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Nursing Study Guide: LPN, UAP, Triage, Disease Management

Helpful Hints
Test Taking Strategies
Sodium strains the brain
 Worried about seizures
Positioning legs dependently
 Below the heart… down
 Position legs up, independently
 Stable clients
 Gather data
 Contribute to care plan
 Administer piggybacks, after 1st
 Monitor IVFs and blood transfusions
 Can't initiate IVs
 No IV push meds
 Can’t TAPE
o Teach
o Assessment
o Plan
o Evaluate
 Can’t TAPE and S (sterile procedures)
 Can’t give oxygen or any medications
 No blood sugars
Trach care
 Remove ties AFTER cleaning the tracheostomy
 I: best chance of survival
o Red tag
 D: can wiat a couple hours
o Yellow tag
 M: minor
o Green tag
 E: expectant– expected to pass away
o Black tag
o head trauma, agonal respirations
 Look at pulse, mentation, respirations (RPMs)
Early Sign of hemorrhage
 Tachycardia
Rheumatoid Arthritis– autoimmune
 Methotrexate suppresses immune system
 Low WBC, Low platelets
Notify Health Department
 Ebola, measles, meningitis, gonorrhea, chlamydia
lyme disease, rocky mountain spotted fever, zika,
polio, small pox, HIV, AIDS, more!!
Sickle Cell Anemia (HOP)
 Hydrate
 Oxygenate
 Prevent harm to client
 Stay with the client
 Use what you know
 Safe and effective
 Early vs. late signs and
 Pre, post, intra
 Time elapsed
 Direction or magnitude
 Acute before chronic
 Systemic before local
 Actual before potential
 Trends vs transient
 Emergencies vs.
 Use knowledge base
5 Rights of Delegation
 Person
 Task
 Circumstance
 Communication
 Supervision
Documentation Elements
 Includes subjective and
objective data
 Accurate and concise
 Complete and current
 Organized
Difference in kids and adults
 Disease is the same, but
they present differently
 Pain medicine
Leaving AMA
 Sign AMA form (chart if they refuse
 Inform client of complications that occur without
Zika Virus
 Report flu-like symptoms to HCP
 Can be spread through sexual intercourse
 Infection in pregnancy can cause severe fetal
 Mosquito repellent should be worn outdoors
Effective care coordination
 Resolving care plan
 Arranging home health services
 Facilitating referrals for community services
 Scheduling follow-up provider appointments
Hemophilia treatment
 RICE + replace clotting factors
Sickle Cell Treatment
 HOP (hydrate, oxygenate, pain control)
Interventions for Suspected MI (MONA)
 Morphine
 Oxygen
 Nitroglycerine
 Aspirin hopt
s/s of DKA that helps me...
D - Dehydrated
K - 3 s/s (The letter K has 3 lines)
Kussmaul breathing
K+ is elevated
A - 3 s/s (The letter A has 3 lines)
Acetone (fruity) breath