MZUZU UNIVERSITY – ICT DEPARTMENT WEB DESIGN ASSIGNMENT 3 Write this assignment in groups of 3 people, that were created in class. Those that did not come to class when we were creating the groups should either do it alone, or find someone that also missed the class to partner with. Create the assignment below by producing an html home page, login interface form, user registration form, a php file, and a database table. You may use CSS to improve your web interfaces. ASSIGNMENT QUESTIONS a) Create a voting system voter registration form to register VoterId, Votername, and Password. b) Create an html form that accepts log in details (VoterName and password). c) The voter registration form, and login form should be accessed as links on your home page file (first page that a user should visit). The home Page should only have information requesting new members to register b4 login, and already registered members to login straight away d) Create a simple table with four columns for storing VoterId, VoterName, Password, and SessionId. e) Only users whose user id, and password are registered in the system will be allowed to login. f) On successful login, the voter id should be assigned to the session id, and get stored in the session id column of the table. INPUT OF YOUR SYSTEM 1. 2. 3. 4. Votername Voterid Password Session id OUTPUT OF YOUR SYSTEM 1. The id of the person who has logged in should be printed on top of your webpage 2. Printed at the bottom of the page should be the total number of people who have been to this site (visitors) including you i.e. what visitor number are you? 3. A general welcome message customized to contain the name of who has logged in Submit a softcopy of your assignment by putting all your files in one folder (each group of 3 people should submit 1 copy). Also produce a hardcopy of your code, plus screen shots of how your web page appears in the browser. Submit by Sunday, 8th March 2020.