Helpful Hints Test Taking Strategies Sodium strains the brain Worried about seizures Positioning legs dependently Below the heart… down PVD Position legs up, independently LPNs Stable clients Gather data Contribute to care plan Administer piggybacks, after 1st Monitor IVFs and blood transfusions Can't initiate IVs No IV push meds Can’t TAPE o Teach o Assessment o Plan o Evaluate Techs/UAP Can’t TAPE and S (sterile procedures) Can’t give oxygen or any medications No blood sugars Trach care Remove ties AFTER cleaning the tracheostomy Emergency I: best chance of survival o Red tag D: can wiat a couple hours o Yellow tag M: minor o Green tag E: expectant– expected to pass away o Black tag o head trauma, agonal respirations Look at pulse, mentation, respirations (RPMs) Early Sign of hemorrhage Tachycardia Rheumatoid Arthritis– autoimmune Methotrexate suppresses immune system Low WBC, Low platelets Notify Health Department Ebola, measles, meningitis, gonorrhea, chlamydia lyme disease, rocky mountain spotted fever, zika, polio, small pox, HIV, AIDS, more!! Sickle Cell Anemia (HOP) Hydrate Oxygenate Strategies Prevent harm to client Stay with the client Use what you know Safe and effective delegation KNOW Early vs. late signs and symptoms Pre, post, intra Time elapsed Direction or magnitude Priorities Acute before chronic Systemic before local Actual before potential Trends vs transient Emergencies vs. expectant Use knowledge base 5 Rights of Delegation Person Task Circumstance Communication Supervision Documentation Elements Includes subjective and objective data Accurate and concise Complete and current Organized Difference in kids and adults Disease is the same, but they present differently Pain medicine Leaving AMA Sign AMA form (chart if they refuse Inform client of complications that occur without treatment Zika Virus Report flu-like symptoms to HCP Can be spread through sexual intercourse Infection in pregnancy can cause severe fetal defects Mosquito repellent should be worn outdoors Effective care coordination Resolving care plan Arranging home health services Facilitating referrals for community services Scheduling follow-up provider appointments Hemophilia treatment RICE + replace clotting factors Sickle Cell Treatment HOP (hydrate, oxygenate, pain control) Interventions for Suspected MI (MONA) Morphine Oxygen Nitroglycerine Aspirin hopt s/s of DKA that helps me... D - Dehydrated K - 3 s/s (The letter K has 3 lines) Ketones Kussmaul breathing K+ is elevated A - 3 s/s (The letter A has 3 lines) Acidotic Acetone (fruity) breath Anorexia