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Beverly Jarosz Murder: Opinion Essay

Adrian Karapunarly
Beverly Case
Opinion Essay
Fall 2020, English 1010
Word Count: 747
The Enduring Mystere of Beverly Jarosz was an article written by James Renner. Everyone
has encountered a mystery that was so difficult to decipher. Mysteries like these come across
detectives almost all the time. But more often than not, detectives end up solving the case and
catch the murderer. This was in fact what happened with the murder of Beverly Jarosz case. The
Murder of Beverly was never caught or determined.
Beverly Jarosz was an average sixteen-year-old teenager living in Garfield Heights. She was a
cautious girl after she got a present from someone anonymous that alarmed her. It was an
average summer day for Beverly. She made plans to hang out with her friend that day, so she
rushed home to get ready. When her friend, Barbar, showed up there was no answer to the door
and soon after that, she went back home. Beverly was murdered in her house that day and the
murder is still unsolved. The top three most likely suspects John Paliyan, Dan Schulte, and James
John Paliyan is a very possible suspect. A lot of clues point to him even after the murder.
During the investigation, he was one of the many men that was questioned. He admitted that he
would look at Beverly while she would sunbathe in her backyard. This already is pretty
suspicious and weird that someone is watching you from their home. But that information was
only determined during the first investigation. When the case reopened in 2004 John began to
look more suspicious. He took a lie detector test in 1965 and the results came back inconclusive.
So he could’ve been lying about a lot of stuff about the murder. It could also be said that since it
Adrian Karapunarly
was inconclusive it could mean nothing. But a co-worker claims that John asked him how to beat
a polygraph test. This could be one explanation as to why the test came back “inconclusive”.
Even if the co-worker never told John how to pass the test; John still wanted to know how to
pass the test. Once the investigation was reopened Free Times went to his house for an interview.
Even after all these years, he was still one person they looked at to be a suspect. John quickly
told them to talk to his lawyer if they had any questions. It’s not illegal for people to not speak,
but it does seem strange to me that after all these years he would not want to speak to them.
Dan Schulte was another man that fit the criteria of the murderer. He had some history with
Beverly as he was a previous boyfriend of hers. He was apart of the AirForce and was in town
for Christmas. Now he had an alibi because he had a time card that showed he was working
during the murder. This doesn’t mean he could’ve left work and committed the murder. Also,
according to the detectives, the murderer was someone Beverly recognized. They thought this
because there was no struggle on the first floor so she let him right into the house. Dan would be
a familiar face to her since he was an ex. Additionally, he could’ve murdered her because he
never got over her. He also came home that day in a hurry according to a girl that lived next door.
This suggests that he left during work to commit the crime, heard someone was knocking and
was worried the whole time until he got home.
The last suspect is the one I least suspect but does still seem capable of killing Beverly. James
Krawczk fit a profile made by specialists. The profile that the specialists said was, “he has a fear
of being rejected. The killer would justify the act to himself by believing the girl was making
him feel sick and this was the only way to cure himself”. This is a pretty specific profile but he
would also often stand near the window looking towards Thorton Avenue. It does make sense
that he would be considered a killer because of all the standards he meets. Furthermore, he could
Adrian Karapunarly
have some kind of illness and what was previously said could have been his motive to kill
I suspect John Paliyan is the most possible person to murder Beverly. He fit many different
possible explanations as to what could have happened that day. John seemed to be a very
suspicious man even fifteen years after the murder happened.