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Lymphatic System Lab Manual: Anatomy & Physiology

Lab 12 The Lymphatic System
Student Name: Click here to enter text.
Access Code (located on the lid of your lab kit): Click here to enter text.
Pre-Lab Questions:
”1. In what areas are lymph nodes clustered? Why is this desirable?”
They are clustered around the armpit, neck and groin area. They filter blood and help the body fight
against infections by trapping disease-causing germs and destroying them.
”2. Explain how the flow of lymph is controlled through lymphatic vessels. ”
Lymphatic vessels are formed from the merging of lymph capillaries, which carry lymphs into and out of
lymph nodes. Contractions of skeletal muscles and respiratory movements aids in the flow. Valves also a
aid the flow of lymph.
Experiment 1: Examining the Microscopic Anatomy of Lymphatic System
Post-Lab Questions
”1. Label the items in the following slide pictures based on your observations. ”
A- Lymphoid follicle
B- Germinal center
C- Connective tissue capsule/Trabeculae
D- Medullary cords
E- Red pulp
F- White pulp
Lab 12 The Lymphatic System
Lab 12 The Lymphatic System
”2. Are there more afferent or efferent vessels attached to a lymph node? What is the functional
purpose of this? ”
There are more afferent vessels attached to a lymph node than efferent vessels. This will ensure that the
movement of the lymph in the afferent vessels will be slower, thereby giving it more time to clean.
”3. What structural similarities did you observe between the lymph node and spleen? ”
There is a resemblance between the lymph node’s follicles and the spleen’s areolae. They both have
connective tissue capsules.
Lab 12 The Lymphatic System
Experiment 2: The Virtual Model – The Lymphatic System
Insert screenshot of the spleen:
Insert screenshot of the thoracic duct:
Lab 12 The Lymphatic System
Insert screenshot of the axillar lymph node:
Lab 12 The Lymphatic System
Post-Lab Questions
”1. Is the cisterna chyli or the spleen more medial to the spinal cord? ”
The cisterna chyli is more medial to the spinal cord.
”2. What is the name of the most superior lymph nodes in the head region? ”
The occipital nodes
”3. Where are the popliteal nodes located? ”
They are located at the popliteal fossa near the knee.
Lab 12 The Lymphatic System
”4. What are the most inferior lymph nodes in the body called? ”
Inguinal lymph nodes
”5. What component of the lymphatic system filters lymph from the upper limbs and upper external
prat of the thorax?
Subclavian lymph trunk
Experiment 3: Fetal Pig Dissection: The Lymphatic System
”Insert photo of your pig’s exposed spleen with your name and access code handwritten clearly in the
background: “
Post-Lab Questions
1. What observations did you make regarding the lymphatic system of the fetal pig?
I observed that the lymphatic system of the fetal pig looks the same as that of humans. The
lymphatic system of the pig consists primarily of a spleen which filters the blood and removes
damaged red blood cells and the thymus which produces T cells for the immune system.
2. Compare and contrast the vessels of the lymphatic system and the circulatory system.
Both lymphatic system and circulatory system do not have microbiota. They are home to many
components of the host immune defenses.
The circulatory vessel moves blood throughout the body whiles the lymphatic system moves fluid
from the interstitial spaces of tissues toward the circulatory system and filters the lymph.