Parent-Teacher Communication Guide

What are some communication do’s and don’ts when communicating with parents?
Identify and rationalize two do’s and don’ts when having a parent-teacher conference
School management communication with parents, will make everyone in a position to benefit.
Every school will always want to please their student’s parents by proving to be the best. Here
are some of the do’s and don’ts to keep in mind when communicating with your student’s
Do communicate with Parents Early and Often
Do create a school communication Policy
Don’t ignore responses from Parents
Don’t use complex language
Parent-teacher conference helps create a unique bond of trustworthy. The teacher feels a great
impact in connecting with the parents by discussing various issues affecting the child.
Be prepared
Early preparation will go along with being organized. Always be ready to answer different
questions from the parents concerning the child. A teacher may know the child’s challenges
more than the parents due to frequent interaction during the course work. Good preparation will
make you feel comfortable before you address the parents.
Be in a position to listen
Having a great impact in the school’s environment requires the parent contribution. Listen to
each student’s parent. They contribute in various ideas and solve solutions especially when the
child is going through different challenges in school.
Don’t be late
Always make sure that you have prepared everything enough before the day to avoid few things
that may make you to run late during the conferences. The teacher has to understand that the
parents too are busy and might have sacrificed the scheduled time to come and interact with the
teacher for the sake of their children.
Don’t be sentimental
Try controlling your emotions. Some parent’s questions might be irritating. Be professional
while dealing with each and every parent concerning their children. By staying calm at every
situation will make the parent and the teacher come to a certain agreement.