Grades with average and passing scores 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Ряд1 9 Ряд2 10 Ряд3 11 12 13 14 15 16 ANCIENT RELIGION Egypt ■ Many Gods ■ The State existed to support the Church ■ People didn’t really practice ■ State gods / House Gods ■ Priesthood ■ Ma’at – Harmony ■ heka and Heka Death ■ Khat – The Body ■ The Nine Aspects ■ Ab, Osiris, and the Feather ■ The Negative Confession Exit Ticket ■ What was the home of the Egyptian gods? ■ What could a farmer do if he wanted to keep his neighbor from harvesting more grain than him? ■ How did the Egyptians relate to their state gods, be specific. Greece ■ Also a lot of gods, but not as many ■ Gods as People ■ State gods AND House gods ■ Transactional Niobe ■ 6 Sons, 6 Daughters ■ Brags to Leto (Titan) ■ Apollo kills all the sons, Artemis the daughters Exit Ticket ■How did ordinary Egyptians practice differently than ordinary Greeks? ■Describe the role of wine in Greek culture. The Romans ■ Animism ■ Also lots of gods – Suspiciously Greek (it’s a theme) ■ Very Transactional ■ Tolerant, to a point ■ No priest class – Like Caesar ■ Diviner (Haruspice) ■ Cults ■ The Imperial Cult ■ Days/Months – June (Juno), Saturday, January