Hochschule O enburg Make-or-Buy Decisions - Advantages and Disadvantages - Sophie Stöckle General Business Administration Prof. Dr. Andreas Klasen ff 29th of January 2021 Table of Contents 1. Introduction ..................................................................................................3 2. Make-or-buy .................................................................................................4 2.1 Criteria ....................................................................................................4 2.2 Outsourcing Business Processes ...........................................................6 2.3 Advantages of Outsourcing ....................................................................7 2.4 Disadvantages of Outsourcing ...............................................................9 3. Summary and Conclusion ..........................................................................11 References..................................................................................................14 Page 2 of 14 1. Introduction The term Make-or-Buy can be divided in two parts. Firstly, the “make” part. This part determines if a company makes the decision to produce a product or service in-house. And secondly, the “buy” part which indicates if a company decides to have their products or services made by an external manufacturer. This can also be described as outsourcing. According to Dressler (2007), the word outsourcing is an artificial word. It is a combination of the terms resource, outside and using. Nowadays, these type of decisions, the make-or-buy decisions, have to be made in every industry, in every sector as well as in every step of a company’s service processes (Irle, 2011). It is particularly important for the manufacturing sector of a company, but it can also be a relevant decision to make for business processes such as human resources, intellectual property and other business functions. Outsourcing can be divided in two categories: offshoring and nearshoring. Offshoring means that a company either relocates ‘one or all factories from the home country to another country’ (Deresky, 2017:p.259) or chooses a supplier in the respective country. The company usually chooses a country, where the wages are lower than they are in their home country and is situated further away. Nearshoring theoretically means the same as offshoring, but in this case, the company leaves the production or process to a third-party supplier who is either geographically, culturally or temporally close to the company’s home country (Brandt, 2010). In their report, Schwarting and Weissbarth (2011) stated that the reason a company considers to make a make-or-buy decision is the ‘increasing pressure to cut expenses and improve their return on assets’ (p.5). In general a company’s objective should be to try to produce the best quality as possible and be as productive as they could be. That implicates that they decide to outsource a product or service if they are able to achieve their objective by doing that when the supplier is able to produce the product or service in the required quality with less expenses as the production in-house would be. Page 3 of 14 2. Make-or-buy 2.1 Criteria Before a company makes the final make-or-buy decision, it has to assess a number of criteria. Firstly, it has to determine what the company requires (Sollish, F. & Semanik, J., 2012), ‘’objectively assess its core competencies and measure them against world-class standards’ (Schwarting & Weissbarth, 2011:p.5). By doing this, they are able to see what they should change to be able to hold up to those standards. Furthermore, it has to analyze the following factors: product or service, overall costs, production capacity, financial resources, suppliers, independence, employees, market development and know-how (Thommen, Achleitner, Gilbert, Hachmeister & Kaiser, 2017). This analysis helps the company to determine if it is in the company’s best interest to leave the product or service to a third-party supplier or if it is better to keep it in-house. Eventually, when the company has made the final decision to outsource a product or service, it has to select a supplier. It has to evaluate the benefits the supplier brings to the table. Schwarting and Weissbarth (2011) summarized the factors a company should take into consideration in their report as followed: ‘Pivotal indicators such as business strategies, manufacturing and engineering capabilities, design and innovation skills, labor costs, staff skills, employee training programs, the ability to scale, capacity utilization, and the social policies of the potential partner must be assessed’ (p.5f). According to Krüger and Homp (1997) as cited by Morschett, Schramm-Klein and Zentes (2015), outsourcing can be put into a matrix called ‘strategic relevance/competence-matrix’ (p.369). As shown in figure 1, there are four quarters indicating what a company should do with the product or service in question. The company has to evaluate the ‘strategic relevance’ as well as the ‘strength of competence’ of the product or service they consider to outsource. Accordingly, a company should decide to outsource a product or service when both the ‘’strategic relevance’ and the ‘strength of competence’ are low. Page 4 of 14 figure 1 Source: Krüger/Homp (1997):p.105 as cited by Morschett, Schramm-Klein and Zentes (2015):p.369 Page 5 of 14 2.2 Outsourcing Business Processes As opposed to production processes, a company can also decide to outsource business processes. According to Deresky (2017), the ‘service sector outsourcing industry has grown signi cantly’ (p.261) over the last years. Patel and Aran (2005) de ned the Business Process Outsourcing as followed: ‘BPO can […] be defined as the contractual service of transferring one or more business processes to a third-party provider, where the latter takes over the management, ongoing support and infrastructure of the entire applications or processes.’ (p.7) But there is more to this model of outsourcing, including: ‘entire functions such as supply (moving, storing, making and buying of goods and services) and demand (customer selection, acquisition, retention, etc.) management, and some enterprise related areas for example, HR, nance, IT, and facilities management and customer related processes such as marketing and support.’ (Scholl, 2003, as cited by Bhat et al, 2010:p.329f) fi fi fi Page 6 of 14 2.3 Advantages of Outsourcing There are many economical advantages with regard to outsourcing. The following figure shows the most important reasons why a company makes the decision to outsource a product or service. figure 2 Source: Ernst & Young (2013):p.15 as cited by Morschett, Schramm-Klein & Zentes (2015):p. 367 • Cost advantages: According to Morschett, Schramm-Klein and Zentes, reducing costs is, with 42 per cent, one of the most important factors why companies consider to outsource. First of all, it might be too expensive to produce a product or service in-house (Rolstadås, Henriksen& O’Sullivan, 2012). Outsourcing on the other hand means that companies do not have to invest money by building their own production facilities or capacities (Strache, 1981). They also do not require any capital to stock their products temporarily (in case of tangible products) as they receive them as they are needed. All in all, the total costs of outsourcing, including direct costs, overhead-costs and the supplier’s profit as well as transactional costs, should be lower as they would be with an in-house production (Irle, 2011). Page 7 of 14 • improved efficiency: According to Morschett, Schramm-Klein and Zentes’ figure, this is the second most important reason for outsourcing. Furthermore, they stated that the company’s performance could improve by a third-party supplier taking on the process in question as they usually have a ‘better expertise, better qualified personnel’ (p.366) and are technically better equipped. Like this, the outsourcing company is able to ‘gain access to external skills and technologies.’ (Dolgui & Roth, 2010:p.99) Moreover, the outsourced processes usually belong to the core competences of the providing company which means that they have an extensive know-how and therefore work more efficient (Bruch, 1998). • stronger focus on core business: As shown in the figure below, another important reason is the stronger focus on a company’s core business. Leaving ‘minor/peripheral or supporting activities’ (Morschett, Schramm-Klein & Zentes, 2015; p. 366) to an external manufacturer, the company can focus its own resources on the activities that are strategically important for them (Irle, 2011). Furthermore, the company is relieved of a share of personnel management (Bruch, 1998). They do not have to bother when there are economical fluctuations, many employees are unable to work due to sickness or when they strike as the supplier is obligated to the outsourcing company to perform within the agreed time. This means that those problems do not matter for the outsourcing company. • higher quality goods or services: By making the make-or-buy decision, the outsourcing company assumes that the third-party supplier is able to produce the outsourced product or service on a higher level of quality due to their additional know-how (Bruch, 1998) as well as a better documentation of how to actually execute a certain process and on making sure the quality is as it is supposed to be (Sollish, F. & Semanik, J., 2012). Page 8 of 14 2.4 Disadvantages of Outsourcing On the other hand, there are disadvantages and risks that come with outsourcing a product or service. The evaluation of risks and drawbacks is a crucial part for the make-orbuy decision. The following figure shows the most important risks that can occur when outsourcing a product or service. figure 3 Source: Ernst & Young (2013):p.15 as cited by Morschett, Schramm-Klein & Zentes (2015):p. 368 • higher costs in total: Firstly, this is a risk that might occur to a company as there are not the costs of the production and the product or service itself but also transactional costs. Transactional costs are ‘hidden costs from difficulties not anticipated or identified early enough’ (Gelès et al, 2004:p.226). • loss of knowledge: Secondly, this is a relevant drawback a company has to take into consideration as well. It is possible for them to lose expertise (Morschett, SchrammKlein & Zentes, 2015) as they might lose ‘control over crucial knowledge and technical staff’ (Rolstadås, A., Henriksen, B. & O’Sullivan, D., 2012:p.10) due to not carrying out the process themselves. Page 9 of 14 • non co-operating supplier: Furthermore, this risk is not to be underestimated by a company. It is possible for the third-party supplier to behave opportunistically (Morschett, Schramm-Klein & Zentes, 2015) and not respect their product or service and the company’s Intellectual Property Rights (Rolstadås, Henriksen & O’Sullivan, 2012) on the outsourced process. • dependency: According to Morschett, Schramm-Klein and Zentes (2015), a company could become dependent on the supplier by outsourcing a product or service. As shown in figure 2, this represents, with 51 per cent, the most important risk. The reason for this is that there is a shift of power from the outsourcing company to the supplier (Irle, 2011). Another problem concerning a company’s dependence on their supply is, as Bruch (1998) investigated, that there is the risk of the supplying company to go bankrupt. This means that they cannot provide the process in the same form anymore or at all. • loss of control: Gelès et al. (2004) investigated that keeping a product or service inhouse makes it for a company possible to optimize ‘resources and schedule monitoring’ (p.225). Therefore, they lose that control by outsourcing a process. Moreover, assuming a problem during the process occurs, the company is not able to interfere personally due to the long distance between the supplier’s facilities and the company’s in the case of offshoring. That means that producing a product or service inhouse, the problem could be solved more quickly or the company should choose a supplier closer to their facilities (Deresky, 2017). Page 10 of 14 3. Summary and Conclusion In conclusion, it must be said that the make-or-buy decision cannot be generalized for all companies. The benefits and chances as well as the risks and drawbacks have to be evaluated for each and every company as well as for every product or service individually. On the one hand, the decision to outsource a product or service comes with a lot of benefits such as the potential reduction in costs, an increase of efficiency, the fact that a company can focus on its core activities and the higher-level of quality the company is able to offer their customers. One of the benefits I’ve already mentioned is that the outsourcing company does not have to invest in increasing their capacities with higher demand and, in contrary, do not have to worry about reducing them with a decrease in demand. This allows conclusions to be drawn about economic fluctuations. On the other hand, outsourcing also has disadvantages like higher total costs, the company’s loss of expertise due to giving a process to a supplier and not making it themselves, the risk of choosing a non co-operative supplier and the dependency on the supplier in question for instance. To reduce the potential risks, a company has to come up with a strategy of how to avoid them. The risk of becoming dependent on a supplier, for example, is rather easy to prevent by selecting not one but multiple suppliers wherever possible. When one of the supplier has problems with fulfilling their obligations, the outsourcing company is still able to receive the product or service by one of the other suppliers. Another way to reduce the risks is not to conclude any permanent contracts with the supplier. In this manner, the company is able to see how the supplier works and if they meet their expectations. It also ‘limits the […] long-term financial risk and ensures accountability from the outsourcers’ (Schwarting & Weissbarth, 2011:p.10). Furthermore, the company should not pass their core competencies to the outsourcer. A company’s core activity usually represents their unique selling proposition. They should not give this into someone else’s hands since the supplier could potentially try to “steal” it and market it as their own. Page 11 of 14 In their paper, Schwarting and Weissbarth summarized the selection process as followed: ‘Crucial to the migration of risk is the supplier selection. It must be based on a clear understanding of the supplier’s strategy, operations, and cost structure. Choosing the lowest bid is not sufficient. Only a supplier that has a compatible business strategy and will maintain an advantaged cost position over time can offer competitive prices in the long term’ (p.11). This clearly shows, that a company should not base their decision on the supplier’s pricing only but also consider the overall picture such as favorable payment and delivery terms, the suppliers reputation as this could also reflect on the outsourcing company, the suppliers ability to produce the required capacity and the political stability of the supplier’s country. Thinking of the industry as it is now, almost every company makes the decision to outsource one or several products or services. Looking at the automotive industry, many companies outsource a large number of components built into their cars like seats or interior equipment for example. One common business process that is likely to being outsourced is creating the company’s balance sheet. Companies hire a tax consultant to do this for them. Small companies even pass the complete bookkeeping over to an advisor. Another process is information technology (IT). Many companies do not have the knowhow of how to handle the support of a software and do not want to acquire the knowledge needed. This is why they hire a supplying company which provides them with a software including all specifications tailored to the outsourcing company. In summary, there is no general statement that can be made with regard to the make-orbuy decision. It is very dependent on the company in question and their requirements. Page 12 of 14 statement of originality I hereby confirm that I have written the accompanying thesis by myself, without contributions from any sources other than those cited in the text and acknowledgements. This applies also to all graphics, drawings, maps and images included in the thesis. Sophie Stöckle Page 13 of 14 References Bhat, J. M., et al (2010) BPO through the BPM Lens: A Case Study. In: Bernus, P. et al (eds.) Handbook on Business Process Management 2. Berlin, Heidelberg, Springer-Verlag. pp. 329-331. Brandt, B. (2010) Make-or-Buy bei Anwendungssystemen. Wiesbaden, Gabler Verlag. Bruch, H. (1998) Outsourcing. Wiesbaden, Gabler Verlag. Deresky, H. (2017) International Management. Essex, Pearson Education Limited. Dolgui, A. & Proth, J. M. (2010) Supply Chain Engineering. London, Springer-Verlag. Dressler, D. (2007) Shared Services,Business Process Outsourcing and O shoring. Wiesbaden, Betriebswirtschaftlicher Verlag Dr. Th. Gabler GmbH. Gelès, C. et al. (20014) Managing Science. Weinheim, WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA. Irle, C. (2011) Rationalität von Make-or-Buy Entscheidungen. Wiesbaden, Gabler Verlag. Morschett, D., Schramm-Klein, H. & Zentes, J. (2015) Strategic International Management. Wiesbaden, Gabler Verlag. Patel A. B. & Aran H. (2005) Outsourcing Success. Palgrave Macmillan UK Rolstadås, A., Henriksen, B. & O’Sullivan, D. (2012) Manufacturing Outsourcing. London, Springer-Verlag. Schwarting, D. & Weissbarth, R. (2011) Make or buy - Three pillars of sound decision making. 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