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The Whole of the Moon Analysis

Arguing/Author’s purpose: The title links with the love of Marty and Kirk
Duncan Stuart is the author of the novel “The Whole of the Moon”. It is a story about a boy named
Kirk that was lucky enough to live a happy and wealthy life until cancer. Kirk comes across a strange
but harsh individual named Marty. Stuart’s main purpose for this novel was to link the title of the
book to the love between Marty and Kirk.
Tragedy struck at night when Kirk had been woken up by the nurse’s racket. One of the nurses would
ask if anyone were awake. Stevie and Kirk were the only ones woken up. The nurse gave the terrible
news that Owen has passed in his sleep. The next day for Kirk was depressing. The death of Owen
put everyone off. The nurse explained that they needed to clean up Owen’s belongings even though
it looked heartless. They needed to get the bed ready for the next patient. The next night, Kirk would
have trouble sleeping. Suddenly, Kirk had the urge that Marty was in trouble. He would quicky limp
to Marty’s room. Kirk saw that Marty was sweating and clinching her bed sheets. Kirk was going to
reach for the “need help button” but Marty said no. Marty admits “It’s my time”. Marty had
absolute faith that she was looking at the moon. Marty started to drift off into a deep sleep.
Why the ending was so important is that the author wanted to connect the title of the book to
Marty and Kirk’s love. Since they’re two sides of the moon, the dark side, and the light side. Marty
would be represented by the dark side, from having to spend her childhood in an abusive family.
Forcing Marty to leave and be homeless. Kirk would be represented as the light side from how Kirk
lived a wealthy childhood with plenty of family and friends. What this means is that these two
people has lived completely opposite lives from each other. Their love is what glues the two sides to
make a moon. Kirk desperately wanted to make Marty happy. Kirk made his priority to get Marty to
look at the moon by going to a vacation island. Afterwards, Kirk discovered Marty wanted to die. Kirk
acknowledges her choice even though he didn’t want her to. As Marty was drifting to sleep, she said
“I saw the moon”. Marty saw an imaginary moon, Kirk agreed that he saw it too.
In summary, the title links with love of Kirk and Marty. How this relates to the author’s main purpose
is that he wanted to write about Marty and Kirk’s bond. Their love for each other is what represents
whole of the moon. And what the moon being whole is that without being with each other the moon
wouldn’t be whole.