Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION V- BICOL SCHOOLS DIVISION OF CAMARINES sur SIMEON TYCANGCO MEMORIAL HIGH SCHOOL (FORMERLY APAD PROVINCIAL HIGH SCHOOL) ZONE 3, APAD, RAGAY, CAMARINES SUR ACTIVITY PROPOSAL I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TITLE: EMPOWERING MATH & SCIENCE TEACHERS IN THE PANDEMIC, FROM COPING TO STRENTHENING: SCHOOL-BASED LAC Series in Math and Science PROPONENT: MA. JOYCE ANN CARILLO JHS Teacher I/ Science Coordinator JULIE ANN L. ABIN JHS Teacher I/ Mathematics Coordinator TARGET PARTICIPANTS: STMHS JHS and SHS Science and Math Teachers VENUE: DATE: School Library February 2, 9 &16; March 2 & 23; April 13, 2022 Feb. 9, 16, 23;March 16,April 6, 27, 2021 BUDGETARY REQUIREMENTS: SOURCE OF FUNDS: II. other materials and supplies Local School Fund RATIONALE Department of Education, thru DepEd Order No. 35 s. 2016 issued the policy on the Learning Action Cell (LAC) as a K to 12 Basic Education Program School-Based Continuing Professional Development Strategy for the improvement of teaching and learning. Because of the present pandemic, teaching and learning this school year made a sudden shift from face-to-face classroom instruction to distance learning. In response to the ongoing educational emergency brought by COVID-19, the Department of Education issued DepEd Order 12 s2020 on the BE-LCP and DepEd Order No. 031 s.2020 or the Interim Guidelines for Assessment and Grading in light of the Basic Education learning Continuity Plan. In this light, the Junior High School and Senior High School Science and Math teachers of Simeon Tycangco Memorial High School will conduct series of School ID: 301929 Address: Zone 3, Apad, Ragay, Camarines Sur Email Address: Contact No. 0966--487-8357 Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION V- BICOL SCHOOLS DIVISION OF CAMARINES sur SIMEON TYCANGCO MEMORIAL HIGH SCHOOL (FORMERLY APAD PROVINCIAL HIGH SCHOOL) ZONE 3, APAD, RAGAY, CAMARINES SUR LAC sessions to plan, disseminate information and discuss topics related to learning modality, teaching strategies and assessment and grading in light of the BE-LCP. III. PROJECT OBJECTIVES This training generally aims: 1. to improve the teaching-learning process specifically with the modality that the school is implementing ; 2. to guide teachers with assessment strategies that are holistic and authentic in capturing the attainment of the Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC); 3. to enable teachers to support each other to continuously improve their content and pedagogical knowledge, practice, skills and attitudes and; 4. Foster a professional collaborative spirit among school head, teachers, learners, and parents as learning facilitators at home and the community as a whole. Specific Objectives: The conduct of this LAC Sessions expect participants to have: 1. Well-equipped knowledge and strategies in Science and Math teaching especially in remote teaching-learning process. 2. Enhanced teachers’ ability in integrating ICT in science teaching such as making video lessons, Learning Activity Sheets (LAS), lesson planning, developing study guides and performance tasks. 3. Build good rapport to co-teachers that will result commitment in mentoring and sharing of teaching practices to improve instruction in the distance learning. IV. METHODOLOGIES The LAC series will be conducted every 3rd week of the month starting January to May, 2022. It will be facilitated by the proponents and technical working group. Training shall be conducted through lecture, here oral presentation shall be undertaken in order to present information, updates and knowledge about a particular topic. A discussion shall be instituted; such will cater an interactive, spontaneous communication between the lecturers and the participants. Lastly, an open forum shall be School ID: 301929 Address: Zone 3, Apad, Ragay, Camarines Sur Email Address: Contact No. 0966--487-8357 Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION V- BICOL SCHOOLS DIVISION OF CAMARINES sur SIMEON TYCANGCO MEMORIAL HIGH SCHOOL (FORMERLY APAD PROVINCIAL HIGH SCHOOL) ZONE 3, APAD, RAGAY, CAMARINES SUR encouraged so that the lecturers and the participants can openly exchange ideas and information about specific issues in order to reach an agreement. V. PARTICIPANTS Teacher Participants VI. Designation Ma. Joyce Ann Carillo Science Coordinator, TI Julie Ann L. Abin Math Coordinator, T1 Baylon, Kevin N. Math Teacher, T1 Campit, Melvin P. Science Teacher, T1 Capuz, Mary Jane A. Science Teacher, T1 Dela Rosa, Allan Joshua P. Math Teacher, T1 Javier, John Glenn S. Math Teacher, T1 Osia, Jake Roland P. Math Teacher, T1 BUDGETARY REQUIREMENTS Training expenses and financial requirement of the training will be charged to Local School fund/Canteen Fund/GPTA Fund. A. Training Materials: No. Qty. Unit Item Unit Price Total price 1 3 reams A4 Bond Papers 140.00 320.00 2 1 box Staple wires 42.00 42.00 3 1 set Computer Ink 390.00 1, 170.00 5 2 Packs Vellum Paper 25.00 100.00 6 1 box Marker 45.00 45.00 7 8 session Snacks 400.00 2, 400.00 Total 3, 777.00 VII. ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT School ID: 301929 Address: Zone 3, Apad, Ragay, Camarines Sur Email Address: Contact No. 0966--487-8357 Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION V- BICOL SCHOOLS DIVISION OF CAMARINES sur SIMEON TYCANGCO MEMORIAL HIGH SCHOOL (FORMERLY APAD PROVINCIAL HIGH SCHOOL) ZONE 3, APAD, RAGAY, CAMARINES SUR Working Committees Executive Committee MELECIO A. POSTRADO, Public Schools District Supervisor RONNIE V. NABUS, School Principal I OVERALL CHAIRMAN: MA. JOYCE ANN CARILLO, Teacher I Term of Reference: Reviews and Recommends the training proposal for the SDS Approval thru PSDS. This committee also monitor on teachers application of learned skills. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Planning Committee Chairman: JULIE ANN L. ABIN, Teacher I Co-Chairman: MELVIN P. CAMPIT, Teacher I Term of Reference: Formulate training designs (Title, objectives, course content, schedules, target participants, speaker, methodology, evaluation scheme (training program, resource speaker, pre & post task) evaluation instrument and prepares training materials (selection of handouts/reading, audio visual aids preparation, session guides, flow of activity) _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Technical Committee Chairman : JOHN GLENN S. JAVIER, Teacher I Co-Chairman : ALLAN JOSHUA P. DELA ROSA , Teacher I Term of Reference: Creates a learning environment, observes time management/ blocking, manage the learning process, recaps and links the previous activities, provides time fillers, conduct periodic temperature checking, and leads critiquing after each module/topic, prepares terminal report, analyze evaluation results, recommend subsequent conduct of training and conducts monitoring and follow up in the course of the training. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Resource Management Committee Chairman : JAKE ROLAND P. OSIA, Teacher I Co-Chairman : MARY JANE A. CAPUZ , Teacher I Term of Reference: Leads the registration facilitates the opening ceremonies and closing program (ask impression to the participants collates the results of the training evaluation, distributes certificates/appearances, introduces the resource person, conducts documentation of training and collects output, prepares portfolio, safe keeping of extra materials. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ VIII. DESIRED IMPACT AND OUTCOME OF THE PROJECT A. Impact School ID: 301929 Address: Zone 3, Apad, Ragay, Camarines Sur Email Address: Contact No. 0966--487-8357 Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION V- BICOL SCHOOLS DIVISION OF CAMARINES sur SIMEON TYCANGCO MEMORIAL HIGH SCHOOL (FORMERLY APAD PROVINCIAL HIGH SCHOOL) ZONE 3, APAD, RAGAY, CAMARINES SUR Empowerment and skills development of STMHS Science and Mathematics teachers in the multifaceted challenges of distance learning and teaching in the time of COVID-19. B. Outcome of the Project 1. Implementation of the learned strategies and activities in their instructions. 2. Development of different instructional materials such as but not limited to video lessons, self-learning modules, learning activity sheets, study guides, lesson exemplars, SIM, etc. 3. A holistic and authentic assessment to evaluate the attainment of MELCs among students. Prepared by: MA. JOYCE ANN CARILLO Teacher I/Science Coordinator Proponent JULIE ANN L. ABIN Teacher I/ Math Coordinator Noted: RONNIE V. NABUS School Principal Approved: MELECIO A. POSTRADO Public Schools District Supervisor School ID: 301929 Address: Zone 3, Apad, Ragay, Camarines Sur Email Address: Contact No. 0966--487-8357 Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION V- BICOL SCHOOLS DIVISION OF CAMARINES sur SIMEON TYCANGCO MEMORIAL HIGH SCHOOL (FORMERLY APAD PROVINCIAL HIGH SCHOOL) ZONE 3, APAD, RAGAY, CAMARINES SUR School ID: 301929 Address: Zone 3, Apad, Ragay, Camarines Sur Email Address: Contact No. 0966--487-8357 Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION V- BICOL SCHOOLS DIVISION OF CAMARINES sur SIMEON TYCANGCO MEMORIAL HIGH SCHOOL (FORMERLY APAD PROVINCIAL HIGH SCHOOL) ZONE 3, APAD, RAGAY, CAMARINES SUR SCHOOL-BASED LAC SESSIONS IN SCIENCE and MATHEMATICS TRAINING MATRIX DATE: FEBRUARY 09, 2022 VENUE: ACP UNIQUE BUILDING DATE/S AND TIME TOPIC/PROGRAM SPEAKER/FACILITATOR Session 1: Revisiting MELC and PAPs of Math and Science Department S/Y 2021-2022 ALLAN JOSHUA P. DELA ROSA 7:30-8:00 Registration Teacher I Opening Program 8:00-8:30 - Prayer Checking of Attendance LAC Norms 8:30-9:30 Revisiting MELC in Math and Science 9:30-10:30 10:30-11:30 11:30 Review of Students’ Performance Level and Mastery Level for the 1st and 2nd Quarter Presentation and Discussion of Mid-Year Projects, Plans and Activities of Math and Science and Individual DP S/Y 2021-2022 Closing JOHN GLENN S. JAVIER (Facilitator) MA. JOYCE ANN CARILLO Science Coordinator JULIE ANN L. ABIN Math Coordinator JOHN GLENN S. JAVIER (Facilitator) Subject Coordinators Math and Science Teachers JOHN GLENN S. JAVIER (Facilitator) EMPOWERING MATH & SCIENCE TEACHERS IN THE PANDEMIC, FROM COPING TO STRENTHENING: SCHOOL-BASED LAC Series in Math and Science School ID: 301929 Address: Zone 3, Apad, Ragay, Camarines Sur Email Address: Contact No. 0966--487-8357 Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION V- BICOL SCHOOLS DIVISION OF CAMARINES sur SIMEON TYCANGCO MEMORIAL HIGH SCHOOL (FORMERLY APAD PROVINCIAL HIGH SCHOOL) ZONE 3, APAD, RAGAY, CAMARINES SUR SCHOOL-BASED LAC SESSIONS IN SCIENCE and MATHEMATICS TRAINING MATRIX DATE: FEBRUARY 09, 2022 VENUE: ACP UNIQUE BUILDING DATE/S AND TIME TOPIC/PROGRAM SPEAKER/FACILITATOR Session 2: Designing and Aligning Formative and Summative Assessments in the MELCS for Math and Science Subjects 7:30-8:00 Registration MARY JANE A. CAPUZ Teacher I Opening Program ALLAN JOSHUA P. DELA ROSA 8:00-8:30 - Prayer (Facilitator) - Checking of Attendance - LAC Norms Review of Fundamentals MELVIN P. CAMPIT of Assessment Speaker 1 8:30-10:30 (TI, Assessment Review Team Chairman) 10:30-11:30 11:30-12:00 1:00-3:00 Principles of Effective Assessment JULIE ANN L. ABIN Speaker 2 (T1, Math Coordinator) BREAK Designing Formative and Summative Assessment in Math and Science Classroom (The When and Why of Using Different Types of Assessments) *1:00-2:00 Activities for Formative Assessments MA. JOYCE ANN CARILLO Speaker 2 (T1, Science Coordinator) *2:00-3:00 Activities for Summative Assessments JAKE ROLAND P. OSIA Speaker 2 (SHS T1) 3:00-4:00 Presentation/Sharing of Outputs LAC Facilitator EMPOWERING MATH & SCIENCE TEACHERS IN THE PANDEMIC, FROM COPING TO STRENTHENING: SCHOOL-BASED LAC Series in Math and Science School ID: 301929 Address: Zone 3, Apad, Ragay, Camarines Sur Email Address: Contact No. 0966--487-8357 Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION V- BICOL SCHOOLS DIVISION OF CAMARINES sur SIMEON TYCANGCO MEMORIAL HIGH SCHOOL (FORMERLY APAD PROVINCIAL HIGH SCHOOL) ZONE 3, APAD, RAGAY, CAMARINES SUR SCHOOL-BASED LAC SESSIONS IN SCIENCE and MATHEMATICS TRAINING MATRIX DATE: FEBRUARY 16, 2022 VENUE: ACP UNIQUE BUILDING DATE/S AND TIME TOPIC/PROGRAM SPEAKER/FACILITATOR Session 3- Grading and Feed backing Strategies in the New Normal 7:30-8:00 Registration JOHN GLENN S. JAVIER Teacher I Opening Program 8:00-8:30 8:30-10:00 10:00-12:00 12:00-1:00 1:00-2:00 2:00-3:00 - Prayer - Checking of Attendance - LAC Norms - Recapitulation Assessment and Recording Methods Feed backing Techniques BREAK Designing Rubrics for Math and Science Assessment Activities Workshop/Sharing of Outputs JULIE ANN L. ABIN (Facilitator) Speaker 1 Speaker 2 Speaker 3 Facilitator/Participants EMPOWERING MATH & SCIENCE TEACHERS IN THE PANDEMIC, FROM COPING TO STRENTHENING: SCHOOL-BASED LAC Series in Math and Science School ID: 301929 Address: Zone 3, Apad, Ragay, Camarines Sur Email Address: Contact No. 0966--487-8357 Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION V- BICOL SCHOOLS DIVISION OF CAMARINES sur SIMEON TYCANGCO MEMORIAL HIGH SCHOOL (FORMERLY APAD PROVINCIAL HIGH SCHOOL) ZONE 3, APAD, RAGAY, CAMARINES SUR SCHOOL-BASED LAC SESSIONS IN SCIENCE and MATHEMATICS TRAINING MATRIX DATE: March 02, 2022 VENUE: ACP UNIQUE BUILDING DATE/S AND TIME TOPIC/PROGRAM SPEAKER/FACILITATOR Session 4- Innovative Activities in Modular Distance Learning 7:30-8:00 Registration ALLAN JOSHUA P. DELA ROSA Teacher I Opening Program 8:00-8:30 8:30-10:00 10:00-11:30 11:30-12:00 - Prayer - Checking of Attendance - LAC Norms - Recapitulation Innovative Teaching Strategies in Modular Distance Learning Sharing of Innovative Teaching Strategies HEALTH BREAK 1:00-3:00 Demonstration Teaching 3:00-4:00 Feed backing and Mentoring 4:00-4:30 Closing Program KEVIN N. BAYLON (Facilitator) SPEAKER 1 KEVIN N. BAYLON/PARTICIPANTS Facilitator Demo Teacher (Math and Science Teacher) RONNIE V. NABUS School Principal Kevin N. Baylon (Facilitator) EMPOWERING MATH & SCIENCE TEACHERS IN THE PANDEMIC, FROM COPING TO STRENTHENING: SCHOOL-BASED LAC Series in Math and Science School ID: 301929 Address: Zone 3, Apad, Ragay, Camarines Sur Email Address: Contact No. 0966--487-8357 Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION V- BICOL SCHOOLS DIVISION OF CAMARINES sur SIMEON TYCANGCO MEMORIAL HIGH SCHOOL (FORMERLY APAD PROVINCIAL HIGH SCHOOL) ZONE 3, APAD, RAGAY, CAMARINES SUR SCHOOL-BASED LAC SESSIONS IN SCIENCE and MATHEMATICS TRAINING MATRIX DATE: March 23, 2022 VENUE: STMHS LIBRARY DATE/S AND TIME TOPIC/PROGRAM SPEAKER/FACILITATOR Session 5- Contextualized SIM and E-SIM as Intervention Materials in Math and Science 7:30-8:00 Registration JAKE ROLAND P. OSIA Teacher I Opening Program 8:00-8:30 8:30-11:30 11:30-12:00 1:00-3:00 - Prayer - Checking of Attendance - LAC Norms - Recapitulation Writing Contextualized SIM and E-SIM as Intervention Materials in Math and Science BREAK WORKSHOP MELVIN P. CAMPIT (Facilitator) SPEAKER 1 FACILITATOR/SPEAKER/ PARTICIPANTS 3:00-4:00 Sharing of Outputs Facilitator/Participants EMPOWERING MATH & SCIENCE TEACHERS IN THE PANDEMIC, FROM COPING TO STRENTHENING: SCHOOL-BASED LAC Series in Math and Science School ID: 301929 Address: Zone 3, Apad, Ragay, Camarines Sur Email Address: Contact No. 0966--487-8357 Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION V- BICOL SCHOOLS DIVISION OF CAMARINES sur SIMEON TYCANGCO MEMORIAL HIGH SCHOOL (FORMERLY APAD PROVINCIAL HIGH SCHOOL) ZONE 3, APAD, RAGAY, CAMARINES SUR SCHOOL-BASED LAC SESSIONS IN SCIENCE and MATHEMATICS TRAINING MATRIX DATE: April 13, 2022 VENUE: STMHS LIBRARY DATE/S AND TIME TOPIC/PROGRAM SPEAKER/FACILITATOR Session 4- Designing LAS for different types of Learners. 7:30-8:00 Registration JOHN GLENN S. JAVIER Teacher I Opening Program 8:00-8:30 8:30-11:30 11:30-12:00 1:00-3:00 - Prayer - Checking of Attendance - LAC Norms - Recapitulation Designing LAS for different types of Learner. JAKE ROLAND P. OSIA (Facilitator) SPEAKER 1 BREAK WORKSHOP FACILITATOR/SPEAKER/ PARTICIPANTS 3:00-4:00 Sharing of Outputs Facilitator/Participants EMPOWERING MATH & SCIENCE TEACHERS IN THE PANDEMIC, FROM COPING TO STRENTHENING: SCHOOL-BASED LAC Series in Math and Science School ID: 301929 Address: Zone 3, Apad, Ragay, Camarines Sur Email Address: Contact No. 0966--487-8357