Uploaded by Rafidul Islam Khan

Econometrics Assignment: Regression Analysis & Forecasting

Your Assignment & Term Paper
15th Batch, Sec – A & B
This is your term paper. The basic objective of the term paper is to test for your ability to use
forecasting tools and techniques correctly. In addition, you were taught to solve for other
estimation problems.
You’ve to select a manufacturing company. One company can’t be selected by more than one
group. Then select the variables: net profit(Y), debt ratio (X1), total asset (X2), operating
expenses(X3) and share price (X4).
1. Run a regression with net profit as a dependent variable. Use following independent
variables: debt ratio, total asset, operating expenses and share price. Use data from
1999 to 2010. Generate results.
2. If there is any econometric problem (autocorrelation/ heteroskedasticity/
multicollinearity), what do you think you need to do? DO whatever you feel have to
be done? Justify your decisions. Explain your results.
Submission date: 17th December, 2011.