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Visual Field Defects: Anatomy & Lesions Diagram

Monocular scotoma
Partial lesion in the retina, optic
disc, optic nerve
Macular degeneration
Optic neuritis
Right optic nerve
Renal artery or central retinal vein
Optic chiasm
Pressure exerted by a pituitary tumor,
craniopharyngioma, aneurysm of the
anterior communicating artery
Right peri-chiasmal lesion
Calcification or aneurysm of the internal
carotid artery impinging on uncrossed
lateral retinal fibers
Right anopia
Bitemporal hemianopia
Right nasal hemianopia
Left homonymous hemianopia
Optic tract: occlusion of anterior
choroidal artery
Optic radiation: occlusion of a middle
Right optic tract or optic radiation
cerebral artery (MCA) branch or lesion
involving the posterior limb of the
internal capsule
Left homonymous superior
quadrantanopia “pie in the sky”
Right temporal lobe (Meyer’s
Lesion or stroke involving the temporal
Right parietal lobe (dorsal optic
Lesion or stroke involving the parietal
Right primary visual cortex
(occipital lobe)
Occlusion of the posterior cerebral artery
(PCA). Macula is spared due to collateral
blood flow from the middle cerebral
artery (MCA)
Left homonymous inferior
quadrantanopia “pie on the floor”
Left homonymous hemianopia
with macular sparing
Study collections