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Sampling Techniques Worksheet

A. Suppose you were asked to decide on what sampling technique to use, what would it
be--given the following situations?
1. You need to get the opinions of parents who represent 60% of the school population
(with a total of 5,000 students) on the issue of the K-12 Basic Education Program.
I think it would be appropriate to use the systematic sampling or interval
random sampling in this kind of situation, wherein the researcher will
systematically pick 3000 parents of the 5,000 students from the school to get the
potential 60% target population in getting their opinions on the issue of K-12 Basic
Education Program.
2. You want to gather the responses of school principals in the whole Division of city
Schools regarding the effectiveness of the school-based management program.
I think cluster sampling should be appropriate in this study, where the
population (the school principals) will be clustered based on the type of
organization, which in this case, the whole division of city schools.
B. Prepare a sampling design for each of the following research situations:
1. Needed data: Responses of 300 mothers representing three (3) regions,
concerning the child protection law.
Stratified Sampling must be used in this situation. Mothers from these
regions, as the target population, will be separated. Then, from each regions, there
will be 100 target sample picked via simple random sampling to arrive at 300
mothers as the target population of the study concerning the child protection law.
2. Situation: The researcher visits a conference venue where teachers are the
participants, He /She distributes questionnaires to gather data about Job
satisfaction and teaching performance.
Purposive Sampling is appropriate for this kind of study. The researchers will
have to identify the potential participants that would qualify as his respondents;
preferably, the participants are those who are active on the ‘job’ and the one who
experienced the ‘teaching performance’.