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KIOCL Industrial Training Report: Iron Ore Analysis & More

KIOCL Limited
New Mangaluru Port .Panambur ,Mangaluru – 575010
Submitted by:
Department Of Chemica5 Engineering
National Institute Of Technology Karnataka
Srinivasnagar PO, Surathkal, Mangalore 575025, India
Introduction to the Company
Analysis Of Iron Ore
Page Number
2.1 Analysis Of % Of Iron Ore Sample
2.2 Determination Of Silica
2 .3 Determination Of Alumina
2.4 Loss On Ignition
2.5 Determination Of Phosphorus
2.6 Determination Of Sulphur
2.7 Determination Of Blaine’s Number
Analysis Of Bentonite
3.1 Free Swelling Capacity
3.2 Plate water Observation
3.3 Size Analysis
Blast Furnace unit
Capitative Power Plant
Safety measures at KIOCL
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Kudremukh Iron Ore Company Limited (KIOCL) is a Miniratna Government of India
Enterprise having its Head Office in Bangalore; it has Pelletisation and Pig Iron plant units
in Mangalore. The Company was established in 1976 as 100% Export Oriented Unit to
develop the mine and plant facilities. The Company is primarily engaged in the business of
Iron Ore Mining Benefication and Production of high quality Pellets.The mine and plant
facilities were commissioned in 1980 and the first shipment of concentrate was made in
October 1981. The outstanding feature of Kudremukh ore is its low alumna sulphur
phosphorous vanadium and other deleterious elements.A pelletisation plant with a
capacity of 3 million tonnes per year was commissioned in 1987 for production of high
quality blast furnace and direct reduction grade pellets for export.A 110 km road through
ghats was built and a slurry pipeline to Mangalore port was completed. KIOCL delivered
the project on time within the estimated cost of US$630 million.The company entered into
Joint Venture with MECON & MSTC in order to set up a Pig Iron & Ductile Iron Spun Pipe
Plant at Mangalore.
1.Lasting relations with customers and Vendors to ensure smooth supply chain based on
trust and mutual benefits.
2.Business with ethics & integrity.
3.To thrive to improve the socio economic condition in the neighbourhood of 4.Company's
production centre.
5.Continuous learning.
6.Adaptability to Technology and changing Global Scenario. h Growth, recognition and
reward for employees.
Operational Performance of Pellet Plant:
KIOCL is producing both BF and DR grade pellets with excellent chemical &
physical specifications to suite for Blast furnaces and direct reduction plants.
The Company has taken up many initiatives like handling both Magnetite and
Hematite types of ores through in-house R&D, sourcing from both domestic and
global markets through long term contracts,100% utilization of coastal
transportation, Indigenization of equipments/spares etc.
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1. Pellet plant: The pellet plant at Mangalore products high quality iron oxide pellets as
following facilities. - Palletizing disc - Roller screens - Indurating Machines
2. Captive power plant: It controls by APP control system. It uses three generators. Each
generators have power of 10M watts
3. Blast Furnace: KIOCL in additional to dispatch of pellet by sea route dispatch of
pellets by trucks to meet the demand of small customer like coal based sponge iron
manufacturers, mini - steel plants etc.The blast unit h as a blast furnace of 350 cum
capacity of producing 2, 27,500MT of hot metal per annum.
4. Filter plant: KIOCL Limited at its Port Facilities departments has iron ore grinding unit,
filtering unit and loading system for handling the panama vessels for cargo loading at a
draft depth of 13 meters.
Port Facilities:
KIOCL Limited at its Port Facilities department has iron ore grinding unit,
filtering unit and loading system for handling the panamax vessels for cargo
loading at a draft depth of 13 mtrs. The iron ore fines received by rail and
ship are subjected to grinding after primary screening. Through three nos. of
Ball mills, the ore is ground by way of wet grinding process.
The ore thus ground is subjected to screening and then filtration. Highly
efficient screens are used for screening the ground iron ore with size
separation. For filtration of the ground slurry, vacuum disc High Pressure filters
are used. The filtered material will have a moisture of around 8.5-11%.This is
then carried to a closed storage shed of 2 lakh tonnes capacity.From the
storage shed, the ore is fed to the Pellet Plant using a bridge reclaimer.
The Company has another shed for storage of Pellets. About 2.5 lakh tonnes of
pellets can be stockpiled there. A bucket-wheel reclaimer is used to load the
pellets to conveyors to further carry the pellets to ship, anchored in the berth
dedicated to KIOCL Ltd. This can load 5000 tonnes per hour.
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Pellet Plant:
A 3.5 MTPA Pellet Plant based on LURGI Straight Grate process is in operation
at Mangaluru, since 1987. The process of palletization involves mixing of Iron
Ore Concentrate with Limestone, Bentonite, Coke as additives for improving the
Physical and Metallurgical properties of Pellets.
The mixed material is fed to pelletizing discs of 7.5 meter dia for production of
green pellets, which are screened on Double Decker roller screen to remove the
un-sized material.
The sized green pellets are fed to the indurating machine of 492 Sq meter grate
area. The green pellets are dried, pre-heated fired at high temperature and
cooled in the indurating machine. The pellets after screening to remove the
undersized materials are conveyed to a stockpile.
Captive Power Plant:
KIOCL ltd has two captive power plants. One at Pellet Plant Unit and the other at
Blast Furnace Unit. At Pellet Plant, there are three DG sets having maximum
capacity rating of 9.36 MW each. They are run by low Sulphur furnace oil.
At the BF Unit, two DG sets of 3.5 MW are run by the hot gas generated by the
Blast Furnace.
Blast Furnace unit:
The Blast Furnace unit has a blast furnace of 350 cum capacity of producing
227500 MT of Hot Metal per annum. The end product of the Blast Furnace
Complex is foundry grade Pig Iron. The following raw materials are used in the
process :
A special feature of blast furnace process is that by using a feed of 100% Iron
Ore pellets from KIOCL's Pellet Plant, 650 Tons per day of Hot Metal can be
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produced. For the present however, calibrated iron ore lumps of 10 - 30 mm size
is being used as feed to the furnace.
The principle involved in Blast Furnace iron making is the thermo-chemical
reduction of iron oxide ore by Coke into liquid iron at around 1500 degree C. The
unwanted materials are removed in the form of liquid slag by addition of suitable
fluxes. Raw materials are changed from blast furnace top and hot air is sent up
from the bottom resulting in these thermo-chemical reactions.
The major raw materials used in the Blast Furnace operation are Iron Ore, Coke,
Manganese Ore, Lime Stone, Quartizite and Dolomite, the last three being
fluxes. The raw materials are received and stacked material wise in the
stockyard. The materials required for the day's usage are then transferred into
day bunkers by use of a conveyor system. The materials from the day bunkers
are screened and weighed to the required size and quantity in batches. The
undersize materials in the screening process are transferred into the fines
bunkers for storage. The weighed batches are discharged into a conveyor in a
pre-determined sequence and are transported to the blast furnace top for
charging into the blast furnace.
The Blast Furnace top charging system is equipped with a double bell system to
maintain the blast furnace top pressure. The raw materials are evenly distributed
by using a rotary chute. The charging is carried out in batches as per a
pre-determined sequence. The stock level indicator measures the level of raw
materials inside the furnace and gives feed back for charging inputs. The entire
charging system from screening to charging is fully automated.
The hot air required for the chemical reactions are blown into the furnace at an
average rate of 43000 Nm3/hr by 2 HT motor driven blowers. The air before
entering into the blast furnace is heated up to 1100 degree C using 3 stoves. The
stove refractory checkers, which store heat, are heated by combustion of air and
blast furnace gas inside stoves at optimum proportions. Blast Furnace gas is a
by-product the furnace and carries around 20% CO which makes it a cheap and
efficient fuel. The heat thus stored is passed onto the cold air blown by the
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blowers raising its temperature to 1100 Degree C making it suitable for use in the
blast furnace.
The counter current movement of blast air and raw materials facilitates the
reduction reaction of iron ore. The liquid iron (Hot Metal) produced collects at the
bottom of the furnace above which liquid slag, which is higher, is collected. Both
slag and hot metal are drained out through a top hole at regular intervals in Cast
House. The hot metal is collected in 35 T capacity ladles where as the slag is
granulated into powder form in a Slag Granulation Plant.
The Blast Furnace gas generated inside the furnace is cleaned of dust at Dust
Catcher and Gas Cleaning Plant (GCP). Gas is washed of dust in GCP by water
spray and the stoves and captive power plant use the cleaned gas as a cheap
source of fuel. Any excess gas is bled off to the atmosphere after flaring.
Dedicated water pumping arrangements provides cooling water for the different
cooling members inside the furnace. Cooling is essential in view of the refractory
and shell life of the furnace. Another pumping system caters to the water
requirements of the GCP.
The ladles carrying hot metal are transferred to a Pig Casting Machine (PCM)
using a 50 Ton EOT crane. In the PCM, the hot metal is cast into 'Pig Iron' of max
8 Kg weight. The arrangement for this includes a double strand casting chain
carrying 298 moulds in one strand. The strands are driven by an electric drive.
The ladle is tited using the EOT crane and the hot metal is directed into the
moulds by a runner system.
Air-cooling and water-cooling is provided for the casting chain.
The pig iron generated by the PCM is collected in three wagons from where it is
lifted by electro-magnetic crane and transported to the pig storage yard and
stacked grade wise for dispatch to customers.
The Pig Iron thus produced is sold to various customers all over India as per their
specified requirements.
The Pig Iron thus produced is sold to various customers all over India as per their
requirements.The Captive Power Plant(CPP) with two nos.each of 3.5MW Steam
Turbine Generators
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a) Fe : 64% Guaranteed
[Fe above 64% will be accepted with bonus [Fe below 64% and up to 63% will be
accepted with penalty.
[Fe below 63% and up to 62% will be accepted with penalty.
[Fe below 62% and up to 61% will be accepted with penalty.
[In case Iron ore fines are supplied with Fe content less than 61%, the same shall not be
returned to the supplier and a token payment of Rs.1/- Per WMT (Rupees One only per
WMT) will be made by KIOCL to the supplier.
b) SiO2 + Al2O3 : 6% max (Al2O3-2% max) [Al2O3 above and up to 2.5% will be
accepted with penalty.
c) Moisture : 5% max [Above 5% moisture, to the extent it exceeds 5% limit, acceptance
will be at corresponding reduction on quantity supplied.
d) Sulphur : 0.01% max.
e) Phosphorus : 0.04% max
f) Size : (-) 10mm g) Tolerance : (+) 10mm : 5% max (-100mesh) : 15% max
For determining moisture content, samples from the loaded tippers at KIOCL, Pellet Plant
weigh Bridge will be collected and the same will be analyzed by a registered assayer
acceptable to both KIOCL and the supplier. The results obtained thereof are binding on
both the parties and shall be final for payment besides all applicable clauses in this tender.
During this analysis, the supplier shall ensure deployment of his representative for
witnessing the tests, if required.
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Determination of iron (Fe)
In ores and minerals of iron it generally appears in a mixed form as
ferrous or ferric compounds. In order to determine the iron content volumetrically,
the ferric form is reduced to ferrous form quantitatively and the whole of ferrous
iron is oxidized to ferric form. From the standard oxidizing agent consumed
during the reaction, the amount of iron present is calculated.
Most of the iron ores are brought into solution by digesting with
concentration hydrochloric acid and reduced to ferrous state using stannous chloride as
reducing agent.
2Fe3 + Sn² à 2Fe² + Sn
The solution containing iron in the ferrous state is titrated with the
standard potassium dichromate solution, which oxidizes whole of ferrous iron to ferric
iron, using diphenylamine as indicator.
6Fe²+ +14H à 6Fe+ 2Cr₂³ +7H₂O
Solution preparation:1. Standard K₂Cr₂O- solution of approximately 0.1343N:
Exactly 65.86gm of dry Potassium dichromate was placed in a 10 liter carboy
& diluted to the mark with distilled water. Iml of this K-Cr₂O solution is equivalent to
approximately 1.5% Fe. The above potassium dichromate stock solution was
standardized with the help of a standard iron ore sample. Based on the volume of
potassium dichromate consumed a FACTOR is established.
Factor= (Fe in the standard sample)/(Volume of dichromate)
2) Conc. Hydrochloric acid (11.3N):
3) Reducing solution (SnCl, solution):
Weighed out 7gms pure, dried SnCl, salt into a 250ml beaker. About 10 to
15ml dil 1:1 HCI acid was added, stirred and kept on a hotplate for digestion until the
solution turns clear. Cooled the solution to room temperature & diluted it to 100ml with
distilled water & preserved it in an air tight glass bottle, after adding a few pieces of
granulated tin to maintain the strength.
4)Saturated Mercuric chloride (HgCl2) solution:
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About 100ml of distilled water was taken in a beaker and mercuric chloride
was added with constant stirring until the solution is saturated. (Till HgCl2, is left at the
5)Barium diphenylamine sulphonate indicator:
Weighed out 0.3gm of the indicator into a 250ml beaker. 10-20ml of water &
5drops of 1:1 HCI were added and kept it for digestion on a low heat for 30minutes.
After cooling, 2-3 drops of conc. Sulphuric acid was added and filtered the solution &
made up to 100ml with distilled water.
6)Acid mixture:
Exactly 3.40 liters of distilled water was taken in 5 liters beaker & placed it
in a cold water bath. To this 750ml of conc. H3PO4, acid was added with constant
stirring and also750ml of conc. H2SO4 acid was added to the same with constant
stirring. After cooling 100ml Barium diphenylamine sulphonate indicator was added.
Well mixed, finely grounded Iron ore powder is dried at 105°C for one hour and
brought to room temperature in a desiccator. Exactly 0.5gms of the sample was
weighed out in an analytical balance & transferred it to a 250ml tall form beaker. About
15-20ml of conc. HCI acid was added & digested on a hotplate without boiling the
solution. When the sample was completely dissolved (which was ensured by the
disappearance of black particles), then the hot solution was reduced by SnCl₂ solution
which was added drop by drop from a dropping bottle till the yellow color disappears.
2-3 more drops were added. Then the solution was cooled rapidly under cold water and
diluted with distilled water. To this 10ml of saturated mercuric chloride solution was
added, a silky white precipitate appears. About 20ml of acid mixture with indicator
solution was added. The solution was then titrated with standard K2Cr2O7 solution, the
color changes from deep green to a stable purple or violet and the titre value was noted
Factor for Potassium Dichromate used =1.4471
%Fe =Titre value * factor
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Titre Value
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Here gravimetric method of estimating silica was carried out. The
soluble silicates were converted into insoluble silicates and these insoluble were
filtered and the residue was treated with HF acid which vaporizes the silica as silicon
tetra fluoride leaving behind other impurities associated with silica.
SiO2 + HF à H2[SiF6] + 2H₂0
H2[SiF6] à SiF4 + 2HF
The loss in weight therefore represents the amount of pure SiO₂
present in the sample.
Solutions required:
a) Conc. Hydrochloric acid (HCI) (11.3N).
b) Cone. Nitric acid (HNO3).
c) Perchloric acid (HClO4) -70%
d) Hydrofluoric acid (HF)-48%
e) Sodium carbonate salt (Na2CO3)
f) Conc. Sulphuric acid (H2SO4) (18.0 N)
g) Potassium pyrosulphate (K2S2O7).
Well mixed & finely powdered iron ore sample was taken and dried at
105°C for one hour and cooled in a desiccator. The sample was placed in a desiccator
and brought to room temperature. Exactly 1gm of sample was placed into a 250ml short
form beaker and covered it with a watch glass. About 20ml of conc. HCI was added &
kept for digestion on hot plate. When the sample was nearing to dissolution: 5-6 drops
of conc. HNO3 were added. The solution was allowed to digest on a hotplate for 10
minutes till the brown fumes of HNO3 escapes. About 7ml of HCIO4 was added and
hydrated till thick white fumes appear. It was then cooled and extracted the dehydrated
mass with 1:1 HC1 & heated for 5 minutes. The contents were filtered through No. 40
whatman filter paper into a 250ml standard flask. The residue was washed with 1:1 HCI
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followed by hot water till the yellow color on the filter paper disappears or the filter paper
is acid free. Now the filtrate was preserved for further analysis. The residue was ignited
in a platinum crucible at 950°C to a constant weight. It was then cooled & the residue
with the crucible was weighed (W₁). After this residue in the Pt crucible was moistened
with 2-3 drops of water. And about 2-3 drops of H2SO4 & about 15ml of HF were
added. The contents of this crucible were to evaporate over a low heat. After the
complete evaporation the crucible was ignited in a muffle furnace at 950°C to a constant
weight (W₂) the residue was fused with potassium pyrosulphate or sodium carbonate.
The fused mass was dissolved in dilute HCI and this was then added to the main filtrate
for further analysis.
% Silica = (W1-W2) /(weight of the sample) x 100
Weight of crucible residue before hydrofluorization = W1 g
Weight of crucible+ residue after hydrofluorization = W2g
Weight of the sample = 1g
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In this method an unknown Aliquot of solution from silica filtrate was pipetted out. Iron
voice separated out by adding NAOH solution, and after filtration, aluminum in the
filtrate was complexED with access EDTA. The access EDTA was titrated with zinc
solution using xylenol Orange indicator.
Solutions required:
1.Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) solution (10% w/v):
2.100gm of NaOH was placed in a beaker & dissolved in distilled water & made up to
3. Ammonium fluoride (NH, F) solution (10% w/v):
100gm of Ammonium fluoride was taken in a beaker dissolved in distilled water & made
up to 1000ml.
4. Xylenol orange indicator:
About 0.25 gm of xylenol orange indicator was weighed into a beaker. About 100ml of
distilled water was added to it. And 2-3 drops of 1:1 HCI was added with constant
stirring. The solution was filtered and the filtrate was stored.
5. Methyl red:
0.5 gm of methyl red was dissolved in 100ml ethanol.
6. Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid disodium salt (EDTA):
Exactly 3.7724 gm of EDTA was dissolved (which was dried at 80°C) for Ihr. into a one
litre standard flask. The solution was made up to the mark
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it with distilled water. It was then standardized against 0.0IM.Strength of EDTA was
Exactly 0.6538gm of granulated zinc was weight into a 250ml beaker to this 5-6ml of
conc. HCI acid was added and dissolved it. It was then cooled and made the volume to
1 litre with distilled water. It was standardized by titrating against std. EDTA solution of
known strength using Xylenol orange as the indicator. Color changes from orange to
pink. This solution was used for calculation.
Exactly 25ml of aliquot was pipette out from the silica filtrate stock solution into a
beaker. About 10 to 20ml of NaOH (10%) solution was added till no further precipitation
at supernatant solution. About Igm of sodium carbonate was added and warmed on a
hot plate for 15-25 minutes. It was then filtered through No 4 filter paper into a 500ml
conical flask. The residue was washed thoroughly with hot water & the washings were
collected in the conical flask. The residue was discarded.
The solution was then neutralized with 1:1 HCl using 2-4 drops of methyl red indicator.
About Sml of 0.01M EDTA solution was added and shaken thoroughly. About 1-2gms of
ammonium acetate was added and the color becomes yellow. The solution was boiled
for 5 minutes.
The solution was then cooled to room temperature and titrated against std. 0.01M zinc
solution using xylenol orange indicator and the end point is orange to pink. About
5-10ml of ammonium fluoride was added and boiled for 5 minutes. The solution was
cooled to room temperature and 1gm of ammonium acetate, 2 drops of xylenol orange
indicator were added and the liberated EDTA was titrated against standard zinc
solution. Color changes from lemon yellow to pink. The volume of zinc solution
consumed was noted down.
Volume of Zinc solution consumed-X ml Strength of Zine solution prepared 0.01M
Factor for Al,O,-1.88
1ml of 1M EDTA= 1ml of IM Zn=1ml of AI
1ml of IM EDTA= 1ml of A=(27/1000) g A
= 0.027 g of Al
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=0.00027mg of Al.
%Al2O3=0.00027 x 250 x 100 X 1.88/25
Total: Alumina + Silica = 6% max
Volume of Std. Zn Soln 5Al2O3
Total= Alumina+Silica
Trail 1
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Loss On Ignition
Exactly 1gm of the sample was weighed into a previously weighed platinum crucible.
Heated it gradually raising the temperature and finally ignited at 1000°C for half an hour.
Loss On Ignition (%) =
Weight of crucible + sample before ignition = W₁ g
Weight of crucible + sample after ignition W₂g
Weight of the sample taken = 1g
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Phosphorus in iron ore/pellets was determined by precipitating phosphorus as phosphor
molybdate and dissolved in excess standard sodium hydroxide and back titrated with
standard nitric acid.
Solutions required:
1) Standard sodium hydroxide soln. (NaOH)-0.1482 N.
2) Standard nitric acid solution (HNO,)-0.1482 N.
3) Phenolphthalein indicator (alcoholic 1:1)-0.10%.
4) Hydrochloric acid-concentrated & dilute (1:1).
5) Nitric acid-concentrated &dilute. 6) Ammonium Hydroxide concentrated (NH₂OH).
7) Potassium nitrate (KNO,)-1.0%.
8) Ammonium molybdate solution - 4 liters.
Exactly 2gm of the sample was weighed out and brushed into a 250 ml beaker.
Approximately 25 ml of conc. HCL was added and covered it with a watch glass and
digested until the soluble minerals are in solution. About 1-2 ml of conc. HNO, was
added and boiled for a few minutes. The total mass was heated and brought to dryness
on a low hot plate. It was then baked for 10 minutes. It was then cooled and
approximately 25 ml of dil.HCI 1:1 was added and digested it until the salts are in
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solution. The solution was filtered using filter paper No. 40 into a 500 ml Stoppard
conical flask.
It was alternatively washed with dilute HCI and water until the iron strain is no longer
noticeable. For soluble phosphorus proceed with step 9. For insoluble phosphorus, the
acid insoluble residue was ignited, fused with Na CO,. dissolved in dil. HCI, dehydrated,
and the solution was filterer and combined with the filtrate from step 6. It was neutralize
with NH,OH until the hydroxides are completely precipitated and there should be a slight
excess of NHOH. This point was easily detected if the flask was swirled gently on the
just dissolved. The solution was dark brown at this point. About 5ml of addition of
NH,OH. Concentrated HNO, HNO, was added in excess.
The solution was then warmed to 60-70 C and was added until the precipitate is about
50 ml of molybdate solution was added. Shaken it well and let it to stand on a warm
plate for 10 minutes. It was then remove from the hot plate and let to stand at room
temperature until the ammonium phosphor molybdate precipitate has settled. Then it
was filtered using filter paper No. 42. The flask was washed with 1.0% HNO, until all of
the precipitate was collected on the paper. Then the paper was washed with 1% KNO;.
The paper was washed well until all the acid was washed out from the paper. Washing
is completed when a strip of blue litmus paper placed on the end of the filter funnel does
not turn pink. The flask was rinsed out well with water.
The filter paper was placed in the flask, and approximately 25 ml water of water was
added. Then exactly 10 ml of standard NaOH was added. Stoppered the flask and
shaken well to break up the paper and dissolved the precipitate. The stopper was
removed and washed down the sides of the flask. Few drops of phenolphthalein
solution were added. Finally back titrated with standard HNO, to the end point.
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Strength Of NAOH = 0.149N
Volume Of HNO3
Trail 1
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Aim And Theory:
For determination of the amount of Sulphur in iron ore samples, the Ripper method is
used.The Ripper Method, developed in 1898, is an analytical chemistry technique used
to determine the total amount of sulfur dioxide (SO2) in a solution. This technique uses
iodine standard and a starch indicator to titrate the solution and determine the
concentration of free SO2. This in turn, gives the percentage of sulphur in the given
Apparatus Used :
1) Supply of oxygen using medical oxygen cylinders.
2) Leco High Frequency Induction furnace consisting of one combustion unit for
determination of sulphur.
3) Oxygen purifying train
4) Accelerators - Iron chips to Tin metal.
5) Crucibles - leco#IH-10-800 with #IH-10-950 crucible cover. Each crucible and
cover is used for one combustion only.
6) Sulphur apparatus - leco sulphur determinator consisting of a burette stand, KIO₃
automatic burette calibrated 0.000 - 0.200% sulphur titration vessel and 2 way
stopcock for filling burette and vessel.
Reactions involved:
Sulphur in the sample + oxygen → sulphur dioxide (upon heating)
In the induction furnace, 100% of the sulphur is converted to sulphur dioxide.
Potassium Iodate and potassium iodide react with hydrochloric acid to liberate
Iodine gas.
III. Sulphur dioxide reacts with iodine gas to liberate sulphuric acid and hydroiodic
➢ S + O₂ → SO₂
➢ KIO₃ + 5KI +6HCl → 6KCl +3H₂O +3I₂↑
➢ SO₂ + I₂ +2H₂O → H₂SO₄ + 2HI
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Preparation of Solutions :
01. Potassium Iodate solution :
Exactly 0.222 gm of potassium iodate was dissolved in distilled water and diluted
To one liter in a volumetric flask. A solution of this strength will titrate up to 0.2%
sulphur in a 0.5 gm sample. If sulphur content is greater than 0.2% , then the
quantity of potassium iodate is increased in initial solution making. Exactly 0.444
gm potassium iodate is dissolved in water and diluted in 1 liter to titrate 0.4%
sulphur in 0.5 gm sample.
02. Starch Indicator solution :
About 100ml of distilled water was boiled and 1.8 gm of arrowroot starch was
added, stirred and boiled and cooled later after which 3.0 gm of KI was added.
The indicator solution gives a blue color but if it gives a reddish tinge then the
solution should be discarded and a new solution is prepared.
03. Hydrochloric acid solution :
About 15ml of hydrochloric acid is added to 1 liter of water and diluted.
About 0.5 gm of the sample of iron is weighed, transferred to a combustible crucible and
the proper accelerator( tin) was added. The titration vessel was filled with HCl solution.
Exactly 2 ml of starch solution was. Burette is filled with potassium iodate solution. The
color formed is light blue. Initial end points with dark color affects the inaccuracy as the
eye cannot detect small changes in dark solution. The crucible was placed with cover in
place on a pedestal and raised into a combustion tube without engaging the power
switch. The flow of oxygen was adjusted to 1 LPM. The combustion begins after 1 or 2
mins. Sulphur will not begin to burn until the sample temperature reaches 260 degree
celsius. sulphur dioxide is given off and reacts with iodine in titration vessel bleaching
the color from blue to colorless, while undergoing titration with potassium iodate
solution. When all the sulphur dioxide formed is absorbed, the blue color no longer
fades. The solution color brings us to the endpoint and the readings are noted.
Calibration Procedure:
1) Flow of oxygen is regulated for every test.
2) Titrator is cleaned once in a day.
3) Starch indicator is prepared afresh to ensure no damping property.
4) Daily once, standard rings of known sulphur which is supplied with the instrument
from LECO CORPORATION, USA is checked.
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% sulphur
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Principle of operation:
The sub-sieve sizer operates on the air permeability principle for measuring the average
particle size of the Iron ore powder. The principle is based on the fact that a current of
air flows more readily through a bed of coarse powder than through an otherwise equal
bed of fine powder that is equal in shape of bed, apparent volume.
The basic operating principles of the instrument are relatively simple.
The air pump builds up air pressure to constant head in the pressure regulator stand
Under the pressure head, the air is conducted to the packed powder sample contained
in the sample tube.The flow of air through this packed powder bed is measured by
means of a calibrated manometer in which the level of the fluid indicates the average
diameter of the powder particles directly on the calculated chart.
The average particle diameter may be expressed in terms of Sw; equal to this specific
surface of the powder in square centimeters per gram of dry powder, or in terms of So
equal to the specific surface of the dry powder in square centimeters per c.c of equal
solid materials.
These relationships are expressed in the equation;
Sw = (6× 10⁴) / (dm ×P)
So = (6 ×10⁴) / dm
dm-Average diameter in Micron taken from calculator.
P -Chart density of material from which the powder was made.
Sw-Specific surface area in square centimeters per gram of material.
So-Specific surface area in square centimeters per CC of solid material.
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Apparatus used:
Fisher sub-sieve sizer model no. 95
Measuring particle size Procedure:
Plug the line cord and power switch on and allow the instrument to warm up for 20
minutes to give it a chance to stabilize.While allowing the unit to warm up,perform the
Steps..Lay a paper disc over one end of the sample tube, then with the perforated
surface of the plug against the surface of the paper disc push one of the two porous
plugs about 1/2 inches into the tube, forcing the paper to crump around the edges.
Vertically placed the tube in the supplied sample tube stand with the open end up.
Weigh out a sample of dry iron ore concentrate equal in grams to the true density of the
sample. Transfer the weighted sample into the sample tube. Tap on this side of the tube
to settle the Iron ore concentrate. Lay a second paper disc over the open top of the
sample tube and force the other porous plug and paper disc down into the tube.
Place the sample tube on the brass post with the lower plug touching the upper end of
the post .Using the rack and pinion control, lower the rack until the flat bottom end
touches the upper plug. Move the calculator chart to the right until the pointer is set at
the porosity of 0.80 . using the rack and pinion control, lower the rack until the tip of the
pointer on the rack is set on the sample height curve on the chart.
Without moving the chart, raise the rack and remove the sample tube, being careful not
to disturb the sample. Mount the sample tube between the rubber cushioned supports
just to the right of the brass post and twist the clamp assembly control to the right until
the tube is locked into place making an airtight seal at both the ends of the tube. Adjust
the pressure control selector until the bubble rises in the pressure regulator standpipe at
the rate of 2-4 per second. The water level will rise above the water level marks as
observed through the water level observation window. This is normal in addition: the
liquid level in the manometer tube will rise slowly and reach a maximum height within 30
seconds to several minutes depending on particle size.
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After the liquid in the manometer reaches its maximum level and without disturbing the
calculator chart, turn up the rack until the upper edge of the cross bar coincides with the
liquid meniscus in the manometer. Read the particle size of the chart and record the
reading. The size is indicated by the location of the tip of the pointer with relation to the
curves on the chart.
Calculations :
Blaine number = 60000/ (avg particle size× specific gravity)
Sw = 60000/ (Dm× P)
Sample - 5470
%Fe = 63.20
Specific gravity of the sample with 63.2%Fe is 4.5360
Average particle size dm = 11.5 microns
Blaine number = 60000/(11.5 * 4.5360)
= 1150.2018
4.5360gm of the sample can be spread over 1150.218 sq. cm. area with each particle
distinctly separated.
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Accurately 2.00g of dried Bentonite powder sample was weighed and sprinkled it slowly with the
help of a vibrating spatullar into a graduated cylinder containing 100ml of distilled water
(pH=7.0).Care was taken to see that every particle of bentonite is wetted and settled while
sprinkled cach time till all the sample has been taken over.
Generally time taken for completing the test was 1 to 2 hours. The initial level was recorded
after 1 hour and final reading after 24 hours. The volume of gel formed was noted down. This is
the Free Swelling Index (FSI) of the Bentonite
Amount of sample taken =2g
Sample 1:
Free swelling =27ml
Sample 2:
Free swelling =29ml
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Sintered Aluminium Oxide plate 12" x 12"x 1’’ standard medium coarse plate,
permeability 19 unit per plate, approximate pore size 164 microns approximate particle retention
68 u.Shallow plastic pan 15" x 18" x2" Glass covers 20" x 22" with a sponge rubber seal strip to
a seal against the pan, Hardened filter paper (whatman 50), 9 mm diameter Drying oven controllable to 105c. Balance of 0.001gm sensitivity. Tarred watch glasses 10cm diameter.
Thermometer of 0.1c sensitivity.Distilled water.
Setting of the equipment:
The alumina plate was centrally located in the pan supported by the 1/4" thick inner
pads and levels the top of the plate. The pan was filled with distilled water prior to each test to
the 1/4" of the top of the plate measuring to the water plate contact. The glass cover was placed
on the pan for complete coverage. Inscribe 5cm circles centered on the 9cm filter paper. Noted
down the temperature.
Exactly 2.000gm of processed bentonite was placed, previously dried at 105C for 1 hours, onto
the tarred, dry filter paper and spreaded evenly within 5cm circle inscribed upon the 9cm
diameter paper. Noted down the temperature (T₁®C).
The paper and bentonite was placed on the alumina plate. Upto 6 samples can be placed on the
plate at one time. After 18 hours, temperature (T₂® C) was recorded and surface condition of
the bentonite. Carefully the filter paper was lifted and placed on a pre weighed watch glass. The
watch glass + hydrated paper + hydrated bentonite was weighed.
The net weight of the hydrated bentonite was determined by subtracting the watch glass weight
and average weight of the hydrated filter paper from the total weight. The moisture absorption
as the percent weight gain over the dry bentonite weight was calculated and reported using the
calculation below with correction for temperature effects
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Plate Water absorption =(((Ww-W1)/Wd)*100 )-[K (Ta-Tr)]
Wd= weight of the sample taken
Ww=weight of hydrated sample
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Ta=average room temperature =22°C
Tr=reference temperature =20 °C
Trial No.
Wd(in gm) W1(in gm) W2(in gm) Ww=
in gm)
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Exactly 50.00 gms of the dried Bentonite powder was weighed and passed it over the
200# sieve thoroughly with the help of a brush.The sample remaining on the screen was
Weight of the sample taken (a)=50 g
Weight of the sample remaining on the sieve (b) (200#)=x g
Size i.e -200# (%) =( (a b)/50)*100
Weight of sample taken= 50g
Sample 1: BGS
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Blast Furnace Unit
Blast Furnace Process
The blast furnace is a counter-current gas/solids reactor in which the descending
column of burden materials [coke, iron ore and fluxes/additives] reacts with the
ascending hot gasses. The process is continuous with raw materials being regularly
charged to the top of the furnace and molten iron and slag being tapped from the
bottom of the furnace at regular intervals.
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Key steps of the process are as follows:
upper part of the furnace - free moisture is driven off from the burden materials
and hydrates and carbonates are disassociated.
lower part of the blast furnace shaft - indirect reduction of the iron oxides by
carbon monoxide and hydrogen occurs at 700-1,000°C.
Bosh area of the furnace where the burden starts to soften and melt - direct
reduction of the iron [and other] oxides and carbonization by the coke occurs at
1,000-1,600°C. Molten iron and slag start to drip through to the bottom of the
furnace [the hearth].
Between the bosh and the hearth are the tuyeres [water cooled copper nozzles] through
which the blast - combustion air, preheated to 900-1,300°C, often enriched with oxygen
- is blown into the furnace. Immediately in front of the tuyeres is the combustion zone,
the hottest part of the furnace, 1,850-2,200°C, where coke reacts with the oxygen and
steam in the blast to form carbon monoxide and hydrogen [as well as heat] and the iron
and slag melt completely.
Molten iron and slag collect in the furnace hearth. Being less dense, the slag floats on
top of the iron. Slag and iron are tapped at regular intervals through separate tap holes.
For merchant pig iron production, the iron is cast into ingots; in integrated steel mills, the
molten iron or hot metal is transferred in torpedo ladle cars to the steel converters. Slag
is transferred to slag pits for further processing into usable materials, for example raw
material for cement production, road construction, etc.
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Blast Furnace principal reactions are:
2C + O2 → 2CO
C + H2O → CO + H2
CO2 + C → 2CO
3Fe2O3 + CO → CO2 + 2Fe3O4
Fe3O4 + CO → CO2 + 3FeO
FeO + CO → Fe + CO2
When charging the blast furnace, burden materials are added in layers. Charging is
done either with an elevator in which a bucket is lifted up and set down on the top of the
furnace o be emptied directly into the furnace [bell system] or by conveyor belts to the
top of the furnace where materials are charged into a bin fixed to the top of the furnace
[bell-less system] and from there into the furnace. By means of a rotating chute it is
possible to achieve very uniform distribution of the charge materials across the furnace.
The bell-less system has the additional advantage that less energy rich blast furnace
gas is lost during charging.
The additives and fluxes serve to convert the waste or gangue materials in the charge
[mainly silica and alumina] into a low melting point slag which also dissolves the coke
ash and removes sulfur. For example:
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CaCO3 → CaO + CO2
CaO + SiO2 → CaSiO3
FeS + CaO + C → CaS + FeO + CO
The blast furnace itself is a steel shaft lined with fire resistant, refractory materials. The
hottest part of the furnace - where the walls reach a temperature >300°C - are water
cooled. The whole structure is supported from the outside by a steel frame.
The blast furnace gas that leaves the top of the furnace is a mixture of carbon dioxide,
carbon monoxide, hydrogen and nitrogen and has a calorific value between 3,200 and
4,000 kJ/m³. After cleaning, it is used for a variety of purposes, including heating of the
hot blast stoves [“cowpers”], in iron ore agglomeration plants and for electricity
generation. The credit for this gas is an important factor in keeping blast furnace
operating costs low.
Blast Furnace Unit of KIOCL Ltd. (formerly known as KISCO) was initially promoted as
a joint venture by KIOCL Limited, the country's largest 100% EOU located in Karnataka,
MECON Limited and MSTC Limited, all Public Sector Undertakings of the Government
of India, it was incorporated in June 1995 to give shape to KIOCL's vision to diversify its
operation and go into production of value added products. The Plant is situated at 740
50 E Longitude and 120 56' N Latitude and is adjacent to the east boundary wall of
Mangalore Chemicals and Fertilizer (MCF) plant. It is erected on Plot No.456 and 457,
Baikampady Industrial Area, Panambur, Mangalore-575 010 in a land area of 153.87
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The Blast Furnace Unit commissioned in February 2001, has an annual manufacturing
capacity of 2, 16,000 MT of Foundry Grade Pig Iron. The Blast Furnace incorporates
state of art technology from M/S Mannesmann Demag, Germany. It was erected and
commissioned by their subsidiary M/S INDOMAG Steel Technology Ltd., a member of
SMS DEMAG Group, with the detailed engineering support from M/S MECON Limited,
Activities of the Blast Furnace Unit:
BFU produces a premium grade of foundry Pig Iron which is for the production of
superior grade and high precision castings. It also produces low phosphorus low sulfur
pig iron (SG grade). BFU uses Iron ore from mines of areas like Bellary, Tumkur,
Chitradurga and LAM coke from China. The imported coke is transported from NMPT at
Panambur to BFU Stock yard by Tippers. The other raw materials like Dolomite,
Quartzite, Manganese etc. are sourced from Karnataka.
The Plant is equipped with modern facilities to provide safe working conditions.
Adequate investments have been made towards environmental control measures to
conform to the environment regulation norms.
Technological Parameters of Major Equipment Blast Furnace:
• Useful volume 350 M3
• Gross hot metal production: 2,25,000 MT/y(with CIO)
• Pig iron : MT/y
• Specific productivity: 1.85 t/M3 /d(with CIO)
• coke rate(dry & net): 650 kg/THM
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• Slag rate: 231 kg/THM
• Hot blast temperature: 10000c
• Blast rate:2242 NM3/THM
• Top gas kg/cm2
• BF gas / Blast: 1.4
• Furnace shell cooling is by external •water spray with box coolers
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Captive Power Plant:
• Generation capacity: 7 MW (3.5 MW x 2 No.)
• Provision for synchronization with grid and also to cater maximum plant load
island mode
• Steam boiler(2 no.): 25 TPH @ 42 kg/cm2, 4500c
• Main fuel: BF gas
• Flame stabilization: by LDO/fo
• Generator(2No.): 3.5 @ 6.6kv
• De-mineralisation plant: 3 streams, 5 M3/hr/stream
• Cooling tower: 3 cells,2400 M3/hr
• Fuel storage tanks: 170 kl x 2
Top Charging Equipment:
Rotating hopper distributor with two bell systems and pressure balancing/relief valves.
Bells and valves are
operated by a winch-rope drive system.
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Hot Blast System:
Stoves: 3 Nos,Hoogovan type, with vertical ceramic burner, parabolic shaped dome,
hexagonal checkers with a high heating surface, which gives 1000 degree centigrade
Hot blast main with isolation valve and bustle main connecting to 12 (twelve) Tuyres
(dia. 110 mm) supply blast to the furnace.
Hot Metal Tapping: Pneumatically operated rotary drilling system for tap hole opening
and hydraulically operated piston/barrel type mud gun for closing the tap hole
Slag: Slag is granulated using water jet in granulation system
Ladles (8 nos): 35 MT capacity refractory lined ladle to collect & carry hot metal from
cast house to pig casting machine. Handled by EOT crane (55/25 MT).
Pig Casting Machine:
Capacity: 2 no 1000 T/day, with additional new unit of 600 T/day
Weight of pig: 5-6 kgs/piece
Ladle tilted with the help of EOT crane at old rn/c and hydraulic tilting in the new
Lime splashing system for mold coating
Water cooling system for pig cooling
Pig knocking system at new M/c
Pig collection by wagon at old M/c and tipper collection at new M/c.
Magnetic crane for unloading the wagon
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Air Blower (2 no.):
Make: Mannesmann Demag
Capacity: 31500 nm3/hr@ 2.2 kg/cm2
Drive: induction motor of 2.25 MW @6.6 KV, 1500 rpm
BF Gas Cleaning:
Cyclonic dust separator
2 stage venturi type wet scrubber
Thickener for sludge removal
BF Cooling Water System
Plant automation and control is through PLC (ABB MP 280/1)
Process Control Laboratory has x-ray spectrometer for metal analysis
Main Power Supply & Distribution System:
Power supply: 110 KV from Mescom grid
Sanctioned demand: 10 MVA
Contracted demand: 5 MVA
Distribution: 110 KV to 6.6 KV by 2 Nos. 16 MVA power transformers
Power distribution to load centers sub-stations: 415 V
Inter connected with Captive Power Plant
Pig Iron Grades Generally Produced At This Plant:
Basic: Si
Gp2 : Si 1.25-1.74%
Gp3: Si 1.75-1.99%
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Gp4: Si 2-2.24%
Gp5: Si 2.25-2.74%
Gp6: Si 2.75-3.24%
High Silicon: Si>3.25
Off Grade: Or Mn > 0.70
Weigh Bridge: 2 Nos. of 60t weighbridge of M/S AVERY make
Plant Security: At present the plant security is manned by Central Industrial Security
is trying its level best for the safety of the workers and engineers working in all
departments of the company. Following are the steps taken by the company for the safety
of the employees:
1. Compulsory use of the hand gloves while working in repair units.
2. When the repair of any machine in the plant is undertaken, compulsory shut down of
the entire plant so as to avoid untoward incidents for working personnel who are repairing
the machinery
3. A number of slogans regarding safety is put up everywhere in the campus. For example
4. Warning boards are put tip near every machine to avoid hazards. - A fire brigade is
always kept ready to fight fire accidents.
5. In case of accidents, a first aid center is made available in the plant for immediate
6. Compulsory wearing of the helmets in all sections of the industry. Adopting these safety
measures, the company is able to reduce the number of accidents in the working area
very efficiently. A separate department has been set aside to oversee the proper
implementation of safety measures and thus reducing the no of accidents in the plant.
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1) Grinding & Filtration process
2. Palletization process:
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the project carried out at KIOCL Ltd Mangalore, raw materials were analysed for the
percentage composition of their constituents. Iron ore and bentonite are two of the
component utilized for the manufacture of iron ore pellets.
During this training period, we understood that the raw materials like iron ore,bentonite.
Coke or coal and the limestone are tested as per prescribed standards like IS, ISO, and
At different stage of the entire process it is necessary to test these raw materials to
estimate its physical and chemical composition for controlling the process and to
maintain the product quality as per the standard specification. We got exposure to the
basic laboratory techniques and also learnt the good laboratory practices, safe handling
of chemicals, personal safety, place safety. we also visited the blast furnace and got to
know how it works.
In summary, it was a very fruitful experience of getting a chance to work especially in the
esteemed industry like KIOCL Ltd.
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The Industrial visit to KIOCL was an excellent and rewarding experience. We have been
able to understand the working of an Industry. Before this visit we had never imagined
walking around in an industrial plant.
sincerely thanks to Mr. Prakash B. V, Head of the Department, (Process Control
Dept.), KIOCL, Mangalore, for his interest with our work during our project work and his
invaluable guidance and encouragement throughout the time of the training period.
I am immensely grateful to Mr. K. Shivaraju, Manager, (Training and Safety) for
scheduling our training sessions in a symmetric manner and giving us permissions to
carry out our project.
Heartily thanks to Mr.Akshay sir(Pellet plant department),Mr.Raveendra sir(Mineral
processing department),and Mr.Prashant sir(process control department) for their
guidance in industrial training project and kind cooperation during the entire training
period for helping us gain procedural knowledge in the company.
I wish to express sincere gratitude to Professor P.E. JagadeeshBabu, Head of the
Department of Chemical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Karnataka, for
providing us an opportunity to undergo Industrial Training at KIOCL, Mangalore in the
field of Iron ore pellet making and inspiring us to do this training
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