1.1 METHODS 1.1.1 MEDIA PREPARATION PREPARATION OF 1X TBE BUFFER 1 litre of 1x TBE buffer was used for the period of running experiments during this project. Using a digital weighing balance, 10.8 grams of Tris (base), 0.9 grams of EDTA and 5.5 grams Boric acid were introduced into a 1000ml borosilicate glass reagent bottle and diluted to 800ml with RO water. The mixture was homogenized on a magnetic plate while its pH was adjusted to ~8.2 using 5M HCL. The total volume of the mixture was rounded to 1000ml using RO water and stored at room temperature for the duration of the project. PREPARATION OF 1% AND 2% AGAROSE GEL FOR GEL ELECTROPHORESIS 1% gel and 2% agarose gel were used in running the Gel electrophoresis samples. For preparing the 1% gel, 0.5 grams of agarose powder was weighed and introduced into a 50ml borosilicate glass reagent bottle. Using a measuring cylinder, 50ml of prepared 1xTBE buffer (see section was used to dilute the solvent before subjecting the mixture to heat in a microwave for 1 minute. After heating, 2μl of Gel red reagent was added to the mixture and set to cool before pouring it into an 8 well comb of Flowgen Nioscience Gel Electrophoresis pack. 2% agarose gel followed the same protocol of preparation except that 1 gram of agarose powder was diluted in 50ml of 1X TBE buffer. Prior to loading, 6X Gel Loading Dye was added to the samples and mixed (brief vortexing and centrifugation). Also, 5μl of DNA marker (up to 5000bp) was loaded in the first well as standard for the procedure. The gel settings were prepared to run at 100v, 200A for 45 minutes. PREPARATION OF LB BROTH AND LB BROTH + AMPICILLIN Two conical flasks of 250ml of LB broth were prepared for the transformation and cell culture stages of the project. Using a digital weighing balance, 25grams of Tryptone, 1.25 grams of Yeast Extract, 1.25 grams of Nacl and 0.25 grams of Glucose were measured and introduced separately into two 250ml flasks. Both mixtures were diluted with 250ml of RO water before autoclaving (done by Lab technicians). After autoclaving, the mixtures were set to cool and 100μl of ampicillin was inoculated into one set of the flask mixture (LB broth + Ampicillin) under sterile conditions. The prepared mediums were stored at 4°C for the period of the laboratory sessions. PREPARATION OF LB AGAR PLATES 250ml of LB agar was prepared for cell plating of the transformation samples. In a 500ml borosilicate glass reagent bottle, 25grams of Tryptone, 1.25grams of Yeast Extract, 1.25grams of Nacl, 0.25 grams of Glucose and 2.5 grams of Nutrient Agar (LB Agar) were weighed and added individually. The mixture was diluted to 250ml of RO water and set for autoclaving. Under sterile conditions, 150μl of Ampicillin was inoculated into the agar mixture and mixed by swirling before evenly distributing among 12 petridishes. The plates were left to solidify before storing them in the 4°C incubator. 1.1.2 CUTTING OF GEL BANDS Complying with the cautionary operational procedures of using the U.V room, gel bands were excised with a razor blade under the illumination aid of Ultraviolet light and placed in 10ml polypropylene centrifuge tube. The mass of excised gel were measured using a digital weighing balance provided by Coventry University. 1.2 PRIMER DESIGN The four primer sets used in this project were designed with the simulation aid of Primer3 software. The resulting sequences were sent to our collaborators at The Pirbright Institute for respective oligonucleotide generation. The primers were designed specifically to be in used in the amplification of the GP4 template, pcDNA-GP4 backbone, hypervariable construct, and Sanger Sequencing of pcDNA and GP4 clones. For amplifying GP4, the forward and reverse primer were designed to feature homologous base pairs at the beginning and end of the GP4 template. The primer design for amplifying the pcDNA-GP4 backbone was to use a random forward and reverse primer to randomly amplify its template for a site directed mutagenesis. Sanger Sequencing of pcDNA-GP4 and hypervariable clones was done using a designed primer that amplifies the template downstream its stop codon. The reverse primer of GP4 was also used in sequencing the pcDNA-GP4 clones. All primer sets were initially converted from nanomoles to picomoles and diluted further 1 in 10 to contain 10 picomoles/μl. Template Primer ID Sequence Molecular weight Tm (g/mol) (°C) OD nmol Amplicon product expected size in Base pairs GP4 gp4 forward taagcttggtaccgagctcgCCatg 12,922.4 72.5 47.2 121.9 GCGGCGGCGATACTCTT gp4 reverse actgtgctggatatctgcagTCATATC 576 15,074.8 69.9 58.7 123.5 GCCAACAGGATCGCAAACAGGC pcDNA-GP4 pcDNA_ran_f CACAGTGCAGGGAAGC 4,940.3 53.7 22.2 138.4 backbone pcDNA_ran_r TAATATTCTGCAAGACCATGAAG 7,055.7 50.7 31.8 136.3 Sanger Sequencing TTCGTCGGTAACATTTGCGG 5.13 55.9 17.6 94.0 Sequencing 5000 576 TABLE 1. Generated primer features indicating suppliers conditions and expected amplicon size. The yellow block and red block of GP4 primer sequences indicate the forward and reverse homologous end designed reverse complementary to the pcDNA3.1 vector. 1.3 1.3.1 BIOINFORMATICS ANALYSIS OF GP4 DESIGN OF GP4 TEMPLATE The GP4 template used in this project was obtained from the complete cds of a codon optimized PRRSV 1 Olot strain provided by our collaborators at The Pirbright Institute. The total concentration of the sample supplied was 5ng for 10 μl and was diluted 1 in 10 before use. Description Sequence PRRSV-1 GP4 ccatgGCGGCGGCGATACTCTTT (Olot strain) Base pairs 576 Optic ID 15990 OPPF no OPPF22390 Amino Additional acids comments 2-183 Full length with CTGTTGGCGGGAGCCCAGCAT native TTTATGGTATCTGAGGCATTTG sequence fused CCTGTAAGCCGTGTTTCTCTAC TCACCTTTCTGATATTAAGACT AACACGACCGCCGCGGCAGGC TTCATGGTCTTGCAGAATATTA ATTGTCTTAGGCCGCACGGAG TCAGCACAGCTCAAGAGAACA TATCATTCGGAAAGCCCTCACA GTGCAGGGAAGCCGTAGGGAT ACCTCAATATATAACCATTACC GCAAATGTTACCGACGAATCAT ATTTGTATAACGCGGACCTTCT GATGCTGTCAGCGTGTCTCTTT TACGCATCCGAAATGTCAGAG AAGGGCTTCAAAGTAATCTTTG GTAATGTTAGTGGAGTAGTTA GTGCGTGTGTGAATTTCACTGA TTACGTGGCACATGTAACCCAG CATACTCAGCAGCACCACCTTG to leader GFP expression screening. for TGATAGACCATATCAGGCTGCT TCACTTCTTGACCCCATCAACA ATGCGCTGGGCAACTACCATC GCCTGCCTGTTTGCGATCCTGT TGGCgatatga TABLE 2. Nucleotide sequence of GP4 protein, codon optimised by Prof. Simon Graham and colleagues at The Pirbright Institute. The sequence and the construct itself were obtained from Prof. Simon Graham directly through personal communication. 1.3.2 CLONING OF GP4 AMPLIFICATION OF GP4 Amplification of the GP4 template was done using Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). In a sterile pcr tube, 1.5μl of the gp4 forward primer, 1.5μl of the gp4 reverse primer, 2μl of the diluted GP4 template, 10μl of the Q5 master mix and 5μl of sterile water were added to make up a total volume of 20μl. The reaction mixture was briefly vortexed and centrifuged before placing in a Technine Thermal cycler for PCR under the following conditions: Initial Denaturation at 98°C for 30 seconds Annealing at 98°C for 30 seconds 68°C for 30 seconds 72°C for 30 seconds Final Extension at 72°C for 2 minutes x35 cycles Final Hold at 10°C (NEB Q5®High-Fidelity DNA Polymerase M0491 protocol) DOUBLE DIGEST OF pcDNA 3.1 EXPRESSION VECTOR Double Digest of the pcDNA 3.1 vector was done using restriction enzymes BamHI-HF and EcorI-HF. These enzymes were selected after using the online Invitrogen tool to check for the available multiple compatible cloning sites. The pcDNA 3.1 (+) expression vector was 5000 base pairs. For setting up the digest, 2μl of the pcDNA 3.1 template (1 in 10 diluted), 2μl of rcut smart Buffer, 1μl of EcorI and 1μl BamHI and 14μl of sterile water were added into a 1.5ml Eppendorf tube to make a total reaction volume of 20μl (NEB protocol). The reaction was incubated at 37°C for 3 hours. FIGURE 1. A screenshot showing the indicated cleavage sites of restriction enzymes BamHI and EcoRI highlighted in yellow and green respectively on the multiple cloning sites of a pcDNA 3.1 (+) vector Invitrogen map . GEL ELECTROPHORESIS OF AMPLIFIED GP4 AND DIGESTED pcDNA 3.1 TEMPLATE Gel electrophoresis of the amplified GP4 template and digested pcDNA 3.1 vector was done by loading 20μl of both samples and running them on 1% of agarose gel following previously stated protocol (see section The resulting gel bands were excised following standard procedure (see section 3.2.2). EXTRACTION AND PURIFICATION OF GP4 AND pcDNA 3.1 VECTOR BANDS The excised gel mass of GP4 was 0.56g and 0.31g for pcDNA 3.1. DNA extraction and purification of excised gel bands was done using NEBs Monarch® DNA Gel Extraction kit following its manufacturers protocol (NEB T1020 protocol). Final elution volume of extracted samples was 20μl. SPECTROPHOTOMETRIC ANALYS IS OF PURIFIED GP4 AND pcDNA3.1 Spectrophotometric analysis of the GP4 and pcDNA 3.1 extracted samples was done using a Nanodrop. 2μl of DNA elution buffer was used in blanking the device before loading 2μl of each sample for analysis. CONFIRMATION OF EXTRACTED GP4 AND pcDNA3.1 SAMPLES Another gel electrophoresis was set up to confirm the presence of the extracted GP4 and pcDNA 2.1 vector samples. In two separate 1.5ml Eppendorf tubes, 2μl of each extracted sample were added and mixed with 18μl of sterile water. 20μl of both samples were loaded into separate wells of 1% of agarose gel and run following previous protocol (see section GIBSON ASSEMBLY, TRANSFORMATION AND CELL PLATING Gibson Assembly to clone GP4 into pcDNA 3.1 was done using a Gibson Assembly Kit following its manufacturers protocol (NEB Gibson assembly protocol E5510). For optimized cloning efficiency, 0.008pmol of the purified pcDNA 3.1 sample and 0.08pmol the GP4 insert were used in the ratio 1:3 for preparing 20μl of the Gibson assembly reaction mix. Transformation of the Gibson assembly mix was done into two tubes of NEB 5-alpha competent E. coli cells. 10μl of the Gibson assembly mix was added directly into each tube of the competent cells and incubated on ice for 30mins. The mixture was heat shocked in a water bath for 45 seconds at 42°C and transferred back on ice to cool for 2 minutes completing the transformation process. A negative control using 10μl of only the digested pcDNA sample as the insert was set up following the same procedure. 900μl of LB broth was added to the transformation mixture and placed in a 37°C shaking incubator for 2 hours (NEB Transformation protocol C2987H). Under sterile conditions, 150μl was taken from the three transformation reactions and pipetted into separate labelled LB agar plates (see section The samples were streaked around the whole circumference of the plates using an inoculating loop and were set to dry before incubating them at 37°C for 24 hours. PLASMID EXTRACTION AND PURIFICATION OF pcDNA-GP4 TRANSFORMED COLONIES Under sterile conditions, eight transformed colonies were randomly picked from the cultured plates, and each separately inoculated into sterile universal vials containing 50ml LB broth x ampicillin. The bacterial cultures were placed in a 37°C shaking incubator for 16 hours. pcDNA-GP4 plasmid extraction and purification was done using of NEBs Monarch® Plasmid Miniprep Kit following its manufacturers protocol. Final elution of the purified plasmid sample was 30μl. SPECTROPHOTOMETRIC ANALYSIS OF PURIFIED pcDNA SAMPLE Spectrophotometric analysis of the purified pcDNA samples was done using a Nanodrop. 2μl of the plasmid elution buffer was used in blanking the device before loading 2μl of each sample for analysis. From the results, the three purified samples (C, D and F) with the highest concentrations were selected for the stages of confirming double digest of transformed pcDNA-GP4 clones and also in the amplification of the pcDNA backbone. 1.3.3 CONFIRMATION OF PCDNA-GP4 CLONES To confirm the presence of GP4 insert, 2μl each of purified plasmid were used in setting up a pcr reaction for amplifying GP4 following the previous protocol (see section A double digest consisting of 2μl rcut smart buffer, 1μl EcoRI, 1μl BamHI, 2μl each of purified plasmid sample (C, D and F) and 14μl of sterile water was set up in a 1.5ml Eppendorf tube and incubated at 37°C for 2 hours. Both samples were run on a single 1% agarose gel following previous protocol (see section 1.4 1.4.1 pcDNA-GP4 BACKBONE CONSTRUCTION AMPLIFICATION OF pcDNA-GP4 BACKBONE In a pcr tube, 2.5μl of pcDNA_ran_f primer, 2.5μl of pcDNA_ran_r primer, 3μl of the three selected purified pcDNA-GP4 samples (diluted to contain 10ng), 25μl of Q5 Master Mix and 18μl of sterile water were added and mixed to a total volume reaction of 50μl. The reaction was placed in a thermal cycler for PCR under the following conditions: 98°C for 30 seconds 98°C for 10 seconds 61°C for 10 seconds x42 cycles 72°C for 3 minutes 72°C for 5 minutes 1.4.2 GEL ELECTROPHORESIS OF pcDNA BACKBONE Gel electrophoresis of the amplified pcDNA backbone template was done by loading 15μl of each sample before running on 1% gel following previous protocol (see section The resulting gel bands were excised and measured following the previous conditions (see section 3.2.2). 1.4.3 pcDNA-GP4 BACKBONE EXTRACTION DNA extraction of pcDNA-GP4 backbone gel bands was done using Monarch® DNA Gel Extraction Kit following the manufacturers protocol (NEB T1020 protocol). The final volume of each purified sample eluted was 20 μl. The three samples used were divided into duplicates for DpnI digestion i.e C1, C2, D1, D2, F1 and F2. 1.4.4 DpnI DIGESTION AND SPECTROPHOTOMETRIC ANALYSIS For DpnI digestion, 1 μl of DpnI enzyme, 1 μl of the purified sample, 5 μl of rcut Buffer were diluted to 40μl in an Eppendorf tube. The DpnI enzyme was inactivated by incubating the reaction mix in a dry bath at 80°C for 20 minutes before transferring on sample ice before carrying out ethanol precipitation. Ethanol precipitation was done by adding 100μl of 100% ethanol and 4μl of sodium acetate to the 40μl of digestion mix before storing the total mixture overnight at -80°C. The samples were retrieved and centrifuged in a 4°C incubator for 1 hour at 13000 rpm, washed with 1ml of 70% Ethanol (-20°C stored) and set to completely air dry. The pellets were resuspended in 20μl of sterile water and stored at -20°C (Coventry University protocol). 2μl of the RO water was used in blanking the Nanodrop before loading 2μl of the digested sample. The sample with the highest concentration was used for cloning the hypervariable construct. 1.5 1.5.1 BIOINFROMATICS ANALYSIS OF HYPERVARIABLE CONSTRUCT DESIGN OF HYPERVARIABLE CONSTRUCT FROM GP4 The 40 random GP4 PRRSV-1 cds exported from the NCBI database were translated into their respective amino acids sequences using Expasy and then aligned with the muscle tool of Mega 11 software. The hypervariable region of the amino acid alignment sequence was determined by identifying the region that displayed the most variability that was common amongst all 40 sequences. The identified sequence was then exported as a single Fasta format file for phylogenetic analysis and study. The DNA regions responsible for translating each of the 40 amino acid sequence of the hypervariable regions were determined manually by cross referencing them in the Expasy tool before creating an alignment of those regions using muscle tool of Mega 11 software. To generate the web logo, the exported fasta file of the aligned DNA regions were imported into the Berkely Web Logo online tool (Default settings of the tool were used in generating the logo image). The resulting logo generated gave a representation of the 87 conserved nucleotide bases in the hypervariable region. To design the hypervariable construct template for amplification, each axis of the 87 conserved nucleotide bases from the DNA logo were manually inputted into an Excel file. The 87 nucleotide bases were extended to 100 bases by adding 13 homologous bases to each end from the original GP4 sequence. Using the IUPAC Nomenclature for nucleotide bases, each axis of the 100 nucleotide bases were interpreted for its respective code. The resulting sequence was sent to The Pirbright institute for the template generation. For easy viewing, the translated amino acid sequences were also analysed using Clustal Omega. SEQUENCE ID SEQUENCE Molecular weight (g/mol) Hyp_var_gP4_TPI Tm OD nmol Base pair (°C) CTTCATGGTCTTGCAGAATATTATYRVHTGYBY 30,776.7 72.4 size 194.9 99.1 100 YCRRYYYYRHVRRYMHYRRMNRYRYMDNVBY SVVVHVYYHHHHNVVVVRYVRYCACAGTGCAG GGAAGC TABLE 3. Random library of 40 GP4 Hypervariable construct. The sequence was generated individually and sent for its generation with the aid of Prof. Simon Graham. 1.5.2 AMPLIFICATION OF HYPER VARIABLE CONSTRUCT. In a pcr tube, 12.5μl of primer 2, 12.5μl of the Hypervariable construct and 25μl of Q5 Master mix were added and mixed by vortexing. The reaction mix was placed in a thermal cycler under the following pcr conditions: 98°C for 30 seconds 98°C for 2 minutes 60°C for 15 seconds x 1 cycle 72°C for 15 min 1.5.3 GEL ELECTROPHORESIS OF HYPER VARIABLE CONSTRUCT 25μl of the amplified hypervariable construct was loaded into two well before running on 2% of agarose gel following protocol (see section 3.2.2). The gel bands were excised and measured under the standard condition (see section 1.5.4 DNA EXTRACTION AND SPECTROPHOTOMETRIC ANALYSIS OF HYPERVARIABLE CONSTRUCT DNA extraction of pcDNA-GP4 backbone gel bands was done using NEBs using Monarch® DNA Gel Extraction Kit following its manufacturers protocol (NEB T1020 protocol). The final volume of the sample eluted was 20μl. Spectrophotometric analysis of the purified plasmid samples was done using a Nanodrop. 2μl of plasmid elution buffer was used to blank the device before loading 2μl of each sample for analysis. The sample with the highest concentration was selected for the Gibson Assembly procedure. 1.5.5 GIBSON ASSEMBLY AND TRANSFORMATION Gibson Assembly to clone the hypervariable construct into the pcDNA-GP4 plasmid was done using a Gibson Assembly Kit following its manufacturers protocol (NEB Gibson assembly protocol E5510). For optimized cloning efficiency, the vector insert ratio used for this procedure was 1:5 (i.e 3.5μl of purified pcDNA-GP4 backbone sample and 1.5μl of the purified hypervariable construct). Transformation was done using 10 μl of the Gibson Assembly mix into three tubes of NEB 5-alpha competent E. coli cells following the previously stated protocol (see Under sterile conditions, 100 μl, 150 μl and 900 μl of each transformation mix were inoculated and streaked into separate LB agar plates. The plated dishes were incubated at 37°C for 24 hours. 1.5.6 COLONY SELECTION AND PLASMID PURIFICATION Under sterile conditions, eight random colonies (A, B, C, D, E, F and G) were picked from the transformed plates and grown in 50ml of LB Broth x Ampicillin. Sample G was inoculated with multiple random colonies to serve as a multiple construct template. pcDNA-GP4 plasmid extraction and purification was done by NEBs Monarch® Plasmid Miniprep Kit following manufacturers instruction. Final plasmid elution of the purified sample had 30μl. 1.6 SANGER SEQUENCING OF PCDNA-GP4 CLONES AND HYPER VARIABLE CONSTRUCT Sanger sequencing of the purified pcDNA-GP4 clones and hypervariable construct were done using BigDye™ Terminator v3.1 Cycle Sequencing Kit following its protocols. The samples were diluted to contain 100ng/μl of DNA and 0.8 pmol/μl of sequencing primers adding up to a total volume of 20μl. The reactions were placed in a thermocycler under the following PCR conditions: STEP TIME TEMPERATURE Initial Denaturation 1 minute 96°C Denaturation 10 seconds 96°C 5 seconds 96°C Extension 4 minutes 96°C Final Hold ∞ 10°C Annealing X25 Cycles TABLE 4. Sanger Sequencing conditions of pcDNA-GP4 and Hypervariable clones. After the PCR step, 50 μl of 100% ethanol and 2μl of Sodium Acetate were added to the sequencing mix and stored at -80°C overnight. The samples were retrieved and centrifuged for 1hour at 13000 rpm in a 4°C incubator, before being washed with 1ml of 70% Ethanol (-20°C) and centrifuging for 15 minutes and setting to air dry. The pellets were resuspended in 15μl of formamide and loaded into the well plate of Applied Biosystems 3500 analyser for sequencing (Coventry University protocol). 1.7 PHYLOGENETIC ANALYSIS OF 40 GP4 SEQUENCES Phylogenetic analysis was done by computing a time tree of 40 GP4 sequences using the Mega 11 software. The exported amino acid alignment was calibrated to contain the isolation year and location of each GP4 sequence. The new alignment was used in simulating a Neighbourhood Joining estimation phylogeny tree. The time tree analysis of the phylogeny tree was run using PRSSV-2 GP4 cds as the outgroup and the isolation year as the sample times. WORD COUNT: 3176