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Art History Midterm Study Guide: Prehistoric to Aegean

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Chapters 1-4, Prehistoric, Mesopotamia, Egypt and Aegean
This midterm will open on Monday, May 11th at 12AM and close on Friday, May 15th at 11PM.
Students will have access to their textbooks and notes; however, they will only have 50 minutes on
each section (multiple choice and short responses). The exam consists of 60 multiple choice
questions and 5 short response questions taken from the assigned readings, PowerPoint lectures and
To prepare for the exam:
• Read the textbook and review over your notes.
• For each image listed: memorize the artist/architect (if known), the associated period or culture.
• Know the iconography (meaning or subject of the artwork, if there is one), the function of the
work (if known), and, the location for architecture.
• Know the main characteristics of these artistic or historical periods: Paleolithic, Neolithic,
Sumer, Akkad, Neo-Sumer, Babylon, Assyria, and Neo-Babylon, Cycaldes, Minoans,
Mycenaeans. For example, were people hunter-gathers or farmers, warring or peaceful? How
were the beliefs of the society reflected in objects? What structures were built and what
materials were used in construction?
Vocabulary: memorize the vocabulary to define a word or use in an answer
Ch1: Paleolithic, Neolithic, sculpture-in-the-round, zoomorphic, Composite/Twisted perspective,
ground line, post and lintel, megalith, Neolithic Revolution
Ch2: hierarchical scale, register, votive offering, ziggurat
Ch3: Ka, mastaba, nemes headdress, uraeus, mortuary temple, hypostyle hall
Ch4: Fresco, Corbel Arch, Megaron, Labyrinth, Tholos Tomb
45-30,000 BCE – First works of art appear
26th – 25th c. BCE – Building of the pyramids
Sir Leonard Woolley, Naram-Sim, Queen Hatshepsut, Akhenaton, Tutankhamen
Art Images:
Chapter 1:
1. Nude woman (Venus of Willendorf), (Paleolithic)
2. Hall of the Bulls, Lascaux, Dordogne, France (Paleolithic)
3. Stonehenge, Salisbury Plain, Wiltshire, England (Neolithic)
4. Landscape with volcanic eruption, Çatal Höyük, Turkey, (Neolithic)
Chapter 2:
5. Statuettes of two worshipers, (Sumer)
6. Standard of Ur (Peace and War sides), (Sumer)
7. Victory Stele of Naram-Sin, (Akkad)
8. Ziggurat, Ur, Iraq, (Neo-Sumer/Third Dynasty of Ur)
9. Ashurbanipal Hunting Lions, relief from the south palace of Ashurbanipal, Nineveh, Iraq,
Chapter 3:
10. Imhotep, Stepped Pyramid of Djoser, Saqqara, Egypt, (Early Dynastic)
11. Khafre enthroned, (Old Kingdom)
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12. Nebamum hunting fowl, Tomb of Nebamum, (New Kingdom)
13. Mortuary temple of Hatshepsut, Deir el-Bahri, Egypt, (New Kingdom)
14. Akhenaton, Nefertiti, and three daughters,(Amarna)
15. Death mask of Tutankhamen, Thebes, Egypt, (Post-Amarna)
Chapter 4:
16. Figurine of a woman, from Syros, Greece (Cycladic)
17. Bull-leaping, from the palace at Knossos (Crete), Greece, Fresco (Minoan)
18. Harvester Vase, from Hagia Triada (Crete) (Minoan)
19. Treasury of Atreus, Mycenae, Greece (Mycenaean)
20. Lion Gate, Mycenae, Greece (Mycenaean)
Study Questions:
Be able to respond to these questions, using specific examples of works viewed and art vocabulary.
• Name two developments that differentiate the Paleolithic from the Neolithic periods?
• What aspects of the Nude Woman, Venus of Willendorf are emphasized? What does this
indicate about the figurine’s purpose?
• What were two important innovations developed by the Sumerians?
• How does a ziggurat differ from a stepped Pyramid?
• What do the reliefs of the palace of Ashurbanipal at Nineveh depict and why?
• What is unique about the Harvester vase?