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Mike Tyson
Reveals For the First Time:
Your Muscles Are
Dying... And
they’re taking you
with them.
Every day, you lose a little more
strength, a little more speed and a
little more pride.
Every ounce of muscle lost is replaced
with a pound of fat, or more... making
you feel tired, weak and soft.
And all the solutions you’ve heard of and maybe even
tried… from eating more protein… and even exercise
might be making the problem WORSE
My name is Mike Tyson
I don’t like to brag (anymore), but I know
you’ve heard of me..
30 years ago, I was the
Heavyweight Boxing
Champion of the world.
The youngest heavyweight champ in
history… a record that will never be broken.
The youngest man to unify all 3
heavyweight titles and become the
undisputed world champ…
But fast forward to last year, and I wasn’t fighting for a title… I was fighting for my
I was fat, sick and damn near dead.
100 pounds overweight.
Weaker than I’d ever been since was 14 years old.
Insulin resistance.
High Blood Pressure.
My cardiologist warned me that I had to get it together or prepare for a heart attack
or stroke…
It was pathetic.
I had walked away from boxing at the
height of my fame in order to save my
sanity… and my soul (more on that in a
And it almost cost me my life.
What’s crazy is that it wasn’t the warning
from my doctor that set me straight…
It was my pride.
An embarrassing wake up call last year led me to realize that I had to act FAST or risk
dying and leaving my family alone, to face the world without me.
And that one moment set off a transformation that shocked the world … and sent me
into the fight of my life to reclaim my body and my legacy once and for all.
Because of who I am, I was able to bring
together the best and brightest minds in
the world on diet, exercise, training and
And learn the real reason my body was
shutting down..
The emasculating process that’s
happening to all men…
The embarrassing “march of time” that we
all think is part of “normal” aging that is
robbing us of our strength, our power and
our manhood one day at a time.
They showed me a simple and natural 60 second routine to
add to my day
to get my energy, my vitality and my strength
back… This time for good.
Just by reversing something
so simple, so common, no one
ever even thinks about it…
Even though doctors and researchers have known about it for years… In fact, in
hindsight, it was so easy, and so obvious, I can’t believe I’d never heard of it before…
But it helped me to destroy the embarrassing “dad-bod” guys seem to be so proud of
these days.
To melt off the fat that bulged out over my size 44 pants, making it embarrassing to
even tuck in my damn shirt.
To reset my blood sugar and metabolism so I didn’t have to worry about dying one
foot at a time as I got older…
They showed me what’s really happening on the inside
of our bodies, ... Sentencing us to a life of
Weight Gain
Endless Hunger
Loss of our
masculine power
& pride
And I can tell you right now, that it isn’t what you think it is…
It wasn’t some new work out or crazy diet… I’ll tell you I’ve tried ALL of those.
In fact, this is something I do no matter what diet I’m following. Vegan, Paleo, Highcarb, Low-carb, low-fat... It doesn’t matter.
I learned a new way to fuel,
power and grow my muscles
NATURALLY using something
my doctors call the “Ignition
Matrix”... (I like to call it the
Iron Matrix, because it helps
me feel like the old me,
but better)
And the Ignition Matrix isn’t some crazy workout, (though I do have a few of
those now, thanks to my new strength coach).
It’s a simple list of ingredients that I take every day, twice a day. Most of them
you’ve probably already heard of.
Learning what I know now, I was able to quickly add 15 pounds of rock-hard
powerful, punishing muscle…
Melt off over 100 pounds of artery clogging fat in under 6 months…
Get my body back into the best shape of my life… Better today than I was even
at my “prime”...
Restore the punching power that literally saved my life as a kid, but I thought
disappeared as I got older.
And go on to fight in the biggest heavyweight boxing match of the last 10
Risky “Hormone Therapy” (whatever the fuck
that is…)
Crazy-ass fad diets
Starving Myself
Or Taking any of the usual “shortcuts” people think all
celebrities have access to.
My results speak for themselves, and I want to share with you EXACTLY what I
learned so that you can take back your own power...
And almost feel like a kid again…
Full of drive, and focus and ENERGY.
Able to take on the world, and go all day… and all night.
Stop beginning sentences with “now that I’m getting older” or “when you’re my age,
you realize”...
To finally stop worrying about what you CAN’T do anymore, and start focusing on
what you’re gonna do.
Using nothing but
all natural, simple
ingredients that come from
the earth to live your life in
the strong, effective,
dominant, capable body you
were meant to have.
What I’m about to share with you is going to be embarrassing (for me), but I
want to tell you the whole truth so that you can learn what I know…
I realize that not every man can afford to bring together the best experts in
the world… But that shouldn't stop you from knowing the truth.
I believe every man should have the right to know exactly what I know so that
you can make the choice to take back your power and your strength...
And get rid of all that stubborn and
insidious fat that makes you feel old
and weak and disgusting.
Burn off the fat that clogs your
arteries and makes it hard to live the
life you want to live…
That makes you feel worthless and
ugly in the presence of beautiful
That makes you feel weak and
irrelevant with other men.
So you can feel invincible and powerful, like you did when you were younger.
So you can live your life with the mind of a man who knows the world the way
you can only experience with age…
And the body of a kid in his prime.
It’s not only possible...
I think it used to be normal.
And I want to make it normal again.
In every man’s life, there are
few moments that get burned
into your mind...
Permanent, immovable, crystal clear memories…
Good memories like the birth of your children…
Or your wedding day (in my case, my 3rd wedding day... )
And terrible memories, the kind you just can’t forget, even though you want to more
than anything…
(like my first wedding day…)
Or the loss of a loved one.
Just last year, I had a moment that
burned itself into my brain forever.
I was standing alone, getting dressed like
any normal day… until I went to button my
Suddenly they wouldn’t button. These
damn pants were already 8 sizes too big... But they wouldn’t button.
I looked up in surprise and caught a look of myself in the mirror.
The first long, hard look at myself I’d taken in YEARS.
Who the hell was this fat old man staring
back at me?
I used to be the heavyweight champ of the world…
People feared me. They idolized me.
I was fucking UNDISPUTED… No man, anywhere on earth could challenge me.
Then, in a moment, I became this fat old man who can’t button his damn pants. As I
stood there feeling sorry for myself, one thought kept repeating over and over in my
How the hell did this happen!?
I used to be the man who could defy reality…. Do the impossible.
But now, reality was staring me right in the face, and I was powerless to do anything
about it.
I realized in that moment that I had let my fire go out…
The fire that had fueled my ascension to the top of the world.
That had propelled me into the halls of greatness.
And ultimately, the fire had burned out of control…
That burned a path of destruction through everything good in my life.
All my life, I had fought to keep fear and shame at bay.
Fear of my tormentors.
Fear of my mother.
Fear of the animal inside me...
When I met my wife, I was finally able to let the fear go.
Let go of the rage that fueled me. Finally I felt like a whole person.
But recently, I started feeling something new. Something I wasn’t used to.
My contentment had turned to sadness.
I was sad when I looked back on the life I
left behind.
Sad when I thought about what I’d lost
In letting go of all the pain and the rage
that I’d been fighting with… I also let go of
everything that had fueled my greatness.
It was like I wasn’t capable of being great
and being happy at the same time.
It was like my body had given up on me.
But really, it was my spirit that had given up.
So, standing there, looking at myself in the mirror, staring at the pants that wouldn’t
I decided I needed to make a change.
I was going to get the old
What a lot of people don’t know is that I’ve struggled with my weight my entire life.
My adopted father, Cus was always getting on me about my weight.
People look at old pictures and videos and say I’m crazy, but I never had a moment’s
peace when it came to my weight.
I was constantly avoiding all of my favorite foods and training like a maniac.
It was the only way I could stay lean, even as a kid.
If I ever slipped up, Cus would say “Mike, your ass is getting fat”
Anyone who has ever fought or wrestled competitively has tried wearing trash bags
to sweat more and “make weight”...
But I used to wear them for weeks at a time… only taking them off to climb into a
scalding hot bath to try to sweat out a few more ounces.
Even after I was the heavyweight champ, the baddest man on Earth, newspaper
headlines called me “The Overweight Heavyweight”
I had just defended my belt in the biggest boxing match of ALL TIME, but they still
called me fat, and doubted whether I’d be able to make weight for my fight.
For the record, I won that fight, and weighed 221 pounds when I did...
Back then, I could force myself into shape
by using my rage…
By constantly pushing myself past my
Past any concept of “normal” or
My body was my ticket out of the life that
would have left me dead by 19, so I used
and abused it and punished myself until it
did exactly what I needed it to do.
But as a 53 year old man, that wasn’t an
option anymore… and even if it was, I wasn’t going to take myself back to that dark
I couldn’t.
I couldn’t be that guy and
still be the man my family
needed me to be.
I needed to find a different way.
A better path, that would let me climb back out of this hole WITHOUT wrecking
every other part of my life...
People tried to give me ridiculous, worthless advice like
“Mike, you know walking is
the best form of exercise
for losing weight… you
should take more walks…”
“Are you kidding me!?”
“Motherfucker, I’m MIKE
TYSON… You think I’m
going to get my body back
by lacing up my New
Balance and taking a stroll
in the park!?”
What next, Tai Chi? Maybe I should take a loaf of bread with me to feed to the
My friends tried to get me to try every damn fad diet…
I tried most of those too.
Lots of people suggested I try hormone injections and testosterone therapy to
get my energy back…
Look, I know medicine has come a long way since I was a kid coming up..
And all this hormone replacement stuff sounds great... And I’m sure it’s a great
treatment for people who have medical conditions and all that…
But I’m a boxer, and in boxing, we have a name for all that stuff… we call it
And in boxing, steroids are
Simple as that.
Now, I’m not here to pass judgement
on anybody… If you have a medical
condition that requires that stuff, then
I’m not about to get between you and
your doctor.
And if you want to take it so you look
better to girls down on the beach
that’s your business.
But my body is a temple. My body is a
weapon. A finely tuned machine that took me to the greatest heights of success
and power.
And I did it all without cheating. And I sure as hell wasn’t about to start now.
Looking back, I’m glad I made the choice to skip the steroids and focus on finding
the things that work, naturally.
First, I didn’t know it at the time, but I had a fight coming up…. And it’s hard
enough to get California to sanction a heavyweight boxing match between two
guys in their 50’s... (Can you imagine what would have happened if one of us
was on steroids?)
Second, by skipping the steroid
shortcut, I learned about the real
reasons behind what was happening
to my body… on the inside...
And I learned just how easy it was to
fix them, NATURALLY.
It takes me less than 60 seconds a
day now. It’s truly effortless.
And by learning how to rebuild my
body naturally, I discovered that using
hormones and steroids and those
kinds of things wasn’t going to solve the problem.
It would only cover it up.
In fact, once you start using steroids to boost your performance, you risk
shutting down your testosterone FOR GOOD.
Seriously, your balls could just shrivel up and die and NEVER come back.
So then you’re stuck taking that stuff for the rest of your life or you risk never
feeling like a man again…
I NEVER want to risk that.
Luckily I didn’t fall for the
typical gym-bro fake science
I’ve been a competitive athlete since I had my first amateur fight when I was 13 years
I turned pro at 18.
And became champ at 20.
Now, look at this picture taken right before that fight, as I was
stepping into the ring that would change my destiny forever:
See the 3 men in white shirts walking with me?
Up front was my head trainer Kevin Rooney. Behind me are Matt Baranski and Steve
Lott, my cut man and assistant manager.
They were my crew. They handled everything for me inside and outside the ring so
I could focus on the only thing that mattered: winning.
Which means I didn’t worry about my
diet. Someone else figured it out for me.
I didn’t choose my own training regimen
or my sparring partners.. Someone else
did that.
I didn’t dictate how many miles I would
run each day. That was Kevin’s job.
All my life, I relied on experts, the best of
the best to tell me exactly what I needed
to do in order to be my very best.
So, once I realized I was in for the literal
fight of my fucking life… the struggle that would define who I am as a man.. Who I’m
going to be for my family…
I did what came natural.
I didn’t listen to all the nonsense coming out of the mouths of the idiots around me.
I went straight to the experts.
The best of the best.
It’s their expertise that helped me completely reshape my body…
And melt away 100 pounds of fat in the blink of an eye.
And add 15 pounds of lean punching power back to my frame to make me even
deadlier than I was in my prime.
It’s their expertise that I’m sharing with
you today.
To help you roll back the clock…
And feel like the man you were 10, 20 or
even 30 years ago.
To remember what it feels like to wake
up strong and energized… like you can do
To walk into a room and know that
everyone is looking at you… not cause
you got mustard on your shirt… but
because they want to know “Damn, what the fuck did that guy do to get a body
like that?”
You wanna be even better than you were 20 years ago?
You got 60 seconds to add 1 simple thing to your daily routine?
Something that doesn’t require weird exercises? (or any extra exercise at all if you
don’t want…)
Or weird diet food… or risky pills or potions or any of that crap?
If you do, keep reading, and I’m going to share exactly what they told me, and exactly
what I added to my daily routine to get better results than I’ve ever gotten.
The Problem
Most guys hear things like “low energy” and “stubborn fat” and “losing
strength”... and they automatically think “testosterone”...
But I’m living proof that low testosterone is the RESULT of what I’m about to tell
you about, not the CAUSE.
In fact, your balls are the last to go…
The real problem starts in your gut, not your balls. (Specifically, your pancreas, if
I’m being technical)
And it starts a process that ends with your body falling apart, years before your
Lemme explain it to you the way I understand it:
Think of your body as a
Houses are made of lots of different stuff, but most of it is wood. You need
wooden 2 X 4’s to frame the walls...
Plus there’s wood in the floor and the ceiling and just about everywhere.
The 2 X 4’s in your walls are just like the protein in your muscles.
Protein makes up almost everything in your body that holds it together.
Make sense?
So, if you want to build more rooms onto
your house (build more muscle), you
need more wood right?
Cool, so what if one of those big log
trucks showed up in your driveway with
like 2 trees… looking like long-ass
telephone poles?
Can you build the new walls you need
with that wood?
Of course not.
Cause even though trees are made of
wood, and 2 X 4’s are made of wood, it ain’t the same.
You need a sawmill to cut those trees into usable lumber before you can use
them to build ANYTHING, right?
It’s the same thing
with the protein in your food.
If you could take out the quad muscle in your leg and look at it on a plate, it would
look like a steak.
Cause your muscle is made of protein and the steak is made of protein.
But that doesn’t mean that when you eat a steak, all the protein you just swallowed
turns into more muscle.
Your body has to break the protein down into smaller parts called amino acids and
peptides… just like cutting a log into 2 X 4’s.
Then your body uses these aminos to build all the stuff it needs. (Muscle, skin,
ligaments, brain cells, everything… even the dopamine in your head that’s giving you
the energy to read this right now...)
So first, you eat the protein… but then
your body has to eat it too. And if your
body doesn’t do its job right, things start
to break.
That’s where your pancreas comes in. Your
pancreas produces the enzymes your
body uses to “eat your protein” for you.
But like everything, the pancreas slows
down as we get older…
And it’s gotten even worse in the last few
decades, because of thee types and amount of food we eat now.
Our food isn’t as natural, or as easy to digest as it used to be. So we’re pushing our
digestive system too hard, and it’s slowing down…
So, the older we get, the less efficient our body is at eating protein.
This is the first problem… and no one ever talks about it.
Lemme show you a study my doctor showed me, so you can see what I mean:
We all know that 80 year old men don’t build muscle as good as 20 or 30 year old
men right?
“No shit, right?”
Like your testosterone has to be in negative numbers by the time you get to 80…
But what this study did was feed 80 year old men a special drink of amino acids
(protein that has already been broken down)... and gave the same drink to guys in
their 20’s and 30’s.
What happened next is crazy.
They measured how well both sets guys were making muscle by measuring what
they call their “MPS” - Muscle Protein Synthesis.
And the old guys were turning the amino acids into muscle JUST As WELL as the
young guys. As in EXACTLY the same...
These guys weren’t on STEROIDS…
They were just given what their bodies
needed in the way they could use it..
The problem wasn’t their hormones, it was
their digestion not being able to turn
protein into Amino Acids for them…
As soon as they were given the protein in
a form their body could use, it became just
as efficient at making muscle as it had
always been.
So, what happens when your body stops
“eating protein”?
The problem with protein is that it’s not
like fat. It can’t be stored for later…
Either you turn it into aminos and peptides (2X4’s) and use it…
Or it just gets turned into sugar, and then fat… and sits on your ass and makes your
pants fit tighter.
Now, I’m not saying to stop eating meat… Because meat contains the exact ratio of
amino acids your body needs to make more muscle (obviously... ) You’re eating
muscle to make muscle…
The problem is getting your body to USE it...
That right there kicks off the
whole list of problems that’s
making you fat and weak and
weaker as you get older.
The next biggest one is about “recycling”
Your body has to recycle your cells all the time… We all know this from
elementary school science…
But that includes your muscles.
Your body is constantly killing off your muscle cells and replacing them with new
It’s called autophagy.
But, it’s not as simple as changing out a damaged tire on your car... Your body
doesn’t have a stack of spare “bicep cells” laying around in case you need one.
The cells are digested back into (you
guessed it) amino acids…
And these aminos don’t hang around
the muscle they just got scooped out
of waiting to go right back…
They get pooled together with all the
other aminos your body is getting
from your gut.
So SOME of them get recycled back
into new muscle.
But NOT all of them.
Some of them need to be turned into all the other stuff your body needs, but isn’t
getting from your diet.
So your muscles start to break
down faster than they can be
The eggheads calls this your MPB
to MPS ratio…. (Muscle Protein
Breakdown vs Muscle Protein
And THAT’s why just trying to
work out longer and harder to keep
your strength up as you get older
isn’t helping!
Because exercise SPEEDS up the
breakdown faster than it speeds up
the building back…
Now, I’m sure you’ve noticed that I haven’t said a thing about testosterone yet…
That’s because all this happens whether you have enough testosterone or not…
In fact, it’s this next part that really kicks
everything into overdrive… and really
messes you up.
See, as your muscle decreases, the
amount of calories you burn every day
just keeps dropping and dropping.
But your appetite don’t drop as fast as
your metabolism does… (ask me how I
know…) so you’re eating the same
amount as you always do, but you keep
burning less and less.
So the extra gets stored as fat (as we all know)
Well the real bitch is, this extra fat makes a hormone that’s DESIGNED to
mess you up.
It’s called aromatase…
What does aromatase do?
Well lemme ask you a question: Ever notice that the fatter you are, the bigger
your titties get?
I’m not talking about women here...
I mean US.. MEN.
When we get fat, we start growing titties, right?
And the crazy part it, the titties seem to grow
faster than our stomachs or any other part...
Part of the reason for that is aromatase.
Aromatase turns our testosterone into
estrogen. (Aint that a bitch?)
The same estrogen that makes women go
through puberty and grow breasts and hips
and get periods.
THAT estrogen.
Now, in small amounts, this is actually good…
Even necessary.
Everybody needs a little estrogen, even men. It’s good for your heart and your
brain and lots of other stuff.
But when you start getting fat, and making too much aromatase, you get TOO
MUCH of it.
And too much estrogen leads to problems... Like growing titties.
Now… you would THINK that all this extra estrogen would make your body produce
more testosterone in order to balance itself out…
That’s what I would do… It’s what YOU would do...
But NOT what your body does.
In fact, it does the opposite…
See, your body knows that testosterone turns into estrogen.
So, when it “detects” too much estrogen in your blood it SLOWS down your
testosterone to slow down the estrogen…
Less testosterone means less motivation, less energy, lower bone density, and…
here’s the real motherfucker: more body fat.
More estrogen.
More estrogen
less testosterone.
Less testosterone
more fat.
It’s a vicious cycle that will drive you right into an early grave if we let it… and take
away your manhood along the way!
The last piece
Without the ability to get the aminos out of your food to help you rebuild your
muscle… your body gets LAZY…
It starts storing calories instead of burning
It makes you crave sugary junk food to
make up for all the nutrients it doesn’t
think it’s getting.
It shuts down your energy and ramps up
your hunger because it thinks you're not
eating enough…
Even though you’re thinking about buying
fatter SHOES cause your damn feet keep
getting bigger.
If I had tried to tell myself at 22 that one day I’d need wider shoes… I’d have shot
Then your body slows down muscle repair even more, to save all the calories it
doesn’t think it’s getting.
The worst part is, your body’s number #1 way to deal with
this and try to restore your balance is sleep…
I don’t know about you, but I couldn’t sleep for shit when I was heavy… And it wasn’t
( just) sleep apnea…
No matter how tired I was, I just couldn't get a decent night’s sleep anymore.
It’s like the older I got, the busier I got. I just couldn’t find the damn time to get any
And when I did fall asleep, I couldn’t STAY
This is NOT something anyone warned me
about… but every guy my age says the
same thing...
Surprise, surprise: they’re all fat too.
I remember when I was in training for a
fight back in the day, Kevin would make sure I slept 9 hours a night… Now I know
Trainers always used to tell me “You work muscles in the gym… But you build them in
I thought that was a sex joke for the longest time. I’m serious.
But it’s true.
Your body needs sleep to repair and rebuild muscle.
It’s one of the reasons you always wake up a little lighter than when you went to bed.
Your body does its best work to repair and rebuild your muscles during the deepest
stages of sleep every night.
It even cleans out your brain to help give you energy and focus for the next day.
But if your sleep is low quality or constantly being interrupted, like most of us, then
you’re never getting these deeper levels of sleep. And you’re NOT repairing your
It’s ANOTHER reason us older guys can’t keep our strength and size as we get older…
cause we’re all waking up all damn night (usually to pee).
I don’t know if you’re like me,
but I had never heard of any
of this before… but it
immediately made sense
Looking back over my life, and how I’d gotten to where I was, it all lined up perfectly.
It just made so damn much sense.
And the good news is, now that we know the cause, the solution is obvious.
And I’m going to cut out all the bullshit and tell you straight up, everything I just
described is reversible.
By fixing the problem at its source, you
can restore the power your body needs to
feel and perform your best. At ANY age.
And I literally mean ANY age.
A few years ago, doctors gave PART of
the solution I use to men in their 80’s who
just had their hips replaced… and these
guys started jumping out of their beds and
dancing around the room!
Well, not quite that dramatic, but for real,
they healed up and walked out of the hospital over TWICE as fast as the men who
weren’t taking the solution.
If it works for 80 year old men with new hips… then it’ll work for anyone.
All you need to do is make a
few small tweaks to give your
body the boost it needs to get
back on top.
It really only come down to fixing two small things to completely turn back the
clock on everything we’ve been talking about.
If you can make your body more efficient at getting nutrients and amino acids
out of your gut and into your muscles…
And make your muscles more efficient at BUILDING muscle and less eager to
tear it down… You’re halfway there.
So, my team focused on a solution that does 2 things:
Fix your digestion
I’m not talking about heartburn here.
(though, it should actually help with that
But actually giving your digestive system
the small boost it needs to regain the ability
to break down and process protein and
other nutrients into the components we
can use.
Fuel your muscles back into shape
Restoring thee muscle building power of your body comes down to two simple
things (and this is backed by science).
It’s that same ratio we talked about before: MPB vs MPS: Muscle Protein
Breakdown vs Muscle Protein Synthesis.
If your MPB is too high, you can’t possibly make enough muscle to offset the
loss… and you get weak and soft.
In extreme cases, they call it
sarcopenia… and it usually means
your ass is about to die. (For real).
On that same note, if your MPS is
too low, if you’re not making new
muscle every day… then even if
your MPB is ZERO (it’s not), you still wouldn’t make any progress.
But, if you can keep your MPB low… and increase your MPS, then you’re golden…
You can build muscle like you’re 19 again…
Back when you gained 5 pounds of muscle in a summer from doing a few pushups…
And could eat whatever you wanted and not gain a pound. (I was NEVER that
Between you and me: it was almost too hard to believe the first time I heard it.
How could the answer to a problem that plagued millions of people be so
Luckily, I didn’t let my skepticism keep me from trying it for myself.
My team called it the 1-2 Punch (I thought it was cheesy)
After breaking down the science for me, the way
I just did for you, I was handed a bottle
with neon yellow liquid in it.
It looked like someone had hit a bottle of gatorade
with radiation. It was that yellow.
I double checked that there was nothing “banned”
in the bottle (you never can be too careful...)
The Doc confirmed that it was 100% natural, and didn’t
contain anything sketchy.
I took a sip and waited…
The first time I tried it, it wasn’t anything special.
After I downed the bottle of bright yellow liquid, I went on about my day,
waiting to feel it “kick in”.
And I waited all day.
I felt a “little” better, like I had a little more powerin my punches… but it was
fleeting, and barely noticeable.
I don’t know what I was expecting…
I, of all people, know how long a new diet or supplement can take to start
kicking in.
I knew I’d have to give it a fair try for at
least a couple weeks.
But it didn’t take anywhere NEAR that
Later that night, I tried
part 2 (the sleep part)...
and holy shit.
This time, since I was home, I had a small
little packet of powder that I was supposed to mix in water right before bed.
I mixed it, and this time there was no yellow/green color at all.
This time it was milky white.
(Turns out bright ass neon yellow is the natural color of vitamin B6, which was
only in the daytime drink).
I drank it down, then brushed my teeth and got ready for bed.
Holy. Shit.
I don’t know about you, but I usually have a real hard time getting to sleep.
It’s like as soon as my head hits the pillow, my mind starts racing with thoughts
custom tailored to keep me awake.
Not this time.
I don’t even remember falling asleep.
I was just OUT.
Maybe 10 minutes after getting into bed, I
slipped off into never never land…
And I didn’t wake up for 8 HOURS.
I can’t remember the last time I slept
through the night… maybe never.
But suddenly, there I was, waking up to the sound of birds outside my window and
sunlight pouring in.
And, more important, this didn’t feel like I’d taken any kind of sedative.
I just felt like I had slept...
Maybe the best sleep of my entire life.
I woke up feeling more energized, more refreshed, more rested than I think I EVER
I can’t remember ever feeling more rested in the morning.
I drank my next morning dose with breakfast.
This time, I could definitely feel the difference.
Except, I didn’t know whether I was feeling better because of the morning drink…
Or if I just felt so much better because of
the incredible night’s sleep I’d gotten.
Personally, I didn’t care. All I knew is that I
felt fantastic.
Going through the same workout as the
day before, I could have sworn I was
performing just a little bit better… But I
know all about the placebo effect.
I put it out of my mind and just kept
I figured I’d wait at least a week to assess
how I really felt.
A few days later, I noticed how much stronger I was already getting.
It was subtle at first.
Just a little more power in my punches…
A little more stamina when I spar.
I noticed I wasn’t getting tired as quickly.
The first time I tried a full round of
sparring, back when I was fat, I laid in bed
for a week after, unable to move.
But now, I feel smooth, and energized. I
don’t feel like I’m emptying the tank every
time I throw a punch.
I started to remember what training used to feel like.
Once I felt how amazing this stuff made me feel, and saw the results in the mirror
and in my training, my only thought was
“Why is this a secret?”
Seriously, why hadn’t I heard of this before?
Most of the ingredients were super common. There was only one or two I hadn’t
heard of before…
Someone who knew what to look for could find most of them on the internet or at
one of those healthy vitamin stores…
Apparently, all you have to do is mix them in the right quantities and take them at the
right time of day, and EVERYONE could feel this good?
So why wasn’t everyone taking it?
The team told me “lots of these
ingredients are common, but mostly in
low-quality forms. It actually takes some
digging to get the high quality stuff that
So I asked “How much can we get?”
I started giving it out to everyone on my
team, and soon enough, they were all
asking how to get more.
Like clockwork, they’d come to me after
the first night and say “Mike, I’ve never
slept that good before”…
And two weeks later, they’d be telling me
all about the new energy they had…
You could see it in their bodies too.
New veins popping out.
Tighter sleeves on their t-shirts… smaller pants.
I felt like I was at the center of a new superhero team... It was crazy.
I decided to tell the world about it.
I told the doc “give me the recipe, down to the
miligram. I want to tell everyone about this.”
And he did.
The recipe is right here on this page for the
whole world to see.
But before he gave me the recipe, he gave me a
The same warning I’m about to give you:
There’s a BIG problem in the supplement industry.
Below is the list of every ingredient and the exact dosages for my Ignition Matrix
Down to the miligram.
But the doc warned me that even with the exact formulation, and exact amounts of
each ingredient, chances are, you probably wouldn’t be able to get the same kind of
results me and my friends have seen.
It’s not because the formula doesn’t work.
It does.
It’s that the ingredients are hard to get…
For instance, one of the ingredients is
Nothing special about creatine. One of the
most common, best understood, easiest
ingredients in the world to get.
It’s probably right behind protein powder
and vitamin C on the list of best selling
supplements in the world every year...
But even something as simple as creatine
can present a problem for people who
don’t know what they’re looking for. For
starters, most creatine is cheap, shitty,
creatine monohydrate.
And lots of the more expensive stuff that’s
supposed to be higher quality, is ALSO cheap, shitty creatine monohydrate.
And there’s nothing wrong with creatine monohydrate… Except you gotta take more
of it because it’s poorly absorbed and your body wastes most of it…
Remember being told you have “load” creatine for a week or two in order to
“saturate” your muscles back in the day?
That’s why.
But the stuff I take, is
only 3 grams per day…
1 ½ grams in the morning an
1 ½ grams at night before bed.
When you have properly formulated and standardized micronized creatine, which is
what I take, then that’s all you need for maximum benefit.
And that’s not me saying that.
Check out this double blind placebo controlled study:
And that’s just Creatine.
With 21 active ingredients in my Ignition
Matrix formula…
There’s too many chances for things to go
Plus, with everything going on in the , the prices for raw ingredients all over the
The bulk price of almost every ingredient is going crazy right now. (Just like the price
of almost everything else…)
That means that the retail prices are going
to be all over the map.
Honestly, I didn’t even think about that.
This sounds dumb, but sometimes, I
actually forget that I have money.
It doesn’t occur to me how easy my life is
now because I don’t have to worry about
what things cost.
If I want something, I get it. And I make
sure that I always get the best of whatever I want.
For lots of people, the costs are a big deal, and I felt bad for not even considering
But that’s when I realized…
I can do something most people can’t. I can use my name and my money to
buy the best ingredients in the world at a huge discount.
If I buy the creatine, and the Fulvic Acid and the HMB and all the other
Then I can have MY TEAM, Team Tyson test them, and evaluate them to make
sure they're the best in the world.
No variance.
No impurities.
They test every ingredient like I’m going to
be drinking it myself, because I am. Then I
can make sure that each and every single
gram is the absolute best.
And just like that, for the first time in my life,
it looked like I was going to be in the
supplement business.
When I saw first hand the power that these
simple ingredients in the right quantity can
have in my life, and in the lives of my friends
and family…
I KNEW I had to share it.
No one else was gonna do it…
The entire supplement industry has known about these ingredients for
They’ve seen the studies:
20% boost in strength in
30 days
50% shorter recovery time
They’d seen them all.
They knew what I knew…
But NONE of them had taken the time to bring them together to create this for
They’d rather charge huge markups on worthless, cheap ingredients that don’t work
as well.
Think about it.
A gallon of milk has been $2 for over a decade.
So how come a jar of low quality whey protein, made from milk for PENNIES costs
Cause of the damn markup.
Well, fuck that.
If I bite the bullet and put the ultimate formula out myself…
I can share what I use with the world, and
KNOW that it’s the best.
I can know that every gram, every sip contains the exact right blend of each
That the anabolic power of your digestion, your muscles and your sleep can all be
perfectly optimized.
I can put my name on it, and know that people can see it and immediately trust it.
So, I did what I always do…
I called the team together to find me the best in the world.
We even started a brand-new company.
The company, and
its only product is
called IM-21…
As in, the “Iron Matrix 21”.
The perfect, twice-daily ultimate anabolic drink.
We call it a “Muscle Building Formula”
Put up over a million dollars of our own money
to source the best ingredients on earth.
Yep, we pre-purchased over a million dollars in raw ingredients to make enough IM21 for THOUSANDS of people to try it for themselves.
So here’s exactly what we
bought, and exactly what’s in
every dose of IM-21
The core of the Iron Matrix is made up of the first 7 ingredients:
Creatine, HMB, Vitamin D3, Protease, Fulvic Acid, Fructose and Glycine.
These 7 ingredients make up the primary 2 parts of the Iron Matrix.
Part 1
Fructose, Fulvic Acid and Protease were selected to reignite the fire in your
This combination is formulated to help your body obliterate every bite of protein
in your food and transport the amino acids and other nutrients into your
bloodstream where your body can use them.
Once these compounds are out of your gut and in your body, the real work
Part 2
Vitamin D3, HMB, Creatine, and Glycine provide your muscles with what they
need to stop dying and start GROWING.
Glycine is one of the most abundant amino acids in your body. It makes up so
many important tissues and even neurotransmitters like dopamine (the
motivation hormone).
It’s even what your body uses to make its own creatine.
We’ve all heard about Vitamin D3 for our immune system, especially last year,
but it’s actually been studied for YEARS for it’s ability to increase muscle size and
strength, bone density and even your testosterone levels:
Again, scientists have known this for years, but they haven’t been telling US… why?
Cause there’s no money in selling Vitamin D.
So, the core Iron Matrix is those 7 ingredients.
Every day, I drink
The most widely studied and proven sports performance supplement
ever… Probably the second best selling supplement in the world after whey
And most people are using it wrong…
If you’ve used it before, you probably remember being told to take “20 grams a
day for a week. Then 5 grams a day after that… and if you ever miss a day or
two, you gotta start over with another 20 grams a day…” right?
Guess who made that up?
Ding. Ding. Ding. Yep - the people who
sell Creatine. The most effective dose of
creatine studied is actually 3 grams/day,
according to the latest research.
A top research university in Brazil tested
the “loading” theory and proved it false.
3 grams a day was determined to be the
most effective dose.. Just one caveat. You have to be using a high-grade creatine
that’s well absorbed. Which is why that’s exactly what IM-21 uses.
The most anabolic substance on earth, gram for gram, and no one is
talking about it yet.
HMB is the closest thing to a silver bullet when it comes to keeping and growing
strength and muscle mass.
They give this stuff to cows to make more beef. And it’s all natural and not a
It’s actually made in your body every day when you break down the leucine in
your food.
It’s main purpose is to prevent muscle
wasting… sound familiar? Well, your
body doesn’t make very much on it’s
own, so you can either down
hundreds of grams of leucine to get it
to make more (not recommended) or
supplement with just 1-3 grams of
HMB directly.
Guess which I chose?
Yeah, a gram of leucine a day is
proven to make almost everything
else work better.
HMB improves the effects of Creatine.
HMB improves muscle mass in eldery patients with hip transplants
HMB improves the effects of Vitamin D3
HMB is used by collegiate athlete to boost strength and stamina
This little compound is going to be the only thing people are going to be talking
about in 2 years, but you’ll already be seeing the benefits for yourself.
Vitamin D3
People usually talk about vitamin D for its immune boosting benefits…
and they’re important (especially this year)...
But the benefit to your bones and muscles (especially when used with creatine
and HMB) are almost miraculous.
Talking about 20% boosts in strength.
Boosted testosterone production (with NO
hormone therapy).
10% stronger bones.
Better memory and mood.
The list goes on damn near forever.
Unlike glucose, fructose doesn’t
enter your bloodstream and cause
an insulin spike. Instead it gets
converted by your liver directly into
glycogen, the fuel your muscles
Consuming fructose with creatine
has also shown to boost absorption
and retention.
Glycine is actually the first amino acid ever discovered. (I just learned
that)... That’s because it’s EVERYWHERE in your body.
It’s in muscle, skin, hair, organ cells,
neurotransmitters like dopamine.
Your body actually needs it to produce
its own creatine.
And it’s one of the amino acids your
body harvests from muscle tissue when
it doesn’t have enough.
That’s the main reason it’s so important
to make sure you’re getting enough.
And why we make sure you get it twice a day in IM-21.
We think it’s also why studies have shown that Glycine alone can boost your
strength by up to 10-15% .
Protease (Papain)
If IM-21 had NOTHING but papain in it, it would still be a total
revolution. Papain (pronounced like papaya) is a type of compound called a
That means it breaks down proteins
into peptides and amino acids.
It can do this out in the air, which is
why thousands of companies use it as
a meat tenderizer.
And it can work in your gut to help
you get more muscle-building,
anabolic power out of every bite of
protein you eat.
This compound is like building your very own saw-mill in your gut… responsible
for taking in whole bites of protein and spitting out ready-made 2X4’s ready to
be used wherever they’re needed.
And this formula is split in half.
So, every morning, I drink 100mg of Protease and 1.5 grams of creatine, etc…
And every night I drink the other half.
There are 2 reasons we split it up like this:
First, it makes every
ingredient more potent.
Your body absorbs more
overall from 2 smaller
doses than it would from
one big dose.
Second, we can improve
on the Iron Matrix even
more with ingredients
that improve your mood
and focus during the day.
And ingredients that enhance and deepen your sleep at night.
So, in addition to the core Iron Matrix, my morning drink contains
Glutamine is another amino acid that is abundant in the body, and is
harvested from muscle tissues when your body is under stress.
Doctors believe this is part of the reason
the body loses so much muscle mass
when you are sick or injured for even just
a few days.
Your body releases glutamine to help
itself heal or fight off infection, and loses
muscle mass in the process.1
Glutamine also helps reinforce the lining
of our gut wall, to help improve digestion
and prevent issues like leaky gut.
You probably remember seeing tauring on the label of an energy drink
That’s because taurine helps your body
produce energy by balancing your
digestion and helping with mineral
absorption and balancing throughout
the body.
It also helps regulate the function of
your nervous system.2
You might look at the word caffeine and think “great, an energy drink”
but that couldn’t be further from the truth.
75MG of caffeine is just under what you
would get from an average cup of coffee.
If you still want to drink coffee after using
Burn, you can go right ahead.
The reason we use a small amount of
caffeine is because it has been shown to
help regulate your energy metabolism
and switch your body into fat-burning
Having a small amount of circuulating caffeine also helps your focus and
attention and leads to burning more calories throughout the day.
L phenylalanine
Phenylalanine is an amino acid your body needs, but can’t make. That
means it’s essential. You have to get it from food.
If you don’t have enough, then your body
cannot produce dopamine, the energy,
mood and focus hormone.
In fact, it’s so potent, scientists are
studiying it for its effects on conditions
like depression and ADHD.
We use it to ensure that you’re getting enough to ensure proper dopamine
production during the day.
75 gm Vitamin b6 60 gm
Vitamin b12 40 gm
Vitamin b2
B-complex vitamins are responsible for
everything from energy metabolism to
proper digestive function.
A recent study showed that “individuals
lacking in B-vitamins – including college
athletes and other elite competitors -may have a decreased ability to repair
and build muscle than counterparts”.
Vitamin C
People hear Vitamin C, and think
“immune system” but this vitamin is
actually one of the most powerful
antioxidants on the planet.
It’s so powerful that women put it on
their faces as a face lift in a jar under the
name hyaluronic acid.
We call these 8 ingredients the BURN blend.
They help you light up your day and burn it down.
In conjunction with the core Iron Matrix, they help you to move more, burn more fat
and perform at your best.
After a week or two of drinking Burn consistently, you wont know how you ever went
without it. I keep a bag on me at all times.
And the night time blend, we call Build is formulated for total anabolic recovery.
Like my trainers always said, you Build muscle when you sleep.
Without the rest and recovery you get from a good night’s sleep, you’ll NEVER grow
strength and muscle mass like you could be.
So every dose of Build also contains
Cordyceps is a type of mushroom that
has been called the ultimate
It has been shown to help regulate blood
sugar, improve ATP production (which
can lead to greater strength and energy)
Cordyceps alone was shown to increase
stamina by up to 7% WITHOUT any of
the other ingredients in IM-21.3
Gaba is such an important amino acid in
your brain that it has a spexcific receptor
called a gaba receptor.
And when this receptor detects gaba in
your brain, it triggers the onset of rest,
relaxation and sleep.
You may not have heard of GABA
before, but old school bodybuilders have
been using it for years to improve sleep
quality, and improve overnight gains.
The downside to GABA is that it breaks
down too fast. You’ve probably noticed
that a ton of over the counter sleep
products might help you get to sleep, but
dont help you STAY asleep.
That’s where valerian comes in.
Valerenic acid has been found to inhibit
the breakdown of GABA in the brain,
which means continued rest, and continued recovery, all night long.
Melatonin is almost synonymous with
“sleep aid” right?
But most melatonin products leave you
feeling drowsy the next day, which is the
opposite of the point.
That’s because they use WAY too much.
Guess they figure, if a little is good, then
a lot must be GREAT, right?
Not so much.
You want just enough melatonin to trigger the onset of sleep. But once that’s
done it’s done its job. You don’t want it hanging around in your brain all night,
leading to feelings of tiredness the next day.
ust like melatonin, lots of people think
they know all about tryptophan,
Again, most people are using it
wrong (if they use it at all.)
This formulation is specifically engineered to help you fall asleep faster, sleep deeper
and stay asleep longer.
The key to the anabolic power of sleep is
the number of “deep sleep” cycles you get
in a night.
So Build is formulated to maximize the
depth and number.
You’ve never felt anything like it.
Build isn’t a sedative, like a sleeping pill. It
naturally supports your body getting to sleep fast and sleeping better.
It’s revolutionary.
Now, you might be wondering...
How do I take it, and how much do I take?
That’s the best part.
Like I said, when I’m training for a fight, I don’t want to have to worry or think
about ANYTHING else.
So I simplify everything in my life.
It’s the best way of focusing on what’s
important and eliminating mistakes.
So, I made sure IM-21 was made the
same way.
My morning dose of Burn is in a simple
foil stick, like a kool-aid stick.
I pour it into an 8 ounce glass of water
and drink it… Within minutes, I can feel
my body moving and working better.
It’s incredible.
And Build is the same way.
I pour one stick into a cup of water and
drink it before bed.
One thing I love to do actually is heat up a mug of water or almond milk and
drink it hot.
The heat doesn’t hurt the ingredients in Build, but it sure does make it taste
I love whenever I can enjoy doing something that’s good for me.
But the amazing part is that it’s so simple. There's nothing to think about.
Nothing to measure. No way to get it wrong.
Just rip, pour, stir, drink.
It’s so easy to make sure you’re getting exactly what you need in exactly the
right amounts.
How long till I see results?
The Iron Matrix starts going to work right away, supporting your body from the inside
There are parts you’re going to feel right away, and parts that will take a few days to
feel the full benefit.
For instance, your very first night of sleep
with Build is going to be the best night of
sleep you ever had.
That’s something you can feel right away.
Over the next few days, as your muscles
start getting saturated with amino acids
and rebuilding themselves and fueling
themselves the right way…
You’ll notice small, subtle improvements in
everyday activities.
It’s subtle at first.
You just notice you’re not tired as often or
as quickly. Things that used to be difficult
or heavy are suddenly a little lighter and a
little easier.
After the first 2 weeks, it’s plain as day.
After 30 days, you wouldn’t go back to a life without it
for a million dollars….
It feels that good.
You just feel
It’s the same feeling you had when you were a kid, only you didn’t know enough to
know how special it was.
Now you know.
You know how fleeting and how perfect that feeling is.
The feeling that you can do ANYTHING. The feeling of limitless energy and drive.
The feeling of being strong and self reliant and in control. The feeling of knowing that
tomorrow is going to be better than today.
As you feel better and better, you’ll find yourself discovering a new level of focus
and motivation.
As things like exercise get easier and easier, you’ll probably find yourself wanting to
do them more.
It’s crazy what your body does once it’s getting what it needs.
The feeling of being fit and healthy is
almost addictive, and for once it won't be
so difficult to maintain.
It almost feels like a magic trick…
For the first few months, I know I used to
wake up and wonder if today was the day
that I was going to start feeling like the “old
me” again…
But no.
The feeling of being young and strong, and healthy is still with me.
I plan to keep feeling
this good when I’m 80!
And the benefits on the outside will start matching the benefits on the inside…
When’s the last time you went to the store to buy smaller pants?
If it’s been awhile, let me tell you, it feels incredible.
I remember when I was young, I used to LOVE clothes. Having a full closest of
the hottest fashion was something that made me genuinely happy.. (rare back
But as I got older and really started putting on weight, I startedhiding my body in
“dad clothes”... big, baggy shirts and oversized pants.
I convinced myself i was comfortable…
But now that my body looks the way it
does again…
I love buying the clothes that make me
look good and feel good again!
I don’t know if you’re into clothes like I
am, but for me it was a huge plus.
What about you? What do you most
look forward to about having a
younger, healthier, leaner body again?
The excess fat should start melting
Think about that…
Even if you just lost 10 pounds of fat a month… I know it doesn’t sound like a
lot… but if it happened effortlessly, and like clockwork?
Damn… In 2 months you’d be 20 pounds down… then 30, 40 and even 50
Your body could be completely transformed with 50 fewer pounds of nasty,
artery clogging fat.
So what would you do with it?
Imagine what you could do if you had the
brain of a grown man, and the body of a
kid at his physical prime.
All those things you wanted to do in your
20’s but never made time for?
The stuff you think you’re too old for now?
Suddenly it’s all back on the table.
But this time you’re old enough to actually
appreciate it.
It’s like living a dream.
Getting my body, my mind and my energy back has completely changed my
life. And it can change yours.
For me, once I realized that all the things I thought were holding me back were
gone for good…
The possibilities opened wide up for
me again.
I was fit enough to get back in the
boxing ring…
And have one of the most watched
fights EVER.
I showed the world that you can
reclaim your health and power at any
That you’re never too old to chase after what you want.
And we raised millions for charity.. Win/win/win if you ask me.
My new fight is to change the
Now that I realize the power of
fixing your health with a few small
I know what I want to do with the
rest of my life (And I plan for it to be
I’m going to help the world get their
power back.
One man at a time if I have to.
Once I realized how good it’s
possible to feel… I knew I had to
give everyone this same chance.
I want that to be my legacy.
I want to be the man that made the
world strong again… The man that
showed men everywhere what true
strength feels like.
Imagine how much cooler the world
would be if guys with wisdom, and
experience, and know-how had the
energy to go all day and all night, like
they used to.
I can’t wait to see that world.
I’m doing everything I can to make it happen.
And because of that…
I’m not in this
for the money.
I want this project to succeed more than just about anything else I’ve ever
wanted, since winning my first belt almost 35 years ago.
And if you know me, then you know the most dangerous place in the world to be
is standing between me and my goal.
One thing I’ve always been good at is single minded determination.
So when it came time to sit down with
the suits... (I mean that figuratively, ‘cause
who actually wears suits anymore?)
I made it VERY clear that the price of this
should be something basically everyone
can afford.
And I wasn’t about to accept any bullshit.
And the other thing I made clear is that
we weren’t going to get cute and hide
behind any “proprietary blend” where we keep the ingredients a secret…
Like you saw above, I laid out EXCATLY what’s in IM-21 milligram for milligram.
That means you can go out and make this product yourself if you want, just
using what you know now.. .
And it would even be almost as good.
There would only be 3 differences between what you can make on your own
using the exact formulation I take, and what I had my team put together:
We made sure we were buying the purest, most potent form of every ingredient
we use. Did you know that there’s more than a dozen different KINDS of
creatine? Not brands.. KINDS. .
We made sure to use the most effective kind, and
we got it from the best source. And the one
I use is validated in a 3rd party lab.
The stuff you’re able to find
might be almost as good.
This shouldn’t matter, but it does to me. Yours isn't gonna taste as good as mine
Lots of guys don’t care about taste, and that’s cool for them. You can tell cause
lots of the stuff in nutrition stores tastes like garbage… and you gotta do shit like
add extra peanut butter and bananas to your protein shakes to make them taste
For me, I know that if I’m gonna be eating or drinking something EVERY DAY,
then I want to be able to look forward to it.
Just cause it’s good for me, doesn’t mean it
can’t be a treat.
So I made sure my formula tastes incredible.
I love drinking Burn first thing in the
And I can’t wait to finish my day with a cold
(or sometimes hot) cup of build before I drift
off to the best sleep of my life...
You probably wont be able to replicate the
delicious taste my team formulated (without
adding any extra calories, btw)... The ONLY
calories in this thing are from the 3 grams of
all natural fructose (fruit sugar) that we
added to aid in digestion andcreatine
And 3rd, it’ll probably cost you a lot more. You know how you save money by
buying in bulk at stores like Costco?
Well it works even better the more you spend…
I spent over a million dollars buying the ingredients to
create our first public batch of IM-21….
This did two things for me:
First, it guarantees that I personally NEVER run out of my own
supply. I’ve got enough Burn and Build to last me till I’m 150 years
old and I fucking dare you to try and take it from me.
And 2, we got the absolute best price available anywhere on these
specific ingredients.
So, if you want to try my IM-21 formulation, you can try it from me here today,
for the best price you’ll ever see anywhere, or you can make it yourself at home
and get something that’s almost as good, but not validated, and not
manufactured in the state of an art lab… and doesn’t taste anywhere near as
good… and costs you at least 2 or 3 times what I’m charging just to help cover
the cost of making this first batch.
When this first batch sells out, which will be soon, it’ll take us at least another 2
months to produce more, and we’ll have to sell it at its actual retail price to every new
My team is already in talks with major retail stores to carry IM-21, to get it into even
more people’s hands, but one of the conditions is that the price will have to come
WAY up. (Stores need to make money, I get it…)
But anyone who buys from this page, during our first sample run is locked in for life.
We won’t ever raise the price on you, no matter how high the retail price has to go.
You got my word on that.
Look, I want to level with you and tell you something I bet you’ve already
At a certain level, athletes make MORE money from endorsements than they do
from their sport.
No shit, right?
Why do you think so many motherfuckers
got their names on shoes?
Hell, we all know a former heavyweight
champ you made 10 TIMES as much
money signing grills than he ever made in
the ring...
So, endorsements come and
endorsements go.
Shit, endorsements are how I kept my mortgages paid when all the boxing
money ran out (or got stolen from me.)
This isn’t some endorsement
deal with a cereal company
that wants to put my name on
the box.
This is my real formulation.
The one I use.
The one I believe in.
The one my entire team has been working on.
And that’s lucky for you too…
Because that means I set the prices.. And I
decide how much we charge.
So we’re only charging enough to help cover
the costs of the first round of production.
That’s why the price for a full month of IM-21
from this page is only $59.
Now, that’s not $59 each for Burn and Build.
You get both products, 30 sticks of each… 60 total doses per bag for only $59.
I was never the best at math, but you don’t need me to tell you that that’s less than
$1 per dose.
For something that has the power to completely change your life…
I can’t remember the last time I got ANYTHING worth a damn for a dollar.
And you know what?
If it doesn’t work for you, the way it’s worked for me and everyone else who’s tried
I don’t even want to keep your dollar.
This isn’t like a new pair of shoes or a piece of jewelry.
1 Month Supply
6 Month Supply
3 Month Supply
1 Pack
6 Pack
3 Pack
Normal Price:
Normal Price:
Normal Price:
You Save $40.95
You Save $305.70
You Save $134.85
Shop Now
Shop Now
Shop Now
Today’s Total: $59.00
Today’s Total: $294.00
Today’s Total: $165.00
Lifetime Money Back
Lifetime Money Back
Lifetime Money Back
You aren’t going to find any
“all sales are final” signs
around here.
If you don’t love it, just tell me.
(Well, technically, tell Team Tyson, it’s not like I answer the phone personally).
But give ‘em a call 866-438-4621 and tell ‘em you want your money back.
Hell, you could call ‘em now as a test to see if I’m lying.
Tell ‘em you want a refund and see how easy that is.
I’ve instructed them that anyone who wants their money back for any reason,
ever, can get it.
100% Guaranteed. For Life.
That’s the only way I know how to do
If i’m going to put my word.. My NAME on
something, then I stand behind it 100%.
I don’t know how to live another way.
So you don’t need to say “yes” to IM-21
today to start seeing immediate benefits.
All you have to do is say maybe.
Because if you don’t love it as much as I do, for ANY reason, all you’ve wasted is
a couple minutes of your time.
Plus, when you say maybe today, you lock in the best price you’ll ever seee for
It will never be this low again.
Unfortunately, it can’t be.
Because the cost of these ingredients is going to keep going up. (For at least the
next year).
Every run of IM-21 is likely going to be more expensive to produce than the last.
High quality, raw ingredients are becoming rarer, more expensive and harder to
Hell, premium creatine has already TRIPLED in cost since we first started
manufacturing IM-21
That means, I have to raise the price every time we produce a new supply.
We can lock in your price for
life for new customers who
buy today.
But, if you take a chance on me, and on IM-21 today, then I will personally guarantee
to lock in your price forever.
Even if I end up having to lose money on every bag I send you.
Seeing men all over America, and the the world try this formula is worth that much to
I want to see men looking and
feeling better than they ever have…
More Energy
Better Focus
Which lets them be better husbands,
Better Fathers
Better Providers.
No longer weighed down by insecurities and
feeling tired and irrelevant all the time.
But if it doesn’t work EXACTLY the way I said it would, then you can get 100% of
your money back.
So pick the best package that works for you and give yourself a chance.
Give me your hand.
I won’t let you down.
Get ready to Hit Like Iron.
1 Month Supply
6 Month Supply
3 Month Supply
1 Pack
6 Pack
3 Pack
Normal Price:
Normal Price:
Normal Price:
You Save $40.95
You Save $305.70
You Save $134.85
Shop Now
Shop Now
Shop Now
Today’s Total: $59.00
Today’s Total: $294.00
Today’s Total: $165.00
Lifetime Money Back
Lifetime Money Back
Lifetime Money Back
Frequently Asked Questions
Is this really Mike Tyson?
Yes. My team would shut this site down so fast if this wasn’t my product. IM-21
is 100% mine. It’s the very same formulation I use, packaged up into a
convenient monthly supply for my friends and fans to be able to use it for
You can see the direct links to this website on my instagram and facebook
What Does IM-21 Taste Like?
Do I have to exercise for it to work?
How Do I take IM-21?
How do I know this will work?
What if it doesn't?
What are the ingredients in Burn and Build?
How do I know IM-21 is safe?
What if I'm sensitive to caffeine?
What if I'm sensitive to melatonin?
How is IM-21 different?
What can I do if I don't like it?
How do I get ahold of you?
1 Month Supply
6 Month Supply
3 Month Supply
1 Pack
6 Pack
3 Pack
Normal Price:
Normal Price:
Normal Price:
You Save $40.95
You Save $305.70
You Save $134.85
Shop Now
Shop Now
Shop Now
Today’s Total: $59.00
Today’s Total: $294.00
Today’s Total: $165.00
Lifetime Money Back
Lifetime Money Back
Lifetime Money Back
The statements made on our websites have not been evaluated by the FDA (U.S. Food & Drug Administration). Our
products are not intended to diagnose, cure or prevent any disease. The information provided by this website or this
company is not a substitute for a face-to-face consultation with your physician, and should not be construed as individual
medical advice. The testimonials on this website are individual cases and do not guarantee that you will get the same
results. Due to the nature of this product and to protect the privacy of the individuals, actual names and photographs of
the individuals depicted in the testimonials have been changed. Individuals are remunerated.
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