Uploaded by Shayna Mikhaela C. Palomera

Oral Communication Strategies Reflection Paper

Oral Communication
Quarter 2 – Activity 2.5
Shayna Mikhaela C. Palomera
7 Types of Communicative Strategy
A Reflection Paper
Communication is the process of transmitting information between individuals,
rather than the process of social interaction (Chopra & Ford, 2005). If I were to give my
insights about the Communication Strategy before I watch the video our instructor sent
us, I would define it like this. Based on the strategy itself, in my opinion, communication
strategies are the way or the strategy on how the communication can be effective. By
means, a communication strategy is a way of how communication happens between you
and your target audience.
However, as I have finished watching the video, I figured out a lot of important
details regarding the Communication Strategies. I have learned that Communication
Strategies are blueprints for how the information will be exchanged. These are used to
start and keep a discussion going, as well as to overcome communication breakdowns. I
have learned the 7 types of communication strategies and their contribution to
communication, nomination, restriction, turn-taking, topic control, topic shifting, repair,
and termination. Nomination is when the receiver or the hearers are trying to nominate
the speaker's idea in one conversation. Restriction happens when people are in a
conversation, it restricts the response of one person or other people. Turn-taking is when
the people in the conversation decide who should speak next so that other people have
chances to talk or speak. Topic control happens when a conversation focuses on one
topic and the whole conversation bounds only in a given issue. Topic shifting happens
when one person in a conversation changes the topic if they want to avoid one certain
topic or they are uncomfortable with it. The repair can include clarification and repeating
because it aims to repair the conversation if ever that there is a misunderstanding going
on. And Termination happens when a person is closing down a topic to end a
For example, in turn, taking, in one meeting you are a leader of one organization
and you have a very important event coming up, you have to let everyone speak and take
their turns to talk for you to have several ideas to use in your event. Your event will be
organized if everyone participates and tells you what they can do. You have to let
everyone speak their thoughts to prevent misunderstandings. Besides great teamwork
happens when a leader listens to all of his/her member's points of view.
Furthermore, knowing communication strategies help us to differentiate the
different strategies presented in it. We need to learn the different types of strategies for
us to communicate properly. These strategies assist us learners or students in continuing
a conversation when they do not understand the words or structures, gaining confidence
in speaking, increasing fluency, and presenting an interest in communicating. It helps us
improve our communication skills. It provided information that we may improve or use for
other academic writings we may encounter. It helps students create situations presenting
the different types of communication strategies. And most importantly it helps us,
students, establish effective communication.