Questions to Ask at Parent

 Questions to Ask at
Parent-Teacher Conferences
The following questions are good to take to a parent-teacher conference. Use them as a guide and take notes
about how you can support your child at home to be successful at school. You and your child’s teacher(s) are a
team; the teacher(s) can make a difference at school and you can make a difference at home by encouraging
more learning. Ask your child if there is anything he/she would like discussed with the teacher(s).
What subject does my student like most? Least?
Is my student working on grade level in reading,
writing, and math? If my student is working below
grade level, what kind of support is he/she getting
at school and how can I help at home? Is tutoring
available as an option?
How much time do you expect students to spend
on homework assignments? Is homework graded
for completion or for accuracy?
How can I monitor my child’s completion of
assignments on a daily basis and how can I help
my student at home?
Is there a particular assignment or area on which
my child should focus over the next month or so?
Does my child finish what he/she starts and does
he/she turn work in on time?
Does my child follow instructions?
How does my child balance work and fun?
How is my child’s behavior?
Does my child participate in class activities?
Have you noticed changes in the way my student
acts, such as squinting, tiredness, or moodiness?
Does my child seem happy and engaged in
school? Who are his/her friends?
o What is your preferred method of communication? ___________________________________________
How should you follow up?
Make a plan. Write down the things that you and the teacher will each do to support your child. Write down what you
will do, when, and how often. Make plans to check in with the teacher in the coming months.
Schedule another time to talk. Communication should go both ways. Ask how you can contact the teacher and don’t
forget to ask how the teacher will contact you too. Make a plan that works for both of you.
Talk to your child. The parent-teacher conference is all about your child; so don’t forget to include him or her. Share
with your child what you learned. Show him or her how you will help with learning at home. Ask for his or her
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