As mentioned earlier CSL are involved in plasma collection and fractionation, this forms a large part of their organisation and is their core business so i’ll be focusing on that. I’m now going to talk about CSL’s competitive advantages. For many years, CSL has been expanding their plasma collection network meaning that they now operate 1-in-3 collection centres in the US. This enables them to be the largest global procesor of plasma; they produce 18 million litres per annum compared with 14 million produced by their nearest competitor, this is a competitive advantage as CSL have increased control over an increasingly scarce resource and enables them to produce more plasma products than any of their competitors and therefore acquire market share from them. Another competitive advantage is that CSL has heavily invested in the efficiency of the plasma collection centres and processing plants meaning that their production costs are 10-20 percent below the industry average this means they can increase their profit margins and allocate more money for further research and development. Change slide CSL has maintained its growth by investing in new medical treatments that help them stay at the forefront of medical innovation. For example in 2020 CSL made a 450-million-dollar investment to acquire uniQure’s haemophilia b gene therapy treatment that they hope to commercialise. Gene therapy treatments are widely believed to drive the next wave of medical advancement. In March 2022 they acquired Swiss company Vifor Pharma for 11.7 Billion this company focuses on kidney and iron deficiency therapies. By entering different markets it allows CSL to not be overly reliant on one product sector. So as you can see it is immediately apparent that the CSL management team are very prudent in their decision making. They have made sure that they have the infrastructure to efficiently collect more plasma than any competitors and have also strategically acquired new treatments to continue growth and expand their product portfolio to remain a leader in the biotechnology industry.