its questions are connected to a set of safety
and environmental culture elements which are based on research, the Waterfall and Glenbrook
inquiry findings and input from subject matter experts.
The six HSE elements are :
1) Management & Leadership
2) Just Culture
3) Information Flow (reporting / feedback loop)
4) Risk Awareness
5) Learning Culture
6) Staff Involvement
The researcher will conduct interviews daily during the planned period for collecting data using
English language version and sometimes Arabic version of interviews scenarios when the project
team will set to the employees to conduct the daily HSE tool box talk. The main reason for
conducting the interviews is to assess HSE issues and be able to understand the problems that the
drivers are encountering while they are working. This is what the research study aims to solve by
finding out the ways to improve HSE culture so that the cases of accidents are reduced or
completely eliminated.
Then the researcher will record the answers of the other drivers on some common questions
when it comes to how they dispose of the waste that they produced and causative factors to the
accidents. This will help in finding proper ways of improving HSE culture in the drivers. Some
of the questions that will be drafted in the interview questionnaires will be about the ways of
improving HSE culture in the drivers, waste segregation and waste disposal (Yakubu ,2017: 28).
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The researcher will approach these drivers by providing a simple introduction and then explain
the purpose of the project of improving HSE culture among the drivers. The researchers are
always confident that the respondents will welcome the research project with good faith.
Improving HSE culture among the drivers has been a significant problem in the oil and gas
Performance indicators (both positive and negative) are included to allow scoring on the subelements of HSE culture. Here are some of the questions that will be used by the researcher as a
tool for the collection of information through interviews (TSV).
1) Were managers available to discuss safety concerns?
2) Who was the issue reported to?
3) Did staff know who to report safety concerns to?
4) Did staff feel comfortable and at ease with reporting?
5) Are managers approachable?
6) Was there a system for reporting?
7) In case of risk, Was the risk associated with the safety concern assessed?
8) Was the issue addressed according to level of risk?
9) Were staff involved in the process of assessing and resolving the issue? In what way?
10) Are staff provided with feedback about the progress of outcome of the reported concern?
11) How was it identified which parts of the organisation would benefit from the
12) What do management do with the information obtained about safety concerns?
13) Are issues tracked from the time that they are raised through to when they are closed?
14) How often do the issues get resolved?
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15) Is the effectiveness of the reporting system ever reviewed?
16) Is there a budget allocated for the management of safety concerns?
N.B. The researcher will edit the assessment tools before using to be suitable for the project.
3.4 Sampling
Sampling is a procedure that allows researchers to collect data by selecting a small part of the
entire population of study to be used in showing the behavior of the entire population (Kumar,
2014: 228). In this study, random sampling that is also referred to as probability sampling shall
be employed .The concept is applicable in the quantitative part of the study where the population
of the drivers has equal chance to be picked. There is no biasness as every driver is independent
in his contribution to this research study. The choice of selecting any driver to participate in the
study cannot be influenced by any personal choice. All the drivers in this case stand an equal
chance to be picked randomly to represent the experiences and the challenges that the other
drivers go through in HSE culture leading to accidents of the dump trucks. The sample that is
going to be used shall be around 100 workers , supervisors and the management. The sample
shall be chosen randomly to avoid any bias in the manner of sample selection and composition.
The sample chosen is a true representation of all the drivers involved on various cases of
accidents. The researcher will conduct maximum 2 interviews daily for about two months.
3.5 Techniques of handling data
The researcher will use descriptive statistics and the factor for principle components by applying
a statistical package (Using either stata or any statistical package of choice such as SPSS). The
researcher will use both quantitative and qualitative analyses on the project. Quantitative analysis
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is the use of subjective judgment that is based on the data that is quantifiable like in this case of
improving HSE culture among the drivers. The researcher will be able to plug in data to the
computer to give an exact output. This analysis is useful in obtaining new ideas on improving
HSE culture among the drivers. The researcher will also use quantitative analysis to ensure those
good recommendations are given on improving HSE culture among the drivers and also offer
effective management strategies.
3.6 Limitations
The interview tool is limiting because it is tedious to interview many respondents. Only a limited
number can be interviewed as compared to other methods such as administration of
questionnaires that does not consume time. The interview method will constrain in terms of time.
If more workers are to be interviewed then it would take a longer time beyond the planned timeframe. The other limitation is in the primary data used that misses on the contributions of variety
of secondary data. Secondary data results from previous HSE reports of this type of contracts. It
would be more prudent to do comparative analysis with the secondary data so as to fill such
gaps. In the study, few sources of secondary data shall be analyzed that shall be limited in
contributing to the body of knowledge.
3.7 Ethical and Accessibility issues in the study
The safety and the improvement of present societies fully depend on the contribution of
technology (Diaz, 2007). There is ethical reasoning to have the mandate of taking care of the
future generation and act in a way that preserves the resources of the earth. While conducting the
study, ethical standards shall be met. The respondents who are the drivers will not be compelled
to participate in the study. They will do it voluntarily. They will be informed on the importance
of the research being conducted so that the accidents cases can be reduced. Their names shall
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also not be required so that they are not exposed to the users of the report. It will help to protect
the privacy of the respondents. Informed consent shall also be applied through explaining into
details what the research study is about before they participate into it .
The principal ethical issue is the sustainable development. Another ethical issue that arises is the
current protection policies of the environment and therefore will enable people to be greatly
concerned with issues of the global nature (Chukwuma, 1998: 153-159). Some of the
accessibility issues, is that when undertaking a research project the research questions should
reach the respondents within the required schedule. Through the interview method and the
questionnaires to be filled, the respondents shall be easily accessed. There should be no ethical
basis for disregarding future conservational and health destruction risks (Frankilne, 2019).
4.0 Structure of the final project
The final dissertation that shall be written from the proposal shall take the structure of chapter
one having the introduction. The introduction shall consist of organizational overview, research
problem, research objectives, hypothesis and rationale of the study among others. Chapter 2 shall
be on literature review where past related research works shall be reviewed using models,
theories and conceptual frameworks among others and conducting gap analysis of these past
studies . Chapter 3 shall be about methodology where the mixed method, random sampling and
ethical issues of research shall be highlighted among others. Chapter 4 shall be about analysis of
data using various techniques. Chapter 5 shall entail discussions of the results, conclusions and
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5.0 Work schedule
My research schedule will be according to the below gantt chart
1-Aug 26-Aug 20-Sep 15-Oct 9-Nov 4-Dec 29-Dec 23-Jan 17-Feb 13-Mar 7-Apr 2-May 27-May 21-Jun 16-Jul 10-Aug
Background reading
Writing Literature review
Research methods/ tool…
Data collection
data analysis
Submit some drafts
Discuss conclusions
Further drafts
Final draft
Preparing presentation and…
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