Best welding prac0ce for high performance SS and High Nickel Alloys Dr Graham Sussex Presented by webinar for SWS July 2022 316 2507 800H Content • Basics about carbon steels, stainless steels and high nickel alloys • Differences in proper0es that affect welding behaviour • The similari0es and differences between welding the various families and grades of stainless steel and nickel alloys • What welding can do to mechanical and metallurgical proper0es and par0cularly corrosion resistance • Preparing to weld: effects of fabrica0on techniques and cleanliness, gaps, angles, fillers, welding method and heat input • Welding workmanship, quality control and defect limits for different materials • Inspec0on and post weld cleanup 2 Carbon steel, stainless steel and nickel alloys Steel is an Fe & C alloy: • Residual elements such as S, P, Mn, Si, … • Variable Mo, Cr, V, etc • Range from carbon (mild) steel through low alloy to tool steels. • Readily weldable if “Carbon equivalent: CE” low AND metal not too thick. Otherwise heat treatment to slow cooling and limit cracking. • Low CE typical 0.41 for CE = C%+(Cr%+Mo%+V%)/5 + (Ni% + Cu%)/ 15 • Not resistant to corrosion unless alloyed or protected. 3 What is a stainless steel? A corrosion resistant alloy (CRA) - ohen resistant to high temperature oxida0on Stainless steels >10.5% Cr, typical C <0.1% and low impuri0es: P & S. • Austeni0c*: readily weldable - strengthened by cold working – sohened by hea0ng [as are duplex grades]. NO hard spots from welding – except strength increase from excess reinforcement. • Duplex*: stronger, slightly less duc0le & slightly less easy to weld • Martensi0c and Precipita0on Hardening alloys require heat treatment aher welding. Heat treatment to strengthen or sohen • Ferri0c*: always low carbon but (except for 3/5Cr12) hard to weld. Even modern stabilised alloys require extreme cleanliness, good gas shielding to prevent cracking and low heat input to avoid grain growth * All alloys with high Cr and/or Mo require careful heat control because of intermetallic phase forma0on 4 Nickel alloys: the four families Two basic types: corrosion resistant or resistant to high temperature oxida0on I. II. Nickel and nickel-copper solid solid solu0on alloys Chromium bearing solid solu0on alloys for corrosion and/or heat resistance III. Nickel and molybdenum alloys for reducing environments (low hydrogen weld consumables) – not if there are oxidisers IV. Precipita0on hardening alloys used for corrosive service aher medium temperature aging to form fine strengthening precipitates. [NiCuAlTi, NiCrAlTi, NiCrFeNbAlTi] • Like stainless steels, these grades require care in processing to avoid contamina0on for welding to be successful. • Surface oxide is of par0cular concern and must be removed before welding (usually mechanically) as it melts at ~1900oC and may be incorporated in solidifying welds. 5 Specific Alloys in the chromium and nonchromium alloy groups Chromium-containing Family Ni-Cr-Fe Ni-Cr Ni-Cr-FeMo Ni-Cr-Mo Example Alloy 800 Alloy 600 Alloy 825 Alloy 625, C-types Cr-containing grades form a passive oxide film and are suitable for oxidizing to moderately reducing corrosion environments. Non-Chromium-containing Family Ni-Mo Ni-Cu C.P. Nickel (Commercially Pure) Example Alloy B-2 Alloy 400 Alloy 200 Non-Cr-containing grades depend on the bulk composi0on of the alloy to provide corrosion resistance, suitable for moderately to strongly reducing environments. 6 SS is steel with >10.5% chromium (& iron >50%) • The chromium rapidly forms an oxide based passive film which is extremely thin – a few millionths of a mm – and self repairing star0ng in milliseconds. It grows to its old thickness in 4 to 24 hours. It needs O2 and H2O – moist air is enough. Precau+ons? • Enough chromium for the environment, i.e. [Cr] vs [Cl-] • No steel contamina0on or heat 0nt • Smooth surface to avoid concentra0on of “nas0es” in dimples, grooves or burrs 7 Weld microstructures – different between SS families and from wrought product • Welds are different from wrought alloys as they solidify rapidly with irregular microstructure. • Welds have a cast structure & generally are less corrosion resistant which is why fillers are overalloyed. Outokumpu Welding Handbook 8 SS Corrosion Resistance when oxygen is present Pirng Resistance Equivalent PREn = %Cr + 3.3 (%Mo + 0.5%W) + 16 %N • For ferri0cs, the N term is usually omised. • The term ‘super’ is used ferri0c, duplex and austeni0c grades with PRE ≥ 40 or more to withstand seawater. Group II [Cr containing] Ni alloys can be assessed by PREn. • Nickel does not appear as it does not affect corrosion ini#a#on • [Nickel does reduce corrosion in the reducing environment of a pit or crevice ] • The PRE is only an empirical ranking from correla0on of temperature required to cause pirng with the PREn number. • Higher PRE means greater corrosion resistance and correlates with the temperature to cause pirng (CPT) and crevice (CCT) temperature in TEST solu0ons – NOT service temperatures. 9 There is a con0nuous transi0on in alloys from pure iron to pure nickel 316 2205 304 0 5 8 10 Fe steel 310 20 601 625 718 400 [Ni, Cu] C-276 32 42 53 58 60 65 100%Ni 800 25 825 Oxidising - more Cr, Moç Ni Nickel 200 èReducing – more Mo, Ni Austeni0c Ni alloys can be cold worked for strength – like SS. Other strengthening means? Solu0on strengthening – different sizes of big atoms “lock” together [Cr, Mo, Ni] Group II Or – precipita0on hardening [Ti, Nb(Cb), Al, …] Group IV 10 Localised corrosion: comparing SS and Ni alloys Crevice and pirng temperatures vs PRE(N) SS & Ni-alloy ranking by Cri0cal Pirng Temperature (CPT, ASTM G-48C) and Cri0cal Crevice Corrosion Temperature (CCT, ASTM G-48D) Alloy 316 825 6%Mo SS 625 C-276 %Mo 2.2 3 6 9 16 CPT, ºC 20 30 75 >85 >85 CCT, ºC PREN <0 25.3 5 33.6 35 48.4 35 51.7 45 67.1 Austeni0c SS Ni group II Hi Mo austeni0c SS Ni group II Ni group II Some other high alloy stainless steels have beser pirng and crevice corrosion resistance than some of the nickel alloys. 11 Lets look at welding and physical proper0es Material Resis+vity Melt Magne+c Thermal Xpn Thermal nohm.m midrange µm/mK Conduc+vity Mild steel 120 1510oC Yes 12.5 49 430 316 600 750 1475oC 1390oC Yes No 10.5 17 25 15 254 2205 C276 825 850 800 1300 1210 1355oC 1415oC 1347oC 1385oC No Yes No No 17 14 12 15 13 15 10 15 • Higher resis0vity may cause overhea0ng for covered electrodes • Lower mel0ng point means less power to achieve temperature • Low thermal conduc0vity means hea0ng is localised so given power gives a higher local temperature • Higher thermal expansion risks distor0on if thermal conduc0vity low, i.e. austeni0c 316 and 254 most at risk in above 12 • Could only use magne0c par0cle NDT/NDE on magne0c alloys Low thermal conduc0vity + high thermal expansion " risk of distor0on • Minimum tack welds required for fitup depending on strength of alloy • Tacks must be consumed by final weld or removed [Super austeni0cs recommend start and end of tack is ground to minimise crack risk!] • Best prac0ce if tacks are gas shielded and not heat 0nted • For austeni0cs & Ni alloys use about half the spacing between tacks in stainless steel compared to tack welding carbon steel or ferri0c SS. Duplex spacing intermediate. 13 Welding Corrosion Resistant Alloys: general characteris0cs • ALL are affected by contamina0on – cleanliness is cri0cally important • Thermal conduc0vity is low compared to carbon steel • Thermal expansion of austeni0cs is rela0vely high • Molten weld pool is viscous – depending on nickel content • Weld penetra0on reduces with as higher nickel • Premium product so need welders qualified for the material and, usually, weld procedures 14 Weld penetra0on? Reduces with increasing nickel content Mild steel – 0% Ni 304 SS - 8% Ni Alloy 600 - 72% Ni 12% Cr SS – 0.5% Ni 2507 – 7% Ni Monel – 70% Ni Higher nickel also makes for a more viscous weld pool – so increasing the current does not speed up the welding – but will increase kJ/mm, possibly interpass temperatures and may cause distor0on or seed intermetallic phases 15 What more nickel means for penetra0on 16 Design of the weld joint High nickel metals (including austeni0c SS) different to carbon and low alloy steels because of viscous Ni metal Bevel angle: more open Root face: reduced Root opening: larger Carbon and low alloy steels Stainless steels 504 17 NI and IMOA publica0ons Guidelines for fabrica0on duplex SS (3rd Edn 2014) Welding nickel alloys NI #11012 (2nd Edn 2018) Fabrica0on austeni0c SS (2020) 18 Why clean surfaces are cri0cal for welding • Impuri0es are pushed to centreline of weld during solidifica0on and may cause a band suscep0ble to corrosion or fracture • Sulphur can form low mel0ng point nickel compounds and cause cracking • Zinc (from galvanising or zinc rich paint) can cause liquid metal embrislement in austeni0c phases • Moisture in flux [high RH?] may cause cluster porosity • Dirt can cause carbide sensi0sa0on. Rare for sensi0sa0on to occur otherwise in modern low carbon alloys 19 Sulphur from EP oil cracked nickel 200 weld with low mel0ng point sulphur on grain boundaries Sulphur and phosphorous can cause HAZ and weld cracking. Carbon from curng fluids, grease, etc may also cause intergranular cracking Similar problems with low mel0ng point metals ALL similar for nickel alloys and austeni0c stainless steels 20 Liquid Metal Embrislement [LME] by hea0ng Zinc contaminated austeni0c • All zinc/zinc-iron intermetallic must be removed from galvanised item. • Beser for this to be removed chemically rather than by abrasion. • Copper “rubbings” are also likely to cause Liquid Metal Embrislement [LME] during welding BUT sta0c contact is usually OK. • Copper backing bars can be a problem if they are fused 21 Cluster porosity Usually from moisture in flux; dry in furnace (up to 340oC for 30 minutes [longer and it may start to flake] depending on electrode type) or keep dry in oven (~110oC) 22 Weld decay of 316 at high kJ/mm site weld note the good factory spiral weld at leh High Nickel alloys usually very low carbon Metal grains with chromium carbide precipitates along grain boundaries – either too much heat or carbon on the surface. Lower corrosion resistance and will corrode 23 High Nickel alloys and contamina0on • Mul0ple studies agree that preven0ng (or removing) carbon steel contamina0on is cri0cal to prevent possible pirng of high nickel alloys in corrosive service • It is less clear that heat 0nt is a significant issue par0cularly in hot service but in corrosive service, mechanical (fine grinding) or chemical means are generally used to remove it. 24 Cleaning Ni alloys or stainless steels: 1 [Austeni0c fabrica0on of SS and Ni alloys] If the cleaner contains sodium (hydroxide, silicate, …) it must be fully removed - especially for nickel alloys 25 Cleaning Ni alloys or stainless steels: 2 [Austeni0c fabrica0on of SS and Ni alloys] 26 General welding issues for CRA • Welding itself is not generally# the problem • Oxides on nickel removed abrasively –NOT wire brush burnished • The main issue is post-weld cleaning - remove heat 0nt especially for stainless steels - remove underlying layer with lower Cr – also cri0cal for stainless steel - ensure there is no embedded steel All without damaging the surface # high heat and temperature may cause distor0on # gas shielding and purging can be significant issues # however, it is beser to purge and clean rather than asempt to clean an unpurged, badly oxidised weld 27 Typical heat 0nt & its effect on stainless steel 316Ti 304 Tint colour starts pale straw and moves through the rainbow to black as the oxide layer thickens due to higher and longer 0me at temperature. Heat 0nt reduces corrosion resistance – as measured by Boulton & Avery, Euro-Inox pirng poten0al 28 Effect of heat input The HAZ is all around the weld pool including the back face. For austeni0cs aim for 20% less heat input than carbon steel. Larger welds give more heat input and larger HAZ 29 Exterior or mechanical hea0ng Rough grinding of SS pipe for weld prepara0on giving overheated (blue) area suscep0ble to asack. PLUS, Ra>0.5μm severely decreases corrosion resistance SS oƒake welded to pipe externally with inadequate internal gas purging of the 30 stainless steel Why we use the specified consumables • Molten weld looses chromium and nitrogen: PRE decreases • Recommended filler materials deliver slightly greater corrosion resistance so that (small) weld is cathodic to (large) parent material • In duplex stainless steels, the filler material usually has higher nickel to maintain microstructure balance. • N2 in shield gas likely to increase austenite and risk chloride SCC in duplex SS grades. • Nickel alloys evolve because they are used in more aggressive environments – hence correct consumable most important, e.g B2 to B3 to B4 changes for reducing environments (Group III). • Welding to Code (generally for strength) so use alloy P classifica0on and appropriate F for consumable. • NI 11012 has consumable recommenda0ons for nickel alloys and is a free download. 31 High end austeni0c SS: 904L and >6% Molybdenum • Prior to widespread acceptance of duplex grades, 904L (with 4.5% Mo and 26% nickel content) was used in the pulp and paper industry for its resistance to stress corrosion cracking. Its copper and molybdenum also gave a market in resis0ng a wide range of concentra0ons of sulphuric acid. • Super austeni0c alloys (254 et al) have >6% Mo plus higher Ni and N2 to ensure corrosion resistance, austeni0c structure and proper0es respec0vely. • Similarly to the 904L micrograph, the ini0al solidifica0on of the alloy’s dendrites have <6% Mo and this segrega0on allows selec0ve corrosion. Hence fillers for 6% Mo alloys have 9% Mo to ensure all phases have >6% Mo corrosion resistance. 32 Interpass temperature & arc energy for different families of SS Interpass / preheat temperature, 0C 300 250 200 Stabilised ferri0cs? Clean and keep heat input down 150 Austeni+c SS Duplex SS Super Duplex SS 100 0.5 1 1.5 Arc energy input , kJ/mm 2 2.5 Must have sufficient heat for fusion, low interpass to avoid distor0on and low heat input to avoid intermetallics in high alloys. Ni alloys slightly less. 175oC ohen accepted as interpass for Ni alloy – but some require 95oC 33 A detour to duplex SS materials • • • • • • Combines benefits of ferri0c and austeni0c alloy proper0es Mechanical proper0es – much stronger than austeni0cs Duc0lity – but less than austeni0cs High corrosion resistance – select the level required Chloride (pirng, crevice, cracking, etc.) – especially good resistance to chloride stress cracking Oxidizing environments – like all stainless steels Product specifica0ons for duplex provide composi0on ranges and, if nitrogen is not at the upper end, welded fabrica0ons may not comply with test requirements. ASTM A923 for super and standard duplex and A1084 for lean duplex provide tests although ISO 17781 is more comprehensive in corrosion resistance, impact and ferrite/austenite ra0o. 34 TTT curves for duplex: 50% loss toughness 475oC Weld repairs add 0me at temperature: α’ near 475oC σ near 800oC 35 Duplex cooling rates The issue: • Under prac0cal welding condi0ons, the cooling rate is ohen too fast for sufficient austenite to form • Welds can contain over 80% ferrite especially for thin materials Result: • Low duc0lity - can fail bend tests • Poor corrosion resistance Cool more slowly to promote austenite? • Slow cooling will allow intermetallic precipitates to form which reduce mechanical proper0es Austenite Ferrite Intermetallics 36 The narrow “thermal” road in welding duplex 37 Duplex stainless steels – NOT only chemistry • Fast cooling aher welding? A duplex structure with too much ferrite – aim is 50:50 austenite:ferrite • High ferrite in duplex has poor mechanical proper0es and can have poor corrosion proper0es Austenite Ferrite AND other dark other phases in the Heat Affected Zone (HAZ) 38 Harmful phases even in duplex rolled plate Austenite Ferrite Black spots of σ (intermetallic) phase along ferrite boundaries. Brisle at ambient temperature and has lower corrosion resistance 39 A lisle bit of metallurgy: intermetallic sigma forma0on • • • • • 40 Prolonged heating in range 550-950oC (e.g., multi-run welds, thick material, slow travel, high heat input) can transform delta ferrite to sigma – brittle and low corrosion resistance intermetallic when at ambient temperature If δ ferrite <5%, no issue If >15%, then a significant issue About 10% it may be an accepted δ ferrite level A potential problem with super austenitic or super duplex with high levels of Cr and Mo 40 BUT low sigma in low alloy austeni0cs at 700oC Long term exposures with low alloy austenitcs showed about 1% sigma aher ~3 years at 700C, i.e., not possible in welding. High chromium, molybdenum and niobium facilitate sigma forma0on. 41 Welding ferri0c stainless steels • The structural 12% chromium grades of stainless steel are available with various levels of 0tanium and nickel. • A substan0al use is as rail cars for minerals and also boiler exhaust ducts with no SCC risk. Not for decora0ve use. • Tough & the balanced microstructure allows welding to plate thickness without heat treatment • The transforma0on loop in the phase diagram means grain growth is not the issue that it is with other ferri0c grades. ALSO corrosion fa0gue failures aher welding showed that, for the 0tanium stabilised formula0ons, the composi0on had to sa0sfy: • Ti > 4(C + N) & Ferrite Factor (FF)<8.3 where • FF = (Cr+3Si+16Ti+Mo+2Al+4Nb) – (2Mn+4Ni+40(C+N)+4Cu) 42 42 Second genera0on 12% Cr ferri0cs - U0lity Grades for ductwork and rail wagons 43 43 Current genera0on of new ferri0c alloys • Extremely Low Carbon [ELC] (0.002~0.008%) • Compare with <0.03% for austeni0c “L” • Stabilised with 0tanium &/or niobium • Also very low nitrogen content • Chromium up to 30% • Excellent corrosion resistance • No stress corrosion cracking in chloride solu0ons • Free from sensi0sa0on aher welding* • Good weldability* • BUT restricted to 2 ~ 3 mm thickness Brewery hot water tank *Must have clean weld prepara0on including zero residue solvents, excellent gas shielding, low s0ckout, no drahs and zero moisture to prevent nitride precipitates and possible hydrogen cracking. 44 Excessive heat input will lead to grain growth and poor duc0lity, e.g. a 1.5mm sheet with 0.2mm diameter grains in the weld zone 44 Precau0ons for TIG Welding of new ferri0c SS • Thoroughly degrease including the filler • Avoid air aspiration into gas shield possibly including the use of a gas lens to provide a larger volume of laminar flow. • Change any contaminated gas lens screen • Minimise weaving to avoid contamination • High purity Ar or He for shield gas and pre/post purge • Minimise heat input and cool fast: inter-pass below 95oC, or else grain growth and precipitates are probable 45 45 Welding high nickel alloys • TIG can be accurate with low heat input and less heat 0nt but is slow. Weld bead should be slightly convex provided sufficient filler metal is melted. Tube is regularly orbital TIG welded. • MIG is faster, has higher heat input and generally has darker scale. • Shielded metal arc (s0ck) used for small quan00es or odd shapes where automa0c welding not possible. Molten flux helps to shape the bead. Dry storage essen0al as moisture causes hydrogen and porosity or, with type III (low hydrogen) nickel, poten0al cracking. • For thicker than about 6mm or overlay welding, submerged arc is more operator friendly but is rarely used mainly because of weld metal dilu0on by base metal. SAW cannot be used for group IV. 46 Specific welding precau0ons • Nickel welding is slower than SS for the same process: because of the weld pool sluggishness. • Material welded in annealed condi0on. • Cold worked items solu0on annealed to reduce risks of weld metal solidifica0on cracking – if impuri0es get through the cleaning process • Porosity a risk if N2, O2 or water (H2) penetrate gas shield – possibly use diffuser/trailing shield. • Normal leak checks on gas leads – flow will aspirate air. • Consider consumables with Ti and Al to mop up O2 and N2 • Back shielding un0l root passes completed and preferably later passes as well • For mul0ple passes, ensure removal of oxides and slag especially if high temperature use is proposed • Spaser should not occur as it is controllable by the welder - caused by excess amps, long arc, wrong polarity or moisture in the flux – both for stainless and nickel alloys 47 Workmanship in welding: Ni and SS alloys • Transport, storage and handling must avoid carbon steel, sulphur (oils, markers, ..), grease, chlorides (from pens or the environment), low mel0ng point metals (Zn, Cu, Pb, ..) • Areas affected by curng must be dressed especially if heated – eg, plasma curng and even laser curng although to a lesser extent because of the lower heat input • Dedicated tooling and working spaces are required for cleanliness • Heat input and interpass temperatures as shown previously • Tack welds do maser and arc strikes should not be leh • Hydrotest water has chloride limits especially for stainless steels • Adverse weather (wind,..) warnings about loss of gas shielding • Etc, etc, …. 48 Inspec0on aher welding 1. 100% visual welder inspec0on aher removal of weld scale 2. Confirm that all welds have been completed and record results as set out by weld procedure. 3. Depending on the specific code, inspec0on of required percentage to verify conformance by visual and dye penetrant as required 4. Dye penetrant only shows loca0on; size of the developed stain can be used to es0mate the depth of a defect especially in cas0ngs. 5. For structural components, undertake the required level of radiography and ultrasonic inspec0on BUT radiography detects bulk defects and only finds cracks aligned with the beam path. 6. Ultrasonic examina0on can detect inhomogenie0es including cracks. 7. Following the removal of heat 0nt either by mechanical or (electro)chemical method(s) confirm that any surface roughness Ra requirements have been sa0sfied 49 Visual surface imperfections (A/FA, B and C) CORROSION & STRUCTURAL Permissible surface imperfections AS/NZS1554.6 50 Permissible defects food process welds: AS/NZS 2980 Not too different from 3A and EHEDG 51 51 Welding pipe and tube The outside is easy – mechanical or chemical clean and inspect The inside: need to ensure the heat 0nt is low enough for sanitary or corrosion resistance purposes • There are 3 sources for results showing similar results in terms of weld colour and oxygen in the purge gas: • AWS • EHEDG • Industry tes0ng Corrosion tests have also shown that provided the heat 0nt is no more than pale straw, the corrosion resistance is not degraded. • • 52 Purge welding of tube • • • • • 53 If it cannot be cleaned post welding, then heated areas must not exceed pale straw - <50ppm oxygen until the temperature <250oC. Paper dams can be dissolved or foam or rubber disc dams can be removed afterwards to save on gas use. Simple backing bars not sufficient to control heat tint. And is the purge gas argon (heavier than air- so vent at top) or nitrogen (about the same as air) or a lighter mix with helium or hydrogen (so vent at bosom)? And do NOT cause turbulent flow as it mixes air into the purge gas 53 Need good tube prepara0on For good orbital welding, the face must also be smooth and NOT bevelled [EHEDG] 54 Sugaring: welding 321 tube with no purging White cauliflower oxides formed in air. Images of metallurgical cross section with yellow oxygen image by EDAX – no carbides. TIG weld 321 tube Koetecki “WeldingSS – Q&A, Section 1.40” 55 55 Heat 0nt varia0on with oxygen level The weld and heat-affected zone surface may be permised to have light straw colour oxide samples 1 through 3 below. It can be used as a guide. P ! Weld discolora0on levels on inside of austeni0c stainless steel tube according to AWS D18.1:2009 with 50ppm oxygen – almost iden0cal to EHEDG recommenda0on of 40ppm oxygen 56 As-welded good surfaces Welded with <25ppm O2 Super duplex: manual TIG EHEDG guide 316 – orbital weld 57 57 Welding defects: incomplete root penetra0on on a pipe This creates several problems: • The full cross sec0on is not available to carry service loads • The lack of penetra0on is a: • Notch which can ini0ate fa0gue cracking • Crevice which can ini0ate crevice corrosion – this is the main concern inside pipelines • If there is inside access, root welds may be back ground and given a sealing weld pass • This is not possible with small diameter pipes and great care is needed to avoid lack of penetra0on 58 Inspec0on and witnessing – for tube • Permissible defect sizes follow tube spec in AWS D18.1. • Intent is that poor external finish is the trigger for internal inspec0on • Internal weld inspec0on by clever systems or by monitoring weld process. • Borescopes provide magnified images - generally look worse than simple visual examina0on • Must have cost process agreed before inspec0ons. Outokumpu 59 59 Inspec0on of inaccessible tube Bead wander/width: criteria for internal quality Only used when interior inspection not possible Minimum width >50% (maximum width) Weave <25% of average width AWS D18.1/EHEDG 35 60 Cleaning, pickling & passiva0on Before the welding • Cleaning: removing soil, grease, oil, etc to allow free access for water and oxygen to grow the passive film ARer the welding • Pickling: controlled asack of the stainless steel; removes heat 0nt & Cr depleted layer, embedded iron, inclusions; dulls the surface; provides a passive surface immediately on rinsing • High nickel alloys? Fine grinding or a pickling chemical process if required Possible addi+onal step for very aggressive environments • Passiva+on: clean moist air will passivate stainless steel; appearance not changed; chemical passiva0on strengthens the passive film and is rapid; air passiva0on adequate unless the environment is very aggressive for the grade 61 Chemical and mechanical cleaning of CRA Austeni0c fabrica0on ? Only if conduc0ve Debris? Next slide 62 Wire brushing? • With a STAINLESS STEEL wire brush! • Good to remove surface debris when the weld is s0ll warm. • Heat 0nt? No. Usually it just burnishes and brightens the surface without improving its corrosion resistance. • Chromium depleted layer under the heat 0nt? No. You need metal removal either by abrasion or by pickling. 63 Some common pickling treatments from ASTM A 380 (for annealed material) • Normally use HNO3/HF mixes – but ASTM A380 has one H2SO4 mixture followed by an HF/HNO3 treatment. • If HF >3%, then pickling faster. • Time and concentra0on depends on temperature, s0rring, severity of heat 0nt – sugges0ons include: • A: 15-25% HNO3/1-8%HF at 21-60oC for 5-30 minutes. • B: 10-15%HNO3/0.5-1.5%HF at 21oC for 5-30 minutes. • Range of treatment condi0ons is due to range of heat 0nt and specific alloy – more corrosion resistant alloys require longer exposure or stronger pickling formula0ons • AMS 2700 has many passiva0on treatments (now in ASTM A967) including dichromate addi0ons for lower Cr alloys AND one with anodic polarisa0on, i.e. mild electropolishing 64 Tank, paste or spray [with excellent PPE]? • Both paste and spray at ambient temperature so poten0ally slower • Paste, unless s0rred, exhausts base acid and can dry out causing stains • Paste tends to be smaller scale Effect of s0rring Grade 304, 316 904L 2205 254 SMO Increase (%) 30-40 25-30 12-20 65 5-10 Chemical surface treatment Electropolishing ASTM B912 and/or ISO 15730; may be used as an alterna0ve to pickling; ensure complete removal of both the dark oxide and underlying chromium-depleted layer – slight smoothing Electrocleaning Ohen on site and usually performed using carbon fibre wands and mild acids. Can effec0vely remove weld oxida0on, but chromium depleted layer may not be fully removed on thick weldments. Very operator dependent especially on dura0on aRer ini0al 0nt removed. 66 The liquid heats and may “spit” requiring PPE. 67 Effec0veness of cleaning processes Austeni0c fabrica0on Embeds fragments and causes micro crevices 68 68 L to R: as welded, mechanically polished and electropolished Austeni0c fabrica0on 69 Acceptance of surface by sample comparison? TIG & pickled Abraded Electropolished Surfaces to be electropolished are ohen pickled to remove weld scale first – and then all the clean surface is electropolished 70 Is it clean? – ASTM A380 tests Organic contaminants - grease and oils • Pure water break by dipping - moderately sensi0ve • Atomiser test with pure water film - X100 more sensi0ve • Evapora0on of pure solvent will leave a ring Free iron or steel – poten+al corrosion sites § Gross indica0ons along folds, edges or rubbed surfaces § Wet and dry with an atomiser 6 to 8 0mes with 2:1 cycle of wet:dry. Mist (tap water, no coalescence) and look for rust. § Chemical spot tests are much more sensi0ve if applied to oil free surfaces but residue must be removed for food service. § Acidfied copper sulphate spray – pink within 6 min means iron § Ferroxyl (must be fresh) goes deep blue in 15 sec or lighter blue more slowly with rust 71 Thank you for your +me Are there any [further] ques+ons? h[ps:// hsps:// : hsps:// 72