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What Happens During Gynecomastia Surgery?

What Happens During Gynecomastia Surgery?
Gynecomastia is a medical condition causing the enlargement of male breast tissues. It is
also defined as the overdevelopment of male breasts which appears like female boobs. This
commonly occurs during puberty because of hormonal surges but can also be caused by the
use of anabolic steroids in bodybuilders, the use of marijuana, or excessive weight gain. Its
treatment is usually not necessary in the teenage years as breast fullness in adolescents can
resolve within 1-2 years. H owever, in adults, the condition tends to be permanent and
becomes a source of shame and embarrassment.
With the help of a skilled and expert Gynecomastia surgeon in Delhi, Dr. Mrinalini
Sharma one can undergo male breast reduction surgery to make their chest look naturally
masculine again. In modern days, the treatment makes use of advanced techniques that
allows for short surgery, speedy recovery, and visually invisible scars. Learn about what to
expect from gynecomastia surgery below.
Initial Consultation For Male Breast Reduction Surgery
During the first meeting with the cosmetic surgeon, the patient can discuss their chest
contour issues, expectations from the outcome of the surgery, medical and family history,
and current intake of medications or supplements. The surgeon will confirm the patient's
candidacy for the surgery and ensure that patient is also aware of the procedure details,
the recovery process, and associated benefits and risks. A proper physical examination of
the patient's breasts is also done by the surgeon to rule out the suspicion of male breast
Preparation For Male Breast Reduction Surgery
Before commencing with the surgery, the patient is asked to stop the intake of medications
or supplements that increase the risk of bleeding and avoid smoking or excessive drinking of
alcohol. Some lab tests may be conducted to evaluate the patient's health condition. At this
time, the patient must take proper nutrition and adequate water consumption to allow
quick healing, after the surgery.
Procedure Male Breast Reduction Surgery
A skilled and qualified cosmetic surgeon Dr. Mrinalini Sharma at Aestiva Clinic performs
gynecomastia surgery in Delhi. For the patient comfort throughout the surgery, the
procedure is mostly carried out under general anesthesia or oral/intravenous sedation or
local anesthesia.
The operation is done on an outpatient basis and lasts for 1-2 hours depending upon the
extent of enlarged breast tissues. In case the breasts have only excess fatty tissues, a
liposuction technique can solely be performed. Various types of liposuction are available
which must be selected prior to the surgery as per your breast condition. Generally, in this
treatment, a thin hollow tube called a cannula is inserted through several small incisions
made in the chest area. The cannula is moved back and forth to dislodge the stubborn fat
and eliminate them via vacuum suction.
If glandular breast tissues or excess breast skin is required to be removed to correct
gynecomastia, excision techniques must be recommended. This involves making a small,
semi-circular incision in the areolae to take out the breast tissues and additional incisions to
excise surplus breast skin as well as tighten it. Excision may even be necessary if the
areolae are to be reduced or the nipple is to be repositioned for achieving an improved male
chest contour.
Based on the severity or grade of gynecomastia a combination of liposuction and excision
techniques, is performed for best outcomes.
Recovery After Male Breast Reduction Surgery
If the patient has undergone liposuction alone, the recovery period is typically less than a
week. But if the gynaecomastia is corrected by surgical excision, then the patient would
require 2 to 4 weeks of healing time to resume routine activities. During this period, the
patient must take proper rest and avoid strenuous exercises. The patient is also advised to
wear a compression vest to keep the breast skin retracted and avoid fluid accumulations. At
this time, the patient can experience some swelling, bruising, or pain that can be controlled
with prescribed medications. Final results become apparent usually after 6 months of the
To know more about cost of gynecomastia treatment in Delhi, one can consult Dr.
Mrinalini Sharma at Aestiva Clinic.