Uploaded by Bernadette Pimentel

LEA for Secondary Students: Language Experience Approach

Application of the Language Experience Approach for Secondary Level Students
LEA have been applied to all areas across education. It is therefore not a news that this reading program
was utilized to help the illiterate and disabled secondary students. LEA maximizes the four macro skills
which is writing, listening, speaking, and reading. It is then spotted to be the tool in harmonizing
improving these skills among functionally illiterate high school students. Language Experience Approach
in this study may not produce evident result, but it contributed positively. Outcomes of the four macro
skills were recorded and students shows good response to the approach. It varies from every student but it
does have an effect to them. Learning disabled students improved on one skill but not on the other. This is
due to some factors which is time, reading skill activity, audience for students’ materials and the use of
computer software.
LEA is definitely a flexible program which offer variations. Its wide application is seeming across all area
where language is involved. Today, the suggested recommendations of this study flourish the world of
SPED worldwide.