Uploaded by Erickson Sangarios


1. Do you think that the passage of the Rizal bills into a law warranted the
objectives that the sponsors conceived in 1956? Explain your answer.
Yes, in my opinion the law had achieved it's objectives to teach the life and
works of Rizal in public and private schools. Upon reading the context of why the
author had pushed for the Rizal Bill to be a law, I, myself, understood the
objectives that he wants to prevail. It is not just a mere requirement for the Filipino
youth to know Rizal as our hero, but to awaken the citizenship of being a Filipino
within us.
Educating the youth about the life and works of Rizal is a good idea because
as what objectives the author has, the Filipino youth can use this reference as an
eye-opener and to bring out the nationalist one Filipino has within them. That's
why passing Rizal Bill as a law is a huge step forward for us to be reminded that
we are Filipinos and we have our own culture and beliefs that no other nation can
take away from us, not anymore. With the help of his works — Noli Me Tangere
and El Filibusterismo, we, Filipinos have now been reminded that we are free
Filipino individuals and not some mere puppet that other people can play with.
And at this day of age, many Filipinos love to welcome other culture into our
country, and we are subconsciously adapting it and using it on our daily lives
making it more of a reason to push through with this law. It's not wrong to
welcome and respect other's culture but forgetting our own culture can cause a
huge blow to us someday. That's why I'm glad that we had been obligated to read
and educate ourselves about the life and writings of Rizal, because if not we are
failing our heroes who fought for our freedom 'til the very end and losing the
identity that only we Filipinos have.
In conclusion, adding this subject to public and private schools, colleges and
universities, is a great idea because it has attained the author's objectives which is
to awaken the youth's nationalism and patriotism in their hearts. In addition, in this
way we can commemorate the ideals and learnings that our hero had left us and as
well as honoring his sacrifices just for our freedom. And personally, I think
obligating the youth to learn about these things and educating ourselves are a great
idea because as what Rizal said, "ang kabataan ang pag-asa ng bayan."
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2. Do you think that the objectives were attained thereafter and that their
attainment resonated until the present? Expound your answer.
Yes, because the generation of today's time are using their knowledge to
stand for their rights as a Filipino individual and using their voices to point out the
wrong doings of the government to the Filipino people that it should be serving.
The Filipino youth are growing smarter each day causing the government to
feel threatened because they know in themselves that they can't control the smart
minds of the youngsters who are well-educated. By the help of Rizal's writings,
this younger generation not only got to learn the sacrifices that our heroes did to
win back our freedom but they also got to have the pride that Rizal wanted the
youth to possess — fighting for what is ours and protecting it with all our hearts.
These 'kabataan' that Rizal had trusted on with his legacy are the ones that can
change the future, the ones who can notice the wrong and fight for what is right.
Being in a democratic country, the Filipino youth are doing all their very best to
pressure the corrupt officials sitting in power. The Philippines, including us
Filipinos, had been oppressed and colonized by various countries. Stealing our
very own freedom, in our own country. And at present time, we may not be
colonized by other countries but the Philippine government itself is oppressing us
Filipinos — their own kind and turning a blind eye for all the corruptions that they
had done. We may have our own government, but the government itself is being a
puppet by their allied countries and its citizens are the ones paying the prize of
their actions.
In conclusion, the history will repeat itself that is why Rizal had put his faith
on the youth for them to continue on the legacy that Rizal had started. The things
that had happened from the past are only repeating on present time, that's why the
Filipino youth plays a significant role of changing the government's sick ways. The
objectives of the author had been met and is being effective 'til now. Many
youngsters are not afraid to stand up for what is right because they are fighting on
the side of the whole Filipinos and not for the government only. In addition, this
curriculum might be one of the reasons why the youth aren't afraid to point out the
flaws of the government and wanting to change its ways. The author and Rizal's
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writings had taught me to be Pro-Filipino and not be blinded by what the
government is feeding the mind of its people.
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