Uploaded by Famelle Caputol

Dance Injuries: Prevention & Management (Grade 12)

2 Quarter Module 3 in
PE & HEALTH for Grade 12
Dance- related Injuries
Scheduled Time:
NAME: _______________________________
GRADE: ________________________
Famelle B. Caputol
Subject Teacher
For Inquiries:
Famelle Caputol
This module is designed to explore knowledge and skills that will help you and your family
develop a lifelong habit of physical fitness and wellness. Nowadays, people are less physically
active because of various reasons, one of which is the advancement of science and technology.
Many people no longer participate in any fitness-relevant activities. While we are aware of the
health benefits and importance derived from engaging in physical activities, we tend to take its
significance for granted. Unfortunately, many young people do not engage in worthwhile physical
activities anymore. This may be due to your youth, your inability to execute them well, or your
current health status.
Being physically fit and healthy can help you get through with the stresses and demands of
life. It improves your self-esteem, develops your confidence, and clarifies your self-concept which
can only be realized as you get older.
This Learning Module in Physical Education & Health for Grade 12 students is an informative
and engaging module designed to meet the needs of the 21st century learners. This aims to
promote positive attitude towards physical activity, set goals for lifelong health and provide skills
to optimize own as well as other’s fitness & health. A learning resource to develop independent,
active, and lifelong learners wholly anchored on the Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC)
of the K-12 Basic Education Curriculum.
Specifically, the sixth module of the second quarter focuses on the different Dance- Related
Injuries which consists of detailed information and highly interactive activities necessary for deeply
understanding the next topics and modules in Health Optimizing P.E 3.
Specifically, after completing the tasks in this module, you should be able to:
Know the different risk factors influence injury
Identify and explain the difference of acute injuries and chronic injuries
Demonstrate effectively how to administer first aid to manage injury
Relay the importance of injury management
Dance- Related Injuries
The popularity of dance and dance-related competitions in the recent years saw
a concomitant rise in dance- related injuries. Similar to athletes, dancers are highly
motivated to perform well. They push their body to the limit and spend hours in
technique training and mastering a choreography. On the other hand, dancers place
great value on their physique that they often do not get proper nourishment, a habit that
could impede their recovery. These and other factors predispose a dancer to injury.
An injury is tissue or organ damage due to mechanical trauma. The
musculoskeletal structures commonly injured in a dancer are the muscles, tendons,
ligaments, bones and joints
Injury Risk Factors
Researchers tried to identify the factors that influence injury risk. According to the
Meeuwisse model (1994), some intrinsic factors predispose an individual to injury and
another set of extrinsic factors increase the susceptibility of an invidual. However these
risk factors require an event that will lead to an injury.
The following factors are common among dancers who have injury:
1. Poor body alignment and technique
2. Excessive training duration and intensity
3. Hard dance floor
4. Poor shoe design
5. Muscle imbalance
What are the common types of dance-related injuries?
There are two types of musculoskeletal injuries: Acute & Chronic. Acute injuries
occur when the mechanical force that is absorbed by the musculoskeletal structure is
more than what it is accustomed to. The onset of pain and other symptoms occur
immediately after the impact.
Chronic injuries occur due to repetitive trauma and the body is not given enough time
to recover. The onset of pain and other symptoms occur at a gradual rate, which is
usually worsened with activity or training.
Common Acute Dance- related Injuries
Type of Injury
Ankle Sprain
Twists the ankle
after a jump
Pain at the side of
the ankle
Dancer’s Fracture
Twists the foot
when turning
Pain at the outer
part of the foot
Back Strain
Sudden movement
of the trunk
Twists the knee
after a jump
Pain and stiffness
in the low back
Pain and weakness
in the knee
ACL Tear
Exercises that strengthen
the ankle and improve
Exercises that strengthen
the foot and improve
Proper posture and
Exercises that strengthen
the knee and improve
Common Chronic Dance- related Injuries
Forearm Fracture
Stress Fracture
Achilles Tendinosis
Patellofemoral Pain
Plantar Fasciitis
Hip and knee
Falls on an
outstretched arm
repetitive loading
Excessive training
Muscle imbalance
Poor foot
mechanics and
hard dance floor
repetitive loading
Pain and deformity
near the wrist.
Pain at the front of
leg (shin)
Pain near the heel
in the morning
Pain at the side of
the knee
Pain at the sole
when they take a
step after sleeping
Pain that worsens
over time
Fall on the side or buttocks
Adequate rest
Adequate rest
Strengthening and flexibility
Proper technique and
Adequate rest
What are some strategies that could reduce injury risk?
The cause of injury is an interplay of the factors that make an individual
susceptible to injury and biomechanical stress experienced by the musculoskeletal
structure. While there are no strategies that would totally prevent someone from getting
injured, the risk of getting injured is significantly reduced when the factors associated
with injury are addressed.
Programmed exercise and training
Adequate recovery
Appropriate environment
Proper footwear
Proper warm-up and technique
Cross training
Early recognition
The role of the first responder is to recognize the location of injury, type of injury
severity of injury and the appropriate first aid procedure to apply.
Alleviating pain and restricting movement can manage soft tissue injuries that are
not severe. The PRICE Principle can be used to help relieve pain and control
PRICE Principle
P- Protect
R- rest
C- Compression
E- Elevation
The price principle is applicable to soft tissue injuries that are not severe and the body
can heal it on its own. Severe soft tissue injuries such as ruptured tendon will need
surgical interventions before healing can occur.
Another first aid procedure for fractures and
dislocation is immobilization. Immobilization
restricts movement of the injured limb and
prevents the injury from getting aggravated while
transporting the injured person to the nearest
medical facility.
There are 3 different types of immobilization
techniques depending on the type of
immobilization material: rigid, soft and anatomical.
What are the sources of stress for dance athletes?
Dance athletes battle with environmental demands and personal expectations.
The inability to cope with these demands and expectations subjects the dance athlete to
a stressful situation. The common sources of stress among dance athletes include the
1. Body image
2. Technique
3. Performance
4. Injury
Here are some tips to minimize stress:
Accept that you are unique.
Invest in training and enhancing your technique
Prepare your mind and body for performance
Perform breathing exercises
Experience the joy when you dance.
Remember the popular quote “Dance to express, not to impress”
Activity 1. Synthesis (Answer in less than 4 sentences)
1. Do you think dancers are at a higher risk for injury as compared to other
athletes? Why? (5pts)
2. What is the difference between Acute Injury and Chronic Injury? (5pts)
3. How does stress and injury affect a dance athlete? (5pts)
4. Why is first aid important in managing dance-related injury? (5pts)