SCIENCE 9 QUARTER 3 WEEK 4 Name:___________________________Year & Section:__________________Score:_________ Multiple Choice: Questions in this test were taken from the topic Effects of Climate change and Constellation. Read the questions carefully and choose the letter of the best answer and write it on the space before the number. 1. The following shows the negative effects of Climate change, EXCEPT? a. Rising of sea level b. Extreme La niἠa and El Niἠo c. Extreme stronger typhoons d. Deforestation of the forest 2. El Niἠo is the abnormal and lengthy warming in the Eastern part of Pacific Ocean which occur on the following condition, except? a. Trade wind strengthens b. Trade wind weakens. c. Upwelling of colder water is blocked. d. Temperature increases in the Eastern part of Pacific. 3. La Niἠa is the opposite of El Niἠo that brings increase of rainfall in the Philippines. Which of the following are the characteristics of La Niἠa I. Trade wind becomes stronger. II. Trade winds weakens. III. Upwelling of colder water is intensified. IV. Temperature increases in the Eastern part of Pacific. V. Precipitation is high. a. I, III B. II, III, IV c. I, III, V d. II, III, V 4. Human activities may speed up or lessen the rising of the global temperature. Which is the best practice to reduce the effect of climate change? a. Livestock raising c. Organic farming b. Burning fuels d. deforestation 5. Stars can be found in large groups throughout the universe. What are these groups called? a. Solar system c. Constellations b. Galaxies d. Stars and planets 6. Stars appear to move in the sky because, a. The earth is rotating on its axis. b. The universe is expanding. c. The night sky is rotating. d. New galaxies are formed. 7. Which constellation helps sailors to navigate at the sea? It is the brightest star in constellation Ursa minor(Little dipper) which is very close to the North celestial pole where all Northern sky appear to rotate around it. a. Cancer c. Andromeda b. Orion d. Polaris 8. Which constellation is prominently seen in the sky during Summer (March) ? a. Virgo c. Orion b. Taurus d. Sagittarius 9. In the Philippines, these are the constellations visible as the cold season (December) begin. a. Leo and Virgo b. Cancer and Virgo c. Orion and Taurus d. Orion and Virgo 10. Why can we see different parts of the sky at different times of the year? a. Due to the revolution of the moon. b. Due to the revolution of the earth. c. Due to the rotation of the earth. d. Due to the tilt of the earth’s axis. SCIENCE 9 QUARTER 3 WEEK 2 Name:___________________________Year & Section:__________________Score:_________ Multiple Choice: Questions in this test were taken from the topic Volcanic Eruptions. Read the questions carefully and choose the letter of the best answer and write it on the space before the number. 1. Which of the following statements about volcanic eruption is correct? a. Volcanic eruptions are usually heralded by earthquake swarms. b. Explosive volcanic eruptions can be dangerous. c. Volcanic eruptions go on below the Earth’s crust, which lead to the build-up of extreme heat and pressure beneath the crust. d. All of the above. 2. In every explosive volcanic eruptions, what do you call the ejection of the mixture of ash and gases from the crater? a. Magma flow b. Ash emission c. Pyroclastic flow d. Lava flow 3. Many Filipinos are still living nearby volcanoes though they know the hazards during a volcanic eruption. Why are settlements still found near volcanoes? a. To facilitate the study of volcanoes. b. To reap the benefits of volcanoes, like the fertile soil. c. People are unaware of the danger of living near volcanoes. d. To send out immediate warnings to others in the near vicinity. 4. Once an eruption is about to happen, a volcano can spew out lava in two forms: ________ and ________. a. lava and magma c. pyroclastic flow and gases b. plus ash and heated gases d. methane and carbon monoxide 5. Most people are familiar with the sinuous-looking ropy called ____________. a. Pahoehoe b. Pehaehae c. Tahoehoe d. Tehaehae 6. What are the hot gases released in volcanic eruptions? a. Carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen, argon, methane, carbon monoxide b. Iron, oxygen, ethyl, hydrogen, ethane, nitrogen c. Hydrogen, sulfur, ethane, ashes, carbon dioxide, iron, and fluorine d. Nitrogen only 7. The other type of lava that flows from volcanoes is called __________. a. “E” ‘e” b. “A” ‘a” c. “Ehh” ‘ehh” d. “Ahh” ‘ahh” 8. Which of the following statements about volcanic eruptions is a positive effect? a. Volcanoes does not attract tourists. b. Geothermal energy is generated in areas where magma lies close to the surface and can increase our renewable energy use. c. Landmarks are destroyed during volcanic eruptions. d. Volcanoes are dangerous that can kill people and damage property. 9. The following statements are the bad impacts of the volcanic eruptions EXCEPT: a. It affects the health of the exposed persons near the area. b. The trees, plants and houses near the volcano will be destroyed c. Volcanic ash provides fertile land which results in a higher crop yield for farmers. d. Volcanoes are dangerous that can kill people and damage properties. 10. The following are precautionary measures when a volcanic eruption occurs EXCEPT ONE. a. Close all windows, doors and other house openings b. Cover your nose and mouth with mask to avoid breathing ashes c. Prepare all necessary things such as food, medicine, water and clothing d. Go to low-lying places as lahar and lava flows are more likely to run down through that area. SCIENCE 9 QUARTER 3 WEEKS 3, 4 & 5 Name:___________________________Year & Section:__________________Score:_________ Multiple Choice: Questions in this test were taken from the topics Geothermal Energy and Factors affecting climate. Read the questions carefully and choose the letter of the best answer and write it on the space before the number. 1. What do you call the thermal energy generated and stored in the Earth? a. Volcanic eruption c. Hydrothermal Energy b. Geothermal Energy d. Mechanical Energy 2. The word geothermal originates from the Greek roots __________. a. (gê), earth - (thermós), hot c. (thermós), earth - (gê), hot b. (gê), hot - (thermós), earth d. (thermós), hot - (gê), earth 3. Which of the following refers to energy that determines the temperature of matter? a. Geothermal energy c. Hydrothermal energy b. Thermal energy d. Wind energy 4. What will happen when the temperature and pressure in Earth’s interior become high? a. They cause some rocks to melt and solid mantle to behave plastically. b. They cause the heat pressure of the earth surface to become high. c. They cause the Earth’s interior to lose its energy hence temperature becomes cooler. d. They cause the air pressure and humidity of the earth’s interior to become low. 5. ____________ is a composite or generally prevailing weather conditions of a region, such as temperature, air pressure, humidity, precipitation, sunshine, cloudiness and winds throughout the year over a series of years. a. Humidity b. Atmosphere c. Climate d. Wind 6. What is/are the factor/s affecting climate? a. Latitude b. Prevailing winds c. Altitude d. All of the above 7. Why are the coldest places on Earth found near the poles? a. Because the nonpolar region receives more amount of thermal radiation. b. Because during the earth rotation it receives more energy from the Sun. c. Because the polar region receives less of the Sun’s energy due to the tilt of the Earth’s axis. d. Because they receive more amount of energy from the Sun. 8. How does latitude affect climate of a place? a. The farther an area is from the equator, the lower its temperature. b. The nearer an area is from the equator, the higher its temperature. c. The farther an area is from the equator, the higher its temperature. d. The nearer an area is from the equator, the lower its temperature. 9. Geothermal power stations transform energy from ______________. a. Thermal Electrical Mechanical b. Thermal Mechanical Electrical c. Electrical Thermal Mechanical d. Mechanical Electrical Thermal 10. Which part of the Earth receives most of the sun’s rays? a. Latitude b. Altitude c. Equator d. Polar Region