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Crude Oil Introduction: Nigeria History & Composition

Crude oil, also called hydrocarbon is a complex mixture of organic compounds
predominantly composed of hydrocarbons and often contains large amount of other
compounds such as inorganic sulphur species, chloride and nitrogen compounds,
trace metals and naphthenic acids (Aihua et al, 2009).
Oil was discovered in Nigeria around 1956 in oloibiri,then Rivers state but now
Bayelsa state . Other important oil wells discovered during the period were Afam
and Bomu in Ogoni territory. Production of crude oil began in 1957 and in 1960, a
total of 847,000 tonnes of crude oil was exported. Towards the end of the 1950s,
non-British firms were granted license to explore for oil: Mobil in 1955, Tenneco
in 1960, Gulf Oil and later Chevron in 1961, Agip in 1962, and Elf in 1962. Prior
to the discovery of oil, Nigeria (like many other African countries) strongly relied
on agricultural exports to other countries to supply their economy. Many Nigerians
thought the developers were looking for palm oil in 1958 (BBC, 2012). But after
nearly 50 years searching for oil in the country, Shell-BP discovered the oil at
Oloibiri in the Niger Delta. The first oil field began production in 1958. Nigeria's
petroleum is classified mostly as "light" and "sweet", as the oil is largely free of
sulfur. Nigeria is the largest producer of sweet oil in OPEC.
As of 2000, oil and gas exports accounted for more than 98% of export earnings
and about 83% of federal government revenue, as well as generating more than
14% of its GDP. It also provides 95% of foreign exchange earnings, and about
65% of government budgetary revenues (UNDP, 2001).
Nearly all of the country's primary reserves are concentrated in and around the
delta of the Niger River, but off-shore rigs are also prominent in the well-endowed
coastal region. Nigeria has a total of 159 oil fields and 1481 wells in operation
according to the Department of Petroleum Resources (Environmental Resource
Managers, 1997). The most productive region of the nation is the coastal Niger
Delta Basin in the Niger Delta or "South-south" region which encompasses 78 of
the 159 oil fields (Khan and Ahmad, 2007). Nigeria is an important oil supplier to
the United States. For the last nine years, the United States has imported between
9-11 percent of its crude oil from Nigeria; however, United States import data for
the first half of 2012 show that Nigerian crude is down to a 5 percent share of total
United States crude imports. According to the International Energy Agency, in
2011, approximately 33 percent of Nigeria's crude exports were sent to the United
States, making Nigeria its fourth largest foreign oil supplier.
The Niger Delta area
According to Hutchful (1985), the Niger Delta consists of two distinct ecological
zones: tropical rainforest in the northern reaches of the Delta and, to the south, a
coastal area of mangrove vegetation area of about 10,240 km2 (Ebeku, 2005).
The activities of oil production take place in the region of Nigeria geographically
designated as the Niger Delta.This region, which covers a land mass of over
70,000 km2, cuts across 800 oil-producing communities, and is the worst hit by oil
spillage and gas flaring. With an extensive network of more than 900 oil wells, 100
flow stations and gas plants, over 1,500 km of trunk lines, and some 45,000 km of
oil and gas flow lines, the Niger Delta has become synonymous with oil pollution,
recording an average number of 221 oil spills per year (Osuji, 2001). The oil spill
and gas flaring affect both flora and fauna components of the fragile ecosystem.
Oil companies in Africa investigate offshore production as an alternative area of
production. Deepwater production mainly involves underwater drilling that exists
400 meters (1,300 ft) or more below the surface of the water. By expanding to deep
water drilling the possible sources for finding new oil reserves is expanded.
Through the introduction of deep water drilling 50% more oil is extracted than
before the new forms of retrieving the oil.
Angola and Nigeria are the largest oil producers in Africa. In Nigeria, the
deepwater sector still has a large avenue to expand and develop. The Agbami
oilfields hit full production in 2005, at 250,000 barrels (40,000 m3) a day. Operated
by Chevron's Star Deep and a company called Famfa, Agbami is only one offshore concession; there are others named Akpo, Bonga and Erha The amount of
oil extracted from Nigeria was expected to expand from 15,000 barrels per day
(2,400 m3/d) in 2003 to 1.27 million barrels per day (202,000 m3/d) in 2010.
Deepwater drilling for oil is especially attractive to oil companies because the
Nigerian government has very little share in these activities and it is more difficult
for the government to regulate the offshore activities of the companies (Mclenan,
2005). Below is an image presentation of an offshore oil rig.
Source: Premium times news, 2010.
Petroleum forms by the breaking down of large molecules of fats, oils and waxes
that contributed to the formation of kerogen. This process began millions ofyears
ago, when small marine organisms abounded in the seas. As marine life died,
itsettled at the sea bottom and became buried in layers of clay, silt and sand. The
gradual decay by the effect of heat and pressure resulted in the formation of
hundreds of compounds. Because petroleum is a fluid, it is able to migrate through
the earth as it forms.
Source: Energy Information Administration, 2007.
Although the composition of petroleum will contain many trace elements the key
compounds are carbon (83% – 87%), hydrogen (10% - 14%), nitrogen (0.1% 2%), oxygen (0.05% - 1.5%) and sulphur (0.05% - 6%) with a few trace metals
making up a very small percentage of the petroleum composition(<0.1%).The most
common metals are iron, nickel, copper, and vanadium.
Those elements form a large variety of complex molecular structures, some of
which cannot be readily identified. Regardless of variations, however, almost all
crude oil ranges from 82 to 87 percent carbon by weight and 12 to 15 percent
hydrogen by weight. Crude oils are customarily characterized by the type of
hydrocarbon compound that is most prevalent in them: paraffins, naphthenes,
and aromatics. Paraffins are the most common hydrocarbons in crude oil; certain
liquid paraffins are the major constituents of gasoline (petrol) and are therefore
highly valued. Naphthenes are an important part of all liquid refinery products, but
they also form some of the heavy asphalt like residues of refinery processes.
Aromatics generally constitute only a small percentage of most crude. The most
common aromatic in crude oil is benzene, a popular building block in
the petrochemical industry.
Its physical properties also vary widely. In appearance, for instance, it ranges from
colorless to black, most petroleum is dark brown or black.
Hydrocarbon Constituents in Crude oil
Saturated hydrocarbons contain only carbon–carbon single bonds. They are
known as paraffins (or alkanes) if they are acyclic, or naphthenes (or cycloalkanes)
if they are cyclic.
Unsaturated hydrocarbons contain carbon–carbon multiple bonds (double, triple
or both). These are unsaturated because they contain less hydrogen per carbon than
paraffins. Unsaturated hydrocarbons are known as olefins. Those that contain a
carbon–carbon double bond are called alkenes, while those with carbon–carbon
triple bond are alkynes.
Aromatic hydrocarbons are special class of cyclic compounds related instructure
to benzene.
1. Paraffins
General formula: CnH2n+2(n is a whole number, usually from 1 to 20),straight or
branched-chain molecules, can be gasses or liquids at room temperature depending
upon the molecule.
For example, methane, ethane, propane, butane, isobutane, pentane, hexane
2. Olefins (also known as alkenes)
General formula: CnH2n(n is a whole number, usually from 1 to 20), linear or
branched chain molecules containing one carbon-carbon double-bond, can be
liquid or gas. For example: ethylene, butene, isobutene
3. Naphthenes (cyclo-alkanes)
General formula: CnH2n (n is a whole number usually from 1to 20), ringed
structures with one or more rings, rings contain only single bonds between the
carbon atoms, typically liquids at room temperature. For example: cyclohexane,
methyl cyclopentane.
4. Aromatics
General formula: C6H5 -Y (Y is a longer, straight molecule that connects to the
benzene ring), ringed structures with one or more rings, rings contain six carbon
atoms, with alternating double and single bonds between the carbons,typically
liquids. For examples benzene, naphthalene
Crude oils from various origins contain different types of aromatic compounds in
different concentrations. Light petroleum fractions contain mono-aromatics, which
have one benzene ring with one or more of the hydrogen atoms substituted by
another atom or alkyl groups. Examples of these compounds are toluene and
More complex aromatic compounds consist of a number of benzene rings. These
are known as poly nuclear aromatic compounds. They are found in the heavy
petroleum cuts, and their presence is undesirable because they cause catalyst
deactivation and coke deposition during processing, besides causing environmental
problems when they are present in diesel and fuel oils. Examples of poly nuclear
aromatic compounds are shown overleaf.
5. Sulphur Compounds
The sulphur content of crude oils varies from less than 0.05 to more than
10 wt% but generally falls in the range 1–4 wt%. Crude oil with less than 1 wt%
Sulphur is referred to as low sulphur or sweet, and that with more than1 wt%
sulphur is referred to as high sulphur or sour.
Crude oils contain sulfur heteroatom in the form of elemental sulphur S, dissolved
hydrogen sulphide H2S, carbonyl sulphide COS, in organic forms and most
importantly organic forms, in which sulfur atoms are positioned within the organic
hydrocarbon molecules. Sulphur compounds lead to environmental pollution,
decreases the life of machinery, corrodes of pipes, machines and equipment,
affecting the additives used for the purpose of increasing the octane number,
reduce the activity of Tetra Ethyl Lead (TEL) added to gasoline.
As a result, the engine metal will erode and leads to destruct the metallic parts.
Also, their emissions are very dangerous to human safety and environment.
In addition, these impurities cause catalyst poisoning and reduce the catalyst
activity. Sulphur containing constituents of crude oils vary from simple
mercaptans, also known as thiols, to sulphides and polycyclic sulphides
(Mercaptans (R–SH), sulphides(R–S–R'), disulphides(R–S–S–R'), Thiophenes)
6. Nitrogen Compounds
Crude oils contain very low amounts of nitrogen compounds, less than 1%, the
nitrogen compounds in crude oils may be classified as basic or non-basic. Basic
nitrogen compounds consist of pyridines. The greater part of the nitrogen in crude
oils is the non-basic nitrogen compounds, which are generally of pyrrole types.
The decomposition of nitrogen compounds in catalytic cracking and hydro
cracking processes forms ammonia and cyanides that can cause corrosion.
7. Oxygen Compounds
Less than 1% (found in organic compounds such as carbon dioxide, phenols,
ketones, carboxylic acids) occurs in crude oils in varying amounts.
8. Metals Compounds
Metallic compounds exist in all crude oil types in very small amounts. Their
concentration must be reduced to avoid operational problems and to prevent them
from contaminating the products. Metals affect many upgrading processes. They
cause poisoning to the catalysts used for hydro processing and cracking. Even
minute amounts of metals (iron, nickel and vanadium) in the feedstock to the
catalytic cracker affect the activity of the catalyst and result in increased gas and
coke formation and reduced gasoline yields.
Burning heavy fuel oils in refinery furnaces and boilers can leave deposits of
vanadium oxide and nickel oxide in furnace boxes, ducts, and tubes. It is also
desirable to remove trace amounts of arsenic, vanadium, and nickel prior to
processing as they can poison certain catalysts.
9. Asphaltenes and Resins Compounds
Asphaltenes are dark brown friable solids that have no definite melting point and
usually leave carbonaceous residue on heating. They are made up of condensed
poly nuclear aromatic layers linked by saturated links.
The presence of high amounts of asphaltenes in crude oil cans create tremendous
problems in production because they tend to precipitate inside the pores of rock
formations, well heads and surface processing equipments.
They may also lead to transportation problems because they contribute to gravity
and viscosity increases of crude oils.
Resins are polar molecules have high molecular weight, which are insoluble in
liquid propane but soluble in n-heptanes. It is believed that the resins are
responsible for dissolving and stabilizing the solid asphaltene molecules in
Environmental impact is the possible adverse effects caused by a development,
industrial, or infrastructural project or by the release of a substance in the
environment. Studies in the country have indicated that subtle changes, occurring
in our aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems correlate with petroleum activities and
those cultural and historical resources are also affected. These need to be protected
and preserved, it was therefore necessary to have a government programme that
attempts to protect, restore and clean up the environment to an acceptable level. As
a result of this, two basic tools were implored in achieving this, which are the
Environmental Evaluation Report (EER) and the Environmental Impact
Assessment (EIA).
The Environmental Evaluation Report evaluates the already ‘polluted’ or
‘impacted environment to enable the government know how ‘good’ or ‘bad’ i.e.
(the state of the environment) the recipient environment is, so as to decide and
design strategies for protection and restoration.
An Environmental Impact Assessment Report assesses all actions that will result in
a physical, chemical, biological, cultural, social etc. modification of the
environment as a result of the new project/development. The Environmental
Impact Assessment should serve as a means of assessing the environmental impact
of a proposed action plan, rather than as a justification for decisions already made.
Pollution is the introduction of contaminants into the natural environment that
causes adverse change. Pollution can take the form of chemical substances or
energy, such as noise, heat or light. Major forms of pollution include: Air pollution,
light pollution, littering, noise pollution, plastic pollution, soil contamination,
radioactive contamination, thermal pollution, visual pollution, water pollution.
In Nigeria for instance, environmental issues did not gain official prominence until
the 1988 Koko toxic waste dumping saga which also brought to the fore the
exigent need to establish the Nigeria Federal Environmental Protection Agency
(FEPA), Federal Ministry of Environment and other relevant agencies, ostensibly
to tackle environmentally related issues, in the country. These include issues such
as environmental pollution, sanitation, depletion of ozone layer, desertification,
flooding, erosion etc. (Evelyn & Tyav, 2015).
Marine Pollution
Marine pollution occurs when harmful effects result from the entry into the ocean
of chemicals, particles, industrial, agricultural, and residential waste, noise, or the
spread of invasive organisms.
Oil Spillage
An oil spill is an accidental release of liquid petroleum (hydrocarbon) into the
environment, especially the marine ecosystem, due to human activity, and is a form
of pollution. The term is usually given to marine oil spills, where oil is released
into the ocean or coastal waters, but spills may also occur on land. Oil spills may
be due to releases of crude oil from tankers, offshore platforms, drilling rigs and
wells, as well as spills of refined petroleum products (such as gasoline, diesel) and
their by-products, heavier fuels used by large ships such as bunker fuel, or the spill
of any oily refuse or waste oil. Crude oil entering waterways from spills or runoff
contain polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), the most toxic components of
oil. The route of PAH uptake into fish depends on many environmental factors and
the properties of the PAH. The common routes are ingestion, ventilation of the
gills, and dermal uptake. Fish exposed to these PAHs exhibit an array of toxic
effects including genetic damage, morphological deformities, altered growth and
development, decreased body size, and inhibited swimming abilities and mortality
(Carl et al, 1999)
Between 1976 and 1997, there were 5,334 reported cases of crude oil spillages,
releasing around 2.8 million barrels of oil into the land, swamp, estuaries and
coastal waters of Nigeria (Dublin-Green etal, 1998). Most of these oil-spill
incidents reported in Nigeria occurred in the mangrove swamp forest of the Niger
Delta region. Mangrove, of course, is one of the most productive ecosystems in the
world with a rich community of fauna and flora — the negative effects of the oil
spills are obvious. It is pertinent to note here that the majority of oil spills
occurring in the Niger Delta are considered ‘minor’ and so are not reported. (Nwilo
and Badejo, 2005) Some of the prominent oil spillages recorded in the Niger Delta
petroleum industry includes:
The Bomu II blowout, 1970.
The GOCON’s Escravos spill in 1978 of about 300,000 barrels
SPDC’s Forcados Terminal tank failure in 1978 of about 580,000 barrels
Texaco Funiwa-5 blow out in 1980 of about 400,000 barrels
Abudu pipe line in 1982 of about 18,818 barrels
The Jesse Fire Incident 1998 (Warri to Lagos pipeline explosion which
claimed about a thousand lives).
7. The Forcados terminal spillage, 1980;
8. The Oyakana pipeline spillage, 1980;
9. The Okoma pipeline spillage, 1985;
10. The Oshika pipeline spillage, 1993;
11. Goi Trans-Niger pipeline oil spill, 2004.
12.The Idoho Oil Spill of January 1998, of about 40,000 barrels etc.
The overall effects of oil spill on biota and ecosystem health are manifold. Oil
interferes with the functioning of various organ systems of plants and animals. It
creates environmental conditions unfavorable for life. When there is an oil spill on
water, spreading immediately takes place. The gaseous and liquid components
evaporate. Some get dissolved in water and even oxidize, and yet some undergo
bacterial changes and eventually sink to the bottom by gravitational action. The
soil is then contaminated with a gross effect upon the terrestrial life. As the
evaporation of the volatile lower molecular weight components affect aerial life, so
the dissolution of the less volatile components with the resulting emulsified water,
affects aquatic life (Akpofure et al, 2000). Below is the following impact of oil
spillage in the Niger Delta offshore:
1. Depletion of dissolved Oxygen (DO): Dissolved oxygen refers to the level
of free, non-compound oxygen present in water or other liquids. It is an
important parameter in assessing water quality because of its influence on
the organisms living within a body of water. A dissolved oxygen level that is
too high or too low can harm aquatic life and affect water quality. The
amount of dissolved oxygen needed varies from creature to creature. Bottom
feeders, crabs, oysters and worms need minimal amounts of oxygen (1-6
mg/L), while shallow water fish need higher levels (4-15 mg/L)⁵.
Microbes such as bacteria and fungi also require dissolved oxygen. These
organisms use DO to decompose organic material at the bottom of a body of
water. Microbial decomposition is an important contributor to nutrient
recycling. When oil is spill on water it spreads and covers the surface of the
marine ecosystem and it is known that oil cannot dissolve in water and forms
a thick sludge in the water thereby causing high depletion of dissolved
oxygen leading to:
Death of aquatic animals and plants:
High oxygen depletion can be so severe as to affect fish life. If the DO value
falls below the minimum oxygen requirement for the particular species of
fish, they are subjected to stress, which can result in mortality. The oxygen
content of natural waters varies with temperature, salinity, turbulence, the
photosynthetic activity of algae and plants, and atmospheric pressure.
Chapman and Kimstach (1992) noted that DO concentrations below 5mg/1
adversely affect the functioning and survival of biological communities and
below 2 mg/l may lead to the death of most fish. Oil spills generally, can
cause various damages to the marsh vegetations. It was found to reduce
growth, photosynthetic rate, stem height, density, and above ground biomass
of Spartina alterniflora and S. Patens and may cause their death (Krebs and
Tamer, 1981).
Migration of aquatic Animals:
Due to decrease in dissolved oxygen some of the surviving aquatic animals
tend to migrate from one marine ecosystem to another with better dissolved
Loss of biodiversity
Crude oil spill at sea forms a surface slick whose components can follow
many pathways. Some may pass into the mass of seawater and evidence
suggests they may persist for a long time before their degradation by
microorganisms in the water. The slick usually becomes more viscous and
forms water-in-oil emulsion. Oil in water causes depletion of dissolved
oxygen due to transformation of the organic component into inorganic
compounds, loss of biodiversity through a decrease in amphipod population
that is important in food chain, and eutrophication. Short-term toxicity in
fishes includes lymphocytosis, epidermal hyperplasia, hemorrhagic
septicemia (Beeby, 1993). In mammals it possesses an anticoagulant potency
(Onwurah, 2002a). It was estimated that some tens of thousands of seabirds
were killed as a result of spilled oil in sea (Dunnet, 1982). Dying mangrove
trees, tarred beaches and declining fish catches, all seem to be threats to long
term viability of some ecosystem such as the Niger Delta areas of Nigeria
after. Apart from inherent toxicity of spilled oil in seas, enhanced toxicity
has been reported due to ultra violet (U.V) radiation. This is referred to as
photo enhanced toxicity (Barron, et al., 2003). Pelletier, et al. (1997).
2. Increase in Biological Oxygen Demand:
Biochemical oxygen demand is a measure of the quantity of oxygen used by
micro-organisms (e.g., aerobic bacteria) in the oxidation of organic matter.
Natural sources of organic matter include plant decay and leaf fall. However,
plant growth and decay may be unnaturally accelerated when nutrients and
sunlight are overly abundant due to human influence.
The BOD is estimated by the amount of oxygen required for the aerobic
micro-organisms (in the case of oil pollution, hydrocarbon degraders)
present in the water body to oxidize the organic matter to a stable inorganic
form. Thus, when we say that a water body has a BOD value of x mg/l we
mean that the concentration of biodegradable organic matter in one liter of it
is such that the micro-organisms need x mg of oxygen in order to be able to
oxidize it. The result of a study carried out by (Chattopadhyay et al. 1988)
indicated 10 – 20 mg/1 as the optimum BOD range for fish culture in
effluent or polluted waters. The addition of significant quantities of crude oil
to any water body causes an immediate rise in the BOD due to the activities
of hydrocarbon degraders and the blockade of oxygen dissolution. When DO
level is low, BOD levels will be high. This phenomenon was widespread
with dramatic fish kills, poor photosynthesis of sea algae and large segments
of slow-moving rivers and lakes becoming almost abiotic (lifeless) because
of high BOD caused by oil spillage pollution.
3. Change in pH: Changes in pH (or the hydrogen ion activity) can indicate
the presence of certain pollutants such as crude oil, particularly when
continuously measured and recorded, together with the conductivity of a
water body. The pH of 1 unit could result in an increase of lead by a factor
of 2.1 in the blood of an exposed organism (Sheehan et al., 1984). What is
known, of course, is that pH changes can drastically affect the structure and
function of the ecosystem, both directly and indirectly by, for example,
increasing the concentration of heavy metals in the water through increased
leaching from sediments. Helz et al. (1975) found out that cadmium, which
is toxic to many organisms, could be readily remobilized from sediments.
It is important to note that the pH of any water body is dependent on its
temperature. And temperature affects physical, chemical and biological
processes in water bodies and, therefore, the concentration of many
variables. According to Chapman and Kimstach (1992), increased
temperature increases the rate of chemical reactions and decreases the
solubility of gases (especially oxygen) in water. Respiration rates of aquatic
organisms increase leading to increased oxygen consumption and increased
decomposition of organic matter.
4. Introduction of heavy metals in water body: Changes in pH (or the
hydrogen ion activity) can indicate the presence of certain pollutants,
particularly when continuously measured and recorded, together with the
conductivity of a water body. The pH of 1 unit could result in an increase of
lead by a factor of 2.1 in the blood of an exposed organism (Sheehan et al.,
1984). What is known, of course, is that pH changes can drastically affect
the structure and function of the ecosystem, both directly and indirectly by,
for example, increasing the concentration of heavy metals in the water
through increased leaching from sediments. Helz et al. (1975) found out that
cadmium, which is toxic to many organisms, could be readily remobilized
from sediments.
It is important to note that the pH of any water body is dependent on its
temperature. And temperature affects physical, chemical and biological
processes in water bodies and, therefore, the concentration of many
variables. According to Chapman and Kimstach (1992), increased
temperature increases the rate of chemical reactions and decreases the
solubility of gases (especially oxygen) in water. Respiration rates of aquatic
organisms increase leading to increased oxygen consumption and increased
decomposition of organic matter.
5. Depletion of Oxygen at the rhizosphere and increase in phenolic content
in plants: The rhizosphere is the narrow region of soil that is directly
influenced by root secretions, and associated soil micro-organisms known as
the root micro-biome. The rhizosphere contains many bacteria and other
microorganisms that feed on sloughed-off plant cells, termed
rhizodeposition, (Hutsch et al, 2002) and the proteins and sugars released by
roots. This symbiosis leads to more complex interactions, influencing plant
growth and competition for resources. An important indicator of significance
in aquatic oil pollution monitoring and control is the actual volume of oil
released, which is approximated by the milligrams of oil in a litre of the
water. Oil pollution, apart from causing depletion of oxygen and suffocation
of aquatic species, affects plants and cultivated crops in lowland areas
characterized by seasonal flooding. (Ilangovan & Vivekanandan, 1992)
working with blackgram (Vigna mungo) concluded that oil pollution in soil
might deplete oxygen at the rhizosphere because of possible depletion of soil
oxygen by hydrocarbon-degrading micro-organisms and, therefore, oil
polluted soil directly affects the overall physiology of the plant as evidenced
by lower levels of macro and micro-bio-molecules of the plant as well as
polarity, thereby reducing plant growth. According to these workers, as a
result of continuous aqueous oil effluent irrigation in about 25 acres of crop
field, oil compounds infiltrated up to 50cm depth of the soil. Also total
phenolic content of the leaves in the plant increased significantly.
6. Exposure of PAHs to human population: Crude oil contains polycyclic
aromatic hydrocarbon. Most PAHs are insoluble in water, which limits their
mobility in the environment, although PAHs sorbs to fine-grained organicrich sediments. In solid state, these compounds are less accessible for
biological uptake or degradation, increasing their persistence in the
environment. PAHs have been linked to skin, lung, bladder, liver, and
stomach cancers in well-established animal model studies (Bostrom, 2002).
Exposure to PAHs has also been linked with cardiovascular disease and poor
fetal development. Crude oil as a result of it’s PAH content; disrupt the
development, immunity, Fig. 1 reproduction, growth and survival of aquatic
organisms (Brown, et al., 1996). Oil spill in the environment could lead to
an increased exposure of by-products of PAHs to a given human population.
This may increase risk of mortality from infectious disease (Hall, et al.,
2006) and the reproductive capacity of that population (Tiido, et al., 2006).
On land, crude oil spills have caused great negative impact on food productivity. For example, a
good percentage of oil spills that occurred on the dry land between 1978 and 1979 in Nigeria,
affected farm-lands in which crops such as rice, maize, yams, cassava plantain were cultivated
(Onyefulu and Awobajo, 1979). Crude oil affects germination and growth of some plants
(Onwurah 1999a). It also affects soil fertility but the scale of impact depends on the quantity and
type of oil spilled. Severe crude oil spill in Cross-River state, Nigeria, has forced some farmers
to migrate out of their traditional home, especially those that depend solely on agriculture. This
is because petroleum hydrocarbons ‘sterilize ’the soil and prevent crop growth and yield for a
long period of time. The yield of steroidal sapogenin from tuber tissues of Dioscorea deltoidea is
adversely affected by some hydrocarbons (Hardman and Brain, 1977). The negative impact of oil
spillages remains the major cause of depletion of the Niger Delta of Nigeria vegetative cover and
the mangrove ecosystem (Odu, 1987). Crude oil contamination of land affects certain soil
parameters such as the mineral and organic matter content, the cation exchange capacity, redox
properties and pH value. As crude oil creates anaerobic condition in the soil, coupled to water
logging and acidic metabolites, the result is high accumulation of aluminum and manganese ions,
which are toxic to plant growth.
It is conceivable to say that there is a link between environmental health and human health.
While human health is a deep field of science from time of old, the concept of ‘environmental
health ’can be viewed as a modern science, which is measured as the viability of the inhabitants
of a given ecosystem as affected by ambient environmental factors (Shields, 1990). Practically,
environmental health involves the assessment of the health of the individual organisms and
correlating observed changes in health with changes in environmental conditions. Some diseases
have been diagnosed to be the consequences of crude oil pollution. The health problems
associated with oil spill may be through any or combinations of the following routes:
contaminated food and / or water, emission and / or vapors. Toxic components in oil may exert
their effects on man through inhibition of protein synthesis, nerve synapse function, and
disruption in membrane transport system and damage to plasma membrane (Prescott, et al.,
1996). Crude oil hydrocarbons can affect genetic integrity of many organisms, resulting in
carcinogenesis, mutagenesis and impairment of reproductive capacity (Short and Heintz, 1997).
The risk of drinking water contaminated by crude oil can be extrapolated from its effect on rats
that developed hemorrhagic tendencies after exposure to watersoluble components of crude oil
(Onwurah, 2002). Volatile components of crude oil after a spill have been implicated in the
aggravation of asthma, bronchitis and accelerating aging of the lungs (Kaladumo, 1996). Other
possible health effects of oil spill can be extrapolated from rats exposed to contaminated sites
and these include increased liver, kidney and spleen weights as well as lipid per-oxidation and
protein oxidation (Anozie and Onwurah, 2001).
Environmental biotechnology for crude oil clean up
Biotechnology is defined as a set of scientific techniques that utilize living organisms or parts of
Oxidation from organisms to make, modify or improve products (which could be plants or
animals). It is also the development of specific organisms for specific application or purpose and
may include the use of novel technologies such as recombinant DNA, cell fusion and other new
bioprocesses (Anon, 1991.) It is also that aspect of biotechnology, which specifically addresses
issues in environmental pollution control and remediation (Onwurah, 2000). This goes to say that
it involves many disciplines in biology, agriculture, engineering, health care,
economics,mathematics, and education. It is regarded today as fundamentally an engineering
application of microbial ecology (Rittman et al., 1990) and process design. The engineering
aspect of environmental biotechnology involves the design /construction and design of special
machines or equipment referred to as reactors or bioreactors. Environmental biotechnology also
encompasses quantitative mathematical modeling whereby understanding and control of many
inter-related processes become possible. Mathematical modeling technology transcends the
boundary of single traditional scientific disciplines and technologies, whereby a logical
framework resolves related problems (Ziegler 2005; Onwurah 2002b). They are tools utilized
economically for explaining the cost and effectiveness of different options of clean-up
technology and control (Onwurah and Alumanah 2005; Ziegler 2005).
One of the greatest challenges to humanity today is the endangering of biota as a result of
environmental pollution from crudeoil. Toestimate the biological danger of oil after a spill,
knowledge of the harmful effects of the components is necessary. In other to obtain or ascertain
the effects of such polluting substance, every living being and life function can be considered a
potential biomarker or bio-indicator.
A biomarker is an organism or part of it, which is used in soliciting the possible harmful effect of
a pollutant on the environment or the biota. Biomonitoring or biological monitoring is a
promising, reliable means of quantifying the negative effect of an environmental contaminant. In
a broad sense, biological markers (biomarkers) are measurement in any biological specimens that
will elucidate the relationship between exposure and effect such that adverse effects could be
prevented (NRC., 1992). It should be instituted whenever a waste discharge or oil spill has a
possible significant harm on the receiving ecosystem. It is preferred to chemical monitoring
because the latter does not take into account factors of biological significance such as the
combined effects of the contaminants on DNA, protein or membrane. Some of the advantages of
biomonitoring include the provision of natural integrating functions in dynamic media such as
water and air, possible bioaccumulation of pollutant from 103 to 106 over the ambient value and /
or providing early warning signal to the human population over an impending danger due to a
toxic substance. Microorganisms can be used as an indicator organism for toxicity assay or in
risk assessment. Tests performed with bacteria are considered to be most reproducible, sensitive,
simple, economical and rapid (Mathews, 1980). Some examples include the ‘rec-assay’ which
utilizes Bacillus subtilis for detecting hydrophobic substances (hydrocarbons) that are toxic to
DNA (Matsui, 1989), Nitrobacter sp, which is based on the effect of crude oil on oxidation of
nitrite to nitrate (Okpokwasili and Odukuma, 1994), and Azotobacter sp, used in evaluating the
effect of oil spill in aquatic environment (Onwurah, 1998). Multiple bioassays that utilize a
variety of species can be applied to gain a better understanding of toxicity at a given trophic level
and under field condition. Several criteria exist for selecting biomarkers of plant and animal
origin. Biomarkers, as fingerprints for identifying mystery oil spills, are now in use and they
include steranes, phytanes, and hopanes. The normal hexadecane, an n-alkane found in crude oil
is often used because of its low volatility and high hydrophobicity (Foght, et al., 1990). These
markers are integral part of crude oil and are not affected or degraded easily by any biological
process. Hence they remain as “skeleton” of the crude oil even after a natural degradation has
taken place. Steranes in crude oil are derived from the algae or the plant from which the source
rock originated, while hopanes are derived from the hopenetetrol present in bacteria (Peters and
Moldowan, 1993). Hopanes can be used to determine the nature of the source rock that generated
a crude oil.
Biosensor is a technology that promises to be important in generating future standards regarding
both bioavailability and toxicity of any pollutant being released into the environment. Biosensors
are usually photo detector systems, which operate on the genes that control luminescence (King
et al., 1990). Most of the biosensor tests are not quantitative, but rather can detect the potential
activity or presence of an environmental toxicant. Examples include the Petro-Risk Soil Tests
System (DTSC, 1996) used in detecting total petroleum hydrocarbons in a given soil after an oil
spill. The test kit uses enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) technology. It involves an
antibody with affinity to certain petroleum hydrocarbons. The antibody that does not react with
the methanolic extract of the petroleum hydrocarbons or crude oil in the soil sample is detected
by a color reaction. The color intensity developed decreases as the hydrocarbon concentration
increases. A differential photometer is usually incorporated. Other examples include the
Microtox, which utilizes the luminescent bacteria, Vibro fischeri (Photobacterium
phosphoreum), in monitoring toxicity of petroleum hydrocarbon. The bacterium, Vibro fisheri
utilizes about 10% of its metabolic energy for bioluminescent activity. The luminescent
pathways are linked to cellular respiration whose disruption will change the light output (Ross,
1993), or on the structure-activity relationship of the individual compounds in the crude oil or
petroleum (Cronin, and Schultz, 1998).
Bioremediation technologies for crude oil contaminated sites
Bioremediation is a technology that exploits the abilities of microorganisms and other natural
habitat of the biosphere to improve environmental quality for all species, including man. The
development of innovative bioremediation technology as a functional tool in clean-up of crude
oil polluted environment has depended so much on the basic knowledge of the physiology and
ecology of the natural bacterial populations found in such polluted sites. Many advances in
biochemistry and molecular biology are now applied in various bioremediation efforts (Olson
and Tsai, 1992; Bouwer, 1992).Accordingtosome investigators (Barbee, et al., 1996; Ritter and
Scarborough, 1995), bioremediation does not always result in complete mineralization of organic
compounds. Many of these compounds are naturally transformed to metabolites of unknown
persistence and toxicity. Therefore some basic steps that may be necessary for a successful
bioremediation project will include compliance analysis, site characterization, method selection /
feasibility studies, remediation proper and end for project analysis (Bonaventura, et al., 1995).
Compliance analysis requires examination of the contaminated site in the light of the governing
regulation and the action plan. Examination of the site will lead to its characterization and this is
a very challenging and difficult aspect of a bioremediation efforts. Knowledge of soil parameters
such as cation exchange capacity, relevant nutrient availability, acidity (soil pH), aeration or
oxygen level, hydraulic properties etc are paramount and this requires the assistance of
specialists in these areas. The last stage of any bioremediation project should include bioassay of
the treated site. This confirms complete or near complete removal of the PHC contaminant.
According to Lovely (2003), combining models (including mathematical models) that can
predict the activity of microorganisms involved in bioremediation with existing geochemical and
hydrological models should transform bioremediation technology.
Some necessary process variables involved in bioremediation of petroleum hydrocarbon polluted
environments that need to be known include the characteristics of the polluting crude oil, its
biodegradability and the characteristics of the polluted site (physical and chemical) Logistic
problems withrespect to accessibility to thepolluted site (e.g. swamps) must be known, together
with the impact of the clean-up operation. The last point is very important because it is known
from several studies that in some natural detoxification processes, cellular mechanisms of
hydrocarbon compound metabolism can create compounds or metabolites that are more toxic
than the parent hydrocarbons, especially when the end products are not only carbon dioxide and
water. The situation is even complicated by the fact that biochemical reactions rarely proceed by
a single pathway. Hence one of the greatest difficulties in assessing the success of
bioremediation of crude oil-contaminated environment is having knowledge of the fate of the
metabolites after uncontained in situ treatment (Jenkin and Sanders, 1992).
In full-scale bioremediation technologies of crude oil polluted ecosystems, many rate-limiting
factors are known (Atlas, 1991; Prince, 1992), and they include presence of other toxic
compounds other than crude oil pollutant, the level of available oxygen and nutrients
(particularly nitrogen and phosphorus), temperature and pH. Other factors are moisture content
or water availability, biodiversity of hydrocarbonoclastic and cometabolising bacteria at the site.
The adsorptive capacity of the hydrocarbons to the soil and sediment, and rate of mixing and
mass transfer are also important factors. In terrestrial ecosystem, spilled oil adsorbs to the soil
particles, forming a cohesive, toxic mixture that is deleterious to the indigenous microorganisms.
These events or soil characteristics reduce or increase the bioavailability of petroleum
hydrocarbons, the inherent toxicity and hence biodegradability. These factors are responsible for
the long delays in the mineralization of the petroleum hydrocarbons (PHC) by the indigenous or
applied microbial populations. Effective metabolism of crude oil requires adequate oxygen
supply as electron acceptor. Under low oxygen tension as in the mangrove ecosystem, the use of
biologically active absorbent (Gregorio, 1996) to fix the oil and effect medium term
biodegradation is desired. It should be noted that the extent of crude oil impact on the soil
equally depends on the concentration spilled, ease of dissociation from the soil matrix, particle
size of the soil, porosity, or permeability. To facilitate bioremediation requires methods that can
dissociate the PHC and create conditions for mass transfer process (Onwurah, 2000).
Bioremediation of crude oil contaminated environment may require some engineering process,
so as to facilitate recovery efforts. Engineering may include construction of booms, trenches, and
barriers for contaminant containment, boreholes, bio-cells and using engineered microbial
systems. Increasing bioavailability of the PHC can be achieved by physically processing
thecrude oil-polluted soil or sediment by excavation, pulverising and mixing .The above
processes maximize aeration and surface area for microbial activity. Some specific
bioremediation processes that may require engineering are summarized below.
The simplest method of bioremediation of oilpolluted soil is in situ land treatment. This
technology utilizes standard farming procedures such as plugging the oil-polluted soil with a
tractor, periodical irrigation and aeration. This technology embraces the use of aerobic
microorganisms to degrade the PHC and other derivatives to carbon dioxide and water, or other
less toxic intermediates. Experience has shown that when land-farming technology is properly
executed for PHC contaminated soil, non-volatile components of petroleum and other related
products are rapidly immobilized, so may not be leached out. This technology may involve
nutrient enrichment in the form of fertilizer application or further manipulation of site conditions
such as inoculations with selected or adopted microbial population, mixing and aeration of the
soil surface, pH adjustment and irrigation. Using this technology an enhancement in the
decontamination of 50cm topsoil of an area previously polluted with crude oil was achieved
(Compeau, et al., 1991). Possible enhanced soil fertility recovery for such oil polluted agriculture
soil has been demonstrated in soil microcosm experiments where germination and growth of
sorghum grains were improved after treatment with adapted Azotobacter inoculum (Onwurah,
Composting technology is becoming important in the treatment of oil polluted coastal area. It
involves the mechanized mixing of contaminated soil or sediment with compost-containing
hydrocarbonoclastic bacteria, under aerobic and warm conditions. Through the addition of corn
slash (post harvest leaves and stems), microbial nitrogen fixation has been co-optimized with
petroleum hydrocarbon degradation (Paerl, et al., 1996).
A bioreactor is essentially an engineered system in which biochemical transformation of
materials is promoted by optimizing the activity of microorganisms, or by “in vitro” cellular
components of the microbial cells (enzymes). Bioreactors for the remediation of oil-polluted soil
utilize an aqueous slurry phase system. Slurry bioreactor is considered as one of the fastest
bioremediation technologies because contaminants can be effectively transportedto the microbial
cells (Mueller et al., 1991). Some limiting factors affecting the slurry phase bioreactor process
during decontamination of oil-contaminated soil and how they can be controlled are listed in
Table 3.An attractive alternative to the slurry bioreactors for treating oil-contaminated soils are
the rotating drum bioreactors since they can handle soils with high concentrations of petroleum
hydrocarbons (Gray et al., 1994; Banerjee et al., 1995). The fluid phase enhances transport of
nutrients and “solublized” or dispersed PHC contaminants to the degrading bacteria. With a
bioreactor, temperature, pH and other parameters are optimized for degradation. The rotating
drum bioreactor incorporated with blade impellers inside was demonstrated to be effective in
decontaminating hydrocarbon-polluted soil (Hupe et al., 1995). The contaminated soil must be
excavated, mixed with water and introduced into the reactor. Generally the rate-limiting factors
in any bioreactor system used for crude oil degradation are, the degree of PCH solubilisation
through bio-surfactant production and the level or concentration of active biomass of
hydrocarbonoclastic bacteria maintained in the system (Stroo, 1992). Degradation products in
bioreactors are easily monitored and input regulated. Bioreactors are however intrinsically more
expensive than in situ or land treatment technologies because they are specialized.
Biodegradation, especially by microbes, is one of the primary mechanisms of ultimate removal
of petroleum hydrocarbons from polluted environments (Atlas, 1988; NRC, 1985). The
acceleration of this natural process is the objective of bioremediation efforts. Seeding a
contaminated environment with strains of bacteria that are tolerant and capable of degrading a
high percentage of the contaminating petroleum hydrocarbons, and thus supplementing the
natural resident microbial population has proven to be useful in bioremediation. The relative
success of such adapted (oxotic) bacteria when added to crude oil polluted site will depend on a
number of factors including competitive interactions with the native bacteria, their rate of growth
in the system as well as their tolerance to the physico-chemical environment (Leahy and Colwell,
1990). Table 4 shows some novel microbial systems that have been applied in PHC degradation.
Some of these cultures have been developed as proprietary products through selection of
genetically able (not engineered) microorganisms from mixed cultures that are found in a natural
contaminated environment as opposed to the genetically engineered strains of microorganism.
Assessment of the utility of inoculation or seeding oil spill sites with selected or adapted
microorganisms has, thus far,been inconclusive (Pritchard and Costa,1991). However, seeding
with high density of the microbial cells increases the success of the operation (Onwurah and
Nwuke 2004). The utility of adapted microbial consortium and nutrients in bioremediation of oilpolluted environment has been demonstrated (Adams and Jackson, 1996).
Apart from using adapted organisms, genetically engineered microorganisms are in use. Novel
oil degrading “super bugs” has been engineered by inserting into them plasmids from bacterial
species with different bio-degradative capabilities (Chakrabarty, 1982). The advent of highthroughput methods for DNA sequencing and analysis of genomes as well as modeling of
microbial processes have revolutionized environmental biotechnology (Lovely, 2003).
Genetically altered or engineered microorganisms
Table 4. Successfully used microbial system or strains in bioremediation of oil polluted
Microbial system or strain
Remediation mechanism
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Production of biosurfactant that
emulsifies crude oil
Scheibenbogen et al
Pseudomonas sp/
Azotobacter vinlandii
Optimization of nitrogen fixation for
crude oil metabolism and cometabolism
Onwurah , 1999b
Onwurah, and Nwuke, ,
DBCRS (IBS blend of
Adapted microbial consortium that
degrades many components of crude
Adams and Jackson
*Rhodococcus *Acinobacter
Adapted / tolerant to petroleum
*Balba, 1993
have greater potential in bioremediation of the polluted environment because they have been
tailored to perform such a function. There is however a great concern that the use of GEMs may
adversely affect biodiversity. There is this theory that an engineered microbe specifically
designed to mineralize spilled crude oil may wreck havoc on stored fuel supplies and even to the
extent of depleting crude oil reserves or deposits if not contained. Owing to the great uncertainty
and regulation, the full bioremediation prospect of GEMs remains un-quantified.
This is an approach in which plants are used in clean up of contaminated environments. It is an
emerging technology that promises effective, inexpensive, and less intrusive clean up and
restoration of oil-contaminated environments (Stomp, et al., 1993; Schnoor, et al., 1995).
Phytoremediation involves plant that aid in the restoration of contaminated ecosystem
(Cunningham and Berti, 1993). A green plant is a solar-driven, pumping, and effective filtering
system endowed with measurable loading degradative and fouling capacities (Salt, et al., 1995).
Salt marsh plants are able to take up hydrocarbons from oil-contaminated sediment and increase
the hydrocarbon or total lipid fraction of the aerial portions of plants (Lytle and Lytle, 1987).
There are three established mechanisms by which plants decontaminate oil polluted sites and
these are direct uptake of petroleum hydrocarbons into their tissues; release of enzymes and
exudates that stimulate the activity of hydrocarbonoclastic microbes and direct biochemical
transformation (enzymes) of petroleum hydrocarbons; enhancement in the degradation of the
contaminants in the rhizospheredue to mycorrhizal fungi and the activity of soil microbial
consortia (Schnoor et al., 1995). Plants that are resistant to crude oil toxicity such as black poplar
and willows, as well as miscanthus grass (elephant grass) have been found to be effective in the
remediation of oil polluted soil (Shank and McEwan, 1998). In the marsh environment Spartina
patens, Sagittaria lancifolia, Spartina alterniflora and Juncus roemeriannus are considered
ecologically and economically important in phytoremediation (Lytle and Lytle, 1987). Dioscorea
sp can metabolise petroleum hydrocarbons such as nhexadecane (Hardman and Brain, 1977).
Cytochrome P450 and peroxidases found in the plant Dioscorea composta are involved in the
biotransformation of this hydrocarbon (Vega-Jarquin et al., 2001). One major set back in
phytoremediation is that the plants tend to be competing with the hydrocarbonoclastic microbial
population for available fixed nitrogen and phosphorus. However, phytoremediation can
accelerate the reduction of oil concentration in both surface and deep soil, and thus restore crop
sustaining potential and reducing marsh erosion after a spill.
Ecological consideration of bioremediation
Effective bioremediation of crude oil polluted environment will require a consortium of
microbial communities. An ecological balance of the key microbes required in all aspects of
bioremediation of crude oil polluted ecosystem, including cometabolising bacteria, is very
important. Table 5 shows some key areas of research in this approach (Ritmann, 1992.). For
PHC degradation in treatment plants, it is essential that selected bacteria are those that can floc
together, without becoming ‘filamentous’ (Rittmann, 1987). Another community structure,
which is being harnessed, is the possible co-existence of heterotrophic and autotrophic bacteria.
Competition between this group, particularly the aerobic heterotrophs and nitrifying bacteria has
been stressed (Rittmann, 1987). However, some workers have co-optimized biological nitrogen
fixation (Paerl et al. 1996) or microbial nitrogen fixation (Onwurah, 1999b) with biodegradation
of petroleum hydrocarbons in the coastal environment and soil systems respectively. The
capability of simultaneous existence of heterotrophic and adapted autotrophic bacteria,
(Pseudomonas sp and A. vinelandii) within oilpolluted environment has been demonstrated
(Onwurah, 1999b). Also very important is the use of high inoculum of adapted microbial
population in bioremediation of oil-polluted environment. When adapted microbial strains taken
from contaminated soil are introduced into a new oil spill location at high cell density, they can
alter the genetic capabilities of the different bacteria in this new environment (Smets et al.,
1990). This was demonstrated when A. vinelandii was isolated from a previously oil
contaminated site and introduced into a newly oil polluted site, whereby nitrogen fixation and
co-metabolism contributed in enhanced bioremediation (Onwurah, 1999b). Gene distribution
within strains could provide a level of community structure that can superimpose on the natural
ecological structure from the mixed adapted inoculate populations.
Environmental biotechnology is an embodiment of several areas of research that is driven by
service and regulation. The extensive utilization of crude oil as a major source of energy has
increased the risks of accidental spills and hence pollution of the environment. Today, the need
to reduce the negative impacts of PHC pollution due to spills is motivating many researchers into
innovations in various aspects of environmental biotechnology that will usher in sustainable
development and sustainable environment. The integration of several of these technological
advances for ameliorating the negative effects of oil spills in the environment will be most
expedient and this review is aimed at highlighting many of these advances. Having a good
knowledge or understanding of the various biotechnological advances so far made in clean-up of
PHC contaminated ecosystems will further equip bioremediation engineers in designing
programs for a more effective and comprehensive clean-up operations. The need for nitrogen
compound during any bioremediation of environment contaminated by crude oil is well
documented. Hence microbial consortiuminvolving diazotrophic bacteria and
hydrocarbonoclastic bacteria should be designed or engineered for bioremediation of crude oil
polluted sites. Results obtained from preliminary researches in this area are promising and there
is room for improvement. The ecology of such bacteria consortium is a new research area that
may present a significant scientific breakthrough. Clean up of hydrocarbon contaminated
ecosystem should be approached in a costeffective and environmentally friendly manner.
Bioremediation is still the most acceptable technology that can meet up with the regulations that
govern clean up of oil-polluted sites. However, all aspects of bioremediation should be integrated
with respect to the site in question for rapid and effective remediation efforts, and monitoring
should be an integral aspect of any bioremediation program.
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