Worksheet - 1 a)The approximate two- rm concentra on ra o in the smartphone industry of Samsung having 31% and Apple 15% is around 46% of the market . (By adding the 31% and 15%) b)Market share is the percentage of one rm’s share of the total sales in the market. It is calculated using the following formula: Market share % = Firm's Sales ÷ total sales of the market X 100 For example: Samsung market share right now 2022 is 24% of the overall global smartphone market. ti fi ti fi ti fi c) Market leadership is the posi on of a company with the largest market share or highest pro tability margin in a given market for goods and services for Samsung it is important for several reasons: • Market leaders enjoy brand recogni on and brand loyalty, which brings bene ts such as a poten ally higher customer base and an improved corporate image. • As Large-scale opera ons enable Samsung to enjoy the bene ts of economies of scale from, e.g. technological and nancial economies. • Also posi ve correla on between sales revenue and pro t levels, i.e. Samsung’s pro ts tend to rise as the rm gains more market share and hence more pro ts. • The more large rms are able to invest more in the research and development which is essen al in Samsung’s case as it operates in a high-tech and fast-paced consumer electronics industry. fi tt fi ti ti ti fi fi ti fi fi ti ti fi fi ti • Having a larger market presence means that Samsung’s key stakeholders, such as suppliers, shareholders, managers and employees, are more con dent and mo vated by the company. fi fi • Because by being the dominant rm in the market, Samsung is able to enjoy high market power so has price se er power.