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Technical Education & Vocational Training Roles

The Technical Education, Vocational & Industrial Training Department plays an important role
in imparting technical education & vocational training. At the State level all functions of the
department are disposed off by or under the authority of the Minister In charge.
The Principal Secretary is the administrative head at the Secretariat level. The Directorate of
Technical Education, Vocational and Industrial Training broadly deals with the following:
The main functions of the Dept. are as under:1. Budget related matters.
2. Enactment/amendments of various Bills, Acts, Rules and regulations.
The Principal Secretary is the administrative head of the department. He advises the Minister
on all matters of policy and administration within his department. On return of cases from the
Minister he returns the files to the Department along with orders if necessary through the
Commissioner and Secretary.
The key roles of The Principal Secretary are:
To plan and monitor National Skill Development Policy at State level.
To establish and to carry out the administration and management of the Vocational
Institutes in state of U.P.
Ensure that the Vocational Institutes provide access to sustainable quality vocational
education to the target group of citizens of the state to meet the challenges of skilled
human resource required for various sectors of economy.
To ensure in the planning, execution, co-ordination and monitoring of Skill Development
Programmes so that the results of such initiatives prepare the youth for self-employment
and for various jobs available in Industrial & Service Sectors.
To ensure in the development of competency based curricula, and to train, assess and
certify school dropouts, labour working in unorganized sectors, service sector and
unskilled workers engaged in various industries.
To direct the State level officers to prepare need based training programme of different
levels as per the requirement of various groups, industrial sectors, which have
recognition at national & international level and also to recognize such programmes for
further education.
To direct the State level officers to develop a flexible delivery mechanism to impart
training as per the Industry needs and the need of the hour.
To frame policy & programmes to link non-formal vocational training with the formal
education system and to develop system of recognizing prior acquired learning.
To converge and develop available training resources in the state through Public Private
Partnership (PPP).
To provide access to vocational education & training with inclusive growth for all the
groups of the society eligible to receive skill training as defined by the society from timeto-time.
To direct the State level officers to provide training of trainers (ToT), to promote
innovation in training & also to render consultancy services.
To forecast the needs of skilled manpower to cater to the needs of various stakeholders
in the State on regular basis.