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Quad-Lock ICF Building Code References: IRC & IBC 2015

Quad-Lock's IRC 2015 References
Revised to 2015 International Residential Code (IRC)
This document relates to Quad-Lock ICF wall forms only!
See Intertek Evaluation CCRR #1060
QL-TRR 25.1 I-Code 2015
Stay-In-Place Forms
Outlines material property requirements for Insulating Concrete Forms under ASTM E2634. Quad-Lock
complies in all categories.
Outlines requirements for footings supporting interior & exterior walls of all types, including solid-concrete
ICF walls. Specifies minimun widths & depths. Addresses frost-protected shallow foundations.
ICF Foundation walls
Sets out design provisions, applicability limits, and other conditions for construction of ALL foundation walls,
including ICFs. Includes reinforcing materials, horizontal reinforcement, protection from termites, and
protection of foam plastic insulation.
Backfill Requirements
Requires that backfill shall not be placed against the wall until the wall has sufficient strength and has been
anchored to the floor above, or has been sufficiently braced to prevent damage by the backfill.
ICF Above Grade
Section 608.1 through 608.10 contains provisions for building above grade residential concrete exterior
walls including applicability limits, horizontal and vertical reinforcement tables, design wind pressure tables,
seismic provisions for all zones, wall opening reinforcement, and lintel span tables. Residences meeting
certain size limitations can be built to these specifications without additional engineering.
Concrete Mix - Below Grade
R402.2 &
Section 402.2 requires 2500psi or 3000psi minimum compressive strength, depending on weathering
potential. Section 404.1.3.3 contains specific provisions for concrete compressive strength, aggregate size,
slump, consolidation, and reinforcement in foundation walls, including ICFs. Section R404.
specifies MINIMUM 6" slump in ICFs.
Concrete Mix - Above Grade
Sections R608.5.1 through 608.5.5 deal with concrete, concrete materials, reinforcement, construction and
anchor bolts in above-grade concrete walls, including ICFs. Section R608.5.1.4 specifies MINIMUM 6"
slump in ICFs.
Vertical Reinforcement
Below Grade
Horizontal Reinforcement
Below Grade
Foundations in High Seismic
Tables show minimum vertical reinforcement size and spacing for flat ICF foundation walls up to 10 ft. in
height, and specifies maximum unbalanced backfill height. NOTE: Use Table R404.1.2(9) for alternate
bar sizes to those shown in previous tables.
R404.1.2(1) Specifies horizontal reinforcement for all concrete foundation walls, including ICFs.
R404.1.4.2 Contains prescriptive design provisions for concrete foundation walls in SDCs D0, D1, or D2
Foundations in Flood Zones
Vertical Reinforcement
Above Grade
Table R608.6
Horizontal Reinforcement
Above Grade
Design Wind Pressure
Lintels and Wall Opening
Contains requirements for foundations located in flood zones [See table 301.2(1)]
R608.6 contains specific requirements and reinforcement tables for above-grade concrete walls, including
Specifies horizontal reinforcement for all exterior concrete walls, including ICFs.
Contains specifications for solid walls resisting lateral (wind) forces.
Contains specifications for lintels and reinforcement around wall openings.
Vibration (Consolidation of 404. & Requires internal vibration of ICF walls, except where use of 8 inch slump or greater is approved by building
concrete) in ICFs
608.5.1.6 official or structural engineer.
Construction ("Cold") Joints
404. Details for reinforcement and other conditions for construction joints in concrete walls ("cold joints") are
& 608.5.5 outlined
Reinforcing Bar Installation, 404. Requirements for rebar installation including support, location, concrete cover & lapped splices Note: NonSupport, Cover, & Laps
& 608.5.4.3 contact (untied) splices (both vertical and horizontal) are permitted and detailed in this section
Important Note : This building code reference list is an organizational tool for builders and does not constitute an in-depth analysis of building codes. It may not reflect code
updates or local ordinances. Check with your local building code department for a complete listing of governing ordinances.
Quad-Lock's IRC 2015 References (continued)
Revised to 2015 International Residential Code (IRC)
This document relates to Quad-Lock ICF wall forms only!
Connections to Concrete
Details for connections to concrete walls (including ICFs) of wood-framed and cold-formed steel floor and
roof assemblies. R608.9 details removal of ICF form material for face-mounting of ledgers.
R318.4 &
In order to use Quad-Lock in termite areas, comply with:
1. Requirements in Section R318.4; provide an approved foam protection method from subterranean
2. The structural members of walls, floors, ceilings and roofs are entirely of noncombustible materials or
preservatively (pressure) treated wood.
Termite Protection
Interior Thermal Barrier &
Unless otherwise allowed in Section R316.5 or Section R316.6, foam plastic shall be separated from the
interior of a building by an approved thermal barrier of minimum 0.5 inch (12.7 mm) gypsum wallboard or an
R608.4.2 &
approved finish material equivalent to a thermal barrier material. R608.4.2 & 702.3.4 cover installation of
gypsum drywall over ICFs including the use of adhesives on ICFs.
Foundation Drainage
R401.3 &
Section 401.3 contains requirements for drainage of surface water. Section 405 contains requirements for
below-grade foundation drainage.
Waterproofing &
R406.1 &
Section 406.1 contains dampproofing requirements. Section 406.2 contains waterproofing requirements
Exterior Finish
Energy Efficiency & Air
Chapter 11
Specifies installation procedures for various exterior finish materials; R703.1.1 exempts concrete walls
from weather resistant layer, such as building paper.
Table N1102.1.2 contains a chart showing minimum energy efficiency ratings for building components in all
climate zones. N1102.4.1.2 contains reqirements for testing of uncontrolled air leakage.
Important Note : This building code reference list is an organizational tool for builders and does not constitute an in-depth analysis of building codes. It may not reflect code
updates or local ordinances. Check with your local building code department for a complete listing of governing ordinances.
Quad-Lock's IBC 2015 References
Revised to 2015 International Building Code (IBC)
This document relates to Quad-Lock ICF wall forms only!
See Intertek Evaluation CCRR #1060
QL-TRR 25.2 I-Code 2015
Section 1903.4
Outlines material property requirements for Insulating Concrete Forms under ASTM
E2634. Quad-Lock complies in all categories.
Section 1904.2
General provisions for concrete materials, compressive strength, mixing, placement.
Refers, in general, to ACI 318
Chapter 16
Chapter 16 &
Chapter 18
Chapter 17,
Section 1704.4
Addresses general design requirements, loads and combinations of loads, &
structural integrity. Sections 1615.3 and 1615.4 deal with structural integrity of
reinforced concrete elements Generally refers to ACI 318 for specifics.
Chapter 16 covers reinforcement against various load conditions (snow, wind, soil,
seismic &etc.). Chapter 18, Sections 1807 to 1810, covers foundation wall concrete
and reinforcement. Generally refers to ACI 318 for specifics.
Outlines requirements for special inspections and verifications in concrete
Foamed Plastic
Chapter 26,
Section 2603
Contains regulations pertaining to the use of foamed-plastic insulation (including
EPS) in commercial or multifamily residential buildings of Types I, II, III, IV, and V.
Specifies a maximum flame spread index of 75 and a smoke-developed index of
450 intended for use in accordance with ASTM E 84 (Quad-Lock complies). See
Intertek CCRR# 1060 for details on compliance for non-combustible construction.
Thermal Barrier
Chapter 26,
Section 2603.4
Except as allowed in Sections 2603.4.1, foam plastic shall be separated from the
interior of a building by an approved thermal barrier of 0.5-inch (12.7 mm) gypsum
wallboard or equivalent thermal barrier material.
Chapter 26,
Section 2603.9
To use Quad-Lock in termite areas comply with the following:
1. Provide an approved foam protection method from subterranean termites
2. Use it on buildings where the structural members of walls, floors, ceilings and
roofs are entirely of noncombustible materials or preservatively treated wood.
If Quad-Lock is not used below grade keep a 6" clearance strip between grade level
and foam insulation.
Chapter 14,
Section 1403.2
The exterior wall envelope shall be designed and constructed in such a manner as
to prevent the accumulation of water within the wall assembly by providing a waterresistive barrier behind the exterior veneer. Exemption #1 applies to concrete
walls designed in accordance with Chapter 19.
Chapters 6 & 7,
Costruction and
Sections 602, 603
Fire Resistance
and 703
Section 602 outlines requirements for non-combustible building types; Section 603
permits Foamed Plastic Insulation in non-combustible building types. Section 703
requires fire resistance testing under ASTM E119 for hourly rating level. Quad-Lock
complies at 2, 3, and 4* hour levels under maximum calculated vertical load
conditions. (*for 4, 6, and 8 in. nominal cavity sizes, respectively). See Intertek
CCRR#1060 for specific compliance for non-combustible building types.
Energy Efficiency
Refers to Int'l. Energy Conservation Code . IECC Section C402 contains contains
commercial building envelope requirements. Tables show specific requirements for
walls, floors, and roofs.
Section 1301
Important Note : This building code reference list is an organizational tool for builders and does not constitute an in-depth analysis of
building codes. It may not reflect code updates or local ordinances. Check with your local building code department for a complete listing
of governing ordinances.