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Respiratory Case Studies: Atypical Pneumonia, Hemoptysis, Lung Cancer

___ y/o non-smoking female denied systemic disease before. She
had intermittent dry cough during the night time, with constant
rhinorrhea accompanied mentioned. This time She had an episode
of URI with sneeze, rhinorrhea, and sore throat since 3 days ago.
However sudden onset of shortness of breath was found, and
gradually progressing during the last 3 days. There was also
worsening cough without sputum, mild chest tightness which
hardly localized without radiation or any precipitating/relieving
factors noticed. Tonight she found herself hardly can catch a
breath with cold sweating found by her family, hence she was
brought to our ER.
___ y/o non-smoking males, who smoked 1PPD for 20 yrs and
quit for 5 yrs, has had pHx of 1) CAD, DVD, s/p PTCA+stent over
RCA and 2) pAf, both under medication control. This time he found
himself with dry cough with scant sputum which scattering with
few fresh blood for 1 week. There was no fever, no shorness of
breath, no chest pain or chest tightness, no body weight loss, no
coffee ground vomitus, and no tarry stool was noticed. Due to the
bothersome condition mentioned above, he came to our CM OPD
for further evalaution.
___ y/o smoking male, who smoked 1.5PPD for 30 yrs, denied
systemic disease before. He also denied any medication allergic
Hx. Since 2 months ago, he found himself having productive cough
with scant whitish sputum, and even turned coating with
scattering black blood clot in recent 2 weeks. Besides shortness of
breath was also found, which worsen during exercise and relieved
by rest was recalled. Body weight loss was also noticed by his
wife, which minus about 6 kg in compared to previous weight he
can recalled in 5 months ago. Recently worsening hemosputum
was noticed, and he also found himself barely can lying flat for
sleep for last 3 days. Besides dull but persistent R’t hip pain was
also found. Due to the condition mentioned above, he came to our
OPD for further evalaution.
___ y/o non-smoking female denied systemic disease before. She
also denied any any medication allergic Hx. She had a common
cough episdoe in about 10 days ago, with cough, rhinorrhea,
headache, and general soreness found. High fever at first 3 days
was also noticed. General condition improved under LMD
medication. However persistent cough with yellowish sputum,
which even worsening since 2 days ago was noticed. Shortnes of
breath was also mentioned. There was also intermittent high fever
up to 39C noticed, with chillness accompanied. Besides R’t lateral
chest pain was also noticed at the same time. Due to the condition
mentioned above, she was brought to our ER for further help.